class Rivet::Particle
Particle representation, either from a HepMC::GenEvent or reconstructed.
#include <Particle.hh>
Inherits from Rivet::ParticleBase
Inherited by Rivet::DressedLepton
Public Functions
Name | |
Particle() | |
Particle(PdgId pid, const FourMomentum & mom, const FourVector & pos =FourVector(), ConstGenParticlePtr gp =nullptr) Constructor from PID and momentum. | |
Particle(PdgId pid, const FourMomentum & mom, ConstGenParticlePtr gp, const FourVector & pos =FourVector()) Constructor from PID, momentum, and a GenParticle for relational links. | |
Particle(ConstGenParticlePtr gp) Constructor from a HepMC GenParticle pointer. | |
Particle(const RivetHepMC::GenParticle & gp) Constructor from a HepMC GenParticle reference. | |
virtual const FourMomentum & | momentum() const The momentum. |
Particle & | setMomentum(const FourMomentum & momentum) Set the momentum. |
Particle & | setMomentum(double E, double px, double py, double pz) Set the momentum via components. |
Particle & | transformBy(const LorentzTransform & lt) Apply an active Lorentz transform to this particle. |
const FourVector & | origin() const The origin position (and time). |
Particle & | setOrigin(const FourVector & position) Set the origin position. |
Particle & | setOrigin(double t, double x, double y, double z) Set the origin position via components. |
Vector3 | closestApproach() const Find the point of closest approach to the primary vertex. |
virtual fastjet::PseudoJet | pseudojet() const Converter to FastJet3 PseudoJet. |
operator PseudoJet() const Cast operator to FastJet3 PseudoJet. | |
Particle & | setGenParticle(ConstGenParticlePtr gp) Set a const pointer to the original GenParticle. |
ConstGenParticlePtr | genParticle() const Get a const pointer to the original GenParticle. |
operator ConstGenParticlePtr() const | |
PdgId | pid() const This Particle’s PDG ID code. |
PdgId | abspid() const Absolute value of the PDG ID code. |
double | charge() const The charge of this Particle. |
double | abscharge() const The absolute charge of this Particle. |
int | charge3() const Three times the charge of this Particle (i.e. integer multiple of smallest quark charge). |
int | abscharge3() const Three times the absolute charge of this Particle (i.e. integer multiple of smallest quark charge). |
bool | isCharged() const Is this Particle charged? |
bool | isHadron() const Is this a hadron? |
bool | isMeson() const Is this a meson? |
bool | isBaryon() const Is this a baryon? |
bool | isLepton() const Is this a lepton? |
bool | isChargedLepton() const Is this a charged lepton? |
bool | isNeutrino() const Is this a neutrino? |
bool | hasBottom() const Does this (hadron) contain a b quark? |
bool | hasCharm() const Does this (hadron) contain a c quark? |
bool | isVisible() const Is this particle potentially visible in a detector? |
bool | isParton() const Is this a parton? (Hopefully not very often… fiducial FTW) |
virtual void | setConstituents(const Particles & cs, bool setmom =false) Set direct constituents of this particle. |
virtual void | addConstituent(const Particle & c, bool addmom =false) Add a single direct constituent to this particle. |
virtual void | addConstituents(const Particles & cs, bool addmom =false) Add direct constituents to this particle. |
bool | isComposite() const Determine if this Particle is a composite of other RivetParticles. |
const Particles & | constituents() const Direct constituents of this particle, returned by reference. |
const Particles | constituents(const ParticleSorter & sorter) const Direct constituents of this particle, sorted by a functor. |
const Particles | constituents(const Cut & c) const Direct constituents of this particle, filtered by a Cut. |
const Particles | constituents(const Cut & c, const ParticleSorter & sorter) const Direct constituents of this particle, sorted by a functor. |
const Particles | constituents(const ParticleSelector & selector) const Direct constituents of this particle, filtered by a selection functor. |
const Particles | constituents(const ParticleSelector & selector, const ParticleSorter & sorter) const Direct constituents of this particle, filtered and sorted by functors. |
Particles | rawConstituents() const Fundamental constituents of this particle. |
const Particles | rawConstituents(const ParticleSorter & sorter) const Fundamental constituents of this particle, sorted by a functor. |
const Particles | rawConstituents(const Cut & c) const Fundamental constituents of this particle, filtered by a Cut. |
const Particles | rawConstituents(const Cut & c, const ParticleSorter & sorter) const Fundamental constituents of this particle, sorted by a functor. |
const Particles | rawConstituents(const ParticleSelector & selector) const Fundamental constituents of this particle, filtered by a selection functor. |
const Particles | rawConstituents(const ParticleSelector & selector, const ParticleSorter & sorter) const Fundamental constituents of this particle, filtered and sorted by functors. |
Particles | parents(const Cut & c =Cuts::OPEN) const |
Particles | parents(const ParticleSelector & f) const |
bool | hasParentWith(const ParticleSelector & f) const |
bool | hasParentWith(const Cut & c) const |
bool | hasParentWithout(const ParticleSelector & f) const |
bool | hasParentWithout(const Cut & c) const |
bool | hasParent(PdgId pid) const |
Particles | ancestors(const Cut & c =Cuts::OPEN, bool only_physical =true) const |
Particles | ancestors(const ParticleSelector & f, bool only_physical =true) const |
bool | hasAncestorWith(const ParticleSelector & f, bool only_physical =true) const |
bool | hasAncestorWith(const Cut & c, bool only_physical =true) const |
bool | hasAncestorWithout(const ParticleSelector & f, bool only_physical =true) const |
bool | hasAncestorWithout(const Cut & c, bool only_physical =true) const |
bool | hasAncestor(PdgId pid, bool only_physical =true) const |
bool | fromBottom() const Determine whether the particle is from a b-hadron decay. |
bool | fromCharm() const Determine whether the particle is from a c-hadron decay. |
bool | fromHadron() const Determine whether the particle is from a hadron decay. |
bool | fromTau(bool prompt_taus_only =false) const Determine whether the particle is from a tau decay. |
bool | fromPromptTau() const Determine whether the particle is from a prompt tau decay. |
bool | fromHadronicTau(bool prompt_taus_only =false) const Determine whether the particle is from a tau which decayed hadronically. |
DEPRECATED(“Too vague: use fromHadron) | |
bool | isDirect(bool allow_from_direct_tau =false, bool allow_from_direct_mu =false) const Shorthand definition of ‘promptness’ based on set definition flags. |
bool | isPrompt(bool allow_from_prompt_tau =false, bool allow_from_prompt_mu =false) const Alias for isDirect. |
bool | isStable() const Whether this particle is stable according to the generator. |
Particles | children(const Cut & c =Cuts::OPEN) const Get a list of the direct descendants from the current particle (with optional selection Cut) |
Particles | children(const ParticleSelector & f) const Get a list of the direct descendants from the current particle (with selector function) |
bool | hasChildWith(const ParticleSelector & f) const |
bool | hasChildWith(const Cut & c) const |
bool | hasChildWithout(const ParticleSelector & f) const |
bool | hasChildWithout(const Cut & c) const |
Particles | allDescendants(const Cut & c =Cuts::OPEN, bool remove_duplicates =true) const Get a list of all the descendants from the current particle (with optional selection Cut) |
Particles | allDescendants(const ParticleSelector & f, bool remove_duplicates =true) const Get a list of all the descendants from the current particle (with selector function) |
bool | hasDescendantWith(const ParticleSelector & f, bool remove_duplicates =true) const |
bool | hasDescendantWith(const Cut & c, bool remove_duplicates =true) const |
bool | hasDescendantWithout(const ParticleSelector & f, bool remove_duplicates =true) const |
bool | hasDescendantWithout(const Cut & c, bool remove_duplicates =true) const |
Particles | stableDescendants(const Cut & c =Cuts::OPEN) const |
Particles | stableDescendants(const ParticleSelector & f) const Get a list of all the stable descendants from the current particle (with selector function) |
bool | hasStableDescendantWith(const ParticleSelector & f) const |
bool | hasStableDescendantWith(const Cut & c) const |
bool | hasStableDescendantWithout(const ParticleSelector & f) const |
bool | hasStableDescendantWithout(const Cut & c) const |
double | flightLength() const |
bool | isFirstWith(const ParticleSelector & f) const Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain to meet the function requirement. |
bool | isFirstWithout(const ParticleSelector & f) const Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain not to meet the function requirement. |
bool | isLastWith(const ParticleSelector & f) const Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain to meet the function requirement. |
bool | isLastWithout(const ParticleSelector & f) const Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain not to meet the function requirement. |
bool | isSame(const Particle & other) const |
const FourMomentum & | mom() const Get equivalent single momentum four-vector (const) (alias). |
operator const FourMomentum &() const Cast operator for conversion to FourMomentum. | |
double | E() const Get the energy directly. |
double | energy() const Get the energy directly (alias). |
double | E2() const Get the energy-squared. |
double | energy2() const Get the energy-squared (alias). |
double | pt() const Get the ( p_T ) directly. |
double | pT() const Get the ( p_T ) directly (alias). |
double | perp() const Get the ( p_T ) directly (alias). |
double | pt2() const Get the ( p_T^2 ) directly. |
double | pT2() const Get the ( p_T^2 ) directly (alias). |
double | perp2() const Get the ( p_T^2 ) directly (alias). |
double | Et() const Get the ( E_T ) directly. |
double | Et2() const Get the ( E_T^2 ) directly. |
double | mass() const Get the mass directly. |
double | mass2() const Get the mass**2 directly. |
double | pseudorapidity() const Get the ( \eta ) directly. |
double | eta() const Get the ( \eta ) directly (alias). |
double | abspseudorapidity() const Get the ( |
double | abseta() const Get the ( |
double | rapidity() const Get the ( y ) directly. |
double | rap() const Get the ( y ) directly (alias). |
double | absrapidity() const Get the ( |
double | absrap() const Get the ( |
double | azimuthalAngle(const PhiMapping mapping =ZERO_2PI) const Azimuthal angle ( \phi ). |
double | phi(const PhiMapping mapping =ZERO_2PI) const Get the ( \phi ) directly. |
Vector3 | p3() const Get the 3-momentum directly. |
double | p() const Get the 3-momentum magnitude directly. |
double | p2() const Get the 3-momentum magnitude-squared directly. |
Vector3 | ptvec() const Get the transverse 3-momentum directly. |
Vector3 | pTvec() const Get the transverse 3-momentum directly. |
double | px() const x component of momentum. |
double | py() const y component of momentum. |
double | pz() const z component of momentum. |
double | px2() const x component of momentum, squared. |
double | py2() const y component of momentum, squared. |
double | pz2() const z component of momentum, squared. |
double | polarAngle() const Angle subtended by the 3-vector and the z-axis. |
double | theta() const Synonym for polarAngle. |
double | angle(const ParticleBase & v) const Angle between this vector and another. |
double | angle(const FourVector & v) const Angle between this vector and another. |
double | angle(const Vector3 & v3) const Angle between this vector and another (3-vector) |
double | dot(const ParticleBase & v) const Lorentz dot product between this 4-vector and another. |
double | dot(const FourVector & v) const Angle between this 4-vector and another. |
Additional inherited members
Public Functions inherited from Rivet::ParticleBase
Name | |
ParticleBase() Default constructor. | |
virtual | ~ParticleBase() Virtual destructor. |
Public Functions Documentation
function Particle
inline Particle()
Note: A particle without info is useless. This only exists to keep STL containers happy.
Default constructor.
function Particle
inline Particle(
PdgId pid,
const FourMomentum & mom,
const FourVector & pos =FourVector(),
ConstGenParticlePtr gp =nullptr
Constructor from PID and momentum.
function Particle
inline Particle(
PdgId pid,
const FourMomentum & mom,
ConstGenParticlePtr gp,
const FourVector & pos =FourVector()
Constructor from PID, momentum, and a GenParticle for relational links.
function Particle
inline Particle(
ConstGenParticlePtr gp
Constructor from a HepMC GenParticle pointer.
function Particle
inline Particle(
const RivetHepMC::GenParticle & gp
Constructor from a HepMC GenParticle reference.
function momentum
inline virtual const FourMomentum & momentum() const
The momentum.
Reimplements: Rivet::ParticleBase::momentum
function setMomentum
inline Particle & setMomentum(
const FourMomentum & momentum
Set the momentum.
function setMomentum
inline Particle & setMomentum(
double E,
double px,
double py,
double pz
Set the momentum via components.
function transformBy
Particle & transformBy(
const LorentzTransform & lt
Apply an active Lorentz transform to this particle.
function origin
inline const FourVector & origin() const
The origin position (and time).
function setOrigin
inline Particle & setOrigin(
const FourVector & position
Set the origin position.
function setOrigin
inline Particle & setOrigin(
double t,
double x,
double y,
double z
Set the origin position via components.
function closestApproach
inline Vector3 closestApproach() const
Find the point of closest approach to the primary vertex.
TodoCheck that this works with all angles
function pseudojet
inline virtual fastjet::PseudoJet pseudojet() const
Converter to FastJet3 PseudoJet.
function operator PseudoJet
inline operator PseudoJet() const
Cast operator to FastJet3 PseudoJet.
function setGenParticle
inline Particle & setGenParticle(
ConstGenParticlePtr gp
Set a const pointer to the original GenParticle.
function genParticle
inline ConstGenParticlePtr genParticle() const
Get a const pointer to the original GenParticle.
function operator ConstGenParticlePtr
inline explicit operator ConstGenParticlePtr() const
Note: Not implicit since that would enable accidental Particle::operator== comparisons
Cast operator for conversion to GenParticle*
function pid
inline PdgId pid() const
This Particle’s PDG ID code.
function abspid
inline PdgId abspid() const
Absolute value of the PDG ID code.
function charge
inline double charge() const
The charge of this Particle.
function abscharge
inline double abscharge() const
The absolute charge of this Particle.
function charge3
inline int charge3() const
Three times the charge of this Particle (i.e. integer multiple of smallest quark charge).
function abscharge3
inline int abscharge3() const
Three times the absolute charge of this Particle (i.e. integer multiple of smallest quark charge).
function isCharged
inline bool isCharged() const
Is this Particle charged?
function isHadron
inline bool isHadron() const
Is this a hadron?
function isMeson
inline bool isMeson() const
Is this a meson?
function isBaryon
inline bool isBaryon() const
Is this a baryon?
function isLepton
inline bool isLepton() const
Is this a lepton?
function isChargedLepton
inline bool isChargedLepton() const
Is this a charged lepton?
function isNeutrino
inline bool isNeutrino() const
Is this a neutrino?
function hasBottom
inline bool hasBottom() const
Does this (hadron) contain a b quark?
function hasCharm
inline bool hasCharm() const
Does this (hadron) contain a c quark?
function isVisible
bool isVisible() const
Is this particle potentially visible in a detector?
function isParton
inline bool isParton() const
Is this a parton? (Hopefully not very often… fiducial FTW)
function setConstituents
virtual void setConstituents(
const Particles & cs,
bool setmom =false
Set direct constituents of this particle.
function addConstituent
virtual void addConstituent(
const Particle & c,
bool addmom =false
Add a single direct constituent to this particle.
function addConstituents
virtual void addConstituents(
const Particles & cs,
bool addmom =false
Add direct constituents to this particle.
function isComposite
inline bool isComposite() const
Determine if this Particle is a composite of other RivetParticles.
function constituents
inline const Particles & constituents() const
Direct constituents of this particle, returned by reference.
The returned vector will be empty if this particle is non-composite, and its entries may themselves be composites.
function constituents
inline const Particles constituents(
const ParticleSorter & sorter
) const
Direct constituents of this particle, sorted by a functor.
Note: Returns a copy, thanks to the sorting
function constituents
inline const Particles constituents(
const Cut & c
) const
Direct constituents of this particle, filtered by a Cut.
Note: Returns a copy, thanks to the filtering
function constituents
inline const Particles constituents(
const Cut & c,
const ParticleSorter & sorter
) const
Direct constituents of this particle, sorted by a functor.
Note: Returns a copy, thanks to the filtering and sorting
function constituents
inline const Particles constituents(
const ParticleSelector & selector
) const
Direct constituents of this particle, filtered by a selection functor.
Note: Returns a copy, thanks to the filtering
function constituents
inline const Particles constituents(
const ParticleSelector & selector,
const ParticleSorter & sorter
) const
Direct constituents of this particle, filtered and sorted by functors.
Note: Returns a copy, thanks to the filtering and sorting
function rawConstituents
Particles rawConstituents() const
Fundamental constituents of this particle.
Note: Returns {{*this}} if this particle is non-composite.
function rawConstituents
inline const Particles rawConstituents(
const ParticleSorter & sorter
) const
Fundamental constituents of this particle, sorted by a functor.
Note: Returns a copy, thanks to the sorting
function rawConstituents
inline const Particles rawConstituents(
const Cut & c
) const
Fundamental constituents of this particle, filtered by a Cut.
Note: Returns a copy, thanks to the filtering
function rawConstituents
inline const Particles rawConstituents(
const Cut & c,
const ParticleSorter & sorter
) const
Fundamental constituents of this particle, sorted by a functor.
Note: Returns a copy, thanks to the filtering and sorting
function rawConstituents
inline const Particles rawConstituents(
const ParticleSelector & selector
) const
Fundamental constituents of this particle, filtered by a selection functor.
Note: Returns a copy, thanks to the filtering
function rawConstituents
inline const Particles rawConstituents(
const ParticleSelector & selector,
const ParticleSorter & sorter
) const
Fundamental constituents of this particle, filtered and sorted by functors.
Note: Returns a copy, thanks to the filtering and sorting
function parents
Particles parents(
const Cut & c =Cuts::OPEN
) const
Note: This is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Get a list of the direct parents of the current particle (with optional selection Cut)
function parents
inline Particles parents(
const ParticleSelector & f
) const
Note: This is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Get a list of the direct parents of the current particle (with selector function)
function hasParentWith
inline bool hasParentWith(
const ParticleSelector & f
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any particle in the particle’s parent list has the requested property
function hasParentWith
bool hasParentWith(
const Cut & c
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any particle in the particle’s parent list has the requested property
function hasParentWithout
inline bool hasParentWithout(
const ParticleSelector & f
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any particle in the particle’s parent list does not have the requested property
function hasParentWithout
bool hasParentWithout(
const Cut & c
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any particle in the particle’s parent list does not have the requested property
function hasParent
bool hasParent(
PdgId pid
) const
Prefer e.g. hasParentWith(Cut::pid == 123)
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether a given PID is found in the particle’s parent list
function ancestors
Particles ancestors(
const Cut & c =Cuts::OPEN,
bool only_physical =true
) const
- By default only physical ancestors, with status=2, are returned.
- This is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Get a list of the ancestors of the current particle (with optional selection Cut)
function ancestors
inline Particles ancestors(
const ParticleSelector & f,
bool only_physical =true
) const
- By default only physical ancestors, with status=2, are returned.
- This is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Get a list of the direct parents of the current particle (with selector function)
function hasAncestorWith
inline bool hasAncestorWith(
const ParticleSelector & f,
bool only_physical =true
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any particle in the particle’s ancestor list has the requested property
function hasAncestorWith
bool hasAncestorWith(
const Cut & c,
bool only_physical =true
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any particle in the particle’s ancestor list has the requested property
function hasAncestorWithout
inline bool hasAncestorWithout(
const ParticleSelector & f,
bool only_physical =true
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any particle in the particle’s ancestor list does not have the requested property
function hasAncestorWithout
bool hasAncestorWithout(
const Cut & c,
bool only_physical =true
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any particle in the particle’s ancestor list does not have the requested property
function hasAncestor
bool hasAncestor(
PdgId pid,
bool only_physical =true
) const
Prefer hasAncestorWith(Cuts::pid == pid) etc.
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether a given PID is found in the particle’s ancestor list
function fromBottom
bool fromBottom() const
Determine whether the particle is from a b-hadron decay.
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be perfectly answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
function fromCharm
bool fromCharm() const
Determine whether the particle is from a c-hadron decay.
- If a hadron contains b and c quarks it is considered a bottom hadron and NOT a charm hadron.
- This question is valid in MC, but may not be perfectly answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
function fromHadron
bool fromHadron() const
Determine whether the particle is from a hadron decay.
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be perfectly answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
function fromTau
bool fromTau(
bool prompt_taus_only =false
) const
Determine whether the particle is from a tau decay.
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be perfectly answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
function fromPromptTau
inline bool fromPromptTau() const
Determine whether the particle is from a prompt tau decay.
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be perfectly answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
function fromHadronicTau
bool fromHadronicTau(
bool prompt_taus_only =false
) const
Determine whether the particle is from a tau which decayed hadronically.
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be perfectly answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
"Too vague: use fromHadron) || fromPromptTau(,
or isDirect()"
) const
Determine whether the particle is from a hadron or tau decay.
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be perfectly answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Specifically, walk up the ancestor chain until a status 2 hadron or tau is found, if at all.
function isDirect
bool isDirect(
bool allow_from_direct_tau =false,
bool allow_from_direct_mu =false
) const
Shorthand definition of ‘promptness’ based on set definition flags.
Note: This one doesn’t make any judgements about final-stateness
A “direct” particle is one directly connected to the hard process. It is a preferred alias for “prompt”, since it has no confusing implications about distinguishability by timing information.
The boolean arguments allow a decay lepton to be considered direct if its parent was a “real” direct lepton.
function isPrompt
inline bool isPrompt(
bool allow_from_prompt_tau =false,
bool allow_from_prompt_mu =false
) const
Alias for isDirect.
function isStable
bool isStable() const
Whether this particle is stable according to the generator.
function children
Particles children(
const Cut & c =Cuts::OPEN
) const
Get a list of the direct descendants from the current particle (with optional selection Cut)
Todo: isDecayed? How to restrict to physical particles?
function children
inline Particles children(
const ParticleSelector & f
) const
Get a list of the direct descendants from the current particle (with selector function)
function hasChildWith
inline bool hasChildWith(
const ParticleSelector & f
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any direct child of this particle has the requested property
function hasChildWith
bool hasChildWith(
const Cut & c
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any direct child of this particle has the requested property
function hasChildWithout
inline bool hasChildWithout(
const ParticleSelector & f
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any direct child of this particle does not have the requested property
function hasChildWithout
bool hasChildWithout(
const Cut & c
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any direct child of this particle does not have the requested property
function allDescendants
Particles allDescendants(
const Cut & c =Cuts::OPEN,
bool remove_duplicates =true
) const
Get a list of all the descendants from the current particle (with optional selection Cut)
function allDescendants
inline Particles allDescendants(
const ParticleSelector & f,
bool remove_duplicates =true
) const
Get a list of all the descendants from the current particle (with selector function)
function hasDescendantWith
inline bool hasDescendantWith(
const ParticleSelector & f,
bool remove_duplicates =true
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any descendant of this particle has the requested property
function hasDescendantWith
bool hasDescendantWith(
const Cut & c,
bool remove_duplicates =true
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any descendant of this particle has the requested property
function hasDescendantWithout
inline bool hasDescendantWithout(
const ParticleSelector & f,
bool remove_duplicates =true
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any descendant of this particle does not have the requested property
function hasDescendantWithout
bool hasDescendantWithout(
const Cut & c,
bool remove_duplicates =true
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any descendant of this particle does not have the requested property
function stableDescendants
Particles stableDescendants(
const Cut & c =Cuts::OPEN
) const
Todo: Use recursion through replica-avoiding MCUtils functions to avoid bookkeeping duplicates
Insist that the current particle is post-hadronization, otherwise throw an exception?
Get a list of all the stable descendants from the current particle (with optional selection Cut)
function stableDescendants
inline Particles stableDescendants(
const ParticleSelector & f
) const
Get a list of all the stable descendants from the current particle (with selector function)
function hasStableDescendantWith
inline bool hasStableDescendantWith(
const ParticleSelector & f
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any stable descendant of this particle has the requested property
function hasStableDescendantWith
bool hasStableDescendantWith(
const Cut & c
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any stable descendant of this particle has the requested property
function hasStableDescendantWithout
inline bool hasStableDescendantWithout(
const ParticleSelector & f
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any stable descendant of this particle does not have the requested property
function hasStableDescendantWithout
bool hasStableDescendantWithout(
const Cut & c
) const
Note: This question is valid in MC, but may not be answerable experimentally – use this function with care when replicating experimental analyses!
Check whether any stable descendant of this particle does not have the requested property
function flightLength
double flightLength() const
Note: Divide by mm or cm as usual to get the appropriate units.
Flight length of the particle from origin to decay
function isFirstWith
inline bool isFirstWith(
const ParticleSelector & f
) const
Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain to meet the function requirement.
function isFirstWithout
inline bool isFirstWithout(
const ParticleSelector & f
) const
Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain not to meet the function requirement.
function isLastWith
inline bool isLastWith(
const ParticleSelector & f
) const
Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain to meet the function requirement.
function isLastWithout
inline bool isLastWithout(
const ParticleSelector & f
) const
Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain not to meet the function requirement.
function isSame
inline bool isSame(
const Particle & other
) const
Note: Not a deep comparison: GenParticle ptr and constituents are not used in the comparison
Compare particles, based on “external” characteristics, with a little angular tolerance
function mom
inline const FourMomentum & mom() const
Get equivalent single momentum four-vector (const) (alias).
function operator const FourMomentum &
inline operator const FourMomentum &() const
Cast operator for conversion to FourMomentum.
function E
inline double E() const
Get the energy directly.
function energy
inline double energy() const
Get the energy directly (alias).
function E2
inline double E2() const
Get the energy-squared.
function energy2
inline double energy2() const
Get the energy-squared (alias).
function pt
inline double pt() const
Get the ( p_T ) directly.
function pT
inline double pT() const
Get the ( p_T ) directly (alias).
function perp
inline double perp() const
Get the ( p_T ) directly (alias).
function pt2
inline double pt2() const
Get the ( p_T^2 ) directly.
function pT2
inline double pT2() const
Get the ( p_T^2 ) directly (alias).
function perp2
inline double perp2() const
Get the ( p_T^2 ) directly (alias).
function Et
inline double Et() const
Get the ( E_T ) directly.
function Et2
inline double Et2() const
Get the ( E_T^2 ) directly.
function mass
inline double mass() const
Get the mass directly.
function mass2
inline double mass2() const
Get the mass**2 directly.
function pseudorapidity
inline double pseudorapidity() const
Get the ( \eta ) directly.
function eta
inline double eta() const
Get the ( \eta ) directly (alias).
function abspseudorapidity
inline double abspseudorapidity() const
Get the ( |\eta| ) directly.
function abseta
inline double abseta() const
Get the ( |\eta| ) directly (alias).
function rapidity
inline double rapidity() const
Get the ( y ) directly.
function rap
inline double rap() const
Get the ( y ) directly (alias).
function absrapidity
inline double absrapidity() const
Get the ( |y| ) directly.
function absrap
inline double absrap() const
Get the ( |y| ) directly (alias).
function azimuthalAngle
inline double azimuthalAngle(
const PhiMapping mapping =ZERO_2PI
) const
Azimuthal angle ( \phi ).
function phi
inline double phi(
const PhiMapping mapping =ZERO_2PI
) const
Get the ( \phi ) directly.
function p3
inline Vector3 p3() const
Get the 3-momentum directly.
function p
inline double p() const
Get the 3-momentum magnitude directly.
function p2
inline double p2() const
Get the 3-momentum magnitude-squared directly.
function ptvec
inline Vector3 ptvec() const
Get the transverse 3-momentum directly.
function pTvec
inline Vector3 pTvec() const
Get the transverse 3-momentum directly.
function px
inline double px() const
x component of momentum.
function py
inline double py() const
y component of momentum.
function pz
inline double pz() const
z component of momentum.
function px2
inline double px2() const
x component of momentum, squared.
function py2
inline double py2() const
y component of momentum, squared.
function pz2
inline double pz2() const
z component of momentum, squared.
function polarAngle
inline double polarAngle() const
Angle subtended by the 3-vector and the z-axis.
function theta
inline double theta() const
Synonym for polarAngle.
function angle
inline double angle(
const ParticleBase & v
) const
Angle between this vector and another.
function angle
inline double angle(
const FourVector & v
) const
Angle between this vector and another.
function angle
inline double angle(
const Vector3 & v3
) const
Angle between this vector and another (3-vector)
function dot
inline double dot(
const ParticleBase & v
) const
Lorentz dot product between this 4-vector and another.
function dot
inline double dot(
const FourVector & v
) const
Angle between this 4-vector and another.
Updated on 2022-08-07 at 20:17:17 +0100