class Rivet::AnalysisLoader


Internal class which loads and registers analyses from plugin libs.

#include <AnalysisLoader.hh>

Public Functions

vector< string >analysisNames()
Get the available analyses’ canonical names.
vector< string >allAnalysisNames()
Get all the available analyses’ names, including aliases.
vector< string >getAllAnalysisNames()
vector< string >stdAnalysisNames()
Get the standard analyses’ names (from a release-specific list file)
map< string, string >analysisNameAliases()
Get the map of analysis alias-names to their canonical equivalents.
unique_ptr< Analysis >getAnalysis(const string & analysisname)
vector< unique_ptr< Analysis > >getAllAnalyses()
Get all the available analyses.


Allow the analysis builders to call the private _registerBuilder function.

Public Functions Documentation

function analysisNames

static vector< string > analysisNames()

Get the available analyses’ canonical names.

function allAnalysisNames

static vector< string > allAnalysisNames()

Get all the available analyses’ names, including aliases.

function getAllAnalysisNames

static inline vector< string > getAllAnalysisNames()


Use allAnalysisNames()

function stdAnalysisNames

static vector< string > stdAnalysisNames()

Get the standard analyses’ names (from a release-specific list file)

function analysisNameAliases

static map< string, string > analysisNameAliases()

Get the map of analysis alias-names to their canonical equivalents.

function getAnalysis

static unique_ptr< Analysis > getAnalysis(
    const string & analysisname

Get an analysis by name. Warning: a name arg which matches no known analysis will return a null pointer. Check your return values before using them!

function getAllAnalyses

static vector< unique_ptr< Analysis > > getAllAnalyses()

Get all the available analyses.


friend AnalysisBuilderBase

friend class AnalysisBuilderBase(

Allow the analysis builders to call the private _registerBuilder function.

Updated on 2022-08-07 at 20:17:16 +0100