class Rivet::PercentileBase


PercentileBase is the base class of all Percentile classes. More…

#include <Percentile.hh>

Inherited by Rivet::PercentileTBase< T >

Public Functions

PercentileBase(Analysis * ana, string projName)
Default constructor.
voidselectBins(const Event & )
Initialize the PercentileBase for a new event.
voidcopyFrom(const PercentileBase & other)
Copy information from otherPercentileBase.
boolcompatible(const PercentileBase & other) const
check if otherPercentileBase is compatible with this.
const vector< pair< float, float > > &centralities() const
return the list of centrality bins.
boolinRange(double x, pair< float, float > range)
Helper function to check if x is within range.

Detailed Description

class Rivet::PercentileBase;

PercentileBase is the base class of all Percentile classes.

This base class contains all non-templated variables and infrastructure needed.

Public Functions Documentation

function PercentileBase

inline PercentileBase(
    Analysis * ana,
    string projName


Constructor requiring a pointer, ana, to the Analysis to which this object belongs and the name of the CentralityProjection, projname, to be used.

function PercentileBase

inline PercentileBase()

Default constructor.

function selectBins

void selectBins(
    const Event & 

Initialize the PercentileBase for a new event.

This will perform the assigned CentralityProjection and select out the (indices) of the internal AnalysisObjects that are to be active in this event.

function copyFrom

inline void copyFrom(
    const PercentileBase & other

Copy information from otherPercentileBase.

function compatible

inline bool compatible(
    const PercentileBase & other
) const

check if otherPercentileBase is compatible with this.

function centralities

inline const vector< pair< float, float > > & centralities() const

return the list of centrality bins.

The size of this vector is the same as number of internal analysis objects in the sub class PercentileTBase.

function inRange

static inline bool inRange(
    double x,
    pair< float, float > range

Helper function to check if x is within range.

Updated on 2022-08-07 at 20:17:17 +0100