class Rivet::CentralityBinner



#include <CentralityBinner.hh>

Inherits from Rivet::ProjectionApplier

Protected Types

typedef set< FlexiBin >FlexiBinSet
Convenient typedefs.

Public Functions

std::set< ConstProjectionPtr >getProjections() const
Get the contained projections, including recursion.
boolhasProjection(const std::string & name) const
Does this applier have a projection registered under the name name?
template <typename PROJ >
const PROJ &
getProjection(const std::string & name) const
const Projection &getProjection(const std::string & name) const
template <typename PROJ >
const PROJ &
get(const std::string & name) const
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Projection, PROJ >::value, const PROJ & >
applyProjection(const Event & evt, const Projection & proj) const
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Projection, PROJ >::value, const PROJ & >
applyProjection(const Event & evt, const PROJ & proj) const
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Projection, PROJ >::value, const PROJ & >
applyProjection(const Event & evt, const std::string & name) const
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Projection, PROJ >::value, const PROJ & >
apply(const Event & evt, const Projection & proj) const
Apply the supplied projection on event evt (user-facing alias).
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Projection, PROJ >::value, const PROJ & >
apply(const Event & evt, const PROJ & proj) const
Apply the supplied projection on event evt (user-facing alias).
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Projection, PROJ >::value, const PROJ & >
apply(const Event & evt, const std::string & name) const
Apply the supplied projection on event evt (user-facing alias).
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Projection, PROJ >::value, const PROJ & >
apply(const std::string & name, const Event & evt) const
Apply the supplied projection on event evt (convenience arg-reordering alias).
voidmarkAsOwned() const
Mark this object as owned by a proj-handler.
CentralityBinner(int maxbins =200, double wlim =0.02)
voidsetProjection(const CentralityEstimator & p, string pname)
virtual std::stringname() const
Return the class name.
voidadd(T t, double cmin, double cmax, double cestmin =-1.0, double cestmax =-1.0)
Tselect(const Event & event, double weight =1.0)
Tselect(double cest, double weight =1.0)
map< double, double >edges() const
const T &current() const
Return the current AnalysisObject from the latest call to select().
doubleestimator() const
vector< T >allObjects()
Print out the _flexiBins to cerr.

Protected Functions

Log &getLog() const
ProjectionHandler &getProjHandler() const
Get a reference to the ProjectionHandler for this thread.
template <typename PROJ >
const PROJ &
declareProjection(const PROJ & proj, const std::string & name)
Register a contained projection.
template <typename PROJ >
const PROJ &
declare(const PROJ & proj, const std::string & name)
Register a contained projection (user-facing version)
template <typename PROJ >
const PROJ &
declare(const std::string & name, const PROJ & proj)
Register a contained projection (user-facing, arg-reordered version)

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from Rivet::ProjectionApplier


Detailed Description

template <typename T  =Histo1DPtr,
typename MDist  =MergeDistance>
class Rivet::CentralityBinner;

CentralityBinner contains a series of AnalysisObject of the same quantity each in a different percentiles of another quantity. For example, a CentralityBinner may e.g. contain histograms of the cross section differential in ( p_T ) in different centrality regions for heavy ion collisions based on forward energy flow.

Protected Types Documentation

typedef FlexiBinSet

typedef set<FlexiBin> Rivet::CentralityBinner< T, MDist >::FlexiBinSet;

Convenient typedefs.

Public Functions Documentation

function getProjections

inline std::set< ConstProjectionPtr > getProjections() const

Get the contained projections, including recursion.

function hasProjection

inline bool hasProjection(
    const std::string & name
) const

Does this applier have a projection registered under the name name?

function getProjection

template <typename PROJ >
inline const PROJ & getProjection(
    const std::string & name
) const

Todo: Add SFINAE to require that PROJ inherit from Projection

Get the named projection, specifying return type via a template argument.

function getProjection

inline const Projection & getProjection(
    const std::string & name
) const

Get the named projection (non-templated, so returns as a reference to a Projection base class).

function get

template <typename PROJ >
inline const PROJ & get(
    const std::string & name
) const

Todo: Add SFINAE to require that PROJ inherit from Projection

Get the named projection, specifying return type via a template argument (user-facing alias).

function applyProjection

template <typename PROJ  =Projection>
inline std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Projection, PROJ >::value, const PROJ & > applyProjection(
    const Event & evt,
    const Projection & proj
) const


Prefer the simpler apply<> form

Apply the supplied projection on event evt.

function applyProjection

template <typename PROJ  =Projection>
inline std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Projection, PROJ >::value, const PROJ & > applyProjection(
    const Event & evt,
    const PROJ & proj
) const


Prefer the simpler apply<> form

Apply the supplied projection on event evt.

function applyProjection

template <typename PROJ  =Projection>
inline std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Projection, PROJ >::value, const PROJ & > applyProjection(
    const Event & evt,
    const std::string & name
) const


Prefer the simpler apply<> form

Apply the named projection on event evt.

function apply

template <typename PROJ  =Projection>
inline std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Projection, PROJ >::value, const PROJ & > apply(
    const Event & evt,
    const Projection & proj
) const

Apply the supplied projection on event evt (user-facing alias).

function apply

template <typename PROJ  =Projection>
inline std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Projection, PROJ >::value, const PROJ & > apply(
    const Event & evt,
    const PROJ & proj
) const

Apply the supplied projection on event evt (user-facing alias).

function apply

template <typename PROJ  =Projection>
inline std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Projection, PROJ >::value, const PROJ & > apply(
    const Event & evt,
    const std::string & name
) const

Apply the supplied projection on event evt (user-facing alias).

function apply

template <typename PROJ  =Projection>
inline std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Projection, PROJ >::value, const PROJ & > apply(
    const std::string & name,
    const Event & evt
) const

Apply the supplied projection on event evt (convenience arg-reordering alias).

function markAsOwned

inline void markAsOwned() const

Mark this object as owned by a proj-handler.

function CentralityBinner

inline CentralityBinner(
    int maxbins =200,
    double wlim =0.02

Create a new empty CentralityBinner. maxbins is the maximum number of bins used by the binner. Default is 1000, which is typically enough. wlim is the mximum allowed error allowed for the centrality limits before a warning is emitted.

function setProjection

inline void setProjection(
    const CentralityEstimator & p,
    string pname

Set the centrality projection to be used. Note that this projection must have already been declared to Rivet.

function name

inline virtual std::string name() const

Return the class name.

Reimplements: Rivet::ProjectionApplier::name

function add

inline void add(
    T t,
    double cmin,
    double cmax,
    double cestmin =-1.0,
    double cestmax =-1.0

Add an AnalysisObject in the region between cmin and cmax to this set of CentralityBinners. The range represent percentiles and must be between 0 and 100. No overlaping bins are allowed. Note that (cmin=0, cmax=5), means the five percent MOST central events although the internal notation is reversed for convenience. Optionally supply corresponding limits cestmin and cestmax of the centrality extimator.

function select

inline T select(
    const Event & event,
    double weight =1.0

Return one of the AnalysisObjects in the CentralityBinner for the given event. This version requires that a CentralityEstimator object has been assigned that can compute the value of the centrality estimator from the event. Optionally the weight of the event is given. This should be the weight that will be used to fill the AnalysisObject. If the centrality estimate is less than zero, the _devnull object will be returned.

function select

T select(
    double cest,
    double weight =1.0

Return one of the AnalysisObjecsts in the Setup the CentralityBinner depending on the value of the centrality estimator, cest. Optionally the weight of the event is given. This should be the weight that will be used to fill the AnalysisObject. If the centrality estimate is less than zero, the _devnull object will be returned.

function finalize

void finalize()

At the end of the run, calculate the percentiles and fill the AnalysisObjectss provided with the add() function. This is typically called from the finalize method in an Analysis, but can also be called earlier in which case the the select functions can be continued to run as before with the edges between the centrality regions now fixed.

function normalizePerEvent

inline void normalizePerEvent()

Normalize each AnalysisObjects to the sum of event weights in the corresponding centrality bin.

function edges

inline map< double, double > edges() const

Return a map bin edges of the centrality extimator indexed by the corresponing percentile.

function current

inline const T & current() const

Return the current AnalysisObject from the latest call to select().

function estimator

inline double estimator() const

Return the value of the centrality estimator set in the latest call to select().

function allObjects

inline vector< T > allObjects()

function debug

void debug()

Print out the _flexiBins to cerr.

function fulldebug

void fulldebug()

Protected Functions Documentation

function getLog

inline Log & getLog() const

function getProjHandler

inline ProjectionHandler & getProjHandler() const

Get a reference to the ProjectionHandler for this thread.

function declareProjection

template <typename PROJ >
inline const PROJ & declareProjection(
    const PROJ & proj,
    const std::string & name

Register a contained projection.

Todo: Add SFINAE to require that PROJ inherit from Projection

The type of the argument is used to instantiate a new projection internally: this new object is applied to events rather than the argument object. Hence you are advised to only use locally-scoped Projection objects in your Projection and Analysis constructors, and to avoid polymorphism (e.g. handling ConcreteProjection via a pointer or reference to type Projection) since this will screw up the internal type management.

function declare

template <typename PROJ >
inline const PROJ & declare(
    const PROJ & proj,
    const std::string & name

Register a contained projection (user-facing version)

Todo: Add SFINAE to require that PROJ inherit from Projection

function declare

template <typename PROJ >
inline const PROJ & declare(
    const std::string & name,
    const PROJ & proj

Register a contained projection (user-facing, arg-reordered version)

Todo: Add SFINAE to require that PROJ inherit from Projection

Updated on 2022-08-07 at 20:17:16 +0100