class Rivet::Jet


Representation of a clustered jet of particles.

#include <Jet.hh>

Inherits from Rivet::ParticleBase

Public Functions

Jet(const fastjet::PseudoJet & pj, const Particles & particles =Particles(), const Particles & tags =Particles())
Constructor from a FastJet PseudoJet, with optional full particle constituents information.
Jet(const FourMomentum & pjet, const Particles & particles =Particles(), const Particles & tags =Particles())
Set the jet data, with optional full particle information.
Default constructor – only for STL storability.
size_tsize() const
Number of particles in this jet.
Particles &particles()
Get the particles in this jet.
const Particles &particles() const
Get the particles in this jet (const version)
const Particlesparticles(const Cut & c) const
Get the particles in this jet which pass a cut (const)
const Particlesparticles(const ParticleSelector & s) const
Get the particles in this jet which pass a filtering functor (const)
Particles &constituents()
Get the particles in this jet (FastJet-like alias)
const Particles &constituents() const
Get the particles in this jet (FastJet-like alias, const version)
const Particlesconstituents(const Cut & c) const
Get the particles in this jet which pass a cut (FastJet-like alias, const)
const Particlesconstituents(const ParticleSelector & s) const
Get the particles in this jet which pass a filtering functor (FastJet-like alias, const)
boolcontainsParticle(const Particle & particle) const
Check whether this jet contains a particular particle.
boolcontainsPID(const Particle & particle) const
Nicer alias for containsParticleId.
boolcontainsParticleId(PdgId pid) const
Check whether this jet contains a certain particle type.
boolcontainsPID(PdgId pid) const
Nicer alias for containsParticleId.
boolcontainsParticleId(const vector< PdgId > & pids) const
Check whether this jet contains at least one of certain particle types.
boolcontainsPID(const vector< PdgId > & pids) const
Nicer alias for containsParticleId.
Particles &tags()
Particles which have been tag-matched to this jet.
const Particles &tags() const
Particles which have been tag-matched to this jet (const version)
Particlestags(const ParticleSelector & f) const
Particles which have been tag-matched to this jet and pass a selector function.
Particlestags(const Cut & c) const
Particles which have been tag-matched to this jet and pass a Cut.
ParticlesbTags(const Cut & c =Cuts::open()) const
b particles which have been tag-matched to this jet (and pass an optional Cut)
ParticlesbTags(const ParticleSelector & f) const
b particles which have been tag-matched to this jet and pass a selector function
boolbTagged(const Cut & c =Cuts::open()) const
Does this jet have at least one b-tag (that passes an optional Cut)?
boolbTagged(const ParticleSelector & f) const
Does this jet have at least one b-tag (that passes the supplied selector function)?
ParticlescTags(const Cut & c =Cuts::open()) const
c (and not b) particles which have been tag-matched to this jet (and pass an optional Cut)
ParticlescTags(const ParticleSelector & f) const
c (and not b) particles which have been tag-matched to this jet and pass a selector function
boolcTagged(const Cut & c =Cuts::open()) const
Does this jet have at least one c-tag (that passes an optional Cut)?
boolcTagged(const ParticleSelector & f) const
Does this jet have at least one c-tag (that passes the supplied selector function)?
ParticlestauTags(const Cut & c =Cuts::open()) const
Tau particles which have been tag-matched to this jet (and pass an optional Cut)
ParticlestauTags(const ParticleSelector & f) const
Tau particles which have been tag-matched to this jet and pass a selector function.
booltauTagged(const Cut & c =Cuts::open()) const
Does this jet have at least one tau-tag (that passes an optional Cut)?
booltauTagged(const ParticleSelector & f) const
Does this jet have at least one tau-tag (that passes the supplied selector function)?
virtual const FourMomentum &momentum() const
Get equivalent single momentum four-vector.
Jet &transformBy(const LorentzTransform & lt)
doubletotalEnergy() const
Get the total energy of this jet.
doubleneutralEnergy() const
Get the energy carried in this jet by neutral particles.
doublehadronicEnergy() const
Get the energy carried in this jet by hadrons.
const fastjet::PseudoJet &pseudojet() const
Access the internal FastJet3 PseudoJet (as a const reference)
operator const fastjet::PseudoJet &() const
Cast operator to FastJet3 PseudoJet (as a const reference)
Jet &setState(const fastjet::PseudoJet & pj, const Particles & particles =Particles(), const Particles & tags =Particles())
Set the jet data from a FastJet PseudoJet, with optional particle constituents and tags lists.
Jet &setState(const FourMomentum & mom, const Particles & particles, const Particles & tags =Particles())
Set all the jet data, with optional full particle constituent and tag information.
Jet &setParticles(const Particles & particles)
Set the particles collection with full particle information.
Jet &setConstituents(const Particles & particles)
Jet &clear()
Reset this jet as empty.
const FourMomentum &mom() const
Get equivalent single momentum four-vector (const) (alias).
operator const FourMomentum &() const
Cast operator for conversion to FourMomentum.
doubleE() const
Get the energy directly.
doubleenergy() const
Get the energy directly (alias).
doubleE2() const
Get the energy-squared.
doubleenergy2() const
Get the energy-squared (alias).
doublept() const
Get the ( p_T ) directly.
doublepT() const
Get the ( p_T ) directly (alias).
doubleperp() const
Get the ( p_T ) directly (alias).
doublept2() const
Get the ( p_T^2 ) directly.
doublepT2() const
Get the ( p_T^2 ) directly (alias).
doubleperp2() const
Get the ( p_T^2 ) directly (alias).
doubleEt() const
Get the ( E_T ) directly.
doubleEt2() const
Get the ( E_T^2 ) directly.
doublemass() const
Get the mass directly.
doublemass2() const
Get the mass**2 directly.
doublepseudorapidity() const
Get the ( \eta ) directly.
doubleeta() const
Get the ( \eta ) directly (alias).
doubleabspseudorapidity() const
Get the (
doubleabseta() const
Get the (
doublerapidity() const
Get the ( y ) directly.
doublerap() const
Get the ( y ) directly (alias).
doubleabsrapidity() const
Get the (
doubleabsrap() const
Get the (
doubleazimuthalAngle(const PhiMapping mapping =ZERO_2PI) const
Azimuthal angle ( \phi ).
doublephi(const PhiMapping mapping =ZERO_2PI) const
Get the ( \phi ) directly.
Vector3p3() const
Get the 3-momentum directly.
doublep() const
Get the 3-momentum magnitude directly.
doublep2() const
Get the 3-momentum magnitude-squared directly.
Vector3ptvec() const
Get the transverse 3-momentum directly.
Vector3pTvec() const
Get the transverse 3-momentum directly.
doublepx() const
x component of momentum.
doublepy() const
y component of momentum.
doublepz() const
z component of momentum.
doublepx2() const
x component of momentum, squared.
doublepy2() const
y component of momentum, squared.
doublepz2() const
z component of momentum, squared.
doublepolarAngle() const
Angle subtended by the 3-vector and the z-axis.
doubletheta() const
Synonym for polarAngle.
doubleangle(const ParticleBase & v) const
Angle between this vector and another.
doubleangle(const FourVector & v) const
Angle between this vector and another.
doubleangle(const Vector3 & v3) const
Angle between this vector and another (3-vector)
doubledot(const ParticleBase & v) const
Lorentz dot product between this 4-vector and another.
doubledot(const FourVector & v) const
Angle between this 4-vector and another.

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from Rivet::ParticleBase

Default constructor.
Virtual destructor.

Public Functions Documentation

function Jet

inline Jet(
    const fastjet::PseudoJet & pj,
    const Particles & particles =Particles(),
    const Particles & tags =Particles()

Constructor from a FastJet PseudoJet, with optional full particle constituents information.

function Jet

inline Jet(
    const FourMomentum & pjet,
    const Particles & particles =Particles(),
    const Particles & tags =Particles()

Set the jet data, with optional full particle information.

function Jet

inline Jet()

Default constructor – only for STL storability.

function size

inline size_t size() const

Number of particles in this jet.

function particles

inline Particles & particles()

Get the particles in this jet.

function particles

inline const Particles & particles() const

Get the particles in this jet (const version)

function particles

inline const Particles particles(
    const Cut & c
) const

Get the particles in this jet which pass a cut (const)

function particles

inline const Particles particles(
    const ParticleSelector & s
) const

Get the particles in this jet which pass a filtering functor (const)

function constituents

inline Particles & constituents()

Get the particles in this jet (FastJet-like alias)

function constituents

inline const Particles & constituents() const

Get the particles in this jet (FastJet-like alias, const version)

function constituents

inline const Particles constituents(
    const Cut & c
) const

Get the particles in this jet which pass a cut (FastJet-like alias, const)

function constituents

inline const Particles constituents(
    const ParticleSelector & s
) const

Get the particles in this jet which pass a filtering functor (FastJet-like alias, const)

function containsParticle

bool containsParticle(
    const Particle & particle
) const

Check whether this jet contains a particular particle.

function containsPID

inline bool containsPID(
    const Particle & particle
) const

Nicer alias for containsParticleId.

function containsParticleId

bool containsParticleId(
    PdgId pid
) const

Check whether this jet contains a certain particle type.

function containsPID

inline bool containsPID(
    PdgId pid
) const

Nicer alias for containsParticleId.

function containsParticleId

bool containsParticleId(
    const vector< PdgId > & pids
) const

Check whether this jet contains at least one of certain particle types.

function containsPID

inline bool containsPID(
    const vector< PdgId > & pids
) const

Nicer alias for containsParticleId.

function tags

inline Particles & tags()

Particles which have been tag-matched to this jet.

function tags

inline const Particles & tags() const

Particles which have been tag-matched to this jet (const version)

function tags

inline Particles tags(
    const ParticleSelector & f
) const

Particles which have been tag-matched to this jet and pass a selector function.

Note: Note the less efficient return by value, due to the filtering.

function tags

Particles tags(
    const Cut & c
) const

Particles which have been tag-matched to this jet and pass a Cut.

Note: Note the less efficient return by value, due to the cut-pass filtering.

function bTags

Particles bTags(
    const Cut & c =Cuts::open()
) const

b particles which have been tag-matched to this jet (and pass an optional Cut)

The default jet finding adds b-hadron tags by ghost association.

function bTags

inline Particles bTags(
    const ParticleSelector & f
) const

b particles which have been tag-matched to this jet and pass a selector function

function bTagged

inline bool bTagged(
    const Cut & c =Cuts::open()
) const

Does this jet have at least one b-tag (that passes an optional Cut)?

function bTagged

inline bool bTagged(
    const ParticleSelector & f
) const

Does this jet have at least one b-tag (that passes the supplied selector function)?

function cTags

Particles cTags(
    const Cut & c =Cuts::open()
) const

c (and not b) particles which have been tag-matched to this jet (and pass an optional Cut)

The default jet finding adds c-hadron tags by ghost association.

function cTags

inline Particles cTags(
    const ParticleSelector & f
) const

c (and not b) particles which have been tag-matched to this jet and pass a selector function

function cTagged

inline bool cTagged(
    const Cut & c =Cuts::open()
) const

Does this jet have at least one c-tag (that passes an optional Cut)?

function cTagged

inline bool cTagged(
    const ParticleSelector & f
) const

Does this jet have at least one c-tag (that passes the supplied selector function)?

function tauTags

Particles tauTags(
    const Cut & c =Cuts::open()
) const

Tau particles which have been tag-matched to this jet (and pass an optional Cut)

The default jet finding adds tau tags by ghost association.

function tauTags

inline Particles tauTags(
    const ParticleSelector & f
) const

Tau particles which have been tag-matched to this jet and pass a selector function.

function tauTagged

inline bool tauTagged(
    const Cut & c =Cuts::open()
) const

Does this jet have at least one tau-tag (that passes an optional Cut)?

function tauTagged

inline bool tauTagged(
    const ParticleSelector & f
) const

Does this jet have at least one tau-tag (that passes the supplied selector function)?

function momentum

inline virtual const FourMomentum & momentum() const

Get equivalent single momentum four-vector.

Reimplements: Rivet::ParticleBase::momentum

function transformBy

Jet & transformBy(
    const LorentzTransform & lt

Note: The Rivet jet momentum, constituent particles, and tag particles will be modified.

Warning: The FastJet cluster sequence and pseudojets will not be modified: don’t use them after transformation!

Apply an active Lorentz transform to this jet

function totalEnergy

inline double totalEnergy() const

Get the total energy of this jet.

function neutralEnergy

double neutralEnergy() const

Get the energy carried in this jet by neutral particles.

function hadronicEnergy

double hadronicEnergy() const

Get the energy carried in this jet by hadrons.

function pseudojet

inline const fastjet::PseudoJet & pseudojet() const

Access the internal FastJet3 PseudoJet (as a const reference)

function operator const fastjet::PseudoJet &

inline operator const fastjet::PseudoJet &() const

Cast operator to FastJet3 PseudoJet (as a const reference)

function setState

Jet & setState(
    const fastjet::PseudoJet & pj,
    const Particles & particles =Particles(),
    const Particles & tags =Particles()

Set the jet data from a FastJet PseudoJet, with optional particle constituents and tags lists.

Note: The particles() list will be extracted from PseudoJet constituents by default, making use of an attached user info if one is found.

function setState

Jet & setState(
    const FourMomentum & mom,
    const Particles & particles,
    const Particles & tags =Particles()

Set all the jet data, with optional full particle constituent and tag information.

function setParticles

Jet & setParticles(
    const Particles & particles

Set the particles collection with full particle information.

If set, this overrides particle info extracted from the PseudoJet

function setConstituents

inline Jet & setConstituents(
    const Particles & particles

function clear

Jet & clear()

Reset this jet as empty.

function mom

inline const FourMomentum & mom() const

Get equivalent single momentum four-vector (const) (alias).

function operator const FourMomentum &

inline operator const FourMomentum &() const

Cast operator for conversion to FourMomentum.

function E

inline double E() const

Get the energy directly.

function energy

inline double energy() const

Get the energy directly (alias).

function E2

inline double E2() const

Get the energy-squared.

function energy2

inline double energy2() const

Get the energy-squared (alias).

function pt

inline double pt() const

Get the ( p_T ) directly.

function pT

inline double pT() const

Get the ( p_T ) directly (alias).

function perp

inline double perp() const

Get the ( p_T ) directly (alias).

function pt2

inline double pt2() const

Get the ( p_T^2 ) directly.

function pT2

inline double pT2() const

Get the ( p_T^2 ) directly (alias).

function perp2

inline double perp2() const

Get the ( p_T^2 ) directly (alias).

function Et

inline double Et() const

Get the ( E_T ) directly.

function Et2

inline double Et2() const

Get the ( E_T^2 ) directly.

function mass

inline double mass() const

Get the mass directly.

function mass2

inline double mass2() const

Get the mass**2 directly.

function pseudorapidity

inline double pseudorapidity() const

Get the ( \eta ) directly.

function eta

inline double eta() const

Get the ( \eta ) directly (alias).

function abspseudorapidity

inline double abspseudorapidity() const

Get the ( |\eta| ) directly.

function abseta

inline double abseta() const

Get the ( |\eta| ) directly (alias).

function rapidity

inline double rapidity() const

Get the ( y ) directly.

function rap

inline double rap() const

Get the ( y ) directly (alias).

function absrapidity

inline double absrapidity() const

Get the ( |y| ) directly.

function absrap

inline double absrap() const

Get the ( |y| ) directly (alias).

function azimuthalAngle

inline double azimuthalAngle(
    const PhiMapping mapping =ZERO_2PI
) const

Azimuthal angle ( \phi ).

function phi

inline double phi(
    const PhiMapping mapping =ZERO_2PI
) const

Get the ( \phi ) directly.

function p3

inline Vector3 p3() const

Get the 3-momentum directly.

function p

inline double p() const

Get the 3-momentum magnitude directly.

function p2

inline double p2() const

Get the 3-momentum magnitude-squared directly.

function ptvec

inline Vector3 ptvec() const

Get the transverse 3-momentum directly.

function pTvec

inline Vector3 pTvec() const

Get the transverse 3-momentum directly.

function px

inline double px() const

x component of momentum.

function py

inline double py() const

y component of momentum.

function pz

inline double pz() const

z component of momentum.

function px2

inline double px2() const

x component of momentum, squared.

function py2

inline double py2() const

y component of momentum, squared.

function pz2

inline double pz2() const

z component of momentum, squared.

function polarAngle

inline double polarAngle() const

Angle subtended by the 3-vector and the z-axis.

function theta

inline double theta() const

Synonym for polarAngle.

function angle

inline double angle(
    const ParticleBase & v
) const

Angle between this vector and another.

function angle

inline double angle(
    const FourVector & v
) const

Angle between this vector and another.

function angle

inline double angle(
    const Vector3 & v3
) const

Angle between this vector and another (3-vector)

function dot

inline double dot(
    const ParticleBase & v
) const

Lorentz dot product between this 4-vector and another.

function dot

inline double dot(
    const FourVector & v
) const

Angle between this 4-vector and another.

Updated on 2022-08-07 at 20:17:17 +0100