class Rivet::Log
Logging system for controlled & formatted writing to stdout.
#include <Logging.hh>
Public Types
Name | |
enum | Level { TRACE = 0, DEBUG = 10, INFO = 20, WARN = 30, WARNING = 30, ERROR = 40, CRITICAL = 50, ALWAYS = 50} Log priority levels. |
typedef std::map< std::string, Log > | LogMap Typedef for a collection of named logs. |
typedef std::map< std::string, int > | LevelMap Typedef for a collection of named log levels. |
typedef std::map< int, std::string > | ColorCodes Typedef for a collection of shell color codes, accessed by log level. |
Public Functions
Name | |
Log & | getLog(const std::string & name) |
Level | getLevelFromName(const std::string & level) Get a log level enum from a string. |
std::string | getLevelName(int level) Get the std::string representation of a log level. |
int | getLevel() const Get the priority level of this logger. |
Log & | setLevel(int level) Set the priority level of this logger. |
std::string | getName() const Get the name of this logger. |
Log & | setName(const std::string & name) Set the name of this logger. |
bool | isActive(int level) const Will this log level produce output on this logger at the moment? |
void | trace(const std::string & message) |
void | debug(const std::string & message) |
void | info(const std::string & message) |
void | warn(const std::string & message) |
void | error(const std::string & message) |
void | setLevel(const std::string & name, int level) Set the log levels. |
void | setLevels(const LevelMap & logLevels) |
void | setShowTimestamp(bool showTime =true) |
void | setShowLevel(bool showLevel =true) |
void | setShowLoggerName(bool showName =true) |
void | setUseColors(bool useColors =true) |
Protected Functions
Name | |
Log(const std::string & name) Constructor 1. | |
Log(const std::string & name, int level) Constructor 2. | |
std::string | getColorCode(int level) |
void | log(int level, const std::string & message) Write a message at a particular level. |
std::string | formatMessage(int level, const std::string & message) Turn a message string into the current log format. |
Name | |
std::ostream & | operator«(Log & log, int level) The streaming operator can use Log’s internals. |
Public Types Documentation
enum Level
Enumerator | Value | Description |
TRACE | 0 | |
DEBUG | 10 | |
INFO | 20 | |
WARN | 30 | |
WARNING | 30 | |
ERROR | 40 | |
CRITICAL | 50 | |
ALWAYS | 50 |
Log priority levels.
typedef LogMap
typedef std::map<std::string, Log> Rivet::Log::LogMap;
Typedef for a collection of named logs.
typedef LevelMap
typedef std::map<std::string, int> Rivet::Log::LevelMap;
Typedef for a collection of named log levels.
typedef ColorCodes
typedef std::map<int, std::string> Rivet::Log::ColorCodes;
Typedef for a collection of shell color codes, accessed by log level.
Public Functions Documentation
function getLog
static Log & getLog(
const std::string & name
Get a logger with the given name. The level will be taken from the “requestedLevels” static map or will be INFO by default.
function getLevelFromName
static Level getLevelFromName(
const std::string & level
Get a log level enum from a string.
function getLevelName
static std::string getLevelName(
int level
Get the std::string representation of a log level.
function getLevel
inline int getLevel() const
Get the priority level of this logger.
function setLevel
inline Log & setLevel(
int level
Set the priority level of this logger.
function getName
inline std::string getName() const
Get the name of this logger.
function setName
inline Log & setName(
const std::string & name
Set the name of this logger.
function isActive
inline bool isActive(
int level
) const
Will this log level produce output on this logger at the moment?
function trace
inline void trace(
const std::string & message
function debug
inline void debug(
const std::string & message
function info
inline void info(
const std::string & message
function warn
inline void warn(
const std::string & message
function error
inline void error(
const std::string & message
function setLevel
static void setLevel(
const std::string & name,
int level
Set the log levels.
function setLevels
static void setLevels(
const LevelMap & logLevels
function setShowTimestamp
static inline void setShowTimestamp(
bool showTime =true
function setShowLevel
static inline void setShowLevel(
bool showLevel =true
function setShowLoggerName
static inline void setShowLoggerName(
bool showName =true
function setUseColors
static inline void setUseColors(
bool useColors =true
Protected Functions Documentation
function Log
const std::string & name
Constructor 1.
function Log
const std::string & name,
int level
Constructor 2.
function getColorCode
static std::string getColorCode(
int level
function log
void log(
int level,
const std::string & message
Write a message at a particular level.
function formatMessage
std::string formatMessage(
int level,
const std::string & message
Turn a message string into the current log format.
friend operator«
friend std::ostream & operator<<(
Log & log,
int level
The streaming operator can use Log’s internals.
Updated on 2022-08-07 at 20:17:17 +0100