Rivet Analysis Diffs

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Added: A2_2017_I1498079 Form factor for the decay $pi^0togamma e^+e^-$ ALEPH_2003_I626022 $gammagammatopi^+pi^-$ ($2<sqrt{s}<6$ GeV) and $K^+K^-$ ($2.25<sqrt{s}<4$ GeV) ATLAS_2016_I1478355 Measurement of the bbar dijet dijet cross section at 7 TeV ATLAS_2017_I1627873 EW Zjj using early Run-2 data ATLAS_2018_I1698006 Z(vv)+gamma measurement at 13 TeV ATLAS_2018_I1711223 Observation of electroweak WZjj production ATLAS_2019_I1720438 Measurement of the $WZ$ production cross section at 13 TeV BABAR_2009_I821653 $e^+e^-to e^+e^-pi^0$ via intermediate photons at 10.58 GeV BABAR_2009_I827985 Helicity angle distributions in excited $D_s$ meson decays BABAR_2010_I845914 $e^+e^-to e^+e^-eta_c$ via intermediate photons at 10.58 GeV BABAR_2011_I883525 $e^+e^-to e^+e^-eta, eta^prime$ via intermediate photons at 10.58 GeV BABAR_2018_I1691222 $e^+e^-to e^+e^-eta^prime$ via intermediate photons at 10.58 GeV BABAR_2021_I1844422 Cross sections for $e^+e^-to 2pi^+2pi^-3pi^0$ and $2pi^+2pi^-2pi^0eta$ from threshold to 4.5 GeV BABAR_2021_I1937349 Cross section for $e^+e^-to$ $pi^+pi^-pi^0$ between 0.62 and 3.5 GeV BABAR_2021_I1938254 Cross sections for $e^+e^-topi^+pi^-4pi^0$ and $e^+e^-topi^+pi^-3pi^0eta$ between threshold and 4.5 GeV BELLE_2003_I629334 $gammagammato K^+K^-$ for centre-of-mass energies between 1.4 and 2.4 GeV BELLE_2005_I667712 $gammagammatopi^+pi^-$ and $K^+K^-$ for centre-of-mass energies between 2.4 and 4.1 GeV BELLE_2007_I749358 $gammagammatopi^+pi^-$ for centre-of-mass energies between 0.8 and 1.5 GeV BELLE_2012_I1114749 $e^+e^-to e^+e^-pi^0$ via intermediate photons at 10.58 GeV BELLE_2017_I1610301 $Upsilon(2,3,4S)toUpsilon(1S)pi^+pi^-$ and $Upsilon(4S)toUpsilon(2S)pi^+pi^-$ BELLE_2021_I1851126 Decay asymmetries in $Xi^0_ctoXi^-pi^+$ BELLE_2021_I1859137 Cross section for $B,bar{B}$, $Bbar{B}^$ and $B^bar{B}^$ for energies between 10.63 and 11.02 GeV BELLE_2021_I1859517 Decay asymmetries in $Xi^0_ctoLambda^0bar{K}^{0}$, $Sigma^0bar{K}^{0}$ and $Sigma^+bar{K}^{-}$ BESIII_2020_I1823448 Cross section for $e^+e^-toXi^-bar{Xi}^+$ between 2.644 and 3.080 GeV BESIII_2020_I1836509 Cross section for $e^+e^-toeta^primepi^+pi^-$ for energies between 2.00 and 3.08 GeV BESIII_2020_I1837725 Measurement of the cross section for $e^+e^-to2p2bar{p}$ for $E_{text{CMS}}$ between 4 and 4.6 GeV BESIII_2021_I1845443 Cross section for $e^+e^-to p bar{p} eta$ and $p bar{p} omega$ at energies between 3.773 and 4.600 GeV BESIII_2021_I1847766 Cross section for $e^+e^-to$ proton and antiproton between 1.877 and 3 GeV BESIII_2021_I1853007 Cross section for $e^+e^-to nbar{n}$ for $E_{text{CMS}}$ between 2 and 3.08 GeV BESIII_2021_I1857930 Cross section for $e^+e^-toetaphi$ for centre-of-mass energies between 2 and 3.08 GeV BESIII_2021_I1859248 Cross section for $e^+e^-tophiLambdabar{Lambda}$ from 3.51 to 4.6 GeV BESIII_2021_I1866051 Cross section for $e^+e^-to$ $K_S^0K_L^0$between2.00 and 3.08 GeV BESIII_2021_I1866233 Cross section for $e^+e^-toXi^0bar{Xi}^0$ between 2.644 and 3.080 GeV BESIII_2021_I1867196 Cross section for $e^+e^-to D_S^{+} D_{s0}^(2317)^-$, $D_S^{+} D_{s1}^(2460)^-$, $D_S^{+} D_{s1}^(2536)^-$ between 4.6 and 4.7 GeV BESIII_2021_I1868813 Cross section for $K^0_S$ production for energies between 3.645 and 3.7 GeV BESIII_2021_I1900124 Cross section for $e^+e^-toLambdabar{Lambda}$ between 3.5 and 4.6 GeV BESIII_2021_I1908066 Cross section for $J/psi$ production for energies between 3.645 and 3.8 GeV BESIII_2021_I1929314 Cross sections for $e^+e^-to$ $K^+K^-pi^+pi^-(pi^0)$, $K^+K^-K^+K^-(pi^0)$, $pi^+pi^-pi^+pi^-(pi^0)$ and $pbar{p}pi^+pi^-(pi^0)$ between 3.773 and 4.6 GeV BESIII_2021_I1933191 Cross section for $e^+e^-to psi(2S)pi^+pi^-$ at energies between 4.0 and 4.7 GeV BESIII_2021_I1940960 Measurement of cross section for $e^+e^-toSigma^0bar{Sigma}^0$ between 2.3864 and 3.02 GeV BESIII_2021_I1966612 Cross section for $e^+e^-to$ neutron and antineutron between 2. and 3.08 GeV BESIII_2021_I1996394 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 2.2324 to 3.6710 GeV BESIII_2021_I1997451 Cross Section for $e^+e^-tophipi^pi^-$ between 2 and $3.08$ GeV BESIII_2021_I1999208 Cross section for $e^+e^-toomegapi^0pi^0$ between 2 and 3.08 GeV BESIII_2022_I2033007 $e^+e^-to K^+K^-pi^0$ cross section between 2 and 3.08 GeV BESIII_2022_I2039027 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^+pi^-eta$ between 3.872 and 4.7 GeV BESIII_2022_I2047667 Cross section for $e^+e^-toomegaeta$ and $omegapi^0$ between 3.773 and 4.701 GeV CLEO_1994_I372230 $gammagammatopi^+pi^-/K^+K^-$ for centre-of-mass energies between 1.5 and 5 GeV CMS_2012_I1089835 Inclusive b-jet production in pp collisions at 7 TeV CMS_2017_I1497519 Measurements of differential production cross sections for a Z boson in association with jets in pp collisions at 8 TeV CMS_2019_I1753720 Measurement of the ttbb production cross section in the all-jet final state in proton-proton collisions at centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV with 35.9 fb^-1 of data collected in 2016. CMS_2020_I1776758 Ratios of cross sections in the associated production of a Z boson with at least one charm or bottom quark jet are measured in proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s}=13$ TeV CMS_2021_I1847230 Measurements of angular distance and momentum ratio distributions in three-jet and Z + two-jet final states in pp collisions at 8 and 13 TeV CMS_2021_I1920187_DIJET Study of quark and gluon jet substructure in Z+jet and dijet events from pp collisions at 13 TeV CMS_2021_I1920187_ZJET Study of quark and gluon jet substructure in Z+jet and dijet events from pp collisions at 13 TeV CMS_2021_I1932460 Measurement of double-parton scattering in inclusive production of four jets with low transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV. CMS_2021_I1972986 Measurement and QCD analysis of double-differential inclusive jet cross sections in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV CMS_2021_I1978840 Measurement of $mathrm{W}^{pm}gamma$ differential cross sections in proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s}=13,mathrm{TeV}$ and effective field theory constraints DELPHI_1990_I297698 Jet rates in $e^+e^-$ at 91 GeV DELPHI_1993_I356732 Charmed Meson spectra at LEPI DELPHI_2000_I522656 Events shapes at MZ as function of thrust direction DELPHI_2001_I526164 Charged and Identified particle spectra in $qbar{q}$ and $WW$ events EXAMPLE_HEPMC_FILTER [UNVALIDATED]A demo to show how to filter events using a Rivet analysis H1_1995_I394793 A Study of the Fragmentation of Quarks in ep Collisions at HERA H1_1996_I421105 Inclusive D0 and D+- production in deep inelastic e p scattering at HERA H1_1996_I422230 Charged particle multiplicities in deep inelastic scattering at HERA H1_1996_I424463 Transverse momentum spectra of charged particles in DIS (H1 1996) H1_1997_I424463 Measurement of charged particle transverse momentum spectra in deep inelastic scattering H1_1997_I445116 Evolution of e p fragmentation and multiplicity distributions in the Breit frame H1_1999_I481112 Measurement of D* meson cross-sections at HERA and determination of the gluon density in the proton using NLO QCD H1_1999_I504022 Forward pi0 meson production at HERA H1_2002_I561885 Measurement of $D^{pm}$ meson production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA H1_2005_I676166 Measurement of beauty production at HERA using events with muons and jets (H1) H1_2006_I699835 Measurement of Event Shape Variables in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA H1_2007_I736052 Measurement of inclusive production of D mesons both with and without dijet production in DIS collisions (H1) HRS_1985_I213242 $phi$ and $D_s^pm$ spectra at 29 GeV HRS_1986_I17781 Spectra for $Lambda^0$ production at 29 GeV HRS_1986_I18688 $f_2(1270)$, $f_0(980)$ and $K_2(1430)^0$ spectra at 29 GeV HRS_1987_I215848 Hadron Spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 29 GeV HRS_1989_I276948 $rho^0$, $K^{*0}$ and $K^{*pm}$ spectra at 29 GeV JADE_1984_I221004 Spectrum for $D^{*0}$ production in $e^+e^-$ collisions at $E_{text{CMS}}=34.4$ L3_1992_I334954 Event Shapes at LEPI LHCB_2016_I1414195 Helicity angle distributions in excited $D_s$ meson decays MARKII_1982_I177606 $D^{*pm}$ production at 29 GeV MARKII_1982_I178416 Charged particle momentum distributions 5.2, 6.2 and 29 GeV MARKII_1984_I195739 $gammagammatopi^+pi^-/K^+K^-$ for centre-of-mass energies between 1.6 and 2.5 GeV MARKII_1985_I207785 $K^0$ and $K^+$ production at 29 GeV MARKII_1985_I209198 $Lambda^0$ production at 29 GeV MARKII_1986_I220003 $gammagammatopi^+pi^-/K^+K^-$ for centre-of-mass energies between 1.7 and 3.5 GeV MARKII_1987_I234976 $Xi^-$ production at 29 GeV MARKII_1987_I247900 $Omega^-$ production at 29 GeV MARKII_1988_I246184 Event Shapes at 29 GeV MARKII_1988_I250899 Energy-Energy correlation at 29 GeV MARKII_1988_I261194 $eta$ production at 29 GeV MARKII_1990_I304882 $gammagammatopi^+pi^-$ for centre-of-mass energies between 0.35 and 1.6 GeV MC_WVBF Monte Carlo validation observables for VBF $W[ell , nu]$ + 2 jet production MC_ZVBF Monte Carlo validation observables for VBF $Z[ell^+ , ell^-]$ + 2 jet production NA60_2016_I1452485 Form factors for the decays $omegatopi^0mu^+mu^-$ and $etatogamma mu^+mu^-$ PLUTO_1984_I204487 $gammagammatopi^+pi^-$ for centre-of-mass energies between 0.36 and 1.72 GeV SLD_1995_I378545 Event Shapes at 91.2 GeV SND_2021_I1942539 Cross Section for $e^+e^-toetaetagamma$ between 1.17 and 2 GeV TASSO_1984_I194774 $D_s^pm$ spectra at 34.7 GeV TPC_1986_I228072 $gammagammatopi^+pi^-$ ($0.5<sqrt{s}<3.25$ GeV) and $K^+K^-$ ($1.25<sqrt{s}<3.5$ GeV) VENUS_1995_I392360 $gammagammatopi^+pi^-$ for centre-of-mass energies between 1 and 1.5 GeV ZEUS_1995_I392386 Charged particle multiplicity and momentum spectra in Breit frame at ZEUS ZEUS_1995_I395196 Neutral strange particle production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA (ZEUS) ZEUS_1999_I470499 Forward jet production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA (ZEUS) ZEUS_1999_I508906 Measurement of the E2(T,jet) / Q2 dependence of forward jet production at HERA ZEUS_2000_I524911 Measurement of azimuthal asymmetries in deep inelastic scattering ZEUS_2008_I780108 Multi-jet cross-sections in charged current $e^{pm} p$ scattering at HERA

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Added: ATLAS_2019_I1738841 Same-sign $WW$ Observation at 13 TeV ATLAS_2019_I1740909 Jet fragmentation using charged particles ATLAS_2019_I1768911 Z pT and Z phi* at 13 TeV ATLAS_2019_I1772071 Measurement of isolated-photon plus two-jet production ATLAS_2020_I1801434 Top-quark pair single- and double-differential cross-sections in the all-hadronic channel ATLAS_2021_I1887997 $gammagamma$ production at 13 TeV ATLAS_2021_I1913061 b-fragmentation at 13 TeV ATLAS_2021_I1941095 energy asymmetry in ttj @ 13 TeV CMS_2020_I1794169 Measurements of production cross sections of WZ and same-sign WW boson pairs in association with two jets in proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV CMS_2020_I1814328 W$^+$W$^-$ boson pair production in proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV CMS_2020_I1837084 Measurement of the Z boson differential production cross section using its invisible decay mode in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV H1_2009_I810046 Strangeness Production at low $Q^2$ in Deep-Inelastic $ep$ Scattering at HERA H1_2013_I1217865 Charged particle production in deep-inelastic ep scattering at H1 HERA_2015_I1377206 Measurement of sigma_red (F2) of H1 and ZEUS at different beam energies MC_DIS MC DIS analysis for DIS kinematic observables MC_DIS_Check A simple analysis using the DISKinematics projection. MC_HFDECAYS Monte Carlo validation observables for heavy-flavour decays ZEUS_1996_I420332 Measurement of the F2 structure function in deep inelastic e+ p scattering using 1994 data from the ZEUS detector at HERA ZEUS_1999_I500267 Measurement of High-$Q^2$ Neutral-Current $e^+p$ Deep Inelastic Scattering Cross-Sections at HERA ZEUS_2008_I810112 Measurement of $D^{pm}$ and $D^0$ production in deep inelastic scattering using a lifetime tag at HERA ZEUS_2010_I875006 ZEUS dijet cross sections in NC DIS ZEUS_2011_I945935 Scaled momentum distributions for $K^0_S$ and $Lambda/bar{Lambda}$ in DIS at HERA

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Added: ATLAS_2019_I1736531 Underlying event in inclusive Z boson production ATLAS_2020_I1788444 Differential cross-sections for Z + b-jets ATLAS_2020_I1808726 Hadronic event shapes in multijet final states ATLAS_2021_I1849535 Inclusive 4-lepton cross sections at 13 TeV ATLAS_2021_I1852328 WW + $geq$1 jet production at 13 TeV CMS_2016_I1471281 Measurement of the transverse momentum spectra of weak vector bosons produced in proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s} = 8$ TeV CMS_2017_I1608166 Measurement of charged pion, kaon, and proton production in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV DELPHI_1994_I375963 A study of radiative muon pair events at Z0 energies

Removed: MC_Cent_pPb_Eta.cc.needspercentile

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Added: ALEPH_2001_I555653 $tau$ polarization at LEP1 AMY_1990_I298238 Measurement of the $tau$ polarization at $E_{text{CMS}}=57$ GeV ATLAS_2018_I1707015 Measurement of normalized differential distributions in ttbar+photon production at 13 TeV ATLAS_2019_I1750330 Semileptonic ttbar at 13 TeV ATLAS_2019_I1759875 dileptonic ttbar at 13 TeV ATLAS_2019_I1762584 Differential single diffractive cross sections at 8 TeV ATLAS_2019_I1772062 Soft-drop observables ATLAS_2020_I1803608 Electroweak Zjj at 13 TeV BABAR_2006_I724557 Measurement of $Omega_c^{0}$ production BABAR_2008_I781294 Decay asymmetries in the decay of $Xi^(1530)0$ baryons prodcuted in the decay of $Lambda_c^+$ baryons BABAR_2014_I1286317 Rate and momentum spectra for anti-deuteron production in $Upsilon(1,2,3S)$ decays and nearby continuum BABAR_2015_I1377201 Azimuthal asymmetries in inclusive $pipi$ $KK$ and $Kpi$ pairs at 10.58 GeV BABAR_2020_I1769654 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K_S^0K_L^0$ between 1.98 and 2.26 GeV BELLE_2004_I668024 Rate and spectra for the production of $Sigma_c(2800)$ BELLE_2005_I686014 Rates and Spectra for Charm hadrons in $Upsilon(4S)$ decays and the continuum BELLE_2006_I725750 $phi K$ mass distribution in $tautophi K^-nu_tau$ BELLE_2017_I1607562 Invariant-mass and fractional-energy dependence of inclusive production of di-hadrons at $sqrt{s}=10.58$ GeV BELLE_2018_I1621272 Measurement of $tau$ polarization in the decay $Bto D^{}tau^+nu_tau$ BELLE_2018_I1698390 Mass distribution in $Xi_c^+toXi^-pi^+pi^+$ BELLE_2019_I1718551 Cross sections for $pi^pm$, $K^pm$ and $pbar{p}$ as functions of $z$ and $p_perp$ at $E_{text{cms}}=10.58$ GeV BELLE_2019_I1724068 Measurement of $D^{-}$ polarization in the decay $B^0to D^{-}tau^+nu_tau$ BELLE_2019_I1762826 Cross section for $e^+e^-to D_s^+D_{s1}(2536)^-text{c.c.}$ between 4.52 and 5.6 GeV BELLE_2020_I1777678 Single and dihadron scaled momenta spectra at 10.58 GeV BELLE_2020_I1789775 Cross section for $e^+e^-to D_s^+D^{-}{s2}-text{c.c.}$ between 4.52 and 5.6 GeV BELLE_2020_I1796822 $m{pipi}$ and $q^2$ distribution in $B^+topi^+pi^-ell^+nu_ell$ BESIII_2019_I1702549 $D_s^+to K^0 e^+nu_e$ $q^2$ spectrum BESIII_2020_I1775344 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K^+K^-pi^0pi^0$ from 2.000 to 2.644 GeV BESIII_2020_I1788734 Cross section for $e^+e^-to phieta^prime$ for $sqrt{s}$ between 3.05 and 3.08 GeV BESIII_2020_I1791570 Analysis of $J/psi$, $psi(2S)$ decays to $Sigma^+barSigma^-$ BESIII_2020_I1795949 Cross section for $e^+e^-to D_s^{(*)+}D_{s1}(2460)^-+text{c.c.}$ BESIII_2020_I1800404 Charged particle multiplicity distributions in $J/psi$ and $chi_{c0,1,2}$ decays BESIII_2020_I1814783 $e^+e^-toSigma^+bar{Sigma}^-$ and $Sigma^-bar{Sigma}^+$ cross sections for centre-of-mass energies between 2.3864 and 3 GeV BESIII_2020_I1817739 Cross section for $e^+e^-toomegapi^0$ and $omegaeta$ for centre-of-mass energies between 2.00 and 3.08 GeV CELLO_1992_I345437 $gammagammatopi^+pi^-$ for centre-of-mass energies between 0.75 and 2 GeV CLEOC_2006_I728043 $eta$, $eta^prime$ and $phi$ rates and spectra in $D^0$, $D^+$ and $D_s^+$ decays CLEOC_2008_I779705 Mass distributions in $D^0toetapi^+pi^-$ decays CLEOII_1997_I446031 $e^+e^-to e^+e^-pi^0, eta, eta^prime$ via intermediate photons at 10.58 GeV CMS_2018_I1620050 Measurement of normalized differential ttbar cross sections in the dilepton channel from pp collisions at 13 TeV CMS_2019_I1719955 Azimuthal separation in nearly back-to-back jet topologies in inclusive 2- and 3-jet events in pp collisions at $sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV CMS_2019_I1744604 $t$-channel single top-quark differential cross sections and charge ratios at 13 TeV CMS_2019_I1764472 Measurement of the differential ttbar production cross section as a function of the jet mass and top quark mass in boosted hadronic top quark decays. DELPHI_2000_I511443 $tau$ polarization at LEP1 DELPHI_2000_I531568 Rapidity structure of $pbar{p}$ pairs DELPHI_2008_I763352 $tau$ polarization at LEP II (197 GeV) JADE_1985_I213948 Photon, $pi^0$ and $eta$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 14, 22.5 and 34.4 GeV L3_1990_I298078 Jets Rates using the Jade Algorithm at 91 GeV L3_1991_I314407 $pi^0$ and charged particle spectra at 91 GeV L3_1994_I374698 $pi^0$ and $eta$ spectra at 91 GeV L3_1998_I467929 $tau$ polarization at LEP1 L3_2008_I825820 Flavour separated event shapes at 197 GeV LHCB_2015_I1396331 Charm hadron differential cross-sections in $p_T$ and rapidity at $sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV LHCB_2016_I1454404 Measurement of forward W and Z boson production in association with jets at LHCb LHCB_2016_I1490663 Charm hadron differential cross-sections in $p_perp$ and rapidity at $sqrt{s} = 5$ TeV LHCB_2018_I1662483 Measurement of the forward top pair production cross-section in the dilepton channel MAC_1987_I245571 $tau$ polarization at 29 GeV OPAL_2001_I554583 $tau$ polarization at LEP1 PDG_R PDG Compilation of $R$ measurements SND_2020_I1789269 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-$ at energies between 0.525 and 0.883 GeV SND_2020_I1800477 Cross section for $e^+e^-toetapi^0gamma$ between 1.05 and 2 GeV SND_2020_I1806118 Cross Section for $e^+e^-to K^+K^-pi^0$ and $phipi^0$ from threshold to 2.1 GeV SND_2020_I1809286 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^+pi^-pi^0$ between 1.15 and 2 GeV VENUS_1997_I440852 Measurement of the $tau$ polarization at $E_{text{CMS}}=58$ GeV

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Added: ATLAS_2018_I1635273 W + jets production at 8 TeV ATLAS_2019_I1744201 Z+jet at 8 TeV ATLAS_2019_I1764342 Z(ll)y cross-section at 13 TeV ATLAS_2020_I1790439 Higgs to 4-lepton at 13 TeV CMS_2015_PAS_FSQ_15_007 Underlying Event Measurements with Leading Particles and Jets in pp collisions at 13 TeV CMS_2018_I1643640 Azimuthal correlations for inclusive 2-jet, 3-jet, and 4-jet events in pp collisions at $sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV CMS_2018_I1667854 Differential cross section of Z boson production in association with jets in proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s} = 13,$TeV CMS_2019_I1705068 Measurement of associated production of a W boson and a charm quark in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV CMS_2019_I1753680 Measurements of differential Z boson production cross sections in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV STAR_2020_I1792394 Measurement of Central Exclusive Production of charged hadron pairs h+h- (h=pi,K,p) at sqrt(s)=200 GeV with forward proton tagging in Roman Pots

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Added: ALICE_2012_I944757 Measurement of charm production at central rapidity in proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s}=7$ TeV ALICE_2017_I1645239 $Lambda_mathrm{c}^+$ production in pp collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV and in p-Pb collisions at $sqrt{s_mathrm{NN}} = 5.02$ TeV ALICE_2019_I1723697 Multi-particle correlations in pp, pPb, XeXe and PbPb ARGUS_1986_I227324 Event shapes in $Upsilon(1S)$ decay and nearby continuum ARGUS_1989_I278932 Spectrum of $Delta^{++}$ baryons produced in $Upsilon(1S)$ decays ARGUS_1989_I282570 Spectrum for $D^+{s1}(2536)$ production at 10. GeV ARGUS_1990_I283027 Anti-deuteron production in $Upsilon$ decays ARGUS_1990_I296522 Spectrum for $Xi_c^{0,+}$ production at 10.5 GeV ARGUS_1992_I319105 Decay asymmetries in $Lambda^+ctoLambda^0pi^+$ ARGUS_1993_I357132 Spectrum for $Lambda_c^+(2625)$ production at 10.58 GeV ARGUS_1994_I371613 Decay asymmetry in $Lambda^+ctoLambda^0 ell^+ nu_ell$ ARGUS_1995_I397794 Spectrum for $D{s2}^+$ production at 10.58 GeV ARGUS_1997_I440304 Spectrum for $Lambda_c^+(2595)$ production at 10.4 GeV ATLAS_2016_I1487726 Collinear W emissions at 8 TeV ATLAS_2017_I1637587 Soft-Drop Jet Mass at 13 TeV ATLAS_2019_I1734263 WW production at 13 TeV ATLAS_2019_I1746286 K-short and Lambda production in ttbar events at 7 TeV ATLAS_2020_I1790256 Lund jet plane with charged particles BABAR_2002_I582184 Momentum spectrum for $D_s^+$ and $D_s^{*+}$ at $Upsilon(4S)$ and nearby continuum BABAR_2004_I632399 $phi$ momentum spectra in $Upsilon(4S)$ decays BABAR_2004_I642355 Measurement of the mass $m_X$ produced in $Btoeta^prime X_s$ BABAR_2006_I714447 Momentum Spectra and cross sections for $D{sJ}^*(2317)^+$ and $D{sJ}^(2460)^+$ at 10.6 GeV BABAR_2006_I714448 Pion Mass Spectrum in $Upsilon(4S)toUpsilon(1,2S)pi^+pi^-$ BABAR_2007_I1091435 $D^0to K^- e^+nu_e$ $q^2$ spectrum BABAR_2007_I722622 Spectrum for $Xi_c^{prime0,+}$ production at the $Upsilon(4S)$ BABAR_2007_I746745 Spectrum for $Omega_c^0$ production at the $Upsilon(4S)$ BABAR_2009_I815035 Cross section for $e^+e^-to D^{0}bar{D}^{0}$, $D^{+}bar{D}^{-}$ and $D^{}bar{D}^{}$ BABAR_2009_I836615 Spectrum for $D^{pm}$ in $Upsilon(1S)$ decays BABAR_2010_I864027 $e^+e^-to D^{()+}_sD^{()-}s$ cross sections near threshold BABAR_2011_I892421 Decay angles in $D{s1}(2536)^+to D^{+}K^0$ BABAR_2013_I1247058 Cross section for $e^+e^-to$ proton and antiproton between 3.0 and 6.5 GeV BABAR_2017_I1498564 Electron spectrum inclusive semi-leptonic in B decays BELLE_2002_I563840 Prompt Charmonium production at 10.6 GeV BELLE_2008_I762013 Decay angles in $D_{s1}(2536)^+to D^{+}K^0$ BELLE_2009_I810744 Pion Mass Spectrum in $Upsilon(4S)toUpsilon(1S)pi^+pi^-$ BELLE_2010_I835104 Measurement of the mass $m_X$ produced in $Btoeta X_s$ BELLE_2011_I878228 $e^+e^-to D^{()+}_sD^{()-}s$ cross sections near threshold BELLE_2015_I1336624 Measurements of $R$ for $bbar{b}$ and $Upsilon(1,2,3S)pi^+pi^-$ between 10.63 and 11.05 GeV BESIII_2016_I1384778 Azimuthal asymmetries in inclusive charged pion-pair production at $sqrt{s}=3.65$ GeV BESIII_2017_I1494065 Cross Section for $e^+e^-topi^+pi^-h_c$ for energies between 3.89 and 4.6 GeV BESIII_2017_I1509241 Cross section for $e^+e^-to p bar{p} pi^0$ at energies between 4.008 and 4.600 GeV BESIII_2017_I1596897 Cross Section for $e^+e^-toeta h_c$ for energies between 4.085 and 4.6 GeV BESIII_2018_I1633425 Cross Section for $e^+e^-topi^0pi^0psi(2S)$ for energies between 4.009 to 4.600 GeV BESIII_2018_I1653121 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K^+K^-J/psi$ and $K^0_SK^0_SJ/psi$ for energies between 4.2 and 4.6 GeV BESIII_2018_I1655158 $D^0to pi^- mu^+nu_mu$ and $D^+to pi^0 mu^+nu_mu$ $q^2$ spectrum BESIII_2018_I1662660 $D^+to eta e^+nu_e$ $q^2$ spectrum BESIII_2018_I1685535 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^+D^0D^{*-}$ +c.c. cross section between 4.05 and 4.60 GeV BESIII_2018_I1697371 Exclusive $D^0to K^-mu^+nu_mu$ decays BESIII_2019_I1726357 Measurement of $e^+e^-toLambda^0bar{Lambda}^0$ at 2.396 GeV BESIII_2019_I1773081 $e^+e^-topi^+pi^-pi^0$ cross section between 0.7 GeV to 3.0 GeV BESIII_2020_I1762922 Cross Section for $e^+e^-toeta^prime J/psi$ for energies between 4.178 and 4.6 GeV BES_1999_I507637 $psi(2S)to J/psipi^+pi^-$ BES_1999_I508349 Charm cross sections and spectra at 4.03 and 4.14 GeV CLEOC_2006_I715096 Electron spectrum inclusive semi-leptonic in D decays CLEOC_2008_I769777 $q^2$ spectra in semi-leptonic $D$ decays CLEOC_2009_I823313 $q^2$ spectra in semi-leptonic $D$ decays CLEOC_2011_I875526 $q^2$ spectra in semi-leptonic $D^+toeta$ decays CLEOIII_2006_I728679 Spectra of $eta^prime$ mesons in $Upsilon(1S)$ decays CLEOII_1992_I32611 Charged Particle Multiplicity and 2nd Fox-Wolfram Moment in $chi^prime{b0,1,2}$ Decays CLEOII_1993_I352823 Spectrum for $D^+_{s1}(2536)$ production at 10.58 GeV CLEOII_1994_I356001 Pion Mass spectra for $Upsilon(3S)toUpsilon(1,2S)pi^+pi^-$, $Upsilon(3S)toUpsilon(1,2S)pi^0pi^0$ and $Upsilon(2S)toUpsilon(1S)pi^+pi^-$ CLEOII_1994_I361356 Spectra of $Sigma_c^0$ and $Sigma_c^{++}$ produced in $Upsilon(4S)$ decays CLEOII_1994_I371611 Decay asymmetry in $Lambda^+_ctoLambda^0 e^+ nu_e$ CLEOII_1994_I372349 Spectra for $D_1(2420)^0$ and $D_2^(2460)^0$ CLEOII_1994_I373188 Hadronic Mass in $tau^-to 3pi^-2pi^+pi^0nu_tau$ CLEOII_1994_I378319 Spectra for $D_1(2420)^+$ and $D_2^(2460)^+$ CLEOII_1994_I381696 Spectrum for $Lambda_c^+(2595)$ and $Lambda_c^+(2625)$ production at 10.58 GeV CLEOII_1995_I397770 Spectrum for $Xi_c^{0}$ production at 10.58 GeV CLEOII_1995_I404590 Spectrum for $Xi_c^{+}$ production at 10.58 GeV CLEOII_1996_I415409 Hadronic Mass in $tau^-to K^-etanu_tau$ CLEOII_1996_I416471 Spectrum for $Xi_c^{+}$ production at 10.58 GeV CLEOII_1997_I424575 Spectra for $Sigma_c^{* ++,0}$ at 10.58 GeV CLEOII_1997_I442910 Spectra of $Xi_c^0$ and $Xi_c^+$ produced in $Upsilon(4S)$ decays CLEOII_1998_I467642 $Upsilon(2S)toUpsilon(1S)pi^+pi^-$ CLEOII_1999_I478217 Spectra for $Xi_c^{prime}$ at 10.58 GeV CLEOII_1999_I501417 Spectra for $Xi_c(2815)^{+,0}$ at 10.58 GeV CLEOII_1999_I504672 Charged Particle Multiplicity in $Upsilon(4S)$ decays CLEOII_2000_I533575 Measurement of the asymmetry in $Xi^-toLambda^0pi^-$ CLEOII_2002_I601701 Spectra of $eta^prime$ mesons in $Upsilon(1S)$ decays CLEOII_2002_I606309 Momentum Spectra for $J/psi$ and $psi(2S)$ production in B decays CLEOII_2005_I668268 Decay asymmetry in $Lambda^+_ctoLambda^0 e^+ nu_e$ CLEO_1985_I205668 Identified Particle Spectra and rates in $Upsilon(1S)$ decays and continumm at 10.49 GeV CLEO_1990_I298611 Measurement of the $Lambda_c^+$ spectrum at 10.55 GeV CLEO_1992_I315181 Baryon spectra in $Upsilon(4S)$ decays CLEO_1995_I392704 Decay asymmetries in $Lambda^+_ctoLambda^0pi^+$ and $Lambda^+ctoSigma^+pi^0$ CMS_2013_I1224539 CMS jet mass measurement in $W, Z$ and dijet events CMS_2018_I1711625 Measurement of the differential Drell-Yan cross section in proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s} = 13,TeV$ CUSB_1984_I199809 Pion Mass Spectrum in $Upsilon(2S)toUpsilon(1S)pi^+pi^-$ E288_1981_I153009 Measurement of the continuum of dimuons produced in high-energy proton-nucleus collisions E605_1991_I302822 Dimuon production in proton-copper collisions at $sqrt{s} = 38.8$ GeV KEDR_2019_I1673357 Measurement of $R$ between 1.84 and 3.72 GeV LENA_1981_I164397 Charged particle multiplicities and thrust in $Upsilon(1S,2S)$ decays and nearby continuum MARKII_1979_I144382 $pi^+pi^-$ spectrum in $psi(2S)topi^+pi^-J/psi$ NUSEA_2003_I613362 Drell-Yan dimuon absolute cross-sections in 800 GeV pp and pd collisions PHENIX_2019_I1672015 Drell Yan production at low masses $4.8 < m{mu^+mu^-} < 8.2 $ GeV at $sqrt{s} = 200$ GeV R209_1982_I168182 Drell Yan measurements $pp to mu^+mu^- +X $ at $sqrt{s} = 44$ and $62$ GeV at CERN ISR

Removed: ATLAS_2019_I1724098.cc~ CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET CMS_2013_I1224539_WJET CMS_2013_I1224539_ZJET CMS_2017_I1598460.cc~ TEST TEST.cc.needspercentile

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Added: ALEPH_1995_I398426 Production of $B^$ mesons at LEP1 ALEPH_1996_I402895 Bottom baryon polarization at LEP1 ALEPH_1996_I415745 Polarization of $Lambda^0$ baryons at LEP 1 ALEPH_1996_I421984 Tau decays to $omegapi^-$ and $omegapi^-pi^0$ ALEPH_1997_I427131 $pi^0$ spectrum at LEP1 ALEPH_2000_I507531 Measurement of $pi^0$, $eta$, $eta^prime$, $K^0_S$ and $Lambda^0$ spectra in two and three jet events ARGUS_1988_I261672 Spectrum for $Sigma_c^{0,++}$ production in $e^+e^-$ at 10 GeV in the continuum ARGUS_1989_I280943 Spectra and decay distributions for $D_1(2420)^0$ and $D^2(2460)^0$ production in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 10 GeV ARGUS_1991_I315059 $D^0$, $D^+$, $D^{*+}$ production in $e^+e^-$ annihilation at 10.47 GeV, and $B$ decays BABAR_2006_I719111 Charm hadron spectra in $B^0$, $bar{B}^0$ and $B^pm$ decays BABAR_2010_I867611 Helicity angle distributions in excited $D$ meson decays BELLE_2019_I1687566 Transverse polarization of $Lambda^0$ baryons in the continuum at 10.58 GeV BESIII_2012_I1121378 Analysis of $J/psito Lambda^0barSigma^0+text{c.c.}$ BESIII_2019_I1756876 Cross section for $e^+e^-to D^+D^-pi^+pi^-$ for $E{text{CMS}}=4.36to4.60$ GeV BESIII_2019_I1758883 Cross section for $e^+e^-toXi^-bar{Xi}^+$ between 4.009 and 4.6 GeV BESIII_2019_I1765606 Analysis of $J/psi$ decays to $Xi^{-}barXi^{+}+text{c.c.}$ BRAHMS_2004_AUAUCentrality BRAHMS AuAu centrality calibration analysis. CLEO_1990_I281039 $D_1(2420)^0$ and $D_2^(2460)^0$ decay angle distributions CLEO_1991_I314060 Polarization of $D^{+}$ mesons at 10.5 GeV CLEO_1998_I467595 $D^{+}$ polarization in $e^+e^-$ at 10.5 GeV CLEO_2005_I1649168 Spectrum of $D^pm_s$ mesons in $Upsilon(4S)$ and $Upsilon(5S)$ decays CLEO_2007_I728872 Spectrum of $phi$ mesons in $Upsilon(4S)$ and $Upsilon(5S)$ decays CMD3_2019_I1740541 Cross section for $e^+e^-tophieta$ for energies below 2 GeV CMD3_2019_I1744510 Cross section for $e^+e^-toetapi^+pi^-$ between 1.08 and 2 GeV CMD3_2019_I1770428 $e^+e^-to K^0_SK^0_Spi^+pi^-$ below 2 GeV CUSB_1991_I325661 Inclusive $B^$ cross-section above the $Upsilon(4S)$ DASP_1979_I132045 $pi^pm$, $p,bar{p}$, and $K^pm$ spectra for $E_{text{CMS}}=3.67to5.2$ GeV in $e^+e^-$ collisions DASP_1979_I132410 Inclusive $eta$ production rate for energies between 3.99 and 5.01 GeV DELPHI_1995_I382285 Forward-Backward Asymmetry for $K^pm$ and $Lambda^0$,$barLambda^0$ at LEP1 DELPHI_1995_I395026 Production of $B^$ mesons at LEP1 DELPHI_1999_I448370 Charged particle fragmentation functions at LEP1 DELPHI_1999_I499183 Event Shapes at 133, 161, 172 and 183 GeV DELPHI_2000_I513614 Bottom baryon polarization at LEP1 HRS_1987_I250823 $D^{pm}$ polarization at 29 GeV L3_1995_I381046 Production of $B^$ mesons at LEP1 LHCB_2013_I1243156 Helicity angle distributions in excited $D$ meson decays MARKI_1976_I109792 Charged particle momentum distributions for energies between 3.0 and 7.4 GeV NA22_1986_I18431 Multiplicity distributions in $pp$, $K^+ p$ and $pi^+ p$ at $p_{mathrm{lab}} = 250$ GeV/c NA49_2006_I694016 Inclusive production of charged pions in p+p collisions at 158 GeV/c beam momentum NA49_2009_I818217 Inclusive production of protons, anti-protons and neutrons in p+p collisions at 158 GeV/c beam momentum OPAL_1995_I393503 $K^0$ Production in Hadronic $Z^0$ Decays OPAL_1996_I428493 Production of $B^$ mesons at LEP1 OPAL_1997_I440103 Polarization of $phi$, $D^{+}$ and $B^$ mesons at LEP1 OPAL_1997_I440721 Event Shapes at 161 GeV OPAL_1997_I447188 Polarization of $Lambda^0$ baryons at LEP 1 OPAL_1998_I474012 Polarization of b-baryons at LEP1 OPAL_2000_I474010 Correlations for $Lambda^0$ and $barLambda^0$ production at LEP1 OPAL_2000_I502750 Polarization of $rho^pm$ and $omega^0$ mesons at LEP1 OPAL_2000_I513476 Event Shapes at 172, 183 and 189 GeV OPAL_2001_I536266 Charged particle multiplicities for u, d, s events at the Z pole STAR_2017_I1510593 Bulk properties of identified hadrons in the Au Au medium from the RHIC beam-energy scan STAR_BES_CALIB STAR Beam Energy Scan centrality calibration analysis. TOPAZ_1997_I454183 Measurement of charged particle multiplicity vs thrust at $E_{text{CMS}}=57.8$ GeV TPC_1991_I316132 $D^{+}$ polarization in $e^+e^-$ at 29 GeV VENUS_1998_I453613 Charged particle multiplicities in heavy and light quark initiated events at 58 GeV

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Added: A2_2017_I1486671 Form factors for the decays $omegatopi^0e^+e^-$ and $etatogamma e^+e^-$ AMY_1990_I283337 Event shapes in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 55.2 GeV AMY_1995_I406129 Durham and Jade differential 2-jet rate at 57.7 GeV ARGUS_1988_I251097 Hyperon spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions in the continuum at 10 GeV and at $Upsilon_{1,2}$ ARGUS_1989_I262415 Spectra for the production of $Lambda^0(1520)$ in $e^+e^-$ collisions in the continuum at 10 GeV and the $Upsilon_1$ ARGUS_1989_I262551 Spectra for $phi$ meson production for $e^+e^-$ collisions in the continuum at 10 GeV and at $Upsilon_{1,2}$ ARGUS_1989_I268577 Spectrum and decay angle for $D^0_{2}$ production in $e^+e^-$ at 10 GeV in the continuum ARGUS_1989_I276860 Spectra for $pi^pm$, $K^pm$, $K^0_S$ and $bar{p}$ in $e^+e^-$ collisions at the $Upsilon(1S)$ and continuum ARGUS_1990_I278933 $pi^0$ and $eta$ spectra for $e^+e^-$ collisions in the continuum at 9.46 GeV and at $Upsilon_{1,2}$ ARGUS_1994_I354224 $K^0_s$ production in B decays ATLAS_2018_I1667046 Search for R-parity-violating SUSY in multi-jet final states at 13 TeV ATLAS_2018_I1676551 Recursive jigsaw chargino-neutralino search with 2 or 3 charged leptons in 36/fb of 13 TeV pp ATLAS_2019_I1724098 Jet substructure at 13 TeV ATLAS_2019_I1725190 Dilepton mass spectrum in 13 TeV pp collisions with 139/fb Run 2 dataset BABAR_2006_I719581 Decay asymmetries in the decay of $Omega^-$ baryons produced in $Xi^0_c$ and $Omega_c^0$ decays BESIII_2012_I1113599 Analysis of $J/psi$ decays to $pbar{p}$ and $nbar{n}$ BESIII_2014_I1323621 Cross section for $e^+e^-to omegachi_{c0}$ at energies between 4.21 and 4.42 GeV BESIII_2015_I1329785 Cross section for $e^+e^-to gammachi_{c(0,1,2)}$ at energies between 4.009 and 4.36 GeV BESIII_2015_I1406939 Cross section for $e^+e^-to omegachi_{c(1,2)}$ at energies between 4.42 and 4.6 GeV BESIII_2016_I1422780 Analysis of $J/psi$ and $psi(2S)$ decays to $Xi^-barXi^+$ and $Sigma^{*mp}barSigma^{pm}$ BESIII_2017_I1506414 Analysis of $J/psi$ and $psi(2S)$ decays to $Xi^0barXi^0$ and $Sigma^{0}barSigma^{0}$ BESIII_2017_I1510563 Analysis of $J/psi$ and $psi(2S)$ decays to $Lambda^0barLambda^0$ and $Sigma^0barSigma^0$ BESIII_2017_I1519425 Differential Decay rates for $D^+to {bar{K}^0,pi^0} e^+nu_e$ from BES BESIII_2017_I1628093 Cross section for $e^+e^-to Lambda_c^+bar{Lambda}c^-$ near threshold BESIII_2018_I1641075 $eta^primeto pi^+pi^-gamma$ decays BESIII_2018_I1658762 Analysis of $psi(2S)$ decays to $pbar{p}$ and $nbar{n}$ BESIII_2018_I1697377 $J/psito e^+e^-eta$ decays BESIII_2019_I1691850 Analysis of $J/psi$ decays to $Lambda^0barLambda^0$ BESIII_2019_I1723934 Cross section for $e^+e^-to omegachi{c0}$ at energies between 4.178 and 4.278 GeV BESIII_2019_I1724880 Charge particle multiplicity in $eta_c$ decays BESIII_2019_I1736235 Cross section for $e^+e^-to$ proton and antiproton between 2. and 3.08 GeV BESIII_2019_I1743841 Cross section for $K^+K^-K^+K^-$ and $K^+K^-phi$ for $E_{text{CMS}}=2.10$ to $3.08$ GeV BESIII_2019_I1747092 Analysis of $psi(2S)$ decays to $Xi^{-}barXi^{+}$ CELLO_1982_I12010 Energy-Energy correlation at 22 and 34 GeV CELLO_1983_I191415 Photon and $pi^0$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ at 14, 22 and 34 GeV CELLO_1989_I276764 Photon, $pi^0$ and $eta$ spectra at 35 GeV CELLO_1990_I283026 Spectra for strange hadron production at $E_{text{CMS}}=35$ GeV CLEO_2000_I526554 $D_s^pm$ and $D^{pm}s$ spectra in the continuum near the $Upsilon(4S)$ CLEO_2000_I537236 Decay asymmetries in $Xi^0_ctoXi^-pi^+$ CLEO_2001_I552541 Correlated $Lambda^+cbar{Lambda}c$ production in $e^+e^-$ annihilations at $sqrt{s}=10.5$ GeV CMD3_2013_I1217420 Cross section for $e^+e^-to3(pi^+pi^-)$ below 2 GeV by CMD3 CMD3_2017_I1606078 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^+pi^-pi^0eta$ for energies below 2 GeV CMD3_2019_I1720610 Cross section for $e^+e^-to3(pi^+pi^-)pi^0$ below 2 GeV by CMD3 CMS_2017_I1598460 Triple-differential dijet pT cross section and PDF constraints at 8 TeV CMS_2018_I1646260 Search for BSM with 2 soft leptons + MET at 13 TeV CMS_2018_I1708620 Energy density vs pseudorapidity in proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV DELPHI_1991_I324035 Charged particle multiplicities in different rapidity intervals DELPHI_1992_I334948 Charge multiplicity for different jet multiplicities in hadronic $Z^0$ decays DELPHI_1993_I360638 Correlations between $Lambda^0$ and $bar{Lambda}^0$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays DELPHI_1995_I377487 Spectrum for $K^0,bar{K}^0$ and $K^{*pm}$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays DELPHI_1995_I394052 $K^pm$ and $p,bar{p}$ spectra in hadronic $Z^0$ decays DELPHI_1995_I399737 Spectrum for $Delta^{++}$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays DELPHI_1996_I401100 Spectrum for $pi^0$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays DELPHI_1996_I416741 Spectrum for $f_2^prime(1525)$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays DELPHI_1996_I420528 Spectra for $K^{0}$ and $Phi$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays DELPHI_1997_I428178 Flavour separated charged particle spectra at LEP1 DELPHI_1998_I473409 Flavour separated spectra for $pi^pm$, $K^pm$, $p,bar{p}$ production in hadronic $Z^0$ decays DELPHI_2006_I719387 Spectrum for $Xi^-(bar{Xi}^+)$ at LEP1 E756_2000_I530367 Measurement of the asymmetry in $Xi^-toLambda^0pi^-$ EXAMPLE_CUTFLOW EXAMPLE_MINIMIZE [UNVALIDATED]A demo of how to use the built-in function minimizer FENICE_1996_I426675 Measurement of the hadronic cross section near the $Nbar{N}$ threshold FOCUS_2006_I693639 Decay asymmetries in $Lambda^+_ctoLambda^0pi^+$ HRS_1985_I201482 Event shapes in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 29 GeV HRS_1988_I23360 Charm meson spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 29 GeV HRS_1988_I250824 $eta$ spectrum in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 29 GeV HRS_1990_I280958 $K^0$ spectrum in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 29 GeV HRS_1992_I339573 Spectrum for $Lambda$ production at 29 GeV HyperCP_2005_I677384 Measurement of asymmetry in $Omega^-toLambda^0K^-$ JADE_1981_I166363 Spectra for anti-protons and $bar{Lambda}^0$ at 34 GeV JADE_1984_I202784 Energy-Energy correlation at 14, 22 and 34 GeV JADE_1984_I202785 Spectrum for $D^{+}$ production in $e^+e^-$ collisions at $E{text{CMS}}=34.4$ JADE_1984_I203145 Spectra of $rho^0$ and $K^{*pm}$ in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 35 GeV JADE_1990_I282847 Photon, $pi^0$ and $eta$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 35 and 44 GeV KLOE2_2014_I1317236 Form factor for the decay $phitoeta e^+e^-$ KLOE2_2016_I1416825 Form factor for the decay $phitopi^0e^+e^-$ KLOE2_2016_I1416990 Measurement of the Dalitz plot for $etatopi^+pi^-pi^0$ KLOE2_2017_I1634981 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^+pi^-$ below 1 GeV KLOE_2002_I585183 Mass spectrum of $pi^0pi^0$ in $phitopi^0pi^0gamma$ decays L3_1997_I427107 $eta^prime$ and $omega$ spectra at 91 GeV L3_2004_I645127 $mu^+mu^-$ and $tau^+tau^-$ production in two photon collisions at LEP L3_2004_I661114 Jet production in Photon-Photon collisions at $E{text{CMS}}=198$ GeV LHCB_2018_I1665223 Measurement of $pp$ inelastic cross-section at 13 TeV using prompt, long-lived particles in the LHCb fiducial phase-space LHCF_2018_I1518782 Measurement of forward photon production cross-section in proton-proton collisions at $mathrm{sqrt{s}=13,TeV}$ with the LHCf detector LHCF_2018_I1692008 Measurement of forward neutron production cross-section in proton-proton collisions at $mathrm{sqrt{s}=13,TeV}$ with the LHCf detector MAC_1985_I202924 Energy-Energy correlation at $E{text{CMS}}=29$ GeV MC_WEIGHTS MC analysis for distributions of event weights NA48_2010_I868871 Decay asymmetries in $Xi^0toLambda^0gamma$, $Lambda^0pi^0$ and $Sigma^0gamma$ OPAL_1995_I382219 Scaled energy distribution of $D^$ with flavour separation at LEP OPAL_2003_I595335 Charged particle momentum spectra in $e^+e^-$ annihilation at $sqrt{s}= 192 $ GeV to $209$ GeV OPAL_2003_I611415 Dijet production in Photon-Photon collisions at $E_{text{CMS}}=198$ GeV OPAL_2008_I754316 Jet production in Photon-Photon collisions at $E_{text{CMS}}=206$ GeV PLUTO_1977_I110272 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 3.1 and 4.8 GeV PLUTO_1977_I118873 $K^0$ spectra at $3.63$, $4.03$ and $4.5$ GeV PLUTO_1981_I156315 Energy-Energy correlation for a range of energies between 7.7 and 31.6 GeV PLUTO_1981_I165122 Ratio of the cross section for the production of $K^0_S$ to that for $mu^+mu^-$ between $3.6$ and $31.6$ GeV PLUTO_1983_I191161 Measurement of average transverse momentum w.r.t thurst and Sphericity Axes for $E_{text{CMS}}=7.7to31.6$ GeV PLUTO_1985_I215869 Energy-Energy correlation at 34.6 GeV SND_2000_I525398 Mass spectrum of $etapi$ in $phitoetapi^0gamma$ decays SND_2000_I527094 Mass spectrum of $pi^0pi^0$ in $phitopi^0pi^0gamma$ decays SND_2001_I558279 Mass distributions in the decay $phitopi^+pi^-pi^0$ SND_2019_I1726419 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^+pi^-pi^0eta$ for energies below 2 GeV TASSO_1980_I143691 Charged Particle distributions between 13 and 31.6 GeV TASSO_1980_I153341 $K^0,bar{K}^0$ spectrum at 30 GeV TASSO_1980_I153511 Event shapes at 12 and 30 GeV TASSO_1980_I153656 $pi^pm$, $K^pm$ and $p,bar{p}$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ at 12 and 30 GeV TASSO_1982_I168232 $pi^0$ spectrum in $e^+e^-$ at 14 and 34 GeV TASSO_1982_I177174 Charged Particle spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions in $e^+e^-$ at 12, 14, 22, 25, 30, 34 and 35 GeV TASSO_1982_I179022 $rho^0$ spectrum in $e^+e^-$ collisions at $E_{text{CMS}}=34$ GeV TASSO_1983_I181470 $pi^pm$, $K^pm$ and $p,bar{p}$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ at 14, 22 and 34 GeV TASSO_1983_I192072 $Xi^-,bar{Xi}^+$ spectrum at 34.4 GeV TASSO_1985_I205119 $K^0,bar{K}^0$ and $Lambda^0,bar{Lambda}^0$ spectra at 14, 22 and 34 GeV TASSO_1986_I230950 $pi^0$ spectrum in $e^+e^-$ at 34.4 GeV TASSO_1987_I248660 Energy-Energy correlations between 12 and 46.8 GeV TASSO_1988_I263859 Event shapes at 35 GeV TASSO_1989_I266893 Spectra for $Lambda^0,bar{Lambda}^0$ and $Xi^-,bar{Xi}^-$ at 34.8 and 42.1 GeV TASSO_1989_I267755 $pi^pm$, $K^pm$ and $p,bar{p}$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ at 34 and 44 GeV TASSO_1989_I278856 Spectrum for $D^{+}$ production in $e^+e^-$ collisions at $E_{text{CMS}}=36.2$ TASSO_1989_I279165 Jet masses in $e^+e^-$ between 14 and 44 GeV TASSO_1990_I284251 $K^0,bar{K}^0$ and $K^{*pm}$ spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions for centre-of-mass energies between 14.8 and 42.6 GeV TOPAZ_1989_I279575 Energy-Energy correlation at $E_{text{CMS}}=53.3$ and $59.5$ GeV TOPAZ_1993_I361661 Measurement of event shapes at $E_{text{CMS}}=58$ GeV TOPAZ_1995_I381900 Charged hadron spectra at 58 GeV TPC_1984_I200105 $phi$ spectrum at 29 GeV TPC_1984_I205869 $K^{*0}$ and $K^0$ spectra at 29 GeV TPC_1985_I205868 Photon and $pi^0$ spectra at 29 GeV TPC_1986_I217416 $D^{*pm}$ spectrum at 29 GeV TPC_1988_I262143 Charged particle spectra at 29 GeV WA46_1984_I206647 Measurement of asymmetry in $Omega^-$ decays

Removed: MC_WEIGHTS.cc.hmmmmmm_interesting

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Added: ATLAS_2010_S8918562 Track-based minimum bias at 900 GeV and 2.36 and 7 TeV in ATLAS ATLAS_2012_I1094568 Measurement of ttbar production with a veto on additional central jet activity ATLAS_2012_I1124167 Measurement of charged-particle event shape variables ATLAS_2014_I1307243 Measurements of jet vetoes and azimuthal decorrelations in dijet events produced in pp collisions at $sqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector ATLAS_2014_I1312627 Ratios of $V$+jets observables between $W$ and $Z$ events ATLAS_2016_CONF_2016_078 ATLAS ICHEP16 0-lepton SUSY search at 13~TeV with 13.2/fb CMS_2013_I1122847 Forward-backward asymmetry A_FB in Drell-Yan lepton pairs at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV CMS_2013_I1261026 Jet and underlying event properties as a function of particle multiplicity LHCB_2012_I1208102 Differential cross-sections of $mathrm{Z}/gamma^* to e^{+}e^{-}$ vs rapidity and $phi^*$

Removed: ATLAS_2010_S8918562.cc.nullptrCounter ATLAS_2012_I1094568.cc.useininit ATLAS_2012_I1124167..cc.needstransversesphericity ATLAS_2014_I1307243.cc.usedInInit ATLAS_2014_I1312627.cc.bookininit ATLAS_2016_CONF_2016_078.cc.cutflows CMS_2013_I1122847.cc.broken CMS_2013_I1261026.cc.fill-in-finalize LHCB_2012_I1208102.cc.segfault

rivet-2.7.2 -> rivet-3.0.0

Added: AMY_1990_I294525 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 50 and 61.4 GeV. ARGUS_1992_I319102 Measurement of $R$ at 9.36 GeV and charged particle multiplicities in continuum and at the $Upsilon(4S)$ ATLAS_2017_I1604271 ATLAS Inclusive jet cross section measurement at sqrt(s)=8TeV ATLAS_2018_I1634970 ATLAS Inclusive jet and dijet cross section measurement at sqrt(s)=13TeV ATLAS_2019_I1718132 Control region measurements for leptoquark search at 13 TeV BABAR_2001_I558091 Inclusive $J/psi$ cross section at 10.57 GeV BABAR_2004_I656680 Cross section for $e^+e^-to$ $pi^+pi^-pi^0$ between 1.05 and 2.325 GeV BABAR_2005_I676691 $e^+e^- to$ $2pi^+2pi^-$, $K^+K^-pi^+pi^-$ and $2K^+2K^-$ cross-sections between the threshold to 4.5 GeV BABAR_2006_I700020 Cross section for $e^+e^-to$ proton and antiproton between threshold and 4.4 GeV BABAR_2006_I709730 Cross section for $e^+e^-to$ $3pi^+3pi^-$, $2pi^+2pi^-2pi^0$, $2pi^+2pi^-K^+K^-$ BABAR_2006_I716277 Cross section for $e^+e^-toetagamma$ and $eta^primegamma$ at 10.58 GeV BABAR_2006_I731865 Cross section for $phieta$ at 10.58 GeV BABAR_2007_I729388 Cross section for $e^+e^-to psi(2S)pi^+pi^-$ at energies between 4 and 8 GeV BABAR_2007_I747875 $e^+e^- to$ $K^+K^-pi^+pi^-$, $K^+K^-pi^0pi^0$ and $K^+K^-K^+K^-$ cross-sections between 1.4 and 4 GeV BABAR_2007_I758568 Cross sections for $e^+e^-to$ $2pi^+2pi^-pi^0$, $2pi^+2pi^-eta$, $K^+K^-pi^+pi^-pi^0$ and $K^+K^-pi^+pi^-eta$ from threshold to 5.0 GeV BABAR_2007_I760730 Cross section for $e^+e^-toLambdabar{Lambda}$, $Sigma^0bar{Sigma}^0$ and $Lambdabar{Sigma}^0$ between threshold and 3 GeV BABAR_2008_I765258 Cross Section for $e^+e^-to$ $K^+K^-eta$, $K^+K^-pi^0$ and $K^0_SK^pmpi^mp$ from threshold to 4.6 GeV BABAR_2008_I776519 Cross section for $e^+e^-to D^+D^-$ and $D^0bar{D}^0$ below 5 GeV BABAR_2009_I797507 Measurement of $R_b$ for energies between 10.541 and 11.206 GeV BABAR_2009_I829441 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-$ below 3 GeV BABAR_2012_I1086164 Cross section for $e^+e^-to 2pi^+2pi^-$ between 0.6 and 4.5 GeV BABAR_2012_I892684 Cross sections for $e^+e^-to$ $K^+K^-pi^+pi^-$, $K^+K^-pi^0pi^0$, and $K^+K^-K^+K^-$ between 1.28 and 5.0 GeV BABAR_2013_I1217421 Cross section for $e^+e^-to$ proton and antiproton between 1.877 and 4.25 GeV BABAR_2013_I1238807 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K^+K^-$ between threshold and 5 GeV BABAR_2014_I1287920 Cross section for $e^+e^-to$ $K_S^0K_L^0$, $K_S^0K_L^0pi^+pi^-$, $K_S^0K_S^0pi^+pi^-$, $K_S^0K_S^0K^+K^-$ between 1.06 and 2.2 GeV BABAR_2015_I1383130 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K^+K^-$ between 2.6 and 8 GeV BABAR_2017_I1511276 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K_S^0K_L^0$ with $pi^0$, $eta$ and $pi^0pi^0$ between threshold and 4 GeV BABAR_2017_I1591716 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K_S^0K^pmpi^mp$ with $pi^0$, $eta$ between threshold and 4 GeV BABAR_2017_I1621593 $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-pi^0pi^0$ cross section from 0.85 to 4.5 GeV BABAR_2018_I1647139 Cross section for $e^+e^-toetapi^+pi^-$ between 1.2 and 3.5 GeV BABAR_2018_I1679886 Mass spectrum for $K^-K_S^0$ decays of the $tau^-$ lepton BABAR_2018_I1700745 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^+pi^-3pi^0$ and $pi^+pi^-2pi^0eta$ between threshold and 4.35 GeV BBAR_1980_I152630 Measurement of $R$ between 1.427 and 1.946 BELLE_2007_I723333 Cross section for $e^+e^-to D^{+}D^{-}$ and $D^pm D^{mp}$ below 5 GeV BELLE_2007_I753243 $K_S^0pi^-$ spectrum in $tau$ decays BELLE_2007_I756012 Cross section for $e^+e^-to Jpsipi^+pi^-$ at energies between 3.8 and 5.5 GeV BELLE_2007_I756643 Cross section for $e^+e^-to psi(2S)pi^+pi^-$ at energies between 4.025 and 5.475 GeV BELLE_2008_I757220 Cross section for $e^+e^-to D^+D^-$ and $D^0bar{D}^0$ below 5 GeV BELLE_2008_I759073 Cross section for $e^+e^-to D^0D^-pi^++text{c.c.}$ below 5 GeV BELLE_2008_I764099 Cross Section for $e^+e^-toUpsilon(1,2,3S)pi^+pi^-$ and $Upsilon(1S)K^+K^-$ at 10.87 GeV BELLE_2008_I791660 Cross section for $e^+e^-to Lambda_c^+bar{Lambda}_c^-$ below 5.4 GeV. BELLE_2009_I809630 Cross Section for $e^+e^-tophipi^+pi^-$ between 1.488 and 2.987 GeV BELLE_2009_I823878 Cross section for $phieta$, $phieta^prime$, $rho^0eta$, $rho^0eta^prime$ at 10.58 GeV BELLE_2010_I841618 Mass spectra for $h^-h^-h^+$ decays of the $tau^-$ lepton BELLE_2013_I1225975 Cross section for $e^+e^-to J/psipi^+pi^-$ at energies between 3.8 and 4.82 GeV BELLE_2014_I1282602 Cross section for $e^+e^-to J/psi K^+K^-$ at energies between 4.175 and 5.975 GeV BELLE_2015_I1324785 Cross section for $e^+e^-to psi(2S)pi^+pi^-$ at energies between 4.0 and 5.5 GeV BELLE_2015_I1330289 Measurement of the spectrum for $bar{B}to X_s gamma$ BELLE_2016_I1389855 Cross section for $e^+e^-to h_b(n=1,2)pi^+pi^-$ at energies between 10.77 and 11.02 GeV BELLE_2017_I1606201 Baryon spectra in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 10.52 GeV BELLE_2017_I1613517 Cross Section for $e^+e^-to D^pm D^{mp}$ and $D^{+}D^{-}$ from threshold to 6 GeV BESIII_2014_I1286898 Cross section for $e^+e^-to$ proton and antiproton between 3.65 and 3.9 GeV BESIII_2015_I1355215 Cross section for $e^+e^-to J/psi eta$ at energies between 3.82 and 4.6 GeV BESIII_2015_I1358937 Cross section for $e^+e^-to$ proton and antiproton between 2.2324 and 3.671 GeV BESIII_2015_I1364494 $eta^primeto e^+e^-gamma$ decays BESIII_2015_I1377204 Cross section for $e^+e^-to J/psi pi^0pi^0$ at energies between 4.19 and 4.42 GeV BESIII_2015_I1391138 Exclusive $D^0to K^-,pi^-e^+nu_e$ decays BESIII_2016_I1385603 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-$ between 0.6 and 0.9 GeV BESIII_2016_I1457597 Cross section for $e^+e^-to J/psi eta^prime$ at energies between 4.189 and 4.6 GeV BESIII_2016_I1495838 Cross section for $e^+e^-to J/psipi^+pi^-$ at energies between 3.77 and 4.6 GeV BESIII_2018_I1627871 Cross section for $e^+e^-toLambdabar{Lambda}$ between threshold and 3.08 GeV BESIII_2018_I1691798 Cross Section for $K^0_SK^pmpi^mp$ between 3.8 and 4.6 GeV BESIII_2018_I1699641 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K^0_SK^pmpi^mppi^0$ and $K^0_SK^pmpi^mpeta$ between 3.90 to 4.60 GeV BESIII_2018_I1704558 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K^+K^-$ between 2.00 and 3.08 GeV BESIII_2019_I1718337 Cross section for $e^+e^-to$ proton and antiproton between 2. and 3.8GeV using ISR BESII_2000_I505323 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 2.6 and 5 GeV BESII_2002_I552757 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 2.2 and 4.8 GeV BESII_2004_I622224 Charged particle momentum distributions for energies between 2.2 and 4.8 GeV BESII_2005_I685906 Cross section for $e^+e^-to$ proton and antiproton between 2 and 3.07 GeV BESII_2006_I717665 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 3.65 and 3.773 GeV BESII_2007_I750713 Cross sections for light hadrons at 3.773, 3.650 GeV BESII_2007_I762901 Cross sections for light hadrons at 3.650 and 3.773 GeV BESII_2007_I763880 Cross sections for light hadrons at 3.773 and 3.650 GeV BESII_2008_I801208 Cross sections for light hadrons at 3.773 and 3.650 GeV BESII_2008_I801210 Cross sections for light hadrons at 3.773, 3.650 and 3.6648 GeV BESII_2009_I814778 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 2.6 and 3.65 GeV BES_1995_I39870 Measurement of the hadronic cross section for energies between 3.08 and 3.116 GeV CELLO_1981_I166365 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 33 and 36.7 GeV CELLO_1984_I202783 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 33 and 47 GeV CELLO_1987_I236981 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 14 and 46.6 GeV CLEOC_2005_I693873 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-$, $K^+K^-$ and $pbar{p}$ at 3.671 GeV CLEOC_2008_I777917 Measurement of charm final-states, the total hadronic cross section and $R$ for energies between 3.92 and 4.26 GeV CLEO_1983_I188803 Measurement of hadronic cross section at the $Upsilon(1S)$, 9.461 GeV CLEO_1983_I188805 Measurement of the hadronic cross section between9.46 and 10.355 GeV CLEO_1984_I193577 Measurement of $R$ for 10.49 GeV CLEO_1991_I29927 Inclusive $B^$ cross-section above the $Upsilon(4S)$ CLEO_1998_I445351 Measurement of $R$ at 10.52 GeV CLEO_1999_I474676 Cross Section for $e^+e^-toUpsilon(2,3S)pi^+pi^-$ at 10.52, 10.58 GeV CLEO_1999_I508944 Measurement of Semi-Leptonic Tau Decays into $pi^pmpi^0$ CLEO_2006_I691720 Cross section for light hadron production at 3.671 and 3.773 GeV CLEO_2006_I700665 Hadronic cross section at 3.773 GeV CLEO_2007_I753556 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 6.964 and 10.538 GeV CMD2_1995_I406880 Cross section for $e^+e^-to$ $K^+K^-$, $K_S^0K_L^0$, $pi^+pi^-pi^0$ and $etagamma$ near the $phi$ resonance CMD2_1998_I480170 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-pi^0$ near the $phi$ mass CMD2_1999_I483994 Cross section for $e^+e^-to2pi^+2pi^-$ and $pi^+pi^-2pi^0$ below 1.38 GeV CMD2_1999_I498859 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-$ at near the $rho$ mass. CMD2_1999_I502164 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K^0_SK^0_L$ at energies near the $phi$ mass CMD2_1999_I503154 Cross section for $e^+e^-toetagamma$ for energies near the $phi$ mass CMD2_2000_I511375 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^+pi^+pi^-pi^+$ below 1 GeV CMD2_2000_I523691 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-pi^0$ near the $omega$ mass CMD2_2000_I531667 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^+pi^+pi^-pi^+$ hear the $phi$ mass CMD2_2000_I532970 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^+pi^+pi^-pi^+pi^0$ between 1.28 and 1.38 GeV CMD2_2001_I554522 Cross section for $e^+e^-toetagamma$ for energies between 600 MeV and 1380 MeV CMD2_2002_I568807 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-$ at near the $rho$ mass. CMD2_2003_I601222 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K^0_SK^0_L$ at energies between 1.05 and 1.38 GeV CMD2_2003_I616446 Cross section for $e^+e^-toomegapi^0topi^0pi^0gamma$ between 0.92 and 1.38 GeV CMD2_2004_I630009 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^0pi^0gamma$ at energies between 0.6 and 0.97 GeV. CMD2_2004_I648023 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^+pi^+pi^-pi^+$ between 0.98 and 1.38 GeV CMD2_2005_I658856 Cross section for $e^+e^-topigamma$ and $etagamma$ for energies between 600 MeV and 1380 MeV CMD2_2006_I728191 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-$ between 370 and 520 MeV CMD2_2007_I728302 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-$ between 600 and 970 MeV CMD2_2008_I782516 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K^+K^-$ near the $phi$ mass CMD3_2016_I1385598 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pbar{p}$ between the threshold and 2 GeV CMD3_2016_I1395968 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K^+K^-pi^+pi^-$ between 1.44 and 2.01 GeV CMD3_2016_I1444990 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K^0_SK^0_L$ at energies between 1.004 and 1.06 GeV CMD_1985_I221309 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-$ for energies below 1.4 GeV CRYSTAL_BALL_1986_I238081 Measurement of $R$ and $D^$ production for energies between 3.67 and 4.5 GeV. CRYSTAL_BALL_1988_I261078 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 9.39 GeV CRYSTAL_BALL_1990_I294419 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 5 and 7.4 GeV CUSB_1982_I180613 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 10.34 and 11.6 GeV DASP_1978_I129715 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 3.603 and 5.195 GeV DASP_1982_I178613 Measurement of $R$ in the $Upsilon$ region, 9.42 GeV DELPHI_2000_I524694 $Sigma^-$ and $Lambda(1520)$ production at the $Z^0$ pole from DELPHI DELPHI_2003_I620250 Measurements of event shapes by DELPHI, above and below $m_Z$ DESY147_1978_I131524 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 9.41 and 10.63 GeV DESY147_1980_I153896 Measurement of $R$ between 9.4 and 10.1 GeV DM1_1978_I134061 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-$ between 0.483 and 1.096 GeV DM1_1979_I132828 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^+pi^+pi^-pi^+$ between 0.89 and 1.1 GeV DM1_1979_I141565 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pbar{p}$ between 1.925 and 2.18 GeV DM1_1980_I140174 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^+pi^-pi^0$ at energies between 0.75 and 1.1 GeV. DM1_1981_I156053 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K^0_SK^0_L$ between 1.4 and 2.18 GeV DM1_1981_I156054 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K^+K^-$ between 1.4 and 2.6 GeV DM1_1981_I166353 Cross section for $e^+e^-to 3pi^+3pi^-$ between 1.4 and 2.11 GeV DM1_1981_I166964 Cross section for $e^+e^-toomegapi^+pi^-$ at energies between 1.4 and 2.2 GeV DM1_1982_I168552 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^+pi^+pi^-pi^+$ between 1.4 and 2.18 GeV DM1_1982_I169382 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K^+K^-pi^+pi^-$ between 1.3 and 2.2 GeV DM1_1982_I176801 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K^0_SK^pmpi^mp$ for energies from 1.4 to 2.1 GeV DM2_1983_I190558 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pbar{p}$ between 1.975 and 2.250 GeV DM2_1988_I262690 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K^+K^-$ between 1.35 and 2.4 GeV DM2_1988_I264144 Cross section for $e^+e^-toetapi^+pi^-$ at energies between 1.35 and 2.4 GeV DM2_1989_I267118 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-$ between 1.35 and 2.4 GeV DM2_1990_I297706 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pbar{p}$ and $Lambdabar{Lambda}$ at 2.4 GeV DM2_1991_I318558 Cross section for $e^+e^-to$ $K^+K^-pi^0$ and $K^0_SK^pmpi^mp$ for energies from 1.3 to 2.2 GeV DM2_1992_I339265 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^+pi^-pi^0$ and $omegapi^+pi^-$ at energies between 1.35 and 2.4 GeV FENICE_1994_I377833 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pbar{p}$ between 1.9 and 2.44 GeV FENICE_1998_I471263 Cross section for $e^+e^-to nbar{n}$ between 1.9 and 2.44 GeV GAMMAGAMMA_1973_I84794 Measurement of $R$ and the hadronic cross section for energies between 1.35 and 3 GeV GAMMAGAMMA_1975_I100016 Measurement of $R$ and the hadronic cross section for energies between 1.91 and 2.97 GeV GAMMAGAMMA_1979_I133588 Measurement of $R$ and the hadronic cross section for energies between 1.92 and 3.09 GeV GAMMAGAMMA_1979_I141722 Measurement of $R$ and the hadron multiplicity between 1.42 and 3.09 GeV GAMMAGAMMA_1980_I153382 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^+pi^+pi^-pi^+$ between 1.456 and 2.15 GeV GAMMAGAMMA_1981_I158474 Multi pion cross sections for energies between 1.44 and 2.15 GeV JADE_1979_I142874 Charged hadron multiplicity JADE_1987_I234905 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 12 and 46.47 GeV KLOE_2005_I655225 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^+pi^-$ below 1 GeV KLOE_2008_I791841 Cross section for $pi^+pi^-2pi^0$ and $2pi^0gamma$ near the $phi$ mass KLOE_2009_I797438 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^+pi^-$ below 0.93 GeV KLOE_2009_I818106 Mass spectrum of $etapi$ in $phitoetapi^0gamma$ decays LENA_1982_I179431 Measurement of $R$ between 7.4 and 9.4 GeV MAC_1985_I206052 Measurement of $R$ at 29 GeV MARKII_1979_I143939 Measurement of $R$ and $Dbar{D}$ cross section between 3.67 and 3.872 GeV MARKII_1991_I295286 Measurement of $R$ at 29 GeV MARKI_1975_I100592 Cross section and charged particle multiplicity for energies between 2.6 and 5 GeV MARKI_1975_I100733 Measurement of $R$ and the hadronic cross section for energies between 2.4 and 6.9 GeV MARKI_1976_I108144 Measurement of $R$ between 3.888 and 4.586 GeV MARKI_1977_I119979 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 3.598 and 3.886 GeV MARKI_1982_I169326 Charged particle multiplicity for energies between 2.6 and 7.8 GeV MARKJ_1979_I141976 Measurement of $R$ at 31.57 GeV MARKJ_1980_I158857 Measurement of $R$ between 12 and 35.8 GeV MARKJ_1982_I166369 Measurement of $R$ between 33 and 36.7 GeV MARKJ_1983_I182337 Measurement of $R$ between 29.9 and 38.54 GeV MARKJ_1984_I196567 Measurement of $R$ between 12 and 42.63 GeV MARKJ_1986_I230297 Measurement of $R$ between 12 and 46.78 GeV MC_D_Dalitz MC analysis of Dalitz plots in three-body $D$-meson decays MC_Eta_Decay Analysis of Kinematic distributions in $eta$ and $eta^prime$ meson decays MC_F1_Decay Analysis of Kinematic distributions of $f_1$ meson decays MC_Meson_Meson_Leptons_Decay MC analyis of $Vto P ell^+ell^-$ and $Pto V ell^+ell^-$ decays MC_OmegaPhia1_3Pion_Decay MC analysis of $omega$, $phi$ and $a_1to3pi$ decays MC_Onium_PiPi_Decay Analysis of kinematics in $mathcal{O}tomathcal{O}^primepipi$ decays MC_Semi_Leptonic_Decay MC analysis of the Kinematics in Semi-Leptonic Meson decays MC_TAU_Decay Analysis of Kinematic distributions for $tau$ lepton decays MD1_1986_I364141 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 7.2 and 10.34 GeV MUPI_1972_I84978 Measurement of $R$ and the hadronic cross section for energies between 1.2 and 2.1 GeV MUPI_1973_I95215 Measurement of $R$ and the hadronic cross section for energies betwee 2.6 and 3 GeV ND_1991_I321108 Cross sections for $e^+e^-to$ exclusive hadronic states between 0.5 and 1.4 GeV. NMD_1974_I745 Measurement of $R$ and the hadronic cross section for 4 GeV OLYA_1981_I173076 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K^+K^-$ at energies between 1. and 1.4 GeV OLYA_1984_I208231 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-$ for energies between 640 and 1400 MeV OPAL_1997_I421977 $Sigma^{pm}$ baryon production in $Z$ hadronic decays at OPAL PDG_Upsilon_4S_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES Hadron multiplicities in $Upsilon(4S)$ decays PLUTO_1979_I140294 Measurement of $R$ between 3 and 17 GeV PLUTO_1979_I140818 Hadronic cross section in $e^+e^-$ collisions for energies between 9.4 to 9.48 PLUTO_1979_I142517 Measurement of $R$ between 22 and 31.6 GeV PLUTO_1980_I152291 Measurement of $R$ between 30 and 31 GeV PLUTO_1982_I166799 Measurement of $R$ between 3.6 and 30 GeV and hadronic cross section from 9.3 to 9.48 GeV SND_1999_I508003 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-pi^0$ between 1.04 and 1.38 GeV. SND_2000_I503946 Cross section for $e^+e^-toomegapi^0topi^0pi^0gamma$ at energies near the $phi$ mass.' SND_2000_I524221 $e^+e^-topigamma$ and $etagamma$ for energies near the $phi$ mass SND_2000_I527752 Cross section for $e^+e^-toomegapi^0topi^0pi^0gamma$ for energies below 1.4 GeV SND_2001_I533574 Cross section for $e^+e^-to$ $K^+K^-$, $K_S^0K_L^0$ and $pi^+pi^-pi^0$ near the $phi$ resonance SND_2001_I579319 Cross section for $e^+e^-2pi^+2pi^-$ and $pi^+pi^-2pi^0$ between 1 and 1.4 GeV SND_2002_I582183 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-pi^0$ between 0.98 and 1.38 GeV. SND_2002_I587084 Cross section for $e^+e^-topi^0pi^0gamma$ at energies between 0.6 and 0.97 GeV. SND_2003_I612867 Cross section for $e^+e^-topigamma$ for energies between 600 MeV and 970 MeV SND_2003_I619011 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-pi^0$ between 0.44 and 0.97 GeV. SND_2005_I686349 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-$ at energies between 0.4 and 1 GeV SND_2006_I717778 Cross section for $e^+e^-toetagamma$ for energies between 600 MeV and 1380 MeV SND_2006_I720035 Measurement of the cross section for $e^+e^-to K_S^0K_L^0$ at energies between 1.04 and 1.38 GeV SND_2007_I755881 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K^+K^-$ between 1.04 and 1.38 GeV SND_2014_I1275333 Cross section for $e^+e^-toetagamma$ for energies between 1.07 and 2 GeV SND_2014_I1321689 Cross section for $e^+e^-to nbar{n}$ between threshold and 2 GeV SND_2015_I1332929 Cross section for $e^+e^-toetapi^+pi^-$ between 1.22 and 2 GeV SND_2015_I1389908 Cross section for $e^+e^-to pi^+pi^-pi^0$ between 1.05 and 2 GeV. SND_2016_I1418483 Cross section for $e^+e^-topigamma$ for energies between 600 MeV and 1380 MeV SND_2016_I1471515 Cross section for $e^+e^-toetaomegapi^0$ for energies below 2 GeV SND_2016_I1473343 Cross section for $e^+e^-toetaomega$ for energies below 2 GeV SND_2016_I1484677 Cross section for $e^+e^-to K^+K^-$ between 1.05 and 2 GeV SND_2016_I1489182 Cross section for $e^+e^-toomegapi^0topi^0pi^0gamma$ between 1.05 and 2 GeV SND_2018_I1637194 Cross section for $e^+e^-to$ $K^0_SK^0_Lpi^0$ for energies between 1.3 and 2.0 SND_2018_I1638368 Cross section for $e^+e^-toetapi^+pi^-$ between 1.08 and 2 GeV SND_2018_I1693737 Cross section for $e^+e^-toeta K^+K^-$ for energies below 2 GeV SND_2018_I1694988 Cross section for $e^+e^-topigamma$ for energies between 1.075 GeV and 2 GeV TASSO_1979_I140303 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 13 and 17 GeV TASSO_1980_I143690 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 12 and 39 GeV TASSO_1982_I176887 Measurement of $R$ between 12 and 36.7 GeV TASSO_1984_I195333 Measurements of charged particle multiplicities, $R$ and event shapes between 12 and 43 GeV. TASSO_1984_I199468 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 39.8 and 45.2 GeV TOPAZ_1990_I283003 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 50 and 61.4 GeV TOPAZ_1993_I353845 Cross section in $e^+e^-to$hadrons for energies between 57.37 and 59.84 GeV TOPAZ_1995_I381777 Cross section in $e^+e^-to$hadrons for 57.77 GeV VENUS_1987_I251274 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 50 and 52 GeV VENUS_1990_I283774 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 50 and 61.4 GeV VENUS_1990_I296392 Measurement of $R$ for energies between 50 and 64 GeV VENUS_1999_I500179 Cross section in $e^+e^-to$hadrons for 57.77 GeV

Removed: ATLAS_2010_S8918562 ATLAS_2012_I1093734 ATLAS_2012_I1094061 ATLAS_2012_I1094568 ATLAS_2012_I1124167 ATLAS_2014_I1307243 ATLAS_2014_I1312627 ATLAS_2016_CONF_2016_078 CMS_2013_I1122847 CMS_2013_I1261026 LHCB_2012_I1208102 MC_Centrality MC_WEIGHTS OPAL_2004_I631361_qq

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Added: H1_2007_I746380 Tests of QCD Factorisation in the diffractive production of dijets in deep-inelastic scattering and photoproduction at HERA H1_2015_I1343110 Diffractive dijets in DIS and photoproduction HERA_2015_I1353667 Combined H1/ZEUS $D^*$ production cross-sections in DIS MC_DIS_Check A simple analysis using the DISKinematics projection. ZEUS_2008_I763404 Diffractive photoproduction of dijets ZEUS_2012_I1116258 Inclusive-jet photoproduction at HERA and determination of the strong coupling

rivet-2.7.0 -> rivet-2.7.1

Added: ATLAS_2013_I1217863 W/Z + gamma production at 7 TeV ATLAS_2018_I1677498 WWbb at 13 TeV ATLAS_2018_I1705857 ttbb at 13 TeV ATLAS_2018_I1711114 g to bb at 13 TeV ATLAS_2019_I1720442 Inclusive 4-lepton lineshape at 13 TeV CMS_2016_I1487288 $WZ$ production cross-section in $pp$ collisions at 8~TeV CMS_2018_I1686000 Fiducial single-top + photon cross-section measurement at 13 TeV

Removed: ATLAS_2013_I1217863_W ATLAS_2013_I1217863_Z

rivet-2.6.2 -> rivet-2.7.0

Added: ALICE_2010_I880049 Centrality dependence of the charged-particle multiplicity density at mid-rapidity in Pb–Pb collisions at $sqrt{s_{rm{NN}}} = 2.76$ TeV ALICE_2012_I1126966 Pion, Kaon, and Proton Production in Central Pb-Pb Collisions at 2.76 TeV ALICE_2012_I1127497 Centrality dependence of charged particle production at large transverse momentum in Pb-Pb collisions at $sqrt{s_{rm{NN}}} = 2.76$ TeV ALICE_2012_I930312 Particle-yield modification in jet-like azimuthal di-hadron correlations in Pb-Pb collisions at $sqrt{s_rm{NN}} = 2.76$ TeV ALICE_2013_I1225979 Charged particle production as function of centrality, central events only, in PbPb collisions at 2.76 TeV. ALICE_2014_I1243865 Multi-Strange Baryon production at mid rapidity in Pb–Pb at 2.76 TeV/nn ALICE_2014_I1244523 Multiplicity Dependence of Pion, Kaon, Proton and Lambda Production in p–Pb Collisions at 5.02 TeV/nn ALICE_2015_PBPBCentrality [UNVALIDATED]ALICE centrality calibration for Pb-Pb at 5.02TeV ALICE_2015_PPBCentrality ALICE proton-lead centrality calibration analysis. ALICE_2015_PPCentrality ALICE_2016_I1394676 Charged particle production as function of centrality, peripheral events only, in PbPb collisions at 2.76 TeV. ALICE_2016_I1419244 Anisotropic flow of charged particles in PbPb collisions at 5.02 TeV. ALICE_2016_I1471838 Enhanced production of multi-strange hadrons in high-multiplicity proton-proton collisions. ALICE_2016_I1507090 Charged particle production as function of centrality in PbPb collisions at 5.02 TeV. ALICE_2016_I1507157 Angular correlations of identified particles at 7 TeV. ATLAS_2015_I1360290 Charged particle spectra in Pb–Pb collisions at $sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76$ TeV. ATLAS_2015_I1386475 Centrality dependent of pseudorapidity distributions in p-Pb collisions $sqrt{s_{_text{NN}}}=5.02$ TeV. ATLAS_2016_I1492320 WWW production at 8 TeV ATLAS_2016_I1502620 W and Z inclusive cross sections at 7 TeV ATLAS_PBPB_CENTRALITY Centrality calibration / forward energy flow Pb–Pb. ATLAS_pPb_Calib ATLAS proton-lead centrality calibration analysis. BRAHMS_2004_I647076 Charged meson pT spectra for various rapidities in central Au–Au collisions at 200 GeV. CMS_2017_I1471287 Two- and multi-particle angular correlations in pp collisions at $sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV. MC_Cent_pPb_Calib Template analysis for generating calibration histograms for centrality MC_Cent_pPb_Eta Template analysis for ontaining eta distributions binned in centrality MC_JET_IN_HI Monte Carlo validation, simple jet analysis in heavy ion collisions, using centrality framework. MC_OPTIONS MC_TEST_CORRELATORS Example analysis for correlators framework STAR_2016_I1414638 Beam energy dependence of the third harmonic of azimuthal correlations

Removed: ATLAS_2016_I1492320_2l2j ATLAS_2016_I1492320_3l ATLAS_2016_I1502620_W ATLAS_2016_I1502620_Z

rivet-2.6.1 -> rivet-2.6.2

Added: ATLAS_2017_I1517194 Electroweak $Wjj$ production at 8~TeV ATLAS_2018_I1656578 Differential $tbar{t}$ $l$+jets cross-sections at 13~TeV CDF_2015_I1388868 Studies of the underlying event at 300, 900 and 1960 GeV with leading charged particles CMS_2018_I1653948 Measurement of the inelastic proton-proton cross section at 13 TeV CMS_2018_I1680318 Charged particle distributions in different final states at 13~TeV CMS_2018_I1682495 Jet mass in dijet events in $pp$ collisions at 13~TeV CMS_2018_I1690148 Measurement of jet substructure observables in $tbar{t}$ events from $pp$ collisions at 13~TeV

Removed: CDF_2015_1388868

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Added: ALICE_2017_I1620477 Invariant cross section of neutral pions at mid-rapidity in $8,$TeV pp collisions ATLAS_2014_I1310835 H(125) -> 4l at 8 TeV ATLAS_2017_I1604029 ttbar + gamma at 8 TeV ATLAS_2017_I1614149 Resolved and boosted ttbar l+jets cross sections at 13 TeV ATLAS_2017_I1624693 Study of ordered hadron chains at 7 TeV ATLAS_2017_I1625109 Measurement of $ZZ -> 4ell$ production at 13 TeV ATLAS_2017_I1626105 Dileptonic $tbar{t}$ at 8 TeV ATLAS_2017_I1644367 Isolated triphotons at 8 TeV ATLAS_2017_I1645627 Isolated photon + jets at 13 TeV ATLAS_2018_I1646686 All-hadronic boosted ttbar at 13 TeV CMS_2012_I1111014 Shape, Transverse Size, and Charged Hadron Multiplicity of Jets in pp Collisions at $sqrt{s}=7$ TeV CMS_2016_I1487277 Measurement and QCD analysis of double-differential inclusive jet cross sections in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 8~TeV$ and cross-section ratios to 2.76 and 7 TeV CMS_2016_I1491950 Differential cross sections for top quark pair production using the lepton+jets final state in proton proton collisions at 13 TeV CMS_2017_I1499471 Measurements of the associated production of a Z boson and b jets in pp collisions at $sqrt{s} = 8$ TeV CMS_2017_I1605749 Measurements of jet charge with dijet events in pp collisions at $sqrt{s}=8$ TeV CMS_2017_I1610623 Measurements of differential cross sections for the associated production of a W boson and jets in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV CMS_2017_I1635889 Measurement of the underlying event using inclusive Z-boson production in proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV CMS_2018_I1662081 Measurement of the differential cross sections of top quark pair production as a function of kinematic event variables in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV CMS_2018_I1663452 Search for new physics in dijet angular distributions using proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV and constraints on dark matter and other models CMS_2018_I1663958 ttbar lepton+jets 13 TeV LHCF_2015_I1351909 Measurement of very forward neutron energy spectra for 7 TeV proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider LHCF_2016_I1385877 Longitudinal and transverse momentum distributions for neutral pions in the forward-rapidity region MC_DILEPTON Charged dilepton kinematic distributions sensitive to boson polarisation MC_FSPARTICLES Final-state particle distributions MC_PARTONICTOPS Plot partonic top properties (requires tops in event record)

rivet-2.5.4 -> rivet-2.6.0

Added: ALICE_2017_I1512110 Invariant cross section of neutral pions measured at mid-rapidity in pp collisions at $2.76,$TeV. ATLAS_2016_I1426523 Measurement of the $WZ$ production cross section at 8 TeV ATLAS_2016_I1469071 Measurement of the $WZ$ production cross section at 13 TeV ATLAS_2017_I1495243 ttbar + jets at 13 TeV ATLAS_2017_I1598613 BB to Jpsi plus mu at 8 TeV ATLAS_2017_I1609253 Multijet transverse energy-energy correlations (TEEC) at 8 TeV ATLAS_2017_I1609448 $p_T^text{miss}$+jets cross-section ratios at 13 TeV ATLAS_2017_I1632756 Photon + heavy flavour at 8 TeV CMS_2014_I1266056 Photon + jets triple differential cross-section CMS_2016_I1491953 Differential cross sections for associated production of a W boson and jets at 8 TeV CMS_2016_PAS_TOP_15_006 Jet multiplicity in the top-quark pair lepton+jets final state at $sqrt{s} = 8~TeV$ CMS_2017_I1467451 Measurement of the transverse momentum spectrum of the Higgs boson produced in $pp$collisions at $sqrt{s} = 8$ TeV using H to WW decays CMS_2017_I1594909 Search for SUSY in multijet events with missing transverse momentum in $pp$ collisions at 13 TeV MC_REENTRANT MC_WEIGHTS MC analysis for distributions of event weights

Removed: ATLAS_2012_I1094061 CDF_2009_S8057893 MC_JetAnalysis MC_JetSplittings MC_ParticleAnalysis

rivet-2.5.3 -> rivet-2.5.4

Added: ALEPH_2014_I1267648 Normalised spectral functions of hadronic tau decays ALEPH_2016_I1492968 Dimuon invariant mass in OS and SS channel. AMY_1990_I295160 Hadronic charged multiplicity measurement between 50 and 61.4 GeV ATLAS_2013_I1234228 High-mass Drell-Yan at 7 TeV ATLAS_2015_I1394865 [UNVALIDATED]Inclusive 4-lepton lineshape ATLAS_2016_CONF_2016_092 [UNVALIDATED]Inclusive jet cross sections using early 13 TeV data ATLAS_2016_I1426515 WW production at 8 TeV ATLAS_2016_I1448301 $Z gamma (gamma)$ cross sections at 8 TeV ATLAS_2016_I1449082 Charge asymmetry in top quark pair production in dilepton channel ATLAS_2017_I1509919 Track-based underlying event at 13 TeV in ATLAS ATLAS_2017_I1514251 Z plus jets at 13 TeV ATLAS_2017_I1589844 $k_T$ splittings in $Z$ events at 8 TeV ATLAS_2017_I1591327 Inclusive diphoton cross-sections at 8 TeV BELLE_2017_I1512299 Decay kinematics of semileptonc B0bar to D*+ decays. CMS_2015_I1370682_PARTON Parton-level differential top-quark pair production cross-sections in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 8,TeV$ CMS_2015_I1380605 Per-event yield of the highest transverse momentum charged particle and charged-particle jet CMS_2016_I1413748 Measurements of ttbar spin correlations and top quark polarization using dilepton final states in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV CMS_2016_I1421646 Dijet azimuthal decorrelations in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 8$ TeV CMS_2016_I1430892 Measurements of ttbar charge asymmetry using dilepton final states in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV CMS_2016_I1454211 Boosted $tbar{t}$ in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 8~TeV$ CMS_2016_I1486238 Studies of 2 $b$-jet + 2 jet production in proton-proton collisions at 7 TeV CMS_2017_I1511284 Measurement of the inclusive energy spectrum in the very forward direction in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV CMS_2017_I1518399 Differential $tbar{t}$ production cross-section as a function of the leading jet mass for boosted top quarks at 8 TeV CMS_2017_I1519995 Search for new physics with dijet angular distributions in proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s} = 13 TeV$ DELPHI_1991_I301657 Hadronic Z decay charged multiplicity measurement EHS_1988_I265504 Charged-particle production in $K^+ p$, $pi^+ p$ and $pp$ interactions at $250 GeV/c$ HRS_1986_I18502 Charged Hadron multiplicity at 29 GeV JADE_1983_I190818 Hadronic charged multiplicity measurement between 12 and 35 GeV OPAL_1992_I321190 Hadronic Z decay charged multiplicity measurement OPAL_2004_I631361 Gluon jet charged multiplicities and fragmentation functions OPAL_2004_I648738 Quark and gluon jet fragmentation functions PLUTO_1980_I154270 Hadronic charged multiplicity measurement between 12 and 31.3 GeV TASSO_1989_I277658 Hadronic charged multiplicity measurement between 14 and 43.6 GeV TPC_1987_I235694 Charged Hadron multiplicity at 29 GeV, flavour separated

rivet-2.5.2 -> rivet-2.5.3

Added: ALICE_2012_I1116147 pT of neutral pions and $eta$ mesons in $pp$ collisions at $7,$TeV and $0.9,$TeV ATLAS_2011_I929691 Jet fragmentation at 7 TeV ATLAS_2016_CONF_2016_037 Search for SUSY in 13~TeV events with 2 or 3 leptons and multiple jets ATLAS_2016_CONF_2016_054 ATLAS 2016 1-lepton SUSY search at 13~TeV, from 14.8/fb CONF note ATLAS_2016_CONF_2016_078 ATLAS ICHEP16 0-lepton SUSY search at 13~TeV with 13.2/fb ATLAS_2016_CONF_2016_094 ATLAS 2016 1-lepton + many jets SUSY search at 13~TeV, from 14.8/fb CONF note ATLAS_2016_I1467230 Track-based minimum bias with low-pT tracks at 13 TeV ATLAS_2016_I1467454 High-mass Drell-Yan at 8 TeV ATLAS_2016_I1468167 Measurement of the inelastic proton–proton cross-section at $sqrt{s} = 13,TeV$ ATLAS_2016_I1479760 Hard double-parton scattering in four-jet events at 7 TeV CMS_2010_PAS_QCD_10_024 Pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles at $sqrt{s} = 0.9$ and 7 TeV CMS_2012_I1298807 Inclusive ZZ production cross section and constraints on anomalous triple gauge couplings at 8~TeV CMS_2012_PAS_FSQ_12_020 Studies of the underlying event at 7 TeV with leading charged particles CMS_2013_I1223519 Searches for SUSY using $alpha_T$ and $b$-quark multiplicity at 8~TeV CMS_2016_I1459051 Measurement of the inclusive jet cross-section in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 13~TeV$ CMS_2016_PAS_SUS_16_14 Search for supersymmetry in events with jets and missing transverse momentum at 13~TeV L3_2004_I652683 Jet rates and event shapes at LEP I+II LHCB_2014_I1262703 Study of forward Z + jet production in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s}=7$ TeV in the LHCb fiducial phase-space

Removed: CMS_QCD_10_024

rivet-2.5.1 -> rivet-2.5.2

Added: ALEPH_1995_I382179 Inclusive pi+-, K+- and (p, anti-p) differential cross-sections at the Z resonance ATLAS_2015_I1393758 Jet charge ATLAS_2015_I1404878 ttbar (to l+jets) differential cross sections at 8 TeV ATLAS_2016_I1419070 Number of tracks in jets ATLAS_2016_I1426695 Track-based minimum bias at 8 TeV ATLAS_2016_I1444991 Higgs-to-WW differential cross sections at 8 TeV ATLAS_2016_I1452559 Monojet + missing energy search with 3.2/fb of 13 TeV $pp$ data ATLAS_2016_I1458270 0-lepton SUSY search with 3.2/fb of 13 TeV $pp$ data BABAR_2013_I1116411 Exclusive semileptonic Bplus to omega decays. BABAR_2015_I1334693 Exclusive semileptonic D0 to piminus decays. BELLE_2011_I878990 Exclusive semileptonic B0 to pi minus decays. BELLE_2013_I1238273 Exclusive semileptonic B-decays BELLE_2015_I1397632 Exclusive semileptonic $B$ to $D$ decays. CDF_2009_I856131 Z rapidity measurement CMS_2015_I1397174 Measurement of ttbar production with additional jet activity, including b quark jets, in the dilepton decay channel using pp collisions at sqrt(s)=8 TeV CMS_2016_I1473674 Measurement of the differential cross sections for top quark pair production as a function of kinematic event variables at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV D0_1995_I398175 Transverse energy distributions within jets in $pbar{p}$ collisions at 1800 GeV L3_1992_I336180 Measurement of inclusive eta production in hadronic decays of the Z0 OPAL_1993_I342766 A Measurement of $K^{*pm}$ (892) production in hadronic Z0 decays OPAL_2003_I599181 Inclusive analysis of the b quark fragmentation function in Z decays

Removed: CDF_2009_S8383952

rivet-2.5.0 -> rivet-2.5.1

Added: DELPHI_2011_I890503 Study of the b-quark fragmentation function at LEP 1 MC_MET Monte Carlo validation observables for missing transverse energy TOTEM_2012_I1220862 Measurement of proton-proton elastic scattering and total cross section at $sqrt{s} = 7~TeV$

Removed: MC_DIJET TOTEM_2012_002

rivet-2.4.3 -> rivet-2.5.0

Added: EXAMPLE_SMEAR [UNVALIDATED]A demo of how to use Rivet’s detector effects features

rivet-2.4.2 -> rivet-2.4.3

Added: ATLAS_2015_I1390114 $tt+b(b)$ at 8 TeV ATLAS_2015_I1397635 $Wt$ at 8 TeV ATLAS_2016_I1419652 Track-based minimum bias at 13 TeV in ATLAS ATLAS_2016_I1457605 Inclusive prompt photons at 8 TeV ATLAS_2016_I1468168 Dileptonic $e mu$ $tbar{t}$ early cross-section measurement at 13~TeV

rivet-2.4.1 -> rivet-2.4.2

Added: ATLAS_2015_I1351916 $Z$ forward-backward asymmetry ATLAS_2015_I1351916_EL $Z$ forward-backward asymmetry ATLAS_2015_I1351916_MU $Z$ forward-backward asymmetry ATLAS_2015_I1397637 Boosted ttbar differential cross-section ATLAS_2015_I1408516 $Z$ $p_T$ and $Z$ $phi^*$ CMS_2014_I1305624 Study of hadronic event-shape variables in multijet final states in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV

rivet-2.4.0 -> rivet-2.4.1

Added: ATLAS_2015_I1376945 Colour flow in hadronic top decay at 8 TeV ATLAS_2015_I1394679 Multijets at 8 TeV ATLAS_2016_I1424838 Event shapes in leptonic $Z$-events CMS_2015_I1370682 Differential top quark pair production cross-sections in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 8$ TeV CMS_2015_I1370682_PARTON Parton-level differential top-quark pair production cross-sections in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 8,TeV$ LHCB_2015_I1333223 Measurement of inelastic interaction cross-section in pp collisions at 7 TeV for LHCb fiducial phase-space. MC_HHJETS Monte Carlo validation observables for $HH$ (stable) + jets production

rivet-2.3.0 -> rivet-2.4.0

Added: ATLAS_2014_I1326641 3-jet cross section with 7 TeV data ATLAS_2014_I1327229 Inclusive multilepton search at 8 TeV ATLAS_2015_CONF_2015_041 [UNVALIDATED]$Z$+jets at 13 TeV ATLAS_2015_CONF_2015_041_EL [UNVALIDATED]$Z$+jets at 13 TeV ATLAS_2015_CONF_2015_041_MU [UNVALIDATED]$Z$+jets at 13 TeV ATLAS_2015_I1387176 Energy-energy correlation CMS_2013_I1122847 Forward-backward asymmetry A_FB in Drell-Yan lepton pairs at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV CMS_2015_I1310737 Jet multiplicity and differential cross-sections of $Z$+jets events in $pp$ at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV CMS_2015_I1327224 Search for contact interactions & extra dimensions using dijet angular distributions in proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s} = 8$ TeV CMS_2015_I1346843 Measurement of differential cross-section of FSR photons in $Z$ decays CMS_2015_I1384119 Pseudorapidity distribution of charged hadrons in proton–proton collisions at $sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV CMS_2015_I1385107 Underlying event measurement with leading jets at $sqrt{s} = 2.76$~TeV D0_2000_I503361 D0 RunI measurement of the Z pT in the electron channel TOTEM_2014_I1328627 Forward charged particle pseudorapidity density in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 8 TeV$ using a displaced interaction point

rivet-2.2.1 -> rivet-2.3.0

Added: ALICE_2014_I1300380 Production of $Sigma(1385)^{pm}$ and $Xi(1530)^{0}$ in proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s} =$ 7 TeV ALICE_2015_I1357424 Transverse momentum spectra of pions, kaons and protons in $pp$ collisions at 7 TeV ATLAS_2013_I1216670 W + DPI at 7 TeV ATLAS_2013_I1244522 Photon + jets ATLAS_2014_I1282447 W + charm production at 7 TeV ATLAS_2014_I1298023 Same-sign WW cross section ATLAS_2014_I1319490 W + jets ATLAS_2015_I1345452 Pseudo-top-antitop cross sections ATLAS_2015_I1364361 Total and differential Higgs cross sections at 8 TeV with ATLAS CDF_2012_I1124333 CDF measurement of the Z pT in the electron channel using 2.1 fb-1 CMS_2013_I1208923 Jet-pT and dijet mass at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV CMS_2015_I1356998 Measurement of diffraction dissociation cross sections in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV D0_2015_I1324946 D0 measurement of the $phi^*$ distribution of muon pairs with masses between 30 and 500 GeV in 10.4 fb-1


rivet-2.2.0 -> rivet-2.2.1

Added: ATLAS_2011_I928289_W W inclusive cross sections at 7 TeV ATLAS_2011_I928289_Z Z inclusive cross sections at 7 TeV ATLAS_2013_I1219109 W + b production at 7 TeV ATLAS_2014_I1288706 Measurement of the low-mass Drell-Yan differential cross section at 7 TeV ATLAS_2014_I1300647 Measurement of $Z/gamma^$ boson $p_T$ at $sqrt{s} = 7TeV$ ATLAS_2014_I1306294 Measurement of Z boson in association with b-jets at 7 TeV in ATLAS (electron channel) ATLAS_2014_I1306615 Higgs diphoton events at 8 TeV in ATLAS ATLAS_2014_I1307243 Measurements of jet vetoes and azimuthal decorrelations in dijet events produced in pp collisions at $sqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector ATLAS_2014_I1312627 Ratios of $V$+jets observables between $W$ and $Z$ events ATLAS_2014_I1315949 Distributions sensitive to the underlying event in inclusive Z-boson production at 7 TeV ATLAS_2014_I1325553 Measurement of the inclusive jet cross-section at 7 TeV CMS_2014_I1298810 Ratios of jet pT spectra, which relate to the ratios of inclusive, differential jet cross sections CMS_2014_I1303894 Differential cross-section of $W$ bosons + jets in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s}=7$ TeV LHCB_2012_I1208102 Differential cross-sections of $mathrm{Z}/gamma^ to e^{+}e^{-}$ vs rapidity and $phi^*$ LHCB_2014_I1281685 Charged particle multiplicities and densities in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV PDG_TAUS Tau branching fractions from PDG

Removed: BELLE_2006_S6265367

rivet-2.1.2 -> rivet-2.2.0

Added: ATLAS_2011_I921594 Inclusive isolated prompt photon analysis with full 2010 LHC data ATLAS_2013_I1263495 Inclusive isolated prompt photon analysis with 2011 LHC data ATLAS_2014_I1268975 High-mass dijet cross section ATLAS_2014_I1279489 Measurements of electroweak production of dijets + $Z$ boson, and distributions sensitive to vector boson fusion ATLAS_2014_I1282441 The differential production cross section of the $phi(1020)$ meson in $sqrt{s}=7$ TeV $pp$ collisions measured with the ATLAS detector ATLAS_2014_I1298811 Leading jet underlying event at 7 TeV in ATLAS ATLAS_2014_I1304688 Measurement of jet multiplicity and transverse momentum spectra in top events using full 7 TeV ATLAS dataset ATLAS_2014_I1307756 Search for scalar diphoton resonances in ATLAS at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV BABAR_2013_I1238276 Production of charged pions, kaons, and protons in $e^+e^-$ annihilations into hadrons at $sqrt{s}=10.54$GeV BELLE_2008_I786560 Measurement of Semi-Leptonic Tau Decays into $pi^pmpi^0$ BELLE_2013_I1216515 Pion and kaon identified particle spectra at $sqrt{s}=10.52$~GeV CMSTOTEM_2014_I1294140 Charged particle pseudorapidity distribution at $sqrt{s}$=8 TeV EXAMPLE_CUTS [UNVALIDATED]A demo to show the new cut system in Rivet analyses MC_ELECTRONS Monte Carlo validation observables for electron production MC_HFJETS Monte Carlo validation analysis to study heavy flavour production MC_JETTAGS Monte Carlo validation analysis for ideal heavy flavour tagging observables MC_MUONS Monte Carlo validation observables for muon production MC_TAUS Monte Carlo validation observables for tau production

rivet-2.1.1 -> rivet-2.1.2

Added: ATLAS_2012_I1124167 Measurement of charged-particle event shape variables ATLAS_2012_I1203852 Measurement of the $ZZ(*)$ production cross-section in $pp$ collisions at 7 TeV with ATLAS ATLAS_2013_I1190187 Measurement of the $W^+ W^-$ production cross-section at 7 TeV CMS_2012_I1090423 Dijet angular distributions in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV CMS_2013_I1256943 Cross-section and angular correlations in $Z$ boson with $b$-hadrons events at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV CMS_2013_I1261026 Jet and underlying event properties as a function of particle multiplicity CMS_2013_I1265659 Probing color coherence effects in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV D0_2000_I499943 The $bbar{b}$ production cross-section and angular correlations

rivet-2.1.0 -> rivet-2.1.1

Added: ATLAS_2012_I1199269 Inclusive diphoton $+ X$ events at $sqrt{s} = 7$~TeV ATLAS_2012_I1204447 Inclusive multi-lepton search CMS_2013_I1272853 Study of observables sensitive to double parton scattering in $W + 2$ jets process in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$~TeV CMS_2013_I1273574 Studies of 4-jet production in proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV

rivet-2.0.0 -> rivet-2.1.0

Added: ATLAS_2011_I930220 Inclusive and dijet cross-sections of $b$-jets in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV with ATLAS ATLAS_2012_I1094564 Jet mass and substructure of inclusive jets at 7 TeV ATLAS_2012_I1204784 Measurement of angular correlations in Drell-Yan lepton pairs to probe $Z/gamma^$ boson transverse momentum ATLAS_2013_I1230812 $Z$ + jets in $pp$ at 7 TeV ATLAS_2013_I1243871 Measurement of jet shapes in top quark pair events at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV with ATLAS CMS_2012_I941555 Measurement of differential $Z/gamma^$ $p_T$ and y CMS_2013_I1209721 Azimuthal correlations and event shapes in $Z$ + jets in $pp$ collisions at 7 TeV CMS_2013_I1218372 Study of the underlying event at forward rapidity in proton–proton collisions at the LHC CMS_2013_I1258128 Rapidity distributions in exclusive $Z$ + jet and $gamma$ + jet events in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV LHCB_2013_I1208105 LHCb measurement of energy flow from $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV LHCB_2013_I1218996 Charm hadron differential cross-sections in pT and rapidity

Removed: CMS_2012_PAS_FWD_11_003

rivet-1.9.0 -> rivet-2.0.0

Added: ATLAS_2011_S9035664 Measurement of J/Psi production

Removed: ATLAS_2011_I9035664 ATLAS_2011_I930220 ATLAS_2012_I1093734 ATLAS_2012_I1094061 ATLAS_2012_I1094564 ATLAS_2012_I1204784 ATLAS_2013_I1230812 ATLAS_2013_I1243871 CDF_2008_LEADINGJETS CDF_2008_NOTE_9351 CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET CMS_2013_I1224539_WJET CMS_2013_I1224539_ZJET CMS_2013_I1258128 LHCB_2013_I1208105 LHCB_2013_I1218996

rivet-1.8.3 -> rivet-1.9.0

Added: ATLAS_2011_I930220 Inclusive and dijet cross-sections of $b$-jets in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV with ATLAS ATLAS_2012_I1094564 Jet mass and substructure of inclusive jets at 7 TeV ATLAS_2012_I1204784 Measurement of angular correlations in Drell-Yan lepton pairs to probe $Z/gamma^*$ boson transverse momentum ATLAS_2013_I1230812 $Z$ + jets in $pp$ at 7 TeV ATLAS_2013_I1243871 Measurement of jet shapes in top quark pair events at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV with ATLAS CMS_2013_I1258128 Rapidity distributions in exclusive $Z$ + jet and $gamma$ + jet events in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV LHCB_2013_I1208105 LHCb measurement of energy flow from $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV LHCB_2013_I1218996 Charm hadron differential cross-sections in pT and rapidity

rivet-1.8.2 -> rivet-1.8.3

Added: ATLAS_2012_I1125575 Studies of the underlying event at 7 TeV with track-jets ATLAS_2013_I1217867 kT splitting scales in W->lv events BABAR_2003_I593379 Measurement of inclusive charmonium production MC_HINC Monte Carlo validation observables for $h[tau^+ , tau^-]$ production MC_HKTSPLITTINGS Monte Carlo validation observables for $h[tau^+ , tau^-]$ + jets production MC_KTSPLITTINGS Monte Carlo validation observables for jet production MC_PHOTONINC Monte Carlo validation observables for single isolated photon production MC_PHOTONKTSPLITTINGS Monte Carlo validation observables for photon + jets production MC_QCD_PARTONS Generic parton-level Monte Carlo validation analysis for + jets. MC_WINC Monte Carlo validation observables for inclusive $W[ell , nu]$ production MC_WKTSPLITTINGS Monte Carlo validation observables for $k_perp$ splitting scales in $W[ell , nu]$ + jets events MC_WWINC Monte Carlo validation observables for $W^+[e^+ , nu]W^-[mu^- , nu]$ production MC_WWKTSPLITTINGS Monte Carlo validation observables for $W^+[e^+ , nu]W^-[mu^- , nu]$ + jets production MC_ZINC Monte Carlo validation observables for $Z[ell^+ , ell^-]$ production MC_ZKTSPLITTINGS Monte Carlo validation observables for $Z[ell^+ , ell^-]$ + jets production MC_ZZINC Monte Carlo validation observables for $Z[e^+ , e^-]Z[mu^+ , mu^-]$ production MC_ZZKTSPLITTINGS Monte Carlo validation observables for $Z[e^+ , e^-]Z[mu^+ , mu^-]$ + jets production

rivet-1.8.1 -> rivet-1.8.2

Added: ALICE_2012_I1181770 Measurement of inelastic, single- and double-diffraction cross sections in proton–proton collisions at the LHC with ALICE ATLAS_2011_I894867 Measurement of the inelastic proton-proton cross-section at $sqrt{s} = $7 TeV. ATLAS_2011_I954993 $WZ$ fiducial cross-section at 7 TeV in ATLAS ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_103 [UNVALIDATED]High jet-multiplicity + MET squark and gluino search ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_104 [UNVALIDATED]Search for supersymmetry at 8 TeV with jets, missing transverse momentum and one lepton ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_105 [UNVALIDATED]Search for supersymmetry with 2 same-sign leptons, jets and missing transverse energy ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_109 [UNVALIDATED]0-lepton squark and gluino search ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_153 [UNVALIDATED]4 or more lepton plus missing transverse energy SUSY search ATLAS_2012_I1117704 High jet multiplicity squark and gluino search ATLAS_2012_I1118269 $b$-hadron production cross-section using decays to $D^*mu^-X$ at $sqrt{s} = 7$~TeV ATLAS_2012_I1119557 Jet shapes and jet masses ATLAS_2012_I1125961 0-lepton squark and gluino search ATLAS_2012_I1126136 SUSY top partner search in jets with missing transverse momentum ATLAS_2012_I1180197 Search for supersymmetry at 7 TeV in final states with jets, missing transverse momentum and isolated leptons with the ATLAS detector. ATLAS_2012_I1183818 Pseudorapidity dependence of the total transverse energy at 7 TeV ATLAS_2012_I1186556 Search for a heavy top-quark partner in final states with two leptons. ATLAS_2012_I1188891 Flavour composition of dijet events at 7 TeV ATLAS_2012_I1190891 4 or more lepton plus missing transverse energy SUSY search CDF_2012_NOTE10874 CDF energy scan underlying event analysis CMS_2011_I954992 Exclusive photon-photon production of muon pairs in proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV CMS_2012_I1087342 Measurement of forward and forward+central jets at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV CMS_2012_I1102908 Measurement of inclusive and exclusive dijet production ratio at large rapidity intervals at center-of-mass energy 7 TeV. CMS_2012_I1107658 Measurement of the underlying event activity in the Drell-Yan process at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV CMS_2012_I1184941 Measurement of the differential cross section for inclusive dijet production as a function of $xi$ in 7 TeV proton-proton collisions. CMS_2012_I1193338 Measurement of the inelastic proton-proton cross section at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV CMS_2012_PAS_QCD_11_010 [UNVALIDATED]Strange particle production in underlying events in proton–proton collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV LHCB_2010_I867355 Measurement of $sigma(pp to b bar{b} X$ at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV in the forward region LHCB_2012_I1119400 Measurement of prompt hadron production ratios in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 0.9$ and 7 TeV LHCF_2012_I1115479 Measurement of forward neutral pion transverse momentum spectra for $sqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV proton-proton collisions at LHC MC_PHOTONS Monte Carlo validation observables for general photons MC_PRINTEVENT Print out a dump of each event to standard output TOTEM_2012_I1115294 Forward $mathrm{d}N/mathrm{d}eta$ at 7~TeV

Removed: ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_033 ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_037 ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_041 TOTEM_2012_DNDETA

rivet-1.8.0 -> rivet-1.8.1

Added: ALEPH_2001_S4656318 Study of the fragmentation of b quarks into B mesons at the Z peak ALEPH_2002_S4823664 $eta$ and $omega$ Production in Hadronic $Z^0$ Decays ARGUS_1993_S2653028 Inclusive production of charged pions, kaons and protons in $Upsilon(4S)$ decays. ARGUS_1993_S2669951 Production of the $eta’(958)$ and $f_0(980)$ in $e^+e^-$ annihilation in the Upsilon region. ARGUS_1993_S2789213 Inclusive production of $K^*(892)$, $rho^0(770)$, and $omega(783)$ mesons in the upsilon energy region. ATLAS_2011_I945498 $Z$+jets in $pp$ at 7~TeV ATLAS_2011_S9212353 [UNVALIDATED]Single-lepton search for supersymmetry ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_001 [UNVALIDATED]4 or more lepton plus missing transverse energy SUSY search ATLAS_2012_I1082009 $D^{*pm}$ production in jets ATLAS_2012_I1082936 Inclusive jet and dijet cross sections at 7 TeV ATLAS_2012_I1091481 Azimuthal ordering of charged hadrons ATLAS_2012_I1093738 Isolated prompt photon + jet cross-section ATLAS_2012_I1094568 Measurement of ttbar production with a veto on additional central jet activity ATLAS_2012_I1095236 $b$-jets search for supersymmetry with 0- and 1-leptons ATLAS_2012_I1112263 3 lepton plus missing transverse energy SUSY search ATLAS_2012_I943401 Search for supersymmetry with 2 leptons and missing transverse energy ATLAS_2012_I946427 [UNVALIDATED]Search for supersymmetry with diphotons and missing transverse momentum BABAR_2005_S6181155 Production and decay of $Xi^0_c$ at BABAR. BABAR_2007_S6895344 Inclusive $Lambda_c^+$ Production in $e^+e^-$ Annihilation at $sqrt{s}=10.54$ GeV and in $Upsilon(4S)$ Decays. BABAR_2007_S7266081 Measurements of Semi-Leptonic Tau Decays into Three Charged Hadrons BELLE_2001_S4598261 Measurement of inclusive production of neutral pions from $Upsilon(4S)$ decays. CLEO_2004_S5809304 Charm hadrons from fragmentation near the $Upsilon(4S)$ D0_2011_I895662 3-jet invariant mass DELPHI_1999_S3960137 Measurement of inclusive $rho^0$, $f_0(980)$, $f_2(1270)$, $K^{*0}_2(1430)$ and $f’_2(1525)$ production in $Z^0$ decays DELPHI_2000_S4328825 Hadronization properties of $b$ quarks compared to light quarks in $e^+ e^-to q bar{q}$ from 183 GeV to 200 GeV OPAL_1994_S2927284 Measurement of the production rates of charged hadrons in $e^+e^-$ annihilation at the $Z^0$ OPAL_1995_S3198391 $Delta^{++}$ Production in Hadronic $Z^0$ Decays OPAL_1996_S3257789 $J/psi$ and $psi^prime$ Production in Hadronic $Z^0$ Decays OPAL_1997_S3396100 Strange baryon production in $Z$ hadronic decays at OPAL OPAL_1997_S3608263 $K^{*0}$ meson production measured by OPAL at LEP 1. OPAL_1998_S3702294 Production of $f_0(980)$, $f_2(1270)$ and $phi(1020)$ in hadronic $Z^0$ decay OPAL_1998_S3749908 Photon and Light Meson Production in Hadronic $Z^0$ Decays OPAL_2000_S4418603 Multiplicities of $pi^0$, $eta$, $K^0$ and of charged particles in quark and gluon jets OPAL_2002_S5361494 Charged particle multiplicities in heavy and light quark initiated events above the $Z^0$ peak SLD_1996_S3398250 Charged particle multiplicities in heavy and light quark initiated events on the $Z^0$ peak SLD_1999_S3743934 Production of $pi^+$, $K^+$, $K^0$, $K^{*0}$, $Phi$, $p$ and $Lambda^0$ in hadronic $Z^0$ decay SLD_2002_S4869273 Measurement of the b-quark fragmentation function in $Z^0$ decays SLD_2004_S5693039 Production of $pi^+$, $pi^-$, $K^+$, $K^-$, $p$ and $bar p$ in Light ($uds$), $c$ and $b$ Jets from Z Decays

rivet-1.7.0 -> rivet-1.8.0

Added: ALEPH_1999_S4193598 Scaled energy distribution of $D^*$ at LEP ATLAS_2011_I926145 Measurement of electron and muon differential cross-section from heavy-flavour decays ATLAS_2011_I944826 $K_S^0$ and $Lambda$ production at 0.9 and 7 TeV with ATLAS ATLAS_2012_I1083318 $W$+jets production at 7 TeV ATLAS_2012_I1084540 Rapidity gap cross sections measured with the ATLAS detector in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV. CMS_2011_S8941262 Production cross-sections of muons from $b$ hadron decays in $pp$ collisions CMS_2011_S8973270 $B/bar{B}$ angular correlations based on secondary vertex reconstruction in $pp$ collisions CMS_2011_S9215166 Forward energy flow in MB and dijet events at 0.9 and 7 TeV LHCB_2011_I917009 $V^0$ production ratios in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s}= 0.9$ and 7 TeV at LHCb LHCB_2011_I919315 Inclusive differential $Phi$ production cross-section as a function of $p_text{T}$ and $y$ MC_IDENTIFIED MC testing analysis for identified particle distributions MC_LEADJETUE Underlying event in leading jet events, extended to LHC MC_PDFS Analysis to study PDF sampling in any MC run


rivet-1.6.0 -> rivet-1.7.0

Added: ALICE_2011_S8909580 Strange particle production in proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s} = 0.9$ TeV with ALICE at the LHC. ALICE_2011_S8945144 Transverse momentum spectra of pions, kaons and protons in pp collisions at 0.9 TeV ATLAS_2011_CONF_2011_098 [UNVALIDATED]b-jets search for supersymmetry with 0-leptons ATLAS_2011_I919017 Measurement of ATLAS track jet properties at 7 TeV ATLAS_2011_I925932 Measurement of the W pT with electrons and muons at 7 TeV ATLAS_2011_S9041966 [UNVALIDATED]1-lepton and 2-lepton search for first or second generation leptoquarks ATLAS_2011_S9108483 Long-lived heavy charged particle search ATLAS_2011_S9126244 Measurement of dijet production with a veto on additional central jet activity ATLAS_2011_S9128077 Measurement of multi-jet cross sections ATLAS_2011_S9131140 Measurement of the Z pT with electrons and muons at 7 TeV ATLAS_2011_S9212183 0-lepton squark and gluino search ATLAS_2011_S9225137 High-jet-multiplicity squark and gluino search CMS_2011_S8950903 Dijet azimuthal decorrelations in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV CMS_2011_S9086218 Measurement of the inclusive jet cross-section in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV CMS_2011_S9088458 Measurement of ratio of the 3-jet over 2-jet cross section in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV CMS_2011_S9120041 Traditional leading jet UE measurement at $sqrt{s} = 0.9$ and 7 TeV EXAMPLE [UNVALIDATED]A demo to show aspects of writing a Rivet analysis EXAMPLE_CUTFLOW EXAMPLE_CUTS [UNVALIDATED]A demo to show the new cut system in Rivet analyses EXAMPLE_HEPMC_FILTER [UNVALIDATED]A demo to show how to filter events using a Rivet analysis EXAMPLE_MINIMIZE [UNVALIDATED]A demo of how to use the built-in function minimizer EXAMPLE_SMEAR [UNVALIDATED]A demo of how to use Rivet’s detector effects features MC_VH2BB MC unboosted VH2bb validation plots PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES Hadron multiplicities in hadronic $e^+e^-$ events PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES_RATIOS Ratios (w.r.t. $pi^+/pi^-$) of hadron multiplicities in hadronic $e^+e^-$ events

Removed: ExampleAnalysis PDG_Hadron_Multiplicities PDG_Hadron_Multiplicities_Ratios

rivet-1.5.1 -> rivet-1.6.0

Added: ATLAS_2011_CONF_2011_090 [UNVALIDATED]Single lepton search for supersymmetry ATLAS_2011_S8994773 Calo-based underlying event at 900 GeV and 7 TeV in ATLAS ATLAS_2011_S9019561 Two-lepton supersymmetry search ATLAS_2011_S9120807 Inclusive isolated diphoton analysis CMS_2010_S8547297 Charged-particle pT and pseudorapidity spectra from pp collisions at 900 and 2360 GeV. CMS_2010_S8656010 Charged-particle transverse momentum and pseudorapidity spectra from proton-proton collisions at 7000 GeV CMS_2011_S8884919 Measurement of the NSD charged particle multiplicity at $sqrt{s} = 0.9$, 2.36, and 7 TeV CMS_2011_S8968497 Dijet angular distributions and search for quark compositeness in $pp$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV CMS_2011_S8978280 $K_s$, $Lambda$, and Cascade$-$ transverse momentum and rapidity spectra at 900 and 7000 GeV.

Removed: ATLAS_2010_S8994773 CDF_1991_S2313472 D0_1998_S3711838

rivet-1.5.0 -> rivet-1.5.1

Added: ATLAS_2011_S8983313 0-lepton squark and gluino search ATLAS_2011_S9002537 Muon charge asymmetry in W events at 7 TeV in ATLAS MC_XS MC analysis for process total cross section TASSO_1990_S2148048 Event shapes in $e^+ e^-$ annihilation at 14–44~GeV

rivet-1.4.0 -> rivet-1.5.0

Added: ATLAS_2010_S8894728 Track-based underlying event at 900 GeV and 7 TeV in ATLAS ATLAS_2010_S8914702 Inclusive isolated prompt photon analysis ATLAS_2010_S8918562 Track-based minimum bias at 900 GeV and 2.36 and 7 TeV in ATLAS ATLAS_2010_S8919674 $W$ + jets jet multiplicities and $pT$ ATLAS_2011_S8924791 Jet shapes at 7 TeV in ATLAS ATLAS_2011_S8971293 Dijet azimuthal decorrelations CDF_2010_S8591881_DY CDF Run 2 underlying event in Drell-Yan CDF_2010_S8591881_QCD CDF Run 2 underlying event in leading jet events CMS_2011_S8957746 Event shapes at 7 TeV D0_2010_S8821313 Precise study of Z pT using novel technique JADE_1998_S3612880 Event shapes for 22, 35 and 44 GeV MC_WPOL Monte Carlo validation observables for $W$ polarisation

Removed: ATLAS_2010_CONF_2010_031 ATLAS_2010_CONF_2010_081 ATLAS_2010_CONF_2010_083

rivet-1.3.0 -> rivet-1.4.0

Added: ALICE_2010_S8624100 Charged particle multiplicities at 0.9 and 2.36~TeV in three different pseudorapidity intervals ALICE_2010_S8625980 Pseudorapidities at three energies, charged multiplicity at 7 TeV ALICE_2010_S8706239 Charged particle $langle p_perp rangle$ vs. $N_text{ch}$ in $pp$ collisions at 900 GeV ATLAS_2010_CONF_2010_049 [UNVALIDATED]Cross-section and fragmentation function in anti-$k_t$ track jets ATLAS_2010_S8817804 Inclusive jet cross section and di-jet mass and chi spectra at 7 TeV in ATLAS LHCB_2010_S8758301 LHCb differential cross section measurement of prompt $K^0_S$ production in three rapidity windows at $sqrt{s} = 0.9$ TeV

rivet-1.2.1 -> rivet-1.3.0

Added: CDF_1993_S2742446 Angular distribution of prompt photon CDF_2009_NOTE_9936 [UNVALIDATED]CDF Run 2 min bias charged multiplicity analysis D0_2000_S4480767 Transverse momentum of the W boson D0_2010_S8671338 Measurement of differential $Z/gamma^*$ pT MC_GENERIC Generic MC testing analysis – DEPRECATED, use MC_FSPARTICLES MC_HJETS Monte Carlo validation observables for $h[tau^+ , tau^-]$ + jets production MC_WWJETS Monte Carlo validation observables for $W^+[e^+ , nu]W^-[mu^- , nu]$ + jets production MC_ZZJETS Monte Carlo validation observables for $Z[e^+ , e^-]Z[mu^+ , mu^-]$ + jets production OPAL_1993_S2692198 Measurement of photon production at LEP 1 OPAL_2001_S4553896 Four-jet angles using Durham algorithm STAR_2008_S7869363 Multiplicities and pT spectra from STAR for $pp$ at 200 GeV UA5_1987_S1640666 UA5 charged multiplicity measurements at 546 GeV

rivet-1.2.0 -> rivet-1.2.1

Added: ALEPH_2004_S5765862 Jet rates and event shapes at LEP I and II ATLAS_2010_S8591806 Charged particles at 900 GeV in ATLAS D0_2010_S8570965 Direct photon pair production MC_JETS Monte Carlo validation observables for jet production


rivet-1.1.3 -> rivet-1.2.0

Added: ALEPH_1996_S3196992 Measurement of the quark to photon fragmentation function CDF_1988_S1865951 CDF transverse momentum distributions at 630 GeV and 1800 GeV. CDF_1996_S3108457 Properties of high-mass multijet events CDF_1996_S3349578 Further properties of high-mass multijet events CDF_1996_S3418421 Dijet angular distributions CDF_1997_S3541940 Properties of six-jet events with large six-jet mass CDF_1998_S3618439 Differential cross-section for events with large total transverse energy CDF_2000_S4266730 Inclusive jet cross section differential in dijet mass CDF_2001_S4517016 Two jet triply-differential cross-section CDF_2001_S4563131 Inclusive jet cross-section CDF_2005_S6080774 Differential cross sections for prompt diphoton production CDF_2006_S6450792 Inclusive jet cross section differential in pT CDF_2008_S8093652 Dijet mass spectrum CDF_2009_S8436959 Measurement of the inclusive isolated prompt photon cross-section D0_1996_S3214044 Topological distributions of inclusive three- and four-jet events D0_1996_S3324664 Azimuthal decorrelation of jets widely separated in rapidity D0_2009_S8320160 Dijet angular distributions D0_2009_S8349509 Z+jets angular distributions D0_2010_S8566488 Dijet invariant mass E735_1998_S3905616 Charged particle multiplicity in $pbar{p}$ collisions at $sqrt{s} = 1.8~TeV$ MC_DIPHOTON Monte Carlo validation observables for diphoton production at LHC MC_PHOTONJETS Monte Carlo validation observables for photon + jets production MC_SUSY Validate generic SUSY events, including various lepton invariant mass MC_TTBAR MC analysis for ttbar studies MC_WJETS Monte Carlo validation observables for $W[e , nu]$ + jets production MC_ZJETS Monte Carlo validation observables for $Z[ell^+ , ell^-]$ + jets production SFM_1984_S1178091 Charged multiplicity distribution in $pp$ interactions at CERN ISR energies STAR_2006_S6500200 Identified hadron spectra in pp at 200 GeV STAR_2006_S6860818 Strange particle production in pp at 200 GeV UA1_1990_S2044935 UA1 multiplicities, transverse momenta and transverse energy distributions. UA5_1982_S875503 UA5 multiplicity and pseudorapidity distributions for $pp$ and $pbar{p}$. UA5_1986_S1583476 Pseudorapidity distributions in $pbar{p}$ (NSD, NSD+SD) events at $sqrt{s} = 200$ and 900 GeV UA5_1988_S1867512 Charged particle correlations in UA5 $pbar{p}$ NSD events at $sqrt{s} = 200$, 546 and 900~GeV UA5_1989_S1926373 UA5 charged multiplicity measurements

Removed: ExampleTree MC_LHC_LEADINGJETS MC_TVT1960_ZJETS StdAnalyses

rivet-1.1.2 -> rivet-1.1.3

Added: CDF_1990_S2089246 CDF pseudorapidity distributions at 630 and 1800 GeV CDF_2008_S8095620 CDF Run II Z+b-jet cross section paper, 2 fb-1 CDF_2009_S8233977 CDF Run 2 min bias cross-section analysis D0_2009_S8202443 $Z/gamma^*$ + jet + $X$ cross sections differential in pT(jet 1,2,3) JADE_OPAL_2000_S4300807 Jet rates in $e^+e^-$ at JADE [35–44 GeV] and OPAL [91–189 GeV]. STAR_2006_S6870392 Inclusive jet cross-section in pp at 200 GeV STAR_2008_S7993412 Di-hadron correlations in $d$-Au at 200 GeV STAR_2009_UE_HELEN [UNVALIDATED]UE measurement in $pp$ at 200 GeV

Removed: CDF_2008_NOTE_9337

rivet-1.1.1 -> rivet-1.1.2

Added: CDF_2000_S4155203 Z pT measurement in CDF Z -> $e^+e^-$ events CDF_2002_S4796047 CDF Run 1 charged multiplicity measurement CDF_2008_S7540469 Measurement of differential Z/$gamma^$ + jet + X cross sections CDF_2008_S7828950 CDF Run II inclusive jet cross-section using the Midpoint algorithm D0_2006_S6438750 Inclusive isolated photon cross-section, differential in pT(gamma) D0_2007_S7075677 $Z/gamma^ + X$ cross-section shape, differential in $y(Z)$ D0_2008_S7554427 $Z/gamma^* + X$ cross-section shape, differential in $pT(Z)$ D0_2008_S7662670 Measurement of D0 Run II differential jet cross sections D0_2008_S7719523 Isolated $gamma$ + jet cross-sections, differential in pT($gamma$) for various $y$ bins D0_2008_S7837160 Measurement of W charge asymmetry from D0 Run II D0_2008_S7863608 Measurement of differential $Z/gamma^*$ + jet + $X$ cross sections

Removed: CDF_2008_MINBIAS

rivet-1.1.0 -> rivet-1.1.1

Added: ALEPH_1996_S3486095 Studies of QCD with the ALEPH detector. CDF_2008_S7782535 CDF Run II $b$-jet shape paper D0_2008_S6879055 Measurement of the ratio $sigma(Z/gamma^* + n text{ jets})/sigma(Z/gamma^*)$ DELPHI_2002_069_CONF_603 [UNVALIDATED]Study of the b-quark fragmentation function at LEP 1 H1_1994_S2919893 H1 energy flow and charged particle spectra in DIS H1_2000_S4129130 H1 energy flow in DIS PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES_RATIOS Ratios (w.r.t. $pi^+/pi^-$) of hadron multiplicities in hadronic $e^+e^-$ events

rivet-1.0 -> rivet-1.1.0

Added: CDF_2004_S5839831 Transverse cone and `Swiss cheese’ underlying event studies CDF_2008_S7541902 Jet pT and multiplicity distributions in W + jets events DELPHI_1995_S3137023 Strange baryon production in $Z$ hadronic decays at Delphi OPAL_1998_S3780481 Measurements of flavor dependent fragmentation functions in $Z^0 -> q bar{q}$ events PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES Hadron multiplicities in hadronic $e^+e^-$ events PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES_RATIOS Ratios (w.r.t. $pi^+/pi^-$) of hadron multiplicities in hadronic $e^+e^-$ events

rivet-0.9 -> rivet-1.0

Added: ALEPH_1991_S2435284 Hadronic Z decay charged multiplicity measurement CDF_1994_S2952106 CDF Run I color coherence analysis. CDF_2001_S4751469 Field & Stuart Run I underlying event analysis. CDF_2005_S6217184 CDF Run II jet shape analysis CDF_2006_S6653332 b-jet cross section in Z + jets events CDF_2007_S7057202 CDF Run II inclusive jet cross-section using the kT algorithm D0_2001_S4674421 Tevatron Run I differential W/Z boson cross-section analysis D0_2004_S5992206 Run II jet azimuthal decorrelation analysis DELPHI_1996_S3430090 Delphi MC tuning on event shapes and identified particles. H1_1995_S3167097 Transverse energy and forward jet production in the low-$x$ regime at H1 OPAL_2004_S6132243 Event shape distributions and moments in $e^+ e^-$ -> hadrons at 91–209 GeV ZEUS_2001_S4815815 Dijet photoproduction analysis

Removed: Analysis EurPhys40C287 HepEx0112029 HepEx0409040 HepEx9506012 PL273B181 PRD65092002 TestAnalysis ZPhys73C11