Rivet Analyses Reference
Transverse momentum of the W bosonExperiment: D0 (Tevatron Run 1)
Inspire ID: 535017
- Frank Siegert
- Phys.Lett. B513 (2001) 292-300
- DOI: 10.1016/S0370-2693(01)00628-1
- arXiv: hep-ex/0010026
Beam energies: (900.0, 900.0) GeV
Run details:
- Production of W+ and W- decaying into the electron channel.
Measurement of the differential cross section for W boson production as a function of its transverse momentum. The data were collected by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider during 1994-1995 and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 85 pb$^{-1}$.
Source code:D0_2000_S4480767.cc