// -*- C++ -*-
#include"Rivet/Analysis.hh"#include"Rivet/Projections/Beam.hh"#include"Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"#include"Rivet/Projections/UnstableParticles.hh"namespace Rivet {
/// @brief Add a short analysis description here
classDELPHI_2006_I719387:public Analysis {
public:/// Constructor
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
voidinit() {
declare(Beam(), "Beams");
declare(ChargedFinalState(), "FS");
declare(UnstableParticles(), "UFS");
// Book histograms
book(_histXi, 1, 3, 1);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
voidanalyze(const Event& event) {
// First, veto on leptonic events by requiring at least 4 charged FS particles
const FinalState& fs = apply<FinalState>(event, "FS");
const size_t numParticles = fs.particles().size();
// Even if we only generate hadronic events, we still need a cut on numCharged >= 2.
if (numParticles <2) {
MSG_DEBUG("Failed leptonic event cut");
MSG_DEBUG("Passed leptonic event cut");
// Get beams and average beam momentum
const ParticlePair& beams = apply<Beam>(event, "Beams").beams();
constdouble meanBeamMom = ( beams.first.p3().mod() + beams.second.p3().mod() ) /2.0;
MSG_DEBUG("Avg beam momentum = "<< meanBeamMom);
// Final state of unstable particles to get particle spectra
const UnstableParticles& ufs = apply<UnstableParticles>(event, "UFS");
for (const Particle&p : ufs.particles(Cuts::abspid==3312)) {
constdouble xi =-log(p.p3().mod()/meanBeamMom);
/// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
voidfinalize() {
// mult by bin width
scale(_histXi, 1./sumOfWeights()*.2);
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _histXi;
// The hook for the plugin system