file /home/anarendran/Documents/temp/rivet/include/Rivet/Particle.hh
Name |
Rivet |
Name | |
class | Rivet::Particles Specialised vector of Particle objects. |
class | Rivet::Particle Particle representation, either from a HepMC::GenEvent or reconstructed. |
Source code
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef RIVET_Particle_HH
#define RIVET_Particle_HH
#include "Rivet/Particle.fhh"
#include "Rivet/ParticleBase.hh"
#include "Rivet/Config/RivetCommon.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/Cuts.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/Utils.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/RivetFastJet.hh"
#include "Rivet/Math/LorentzTrans.hh"
// NOTE: Rivet/Tools/ParticleUtils.hh included at the end
namespace Rivet {
// typedef std::vector<Particle> Particles;
class Particles : public std::vector<Particle> {
using base = std::vector<Particle>; //< using-declarations don't like template syntax
using base::base; //< import base-class constructors
Particles(const std::vector<Particle>& vps);
FourMomenta moms() const;
PseudoJets pseudojets() const;
operator FourMomenta () const { return moms(); }
operator PseudoJets () const { return pseudojets(); }
Particles& operator += (const Particle& p);
Particles& operator += (const Particles& ps);
Particles operator + (const Particles& a, const Particles& b);
typedef std::pair<Particle, Particle> ParticlePair;
class Particle : public ParticleBase {
: ParticleBase(),
_original(nullptr), _id(PID::ANY), _isDirect(4, std::make_pair(false,false))
{ }
Particle(PdgId pid, const FourMomentum& mom, const FourVector& pos=FourVector(), ConstGenParticlePtr gp=nullptr)
: ParticleBase(),
_original(gp), _id(pid),
_momentum(mom), _origin(pos),
_isDirect(4, std::make_pair(false,false))
{ }
Particle(PdgId pid, const FourMomentum& mom, ConstGenParticlePtr gp, const FourVector& pos=FourVector())
: Particle(pid, mom, pos, gp)
{ }
Particle(ConstGenParticlePtr gp)
: ParticleBase(),
_original(gp), _id(gp->pdg_id()),
_isDirect(4, std::make_pair(false,false))
ConstGenVertexPtr vprod = gp->production_vertex();
if (vprod != nullptr) {
setOrigin(vprod->position().t(), vprod->position().x(), vprod->position().y(), vprod->position().z());
Particle(const RivetHepMC::GenParticle& gp)
: Particle(HepMCUtils::getParticlePtr(gp))
{ }
const FourMomentum& momentum() const {
return _momentum;
Particle& setMomentum(const FourMomentum& momentum) {
_momentum = momentum;
return *this;
Particle& setMomentum(double E, double px, double py, double pz) {
_momentum = FourMomentum(E, px, py, pz);
return *this;
Particle& transformBy(const LorentzTransform& lt);
const FourVector& origin() const {
return _origin;
Particle& setOrigin(const FourVector& position) {
_origin = position;
return *this;
Particle& setOrigin(double t, double x, double y, double z) {
_origin = FourMomentum(t, x, y, z);
return *this;
Vector3 closestApproach() const {
const FourVector& v0 = origin();
const double rho0 = origin().perp() / sin(this->phi() - origin().phi());
const double phi0 = M_PI/2 - this->phi();
const double x0 = rho0 * cos(phi0);
const double y0 = rho0 * sin(phi0);
const double z0 = origin().z() - v0.perp()/tan(this->theta());
return Vector3(x0, y0, z0);
virtual fastjet::PseudoJet pseudojet() const {
return fastjet::PseudoJet(mom().px(), mom().py(), mom().pz(), mom().E());
operator PseudoJet () const { return pseudojet(); }
Particle& setGenParticle(ConstGenParticlePtr gp) {
_original = gp;
return *this;
ConstGenParticlePtr genParticle() const {
return _original;
explicit operator ConstGenParticlePtr () const { return genParticle(); }
PdgId pid() const { return _id; }
PdgId abspid() const { return std::abs(_id); }
double charge() const { return PID::charge(pid()); }
double abscharge() const { return PID::abscharge(pid()); }
int charge3() const { return PID::charge3(pid()); }
int abscharge3() const { return PID::abscharge3(pid()); }
bool isCharged() const { return charge3() != 0; }
bool isHadron() const { return PID::isHadron(pid()); }
bool isMeson() const { return PID::isMeson(pid()); }
bool isBaryon() const { return PID::isBaryon(pid()); }
bool isLepton() const { return PID::isLepton(pid()); }
bool isChargedLepton() const { return PID::isChargedLepton(pid()); }
bool isNeutrino() const { return PID::isNeutrino(pid()); }
bool hasBottom() const { return PID::hasBottom(pid()); }
bool hasCharm() const { return PID::hasCharm(pid()); }
// /// Does this (hadron) contain an s quark?
// bool hasStrange() const { return PID::hasStrange(pid()); }
bool isVisible() const;
bool isParton() const { return PID::isParton(pid()); }
virtual void setConstituents(const Particles& cs, bool setmom=false);
virtual void addConstituent(const Particle& c, bool addmom=false);
virtual void addConstituents(const Particles& cs, bool addmom=false);
bool isComposite() const { return !constituents().empty(); }
const Particles& constituents() const { return _constituents; }
const Particles constituents(const ParticleSorter& sorter) const {
return sortBy(constituents(), sorter);
const Particles constituents(const Cut& c) const {
return filter_select(constituents(), c);
const Particles constituents(const Cut& c, const ParticleSorter& sorter) const {
return sortBy(constituents(c), sorter);
const Particles constituents(const ParticleSelector& selector) const {
return filter_select(constituents(), selector);
const Particles constituents(const ParticleSelector& selector, const ParticleSorter& sorter) const {
return sortBy(constituents(selector), sorter);
Particles rawConstituents() const;
const Particles rawConstituents(const ParticleSorter& sorter) const {
return sortBy(rawConstituents(), sorter);
const Particles rawConstituents(const Cut& c) const {
return filter_select(rawConstituents(), c);
const Particles rawConstituents(const Cut& c, const ParticleSorter& sorter) const {
return sortBy(rawConstituents(c), sorter);
const Particles rawConstituents(const ParticleSelector& selector) const {
return filter_select(rawConstituents(), selector);
const Particles rawConstituents(const ParticleSelector& selector, const ParticleSorter& sorter) const {
return sortBy(rawConstituents(selector), sorter);
Particles parents(const Cut& c=Cuts::OPEN) const;
Particles parents(const ParticleSelector& f) const {
return filter_select(parents(), f);
bool hasParentWith(const ParticleSelector& f) const {
return !parents(f).empty();
bool hasParentWith(const Cut& c) const;
bool hasParentWithout(const ParticleSelector& f) const {
return hasParentWith([&](const Particle& p){ return !f(p); });
bool hasParentWithout(const Cut& c) const;
bool hasParent(PdgId pid) const;
Particles ancestors(const Cut& c=Cuts::OPEN, bool only_physical=true) const;
Particles ancestors(const ParticleSelector& f, bool only_physical=true) const {
return filter_select(ancestors(Cuts::OPEN, only_physical), f);
bool hasAncestorWith(const ParticleSelector& f, bool only_physical=true) const {
return !ancestors(f, only_physical).empty();
bool hasAncestorWith(const Cut& c, bool only_physical=true) const;
bool hasAncestorWithout(const ParticleSelector& f, bool only_physical=true) const {
return hasAncestorWith([&](const Particle& p){ return !f(p); }, only_physical);
bool hasAncestorWithout(const Cut& c, bool only_physical=true) const;
bool hasAncestor(PdgId pid, bool only_physical=true) const;
bool fromBottom() const;
bool fromCharm() const;
// /// @brief Determine whether the particle is from a s-hadron decay
// ///
// /// @note If a hadron contains b or c quarks as well as strange it is
// /// considered a b or c hadron, but NOT a strange hadron.
// ///
// /// @note This question is valid in MC, but may not be perfectly answerable
// /// experimentally -- use this function with care when replicating
// /// experimental analyses!
// bool fromStrange() const;
bool fromHadron() const;
bool fromTau(bool prompt_taus_only=false) const;
bool fromPromptTau() const { return fromTau(true); }
bool fromHadronicTau(bool prompt_taus_only=false) const;
DEPRECATED("Too vague: use fromHadron() || fromPromptTau(), or isDirect()")
bool fromDecay() const { return fromHadron() || fromPromptTau(); }
bool isDirect(bool allow_from_direct_tau=false, bool allow_from_direct_mu=false) const;
bool isPrompt(bool allow_from_prompt_tau=false, bool allow_from_prompt_mu=false) const {
return isDirect(allow_from_prompt_tau, allow_from_prompt_mu);
bool isStable() const;
Particles children(const Cut& c=Cuts::OPEN) const;
Particles children(const ParticleSelector& f) const {
return filter_select(children(), f);
bool hasChildWith(const ParticleSelector& f) const {
return !children(f).empty();
bool hasChildWith(const Cut& c) const;
bool hasChildWithout(const ParticleSelector& f) const {
return hasChildWith([&](const Particle& p){ return !f(p); });
bool hasChildWithout(const Cut& c) const;
Particles allDescendants(const Cut& c=Cuts::OPEN, bool remove_duplicates=true) const;
Particles allDescendants(const ParticleSelector& f, bool remove_duplicates=true) const {
return filter_select(allDescendants(Cuts::OPEN, remove_duplicates), f);
bool hasDescendantWith(const ParticleSelector& f, bool remove_duplicates=true) const {
return !allDescendants(f, remove_duplicates).empty();
bool hasDescendantWith(const Cut& c, bool remove_duplicates=true) const;
bool hasDescendantWithout(const ParticleSelector& f, bool remove_duplicates=true) const {
return hasDescendantWith([&](const Particle& p){ return !f(p); }, remove_duplicates);
bool hasDescendantWithout(const Cut& c, bool remove_duplicates=true) const;
Particles stableDescendants(const Cut& c=Cuts::OPEN) const;
Particles stableDescendants(const ParticleSelector& f) const {
return filter_select(stableDescendants(), f);
bool hasStableDescendantWith(const ParticleSelector& f) const {
return !stableDescendants(f).empty();
bool hasStableDescendantWith(const Cut& c) const;
bool hasStableDescendantWithout(const ParticleSelector& f) const {
return hasStableDescendantWith([&](const Particle& p){ return !f(p); });
bool hasStableDescendantWithout(const Cut& c) const;
double flightLength() const;
inline bool isFirstWith(const ParticleSelector& f) const {
if (!f(*this)) return false; //< This doesn't even meet f, let alone being the last to do so
if (any(parents(), f)) return false; //< If a direct parent has this property, this isn't the first
return true;
inline bool isFirstWithout(const ParticleSelector& f) const {
return isFirstWith([&](const Particle& p){ return !f(p); });
inline bool isLastWith(const ParticleSelector& f) const {
if (!f(*this)) return false; //< This doesn't even meet f, let alone being the last to do so
if (any(children(), f)) return false; //< If a child has this property, this isn't the last
return true;
inline bool isLastWithout(const ParticleSelector& f) const {
return isLastWith([&](const Particle& p){ return !f(p); });
bool isSame(const Particle& other) const {
if (pid() != return false;
if (!isZero((mom() - return false;
if (!isZero((origin() - other.origin()).mod())) return false;
return true;
ConstGenParticlePtr _original;
Particles _constituents;
PdgId _id;
FourMomentum _momentum;
FourVector _origin;
mutable std::vector<std::pair<bool,bool> > _isDirect;
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Particle& p);
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const ParticlePair& pp);
#include "Rivet/Tools/ParticleUtils.hh"
Updated on 2022-08-07 at 20:17:18 +0100