file /home/anarendran/Documents/temp/rivet/include/Rivet/Analysis.hh
Name |
Rivet |
Name | |
class | Rivet::Analysis This is the base class of all analysis classes in Rivet. |
Name | |
vetoEvent | |
Macros Documentation
define vetoEvent
#define vetoEvent do { MSG_DEBUG("Vetoing event on line " << __LINE__ << " of " << __FILE__); return; } while(0)
Preprocessor define for vetoing events, including the log message and return.
::Rivet::AnalysisBuilder<clsname> plugin_ ## clsname
Preprocessor define to prettify the global-object plugin hook mechanism
RIVET_DECLARE_PLUGIN(clsname)( #alias )
Preprocessor define to prettify the global-object plugin hook mechanism, with an extra alias name for this analysis
clsname() : Analysis(# clsname) {}
Preprocessor define to prettify the awkward constructor with name string argument
::Rivet::AnalysisBuilder<clsname> plugin_ ## clsname
Prefer the RIVET_DECLARE_PLUGIN version with predictable RIVET_ prefix
Preprocessor define to prettify the global-object plugin hook mechanism
DECLARE_RIVET_PLUGIN(clsname)( #alias )
Prefer the RIVET_DECLARE_ALIASED_PLUGIN version with predictable RIVET_ prefix
Preprocessor define to prettify the global-object plugin hook mechanism, with an extra alias name for this analysis
clsname() : Analysis(# clsname) {}
Prefer the “CTOR” version
Preprocessor define to prettify the awkward constructor with name string argument
Prefer the RIVET_DEFAULT_ANALYSIS_CTOR version with predictable RIVET_ prefix
Preprocessor define to prettify the awkward constructor with name string argument
Source code
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef RIVET_Analysis_HH
#define RIVET_Analysis_HH
#include "Rivet/Config/RivetCommon.hh"
#include "Rivet/AnalysisInfo.hh"
#include "Rivet/Event.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projection.hh"
#include "Rivet/ProjectionApplier.hh"
#include "Rivet/ProjectionHandler.hh"
#include "Rivet/AnalysisLoader.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/Cuts.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/Logging.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/ParticleUtils.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/RivetMT2.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/RivetYODA.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/Percentile.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/CentralityProjection.hh"
#include <tuple>
#define vetoEvent \
do { MSG_DEBUG("Vetoing event on line " << __LINE__ << " of " << __FILE__); return; } while(0)
namespace Rivet {
// Convenience for analysis writers
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::tuple;
using std::stringstream;
using std::swap;
using std::numeric_limits;
// Forward declaration
class AnalysisHandler;
class Analysis : public ProjectionApplier {
friend class AnalysisHandler;
Analysis(const std::string& name);
virtual ~Analysis() {}
Analysis& operator=(const Analysis&) = delete;
virtual void init() { }
virtual void analyze(const Event& event) = 0;
virtual void finalize() { }
const AnalysisInfo& info() const {
assert(_info && "No AnalysisInfo object :O");
return *_info;
virtual std::string name() const {
return ( (info().name().empty()) ? _defaultname : info().name() ) + _optstring;
virtual std::string getRefDataName() const {
return (info().getRefDataName().empty()) ? _defaultname : info().getRefDataName();
virtual void setRefDataName(const std::string& ref_data="") {
info().setRefDataName(!ref_data.empty() ? ref_data : name());
virtual std::string inspireId() const {
return info().inspireId();
virtual std::string spiresId() const {
return info().spiresId();
virtual std::vector<std::string> authors() const {
return info().authors();
virtual std::string summary() const {
return info().summary();
virtual std::string description() const {
return info().description();
virtual std::string runInfo() const {
return info().runInfo();
virtual std::string experiment() const {
return info().experiment();
virtual std::string collider() const {
return info().collider();
virtual std::string year() const {
return info().year();
virtual double luminosityfb() const {
return info().luminosityfb();
virtual double luminosity() const {
return info().luminosity();
virtual std::vector<std::string> references() const {
return info().references();
virtual std::string bibKey() const {
return info().bibKey();
virtual std::string bibTeX() const {
return info().bibTeX();
virtual std::string status() const {
return (info().status().empty()) ? "UNVALIDATED" : info().status();
virtual std::string warning() const {
return info().warning();
virtual std::vector<std::string> todos() const {
return info().todos();
virtual std::vector<std::string> validation() const {
return info().validation();
virtual bool reentrant() const {
return info().reentrant();
virtual std::string refFile() const {
return info().refFile();
virtual std::string refMatch() const {
return info().refMatch();
virtual std::string refUnmatch() const {
return info().refUnmatch();
virtual std::string writerDoublePrecision() const {
return info().writerDoublePrecision();
virtual const std::vector<PdgIdPair>& requiredBeams() const {
return info().beams();
virtual Analysis& setRequiredBeams(const std::vector<PdgIdPair>& requiredBeams) {
return *this;
virtual const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& requiredEnergies() const {
return info().energies();
virtual const std::vector<std::string> & keywords() const {
return info().keywords();
virtual Analysis& setRequiredEnergies(const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& requiredEnergies) {
return *this;
AnalysisInfo& info() {
assert(_info && "No AnalysisInfo object :O");
return *_info;
const ParticlePair& beams() const;
const PdgIdPair beamIds() const;
double sqrtS() const;
bool merging() const {
return sqrtS() <= 0.0;
bool isCompatible(const ParticlePair& beams) const;
bool isCompatible(PdgId beam1, PdgId beam2, double e1, double e2) const;
bool isCompatible(const PdgIdPair& beams, const std::pair<double,double>& energies) const;
bool isCompatibleWithSqrtS(const float energy, float tolerance=1E-5) const;
AnalysisHandler& handler() const { return *_analysishandler; }
Log& getLog() const;
double crossSection() const;
double crossSectionPerEvent() const;
double crossSectionError() const;
double crossSectionErrorPerEvent() const;
size_t numEvents() const;
double sumW() const;
double sumOfWeights() const { return sumW(); }
double sumW2() const;
const std::string histoDir() const;
const std::string histoPath(const std::string& hname) const;
const std::string histoPath(unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) const;
const std::string mkAxisCode(unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) const;
const std::map<std::string, YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr>& refData() const {
return _refdata;
template <typename T=YODA::Scatter2D>
const T& refData(const string& hname) const {
MSG_TRACE("Using histo bin edges for " << name() << ":" << hname);
if (!_refdata[hname]) {
MSG_ERROR("Can't find reference histogram " << hname);
throw Exception("Reference data " + hname + " not found.");
return dynamic_cast<T&>(*_refdata[hname]);
template <typename T=YODA::Scatter2D>
const T& refData(unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) const {
const string hname = mkAxisCode(datasetId, xAxisId, yAxisId);
return refData<T>(hname);
CounterPtr& book(CounterPtr&, const std::string& name);
CounterPtr& book(CounterPtr&, unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId);
Histo1DPtr& book(Histo1DPtr&,const std::string& name, size_t nbins, double lower, double upper);
Histo1DPtr& book(Histo1DPtr&,const std::string& name, const std::vector<double>& binedges);
Histo1DPtr& book(Histo1DPtr&,const std::string& name, const std::initializer_list<double>& binedges);
Histo1DPtr& book(Histo1DPtr&,const std::string& name, const Scatter2D& refscatter);
Histo1DPtr& book(Histo1DPtr&,const std::string& name);
Histo1DPtr& book(Histo1DPtr&,unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId);
Histo2DPtr& book(Histo2DPtr&,const std::string& name,
size_t nxbins, double xlower, double xupper,
size_t nybins, double ylower, double yupper);
Histo2DPtr& book(Histo2DPtr&,const std::string& name,
const std::vector<double>& xbinedges,
const std::vector<double>& ybinedges);
Histo2DPtr& book(Histo2DPtr&,const std::string& name,
const std::initializer_list<double>& xbinedges,
const std::initializer_list<double>& ybinedges);
Histo2DPtr& book(Histo2DPtr&,const std::string& name,
const Scatter3D& refscatter);
Histo2DPtr& book(Histo2DPtr&,const std::string& name);
Histo2DPtr& book(Histo2DPtr&,unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId);
Profile1DPtr& book(Profile1DPtr&, const std::string& name, size_t nbins, double lower, double upper);
Profile1DPtr& book(Profile1DPtr&, const std::string& name, const std::vector<double>& binedges);
Profile1DPtr& book(Profile1DPtr&, const std::string& name, const std::initializer_list<double>& binedges);
Profile1DPtr& book(Profile1DPtr&, const std::string& name, const Scatter2D& refscatter);
Profile1DPtr& book(Profile1DPtr&, const std::string& name);
Profile1DPtr& book(Profile1DPtr&, unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId);
Profile2DPtr& book(Profile2DPtr&, const std::string& name,
size_t nxbins, double xlower, double xupper,
size_t nybins, double ylower, double yupper);
Profile2DPtr& book(Profile2DPtr&, const std::string& name,
const std::vector<double>& xbinedges,
const std::vector<double>& ybinedges);
Profile2DPtr& book(Profile2DPtr&, const std::string& name,
const std::initializer_list<double>& xbinedges,
const std::initializer_list<double>& ybinedges);
// /// Book a 2D profile histogram with binning from a reference scatter.
// Profile2DPtr& book(const Profile2DPtr&, const std::string& name,
// const Scatter3D& refscatter);
// /// Book a 2D profile histogram, using the binnings in the reference data histogram.
// Profile2DPtr& book(const Profile2DPtr&, const std::string& name);
// /// Book a 2D profile histogram, using the binnings in the reference data histogram.
// ///
// /// The paper, dataset and x/y-axis IDs will be used to build the histo name in the HepData standard way.
// Profile2DPtr& book(const Profile2DPtr&, unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId);
Scatter2DPtr& book(Scatter2DPtr& s2d, const string& hname, bool copy_pts = false);
Scatter2DPtr& book(Scatter2DPtr& s2d, unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId, bool copy_pts = false);
Scatter2DPtr& book(Scatter2DPtr& s2d, const string& hname, size_t npts, double lower, double upper);
Scatter2DPtr& book(Scatter2DPtr& s2d, const string& hname, const std::vector<double>& binedges);
Scatter2DPtr& book(Scatter2DPtr& s2d, const string& hname, const Scatter2D& refscatter);
Scatter3DPtr& book(Scatter3DPtr& s3d, const std::string& hname, bool copy_pts=false);
Scatter3DPtr& book(Scatter3DPtr& s3d, unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId,
unsigned int yAxisId, unsigned int zAxisId, bool copy_pts=false);
Scatter3DPtr& book(Scatter3DPtr& s3d, const std::string& hname,
size_t xnpts, double xlower, double xupper,
size_t ynpts, double ylower, double yupper);
Scatter3DPtr& book(Scatter3DPtr& s3d, const std::string& hname,
const std::vector<double>& xbinedges,
const std::vector<double>& ybinedges);
Scatter3DPtr& book(Scatter3DPtr& s3d, const std::string& hname, const Scatter3D& refscatter);
virtual void rawHookIn(YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr yao) {
(void) yao;
virtual void rawHookOut(vector<MultiweightAOPtr> raos, size_t iW) {
(void) raos;
(void) iW;
const std::map<std::string,std::string>& options() const {
return _options;
std::string getOption(std::string optname, string def="") const {
if ( _options.find(optname) != _options.end() )
return _options.find(optname)->second;
return def;
std::string getOption(std::string optname, const char* def) {
return getOption<std::string>(optname, def);
template<typename T>
T getOption(std::string optname, T def) const {
if (_options.find(optname) == _options.end()) return def;
std::stringstream ss;
T ret;
ss << _options.find(optname)->second;
try {
ss >> ret;
} catch (...) {
throw ReadError("Could not read user-provided option into requested type");
return ret;
// template<>
// bool getOption<bool>(std::string optname, bool def) const {
bool getOption(std::string optname, bool def) const {
if (_options.find(optname) == _options.end()) return def;
const std::string val = getOption(optname);
const std::string lval = toLower(val);
if (lval.empty()) return false;
if (lval == "true" || lval == "yes" || lval == "on") return true;
if (lval == "false" || lval == "no" || lval == "off") return false;
return bool(getOption<int>(optname, 0));
const CentralityProjection&
declareCentrality(const SingleValueProjection &proj,
string calAnaName, string calHistName,
const string projName, bool increasing=false);
template <class T>
Percentile<T> bookPercentile(string projName,
vector<pair<float, float> > centralityBins,
vector<tuple<int, int, int> > ref) {
typedef typename ReferenceTraits<T>::RefT RefT;
typedef rivet_shared_ptr<Wrapper<T>> WrapT;
Percentile<T> pctl(this, projName);
const int nCent = centralityBins.size();
for (int iCent = 0; iCent < nCent; ++iCent) {
const string axisCode = mkAxisCode(std::get<0>(ref[iCent]),
const RefT & refscatter = refData<RefT>(axisCode);
WrapT wtf(_weightNames(), T(refscatter, histoPath(axisCode)));
wtf = addAnalysisObject(wtf);
CounterPtr cnt(_weightNames(), Counter(histoPath("TMP/COUNTER/" + axisCode)));
cnt = addAnalysisObject(cnt);
pctl.add(wtf, cnt, centralityBins[iCent]);
return pctl;
// /// @brief Book Percentile wrappers around AnalysisObjects.
// ///
// /// Based on a previously registered CentralityProjection named @a
// /// projName book one (or several) AnalysisObject(s) named
// /// according to @a ref where the x-axis will be filled according
// /// to the percentile output(s) of the @projName.
// ///
// /// @todo Convert to just be called book() cf. others
// template <class T>
// PercentileXaxis<T> bookPercentileXaxis(string projName,
// tuple<int, int, int> ref) {
// typedef typename ReferenceTraits<T>::RefT RefT;
// typedef rivet_shared_ptr<Wrapper<T>> WrapT;
// PercentileXaxis<T> pctl(this, projName);
// const string axisCode = mkAxisCode(std::get<0>(ref),
// std::get<1>(ref),
// std::get<2>(ref));
// const RefT & refscatter = refData<RefT>(axisCode);
// WrapT wtf(_weightNames(), T(refscatter, histoPath(axisCode)));
// wtf = addAnalysisObject(wtf);
// CounterPtr cnt(_weightNames(), Counter());
// cnt = addAnalysisObject(cnt);
// pctl.add(wtf, cnt);
// return pctl;
// }
// Functions that have to be defined in the .cc file to avoid circular #includes
vector<string> _weightNames() const;
YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr _getPreload(string name) const;
MultiweightAOPtr _getOtherAnalysisObject(const std::string & ananame, const std::string& name);
void _checkBookInit() const;
bool _inInit() const;
bool _inFinalize() const;
template <typename YODAT>
void _setWriterPrecision(const string& path, YODAT& yao);
class CounterAdapter {
CounterAdapter(double x) : x_(x) {}
CounterAdapter(const YODA::Counter & c) : x_(c.val()) {}
CounterAdapter(const YODA::Scatter1D & s) : x_(s.points()[0].x()) {
assert( s.numPoints() == 1 || "Can only scale by a single value.");
operator double() const { return x_; }
double x_;
double dbl(double x) { return x; }
double dbl(const YODA::Counter & c) { return c.val(); }
double dbl(const YODA::Scatter1D & s) {
assert( s.numPoints() == 1 );
return s.points()[0].x();
void scale(CounterPtr cnt, CounterAdapter factor);
void scale(const std::vector<CounterPtr>& cnts, CounterAdapter factor) {
for (auto& c : cnts) scale(c, factor);
template<typename T>
void scale(const std::map<T, CounterPtr>& maps, CounterAdapter factor) {
for (auto& m : maps) scale(m.second, factor);
template <std::size_t array_size>
void scale(const CounterPtr (&cnts)[array_size], CounterAdapter factor) {
// for (size_t i = 0; i < std::extent<decltype(cnts)>::value; ++i) scale(cnts[i], factor);
for (auto& c : cnts) scale(c, factor);
void normalize(Histo1DPtr histo, CounterAdapter norm=1.0, bool includeoverflows=true);
void normalize(const std::vector<Histo1DPtr>& histos, CounterAdapter norm=1.0, bool includeoverflows=true) {
for (auto& h : histos) normalize(h, norm, includeoverflows);
template<typename T>
void normalize(const std::map<T, Histo1DPtr>& maps, CounterAdapter norm=1.0, bool includeoverflows=true) {
for (auto& m : maps) normalize(m.second, norm, includeoverflows);
template <std::size_t array_size>
void normalize(const Histo1DPtr (&histos)[array_size], CounterAdapter norm=1.0, bool includeoverflows=true) {
for (auto& h : histos) normalize(h, norm, includeoverflows);
void scale(Histo1DPtr histo, CounterAdapter factor);
void scale(const std::vector<Histo1DPtr>& histos, CounterAdapter factor) {
for (auto& h : histos) scale(h, factor);
template<typename T>
void scale(const std::map<T, Histo1DPtr>& maps, CounterAdapter factor) {
for (auto& m : maps) scale(m.second, factor);
template <std::size_t array_size>
void scale(const Histo1DPtr (&histos)[array_size], CounterAdapter factor) {
for (auto& h : histos) scale(h, factor);
void normalize(Histo2DPtr histo, CounterAdapter norm=1.0, bool includeoverflows=true);
void normalize(const std::vector<Histo2DPtr>& histos, CounterAdapter norm=1.0, bool includeoverflows=true) {
for (auto& h : histos) normalize(h, norm, includeoverflows);
template<typename T>
void normalize(const std::map<T, Histo2DPtr>& maps, CounterAdapter norm=1.0, bool includeoverflows=true) {
for (auto& m : maps) normalize(m.second, norm, includeoverflows);
template <std::size_t array_size>
void normalize(const Histo2DPtr (&histos)[array_size], CounterAdapter norm=1.0, bool includeoverflows=true) {
for (auto& h : histos) normalize(h, norm, includeoverflows);
void scale(Histo2DPtr histo, CounterAdapter factor);
void scale(const std::vector<Histo2DPtr>& histos, CounterAdapter factor) {
for (auto& h : histos) scale(h, factor);
template<typename T>
void scale(const std::map<T, Histo2DPtr>& maps, CounterAdapter factor) {
for (auto& m : maps) scale(m.second, factor);
template <std::size_t array_size>
void scale(const Histo2DPtr (&histos)[array_size], CounterAdapter factor) {
for (auto& h : histos) scale(h, factor);
void barchart(Histo1DPtr h, Scatter2DPtr s, bool usefocus=false) const;
void barchart(Histo2DPtr h, Scatter3DPtr s, bool usefocus=false) const;
void divide(CounterPtr c1, CounterPtr c2, Scatter1DPtr s) const;
void divide(const YODA::Counter& c1, const YODA::Counter& c2, Scatter1DPtr s) const;
void divide(Histo1DPtr h1, Histo1DPtr h2, Scatter2DPtr s) const;
void divide(const YODA::Histo1D& h1, const YODA::Histo1D& h2, Scatter2DPtr s) const;
void divide(Profile1DPtr p1, Profile1DPtr p2, Scatter2DPtr s) const;
void divide(const YODA::Profile1D& p1, const YODA::Profile1D& p2, Scatter2DPtr s) const;
void divide(Histo2DPtr h1, Histo2DPtr h2, Scatter3DPtr s) const;
void divide(const YODA::Histo2D& h1, const YODA::Histo2D& h2, Scatter3DPtr s) const;
void divide(Profile2DPtr p1, Profile2DPtr p2, Scatter3DPtr s) const;
void divide(const YODA::Profile2D& p1, const YODA::Profile2D& p2, Scatter3DPtr s) const;
void efficiency(Histo1DPtr h1, Histo1DPtr h2, Scatter2DPtr s) const;
void efficiency(const YODA::Histo1D& h1, const YODA::Histo1D& h2, Scatter2DPtr s) const;
void asymm(Histo1DPtr h1, Histo1DPtr h2, Scatter2DPtr s) const;
void asymm(const YODA::Histo1D& h1, const YODA::Histo1D& h2, Scatter2DPtr s) const;
void integrate(Histo1DPtr h, Scatter2DPtr s) const;
void integrate(const Histo1D& h, Scatter2DPtr s) const;
const vector<MultiweightAOPtr>& analysisObjects() const {
return _analysisobjects;
size_t defaultWeightIndex() const;
template <typename YODAT>
shared_ptr<YODAT> getPreload(string path) const {
return dynamic_pointer_cast<YODAT>(_getPreload(path));
template <typename YODAT>
rivet_shared_ptr< Wrapper<YODAT> > registerAO(const YODAT& yao) {
typedef Wrapper<YODAT> WrapperT;
typedef shared_ptr<YODAT> YODAPtrT;
typedef rivet_shared_ptr<WrapperT> RAOT;
if ( !_inInit() && !_inFinalize() ) {
MSG_ERROR("Can't book objects outside of init() or finalize()");
throw UserError(name() + ": Can't book objects outside of init() or finalize().");
// First check that we haven't booked this before.
// This is allowed when booking in finalize: just warn in that case.
// If in init(), throw an exception: it's 99.9% never going to be intentional.
for (auto& waold : analysisObjects()) {
if ( yao.path() == waold.get()->basePath() ) {
const string msg = "Found double-booking of " + yao.path() + " in " + name();
if ( _inInit() ) {
throw LookupError(msg);
} else {
MSG_WARNING(msg + ". Keeping previous booking");
return RAOT(dynamic_pointer_cast<WrapperT>(waold.get()));
shared_ptr<WrapperT> wao = make_shared<WrapperT>();
wao->_basePath = yao.path();
YODAPtrT yaop = make_shared<YODAT>(yao);
for (const string& weightname : _weightNames()) {
// Create two YODA objects for each weight. Copy from
// preloaded YODAs if present. First the finalized yoda:
string finalpath = yao.path();
if ( weightname != "" ) finalpath += "[" + weightname + "]";
YODAPtrT preload = getPreload<YODAT>(finalpath);
if ( preload ) {
if ( !bookingCompatible(preload, yaop) ) {
MSG_WARNING("Found incompatible pre-existing data object with same base path "
<< finalpath << " for " << name());
preload = nullptr;
} else {
MSG_TRACE("Using preloaded " << finalpath << " in " <<name());
if ( !preload ) {
// Then the raw filling yodas.
string rawpath = "/RAW" + finalpath;
preload = getPreload<YODAT>(rawpath);
if ( preload ) {
if ( !bookingCompatible(preload, yaop) ) {
MSG_WARNING("Found incompatible pre-existing data object with same base path "
<< rawpath << " for " << name());
preload = nullptr;
} else {
MSG_TRACE("Using preloaded " << rawpath << " in " <<name());
if ( !preload ) {
rivet_shared_ptr<WrapperT> ret(wao);
if ( _inFinalize() ) {
// If booked in finalize() we assume it is the first time
// finalize is run.
return ret;
template <typename AO=MultiweightAOPtr>
AO addAnalysisObject(const AO& aonew) {
for (const MultiweightAOPtr& ao : analysisObjects()) {
// Check AO base-name first
if (ao->path() != aonew->path()) continue;
// If base-name matches, check compatibility
// NB. This evil is because dynamic_ptr_cast can't work on rivet_shared_ptr directly
AO aoold = AO(dynamic_pointer_cast<typename AO::value_type>(ao.get())); //< OMG
if ( !aoold || !bookingCompatible(aonew, aoold) ) {
MSG_WARNING("Found incompatible pre-existing data object with same base path "
<< aonew->path() << " for " << name());
throw LookupError("Found incompatible pre-existing data object with same base path during AO booking");
// Finally, check all weight variations
for (size_t weightIdx = 0; weightIdx < _weightNames().size(); ++weightIdx) {
if (aoold->path() != aonew->path()) {
MSG_WARNING("Found incompatible pre-existing data object with different weight-path "
<< aonew->path() << " for " << name());
throw LookupError("Found incompatible pre-existing data object with same weight-path during AO booking");
// They're fully compatible: bind and return
MSG_TRACE("Bound pre-existing data object " << aoold->path() << " for " << name());
return aoold;
// No equivalent found
MSG_TRACE("Registered " << aonew->annotation("Type") << " " << aonew->path() << " for " << name());
return aonew;
void removeAnalysisObject(const std::string& path);
void removeAnalysisObject(const MultiweightAOPtr& ao);
// /// Get all data objects, for all analyses, from the AnalysisHandler
// /// @todo Can we remove this? Why not call handler().getData()?
// vector<YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr> getAllData(bool includeorphans) const;
template <typename AO=MultiweightAOPtr>
const AO getAnalysisObject(const std::string& aoname) const {
for (const MultiweightAOPtr& ao : analysisObjects()) {
if (ao->path() == histoPath(aoname)) {
// return dynamic_pointer_cast<AO>(ao);
return AO(dynamic_pointer_cast<typename AO::value_type>(ao.get()));
throw LookupError("Data object " + histoPath(aoname) + " not found");
// /// Get a data object from the histogram system
// template <typename AO=YODA::AnalysisObject>
// const std::shared_ptr<AO> getAnalysisObject(const std::string& name) const {
// foreach (const AnalysisObjectPtr& ao, analysisObjects()) {
// if (ao->path() == histoPath(name)) return dynamic_pointer_cast<AO>(ao);
// }
// throw LookupError("Data object " + histoPath(name) + " not found");
// }
// /// Get a data object from the histogram system (non-const)
// template <typename AO=YODA::AnalysisObject>
// std::shared_ptr<AO> getAnalysisObject(const std::string& name) {
// foreach (const AnalysisObjectPtr& ao, analysisObjects()) {
// if (ao->path() == histoPath(name)) return dynamic_pointer_cast<AO>(ao);
// }
// throw LookupError("Data object " + histoPath(name) + " not found");
// }
template <typename AO=MultiweightAOPtr>
AO getAnalysisObject(const std::string& ananame,
const std::string& aoname) {
MultiweightAOPtr ao = _getOtherAnalysisObject(ananame, aoname);
// return dynamic_pointer_cast<AO>(ao);
return AO(dynamic_pointer_cast<typename AO::value_type>(ao.get()));
// /// Get a named Histo1D object from the histogram system
// const Histo1DPtr getHisto1D(const std::string& name) const {
// return getAnalysisObject<Histo1D>(name);
// }
// /// Get a named Histo1D object from the histogram system (non-const)
// Histo1DPtr getHisto1D(const std::string& name) {
// return getAnalysisObject<Histo1D>(name);
// }
// /// Get a Histo1D object from the histogram system by axis ID codes (non-const)
// const Histo1DPtr getHisto1D(unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) const {
// return getAnalysisObject<Histo1D>(makeAxisCode(datasetId, xAxisId, yAxisId));
// }
// /// Get a Histo1D object from the histogram system by axis ID codes (non-const)
// Histo1DPtr getHisto1D(unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) {
// return getAnalysisObject<Histo1D>(makeAxisCode(datasetId, xAxisId, yAxisId));
// }
// /// Get a named Histo2D object from the histogram system
// const Histo2DPtr getHisto2D(const std::string& name) const {
// return getAnalysisObject<Histo2D>(name);
// }
// /// Get a named Histo2D object from the histogram system (non-const)
// Histo2DPtr getHisto2D(const std::string& name) {
// return getAnalysisObject<Histo2D>(name);
// }
// /// Get a Histo2D object from the histogram system by axis ID codes (non-const)
// const Histo2DPtr getHisto2D(unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) const {
// return getAnalysisObject<Histo2D>(makeAxisCode(datasetId, xAxisId, yAxisId));
// }
// /// Get a Histo2D object from the histogram system by axis ID codes (non-const)
// Histo2DPtr getHisto2D(unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) {
// return getAnalysisObject<Histo2D>(makeAxisCode(datasetId, xAxisId, yAxisId));
// }
// /// Get a named Profile1D object from the histogram system
// const Profile1DPtr getProfile1D(const std::string& name) const {
// return getAnalysisObject<Profile1D>(name);
// }
// /// Get a named Profile1D object from the histogram system (non-const)
// Profile1DPtr getProfile1D(const std::string& name) {
// return getAnalysisObject<Profile1D>(name);
// }
// /// Get a Profile1D object from the histogram system by axis ID codes (non-const)
// const Profile1DPtr getProfile1D(unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) const {
// return getAnalysisObject<Profile1D>(makeAxisCode(datasetId, xAxisId, yAxisId));
// }
// /// Get a Profile1D object from the histogram system by axis ID codes (non-const)
// Profile1DPtr getProfile1D(unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) {
// return getAnalysisObject<Profile1D>(makeAxisCode(datasetId, xAxisId, yAxisId));
// }
// /// Get a named Profile2D object from the histogram system
// const Profile2DPtr getProfile2D(const std::string& name) const {
// return getAnalysisObject<Profile2D>(name);
// }
// /// Get a named Profile2D object from the histogram system (non-const)
// Profile2DPtr getProfile2D(const std::string& name) {
// return getAnalysisObject<Profile2D>(name);
// }
// /// Get a Profile2D object from the histogram system by axis ID codes (non-const)
// const Profile2DPtr getProfile2D(unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) const {
// return getAnalysisObject<Profile2D>(makeAxisCode(datasetId, xAxisId, yAxisId));
// }
// /// Get a Profile2D object from the histogram system by axis ID codes (non-const)
// Profile2DPtr getProfile2D(unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) {
// return getAnalysisObject<Profile2D>(makeAxisCode(datasetId, xAxisId, yAxisId));
// }
// /// Get a named Scatter2D object from the histogram system
// const Scatter2DPtr getScatter2D(const std::string& name) const {
// return getAnalysisObject<Scatter2D>(name);
// }
// /// Get a named Scatter2D object from the histogram system (non-const)
// Scatter2DPtr getScatter2D(const std::string& name) {
// return getAnalysisObject<Scatter2D>(name);
// }
// /// Get a Scatter2D object from the histogram system by axis ID codes (non-const)
// const Scatter2DPtr getScatter2D(unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) const {
// return getAnalysisObject<Scatter2D>(makeAxisCode(datasetId, xAxisId, yAxisId));
// }
// /// Get a Scatter2D object from the histogram system by axis ID codes (non-const)
// Scatter2DPtr getScatter2D(unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) {
// return getAnalysisObject<Scatter2D>(makeAxisCode(datasetId, xAxisId, yAxisId));
// }
string _defaultname;
unique_ptr<AnalysisInfo> _info;
vector<MultiweightAOPtr> _analysisobjects;
double _crossSection;
bool _gotCrossSection;
AnalysisHandler* _analysishandler;
mutable std::map<std::string, YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr> _refdata;
map<string, string> _options;
string _optstring;
void _cacheRefData() const;
// // Template specialisation for literal character strings (which don't play well with stringstream)
// template<>
// inline std::string Analysis::getOption(std::string optname, const char* def) {
// return getOption<std::string>(optname, def); //.c_str();
// }
// Include definition of analysis plugin system so that analyses automatically see it when including Analysis.hh
#include "Rivet/AnalysisBuilder.hh"
#define RIVET_DECLARE_PLUGIN(clsname) ::Rivet::AnalysisBuilder<clsname> plugin_ ## clsname
#define RIVET_DECLARE_ALIASED_PLUGIN(clsname, alias) RIVET_DECLARE_PLUGIN(clsname)( #alias )
#define RIVET_DEFAULT_ANALYSIS_CTOR(clsname) clsname() : Analysis(# clsname) {}
#define DECLARE_RIVET_PLUGIN(clsname) ::Rivet::AnalysisBuilder<clsname> plugin_ ## clsname
// #define DECLARE_ALIASED_RIVET_PLUGIN(clsname, alias) Rivet::AnalysisBuilder<clsname> plugin_ ## clsname ## ( ## #alias ## )
#define DECLARE_ALIASED_RIVET_PLUGIN(clsname, alias) DECLARE_RIVET_PLUGIN(clsname)( #alias )
#define DEFAULT_RIVET_ANALYSIS_CONSTRUCTOR(clsname) clsname() : Analysis(# clsname) {}
Updated on 2022-08-07 at 20:17:18 +0100