group ALICE specifics

ALICE specifics





const CutV0Aacceptance
const CutV0Cacceptance
const CutCL0acceptance
const CutCL1acceptance
const CutEta1acceptance
const CutFASTORacceptance

Detailed Description

This include projections to emulate trigger conditions, centrality, and selection of primary particles.

Attributes Documentation

variable V0Aacceptance

const Cut V0Aacceptance = (Cuts::etaIn(+2.8,+5.1)&&(Cuts::abscharge3 > 0));

The acceptance cut for the V0A

variable V0Cacceptance

const Cut V0Cacceptance = (Cuts::etaIn(-3.7,-1.7)&&(Cuts::abscharge3 > 0));

The acceptance cut for the V0C

variable CL0acceptance

const Cut CL0acceptance = (Cuts::etaIn(-2.0,2.0) && (Cuts::abscharge3 > 0));

The acceptance cut for clusters on layer 0 of the SPD

variable CL1acceptance

const Cut CL1acceptance = (Cuts::etaIn(-1.4,1.4) && (Cuts::abscharge3 > 0));

The acceptance cut for clusters on layer 1 of the SPD

variable Eta1acceptance

const Cut Eta1acceptance = (Cuts::etaIn(-1,1) && (Cuts::abscharge3 > 0));

The acceptance cut for mid-rapidity

variable FASTORacceptance

const Cut FASTORacceptance = CL0acceptance;

The acceptance cut for SPD FASTOR

Updated on 2022-08-07 at 20:17:18 +0100