file /home/anarendran/Documents/temp/rivet/include/Rivet/Tools/JetUtils.hh





Base type for Jet -> bool functors.
Functor for and-combination of selector logic.
Functor for or-combination of selector logic.
Functor for inverting selector logic.
B-tagging functor, with a tag selection cut as the stored state.
C-tagging functor, with a tag selection cut as the stored state.
Tau-tagging functor, with a tag selection cut as the stored state.
Anti-B/C-tagging functor, with a tag selection cut as the stored state.

Source code


#include "Rivet/Jet.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/ParticleBaseUtils.hh"

namespace Rivet {

  inline PseudoJets mkPseudoJets(const Particles& ps) {
    PseudoJets rtn; rtn.reserve(ps.size());
    for (const Particle& p : ps) rtn.push_back(p.pseudojet());
    return rtn;

  inline PseudoJets mkPseudoJets(const Jets& js) {
    PseudoJets rtn; rtn.reserve(js.size());
    for (const Jet& j : js) rtn.push_back(j.pseudojet());
    return rtn;

  inline Jets mkJets(const PseudoJets& pjs) {
    Jets rtn; rtn.reserve(pjs.size());
    for (const PseudoJet& pj : pjs) rtn.push_back(pj);
    return rtn;

  using JetSelector = function<bool(const Jet&)>;
  using JetSorter = function<bool(const Jet&, const Jet&)>;

  struct BoolJetFunctor {
    virtual bool operator()(const Jet& p) const = 0;
    virtual ~BoolJetFunctor() {}

  struct BoolJetAND : public BoolJetFunctor {
    BoolJetAND(const std::vector<JetSelector>& sels) : selectors(sels) {}
    BoolJetAND(const JetSelector& a, const JetSelector& b) : selectors({a,b}) {}
    BoolJetAND(const JetSelector& a, const JetSelector& b, const JetSelector& c) : selectors({a,b,c}) {}
    bool operator()(const Jet& j) const {
      for (const JetSelector& sel : selectors) if (!sel(j)) return false;
      return true;
    std::vector<JetSelector> selectors;
  inline BoolJetAND operator && (const JetSelector& a, const JetSelector& b) {
    return BoolJetAND(a, b);

  struct BoolJetOR : public BoolJetFunctor {
    BoolJetOR(const std::vector<JetSelector>& sels) : selectors(sels) {}
    BoolJetOR(const JetSelector& a, const JetSelector& b) : selectors({a,b}) {}
    BoolJetOR(const JetSelector& a, const JetSelector& b, const JetSelector& c) : selectors({a,b,c}) {}
    bool operator()(const Jet& j) const {
      for (const JetSelector& sel : selectors) if (sel(j)) return true;
      return false;
    std::vector<JetSelector> selectors;
  inline BoolJetOR operator || (const JetSelector& a, const JetSelector& b) {
    return BoolJetOR(a, b);

  struct BoolJetNOT : public BoolJetFunctor {
    BoolJetNOT(const JetSelector& sel) : selector(sel) {}
    bool operator()(const Jet& j) const { return !selector(j); }
    JetSelector selector;
  inline BoolJetNOT operator ! (const JetSelector& a) {
    return BoolJetNOT(a);

  struct HasBTag : BoolJetFunctor {
    HasBTag(const Cut& c=Cuts::open()) : cut(c) {}
    // HasBTag(const std::function<bool(const Jet& j)>& f) : selector(f) {}
    bool operator() (const Jet& j) const { return j.bTagged(cut); }
    // const std::function<bool(const Jet& j)> selector;
    const Cut cut;
  using hasBTag = HasBTag;

  struct HasCTag : BoolJetFunctor {
    HasCTag(const Cut& c=Cuts::open()) : cut(c) {}
    // HasCTag(const std::function<bool(const Jet& j)>& f) : selector(f) {}
    bool operator() (const Jet& j) const { return j.cTagged(cut); }
    // const std::function<bool(const Jet& j)> selector;
    const Cut cut;
  using hasCTag = HasCTag;

  struct HasTauTag : BoolJetFunctor {
    HasTauTag(const Cut& c=Cuts::open()) : cut(c) {}
    // HasTauTag(const std::function<bool(const Jet& j)>& f) : selector(f) {}
    bool operator() (const Jet& j) const { return j.tauTagged(cut); }
    // const std::function<bool(const Jet& j)> selector;
    const Cut cut;
  using hasTauTag = HasTauTag;

  struct HasNoTag : BoolJetFunctor {
    HasNoTag(const Cut& c=Cuts::open(), bool quarktagsonly=false) : cut(c), qtagsonly(quarktagsonly) {}
    // HasNoTag(const std::function<bool(const Jet& j)>& f) : selector(f) {}
    bool operator() (const Jet& j) const { return !j.bTagged(cut) && !j.cTagged(cut) && (qtagsonly || !j.tauTagged(cut)); }
    // const std::function<bool(const Jet& j)> selector;
    const Cut cut;
    bool qtagsonly;
  using hasNoTag = HasNoTag;

  Jets& ifilter_select(Jets& jets, const Cut& c);
  inline Jets& ifilterBy(Jets& jets, const Cut& c) { return ifilter_select(jets, c); }
  inline Jets& iselect(Jets& jets, const Cut& c) { return ifilter_select(jets, c); }

  inline Jets filter_select(const Jets& jets, const Cut& c) {
    Jets rtn = jets;
    return ifilter_select(rtn, c);
  inline Jets filterBy(const Jets& jets, const Cut& c) { return filter_select(jets, c); }
  inline Jets select(const Jets& jets, const Cut& c) { return filter_select(jets, c); }

  inline Jets filter_select(const Jets& jets, const Cut& c, Jets& out) {
    out = filter_select(jets, c);
    return out;
  inline Jets filterBy(const Jets& jets, const Cut& c, Jets& out) { return filter_select(jets, c, out); }
  inline Jets select(const Jets& jets, const Cut& c, Jets& out) { return filter_select(jets, c, out); }

  Jets& ifilter_discard(Jets& jets, const Cut& c);
  inline Jets& idiscard(Jets& jets, const Cut& c) { return ifilter_discard(jets, c); }

  inline Jets filter_discard(const Jets& jets, const Cut& c) {
    Jets rtn = jets;
    return ifilter_discard(rtn, c);
  inline Jets discard(const Jets& jets, const Cut& c) { return filter_discard(jets, c); }

  inline Jets filter_discard(const Jets& jets, const Cut& c, Jets& out) {
    out = filter_discard(jets, c);
    return out;
  inline Jets discard(const Jets& jets, const Cut& c, Jets& out) { return filter_discard(jets, c, out); }

  namespace Kin {

    inline double sumPt(const Jets& js) {
      return sum(js, pT, 0.0);

    inline FourMomentum sumP4(const Jets& js) {
      return sum(js, p4, FourMomentum());

    inline Vector3 sumP3(const Jets& js) {
      return sum(js, p3, Vector3());


  // Import Kin namespace into Rivet
  using namespace Kin;



Updated on 2022-08-07 at 20:17:18 +0100