class Rivet::CumulantAnalysis::CorBin


The basic bin quantity in ECorrelators. More…

Inherits from Rivet::CumulantAnalysis::CorBinBase

Public Functions

voidfill(const pair< double, double > & cor, const double & weight =1.0)
Fill the correct underlying bin and take a step.
doublemean() const
Calculate the total sample mean with all available statistics.
vector< CorSingleBin >getBins() const
Return a copy of the bins.
vector< T * >
Return the bins as pointers to the base class.

Detailed Description

class Rivet::CumulantAnalysis::CorBin;

The basic bin quantity in ECorrelators.

Consists of several CorSingleBins, to facilitate bootstrapping calculation of statistical uncertainties.

Public Functions Documentation

function CorBin

inline CorBin()


nBins signifies the period of the bootstrap calculation, and should never be changed here, but in its definition above – and only if there are good reasons to do so.

function ~CorBin

inline ~CorBin()

function fill

inline void fill(
    const pair< double, double > & cor,
    const double & weight =1.0

Fill the correct underlying bin and take a step.

function mean

inline double mean() const

Calculate the total sample mean with all available statistics.

function getBins

inline vector< CorSingleBin > getBins() const

Return a copy of the bins.

function getBinPtrs

template <class T  =CorBinBase>
inline vector< T * > getBinPtrs()

Return the bins as pointers to the base class.

Updated on 2022-08-07 at 20:17:16 +0100