group Functions for Particles and Jets
Functions for Particles and Jets
Name |
ParticleBase classifier -> bool functors |
ParticleBase comparison -> double functors |
Next-level filtering |
Name | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const =0 |
virtual | ~BoolParticleBaseFunctor() |
PtGtr(double pt) | |
PtGtr(const FourMomentum & p) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
PtLess(const FourMomentum & p) | |
PtLess(double pt) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
PtInRange(pair< double, double > ptcuts) | |
PtInRange(double ptlow, double pthigh) | |
PtInRange(const FourMomentum & p1, const FourMomentum & p2) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
EtaGtr(double eta) | |
EtaGtr(const FourMomentum & p) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
EtaLess(double eta) | |
EtaLess(const FourMomentum & p) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
EtaInRange(pair< double, double > etacuts) | |
EtaInRange(double etalow, double etahigh) | |
EtaInRange(const FourMomentum & p1, const FourMomentum & p2) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
AbsEtaGtr(double abseta) | |
AbsEtaGtr(const FourMomentum & p) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
AbsEtaLess(double abseta) | |
AbsEtaLess(const FourMomentum & p) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
AbsEtaInRange(const pair< double, double > & absetacuts) | |
AbsEtaInRange(double absetalow, double absetahigh) | |
AbsEtaInRange(const FourMomentum & p1, const FourMomentum & p2) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
RapGtr(double rap) | |
RapGtr(const FourMomentum & p) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
RapLess(double rap) | |
RapLess(const FourMomentum & p) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
RapInRange(const pair< double, double > & rapcuts) | |
RapInRange(double raplow, double raphigh) | |
RapInRange(const FourMomentum & p1, const FourMomentum & p2) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
AbsRapGtr(double absrap) | |
AbsRapGtr(const FourMomentum & p) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
AbsRapLess(double absrap) | |
AbsRapLess(const FourMomentum & p) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
AbsRapInRange(const pair< double, double > & absrapcuts) | |
AbsRapInRange(double absraplow, double absraphigh) | |
AbsRapInRange(const FourMomentum & p1, const FourMomentum & p2) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
DeltaRGtr(const ParticleBase & vec, double dr, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) | |
DeltaRGtr(const FourMomentum & vec, double dr, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) | |
DeltaRGtr(const Vector3 & vec, double dr) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
DeltaRLess(const ParticleBase & vec, double dr, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) | |
DeltaRLess(const FourMomentum & vec, double dr, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) | |
DeltaRLess(const Vector3 & vec, double dr) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
DeltaRInRange(const ParticleBase & vec, const pair< double, double > & dr, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) | |
DeltaRInRange(const ParticleBase & vec, double drmin, double drmax, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) | |
DeltaRInRange(const FourMomentum & vec, const pair< double, double > & dr, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) | |
DeltaRInRange(const FourMomentum & vec, double drmin, double drmax, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) | |
DeltaRInRange(const Vector3 & vec, const pair< double, double > & dr) | |
DeltaRInRange(const Vector3 & vec, double drmin, double drmax) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
DeltaPhiGtr(const ParticleBase & vec, double dphi) | |
DeltaPhiGtr(const FourMomentum & vec, double dphi) | |
DeltaPhiGtr(const Vector3 & vec, double dphi) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
DeltaPhiLess(const ParticleBase & vec, double dphi) | |
DeltaPhiLess(const FourMomentum & vec, double dphi) | |
DeltaPhiLess(const Vector3 & vec, double dphi) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
DeltaPhiInRange(const ParticleBase & vec, const pair< double, double > & dphi) | |
DeltaPhiInRange(const ParticleBase & vec, double dphimin, double dphimax) | |
DeltaPhiInRange(const FourMomentum & vec, const pair< double, double > & dphi) | |
DeltaPhiInRange(const FourMomentum & vec, double dphimin, double dphimax) | |
DeltaPhiInRange(const Vector3 & vec, const pair< double, double > & dphi) | |
DeltaPhiInRange(const Vector3 & vec, double dphimin, double dphimax) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
DeltaEtaGtr(const ParticleBase & vec, double deta) | |
DeltaEtaGtr(const FourMomentum & vec, double deta) | |
DeltaEtaGtr(const Vector3 & vec, double deta) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
DeltaEtaLess(const ParticleBase & vec, double deta) | |
DeltaEtaLess(const FourMomentum & vec, double deta) | |
DeltaEtaLess(const Vector3 & vec, double deta) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
DeltaEtaInRange(const ParticleBase & vec, const pair< double, double > & deta) | |
DeltaEtaInRange(const ParticleBase & vec, double detamin, double detamax) | |
DeltaEtaInRange(const FourMomentum & vec, const pair< double, double > & deta) | |
DeltaEtaInRange(const FourMomentum & vec, double detamin, double detamax) | |
DeltaEtaInRange(const Vector3 & vec, const pair< double, double > & deta) | |
DeltaEtaInRange(const Vector3 & vec, double detamin, double detamax) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
DeltaRapGtr(const ParticleBase & vec, double drap) | |
DeltaRapGtr(const FourMomentum & vec, double drap) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
DeltaRapLess(const ParticleBase & vec, double drap) | |
DeltaRapLess(const FourMomentum & vec, double drap) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
DeltaRapInRange(const ParticleBase & vec, const pair< double, double > & drap) | |
DeltaRapInRange(const ParticleBase & vec, double drapmin, double drapmax) | |
DeltaRapInRange(const FourMomentum & vec, const pair< double, double > & drap) | |
DeltaRapInRange(const FourMomentum & vec, double drapmin, double drapmax) | |
virtual bool | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const |
virtual double | operator()(const ParticleBase & p) const =0 |
virtual | ~DoubleParticleBaseFunctor() |
DeltaRWRT(const ParticleBase & pb, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) | |
DeltaRWRT(const FourMomentum & p4, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) | |
DeltaRWRT(const Vector3 & p3) | |
virtual double | operator()(const ParticleBase & pb) const |
double | operator()(const FourMomentum & p4) const |
double | operator()(const Vector3 & p3) const |
DeltaPhiWRT(const ParticleBase & pb) | |
DeltaPhiWRT(const FourMomentum & p4) | |
DeltaPhiWRT(const Vector3 & p3) | |
virtual double | operator()(const ParticleBase & pb) const |
double | operator()(const FourMomentum & p4) const |
double | operator()(const Vector3 & p3) const |
DeltaEtaWRT(const ParticleBase & pb) | |
DeltaEtaWRT(const FourMomentum & p4) | |
DeltaEtaWRT(const Vector3 & p3) | |
virtual double | operator()(const ParticleBase & pb) const |
double | operator()(const FourMomentum & p4) const |
double | operator()(const Vector3 & p3) const |
AbsDeltaEtaWRT(const ParticleBase & pb) | |
AbsDeltaEtaWRT(const FourMomentum & p4) | |
AbsDeltaEtaWRT(const Vector3 & p3) | |
virtual double | operator()(const ParticleBase & pb) const |
double | operator()(const FourMomentum & p4) const |
double | operator()(const Vector3 & p3) const |
DeltaRapWRT(const ParticleBase & pb) | |
DeltaRapWRT(const FourMomentum & p4) | |
virtual double | operator()(const ParticleBase & pb) const |
double | operator()(const FourMomentum & p4) const |
AbsDeltaRapWRT(const ParticleBase & pb) | |
AbsDeltaRapWRT(const FourMomentum & p4) | |
virtual double | operator()(const ParticleBase & pb) const |
double | operator()(const FourMomentum & p4) const |
FourMomentum | mom(const ParticleBase & p) Unbound function access to momentum. |
FourMomentum | p4(const ParticleBase & p) Unbound function access to momentum. |
Vector3 | p3(const ParticleBase & p) Unbound function access to p3. |
Vector3 | pTvec(const ParticleBase & p) Unbound function access to pTvec. |
double | p(const ParticleBase & p) Unbound function access to p. |
double | pT(const ParticleBase & p) Unbound function access to pT. |
double | Et(const ParticleBase & p) Unbound function access to ET. |
double | eta(const ParticleBase & p) Unbound function access to eta. |
double | abseta(const ParticleBase & p) Unbound function access to abseta. |
double | rap(const ParticleBase & p) Unbound function access to rapidity. |
double | absrap(const ParticleBase & p) Unbound function access to abs rapidity. |
double | mass(const ParticleBase & p) Unbound function access to mass. |
double | pairPt(const ParticleBase & p1, const ParticleBase & p2) Unbound function access to pair pT. |
double | pairMass(const ParticleBase & p1, const ParticleBase & p2) Unbound function access to pair mass. |
Name | |
double | ptcut |
double | ptcut |
pair< double, double > | ptcut |
double | etacut |
double | etacut |
pair< double, double > | etacut |
double | absetacut |
double | absetacut |
pair< double, double > | absetacut |
double | rapcut |
double | rapcut |
pair< double, double > | rapcut |
double | absrapcut |
double | absrapcut |
pair< double, double > | absrapcut |
FourMomentum | refvec |
double | drcut |
RapScheme | rapscheme |
FourMomentum | refvec |
double | drcut |
RapScheme | rapscheme |
FourMomentum | refvec |
pair< double, double > | drcut |
RapScheme | rapscheme |
Vector3 | refvec |
double | dphicut |
Vector3 | refvec |
double | dphicut |
Vector3 | refvec |
pair< double, double > | dphicut |
Vector3 | refvec |
double | detacut |
Vector3 | refvec |
double | detacut |
Vector3 | refvec |
pair< double, double > | detacut |
FourMomentum | refvec |
double | drapcut |
FourMomentum | refvec |
double | drapcut |
FourMomentum | refvec |
pair< double, double > | drapcut |
const FourMomentum | p |
RapScheme | rapscheme |
const Vector3 | p |
const Vector3 | p |
const Vector3 | p |
const FourMomentum | p |
const FourMomentum | p |
Functions Documentation
function operator()
virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const =0
Reimplemented by: Rivet::PtGtr::operator(), Rivet::PtLess::operator(), Rivet::PtInRange::operator(), Rivet::EtaGtr::operator(), Rivet::EtaLess::operator(), Rivet::EtaInRange::operator(), Rivet::AbsEtaGtr::operator(), Rivet::AbsEtaLess::operator(), Rivet::AbsEtaInRange::operator(), Rivet::RapGtr::operator(), Rivet::RapLess::operator(), Rivet::RapInRange::operator(), Rivet::AbsRapGtr::operator(), Rivet::AbsRapLess::operator(), Rivet::AbsRapInRange::operator(), Rivet::DeltaRGtr::operator(), Rivet::DeltaRLess::operator(), Rivet::DeltaRInRange::operator(), Rivet::DeltaPhiGtr::operator(), Rivet::DeltaPhiLess::operator(), Rivet::DeltaPhiInRange::operator(), Rivet::DeltaEtaGtr::operator(), Rivet::DeltaEtaLess::operator(), Rivet::DeltaEtaInRange::operator(), Rivet::DeltaRapGtr::operator(), Rivet::DeltaRapLess::operator(), Rivet::DeltaRapInRange::operator()
function ~BoolParticleBaseFunctor
inline virtual ~BoolParticleBaseFunctor()
function PtGtr
inline PtGtr(
double pt
function PtGtr
inline PtGtr(
const FourMomentum & p
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function PtLess
inline PtLess(
const FourMomentum & p
function PtLess
inline PtLess(
double pt
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function PtInRange
inline PtInRange(
pair< double, double > ptcuts
function PtInRange
inline PtInRange(
double ptlow,
double pthigh
function PtInRange
inline PtInRange(
const FourMomentum & p1,
const FourMomentum & p2
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function EtaGtr
inline EtaGtr(
double eta
function EtaGtr
inline EtaGtr(
const FourMomentum & p
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function EtaLess
inline EtaLess(
double eta
function EtaLess
inline EtaLess(
const FourMomentum & p
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function EtaInRange
inline EtaInRange(
pair< double, double > etacuts
function EtaInRange
inline EtaInRange(
double etalow,
double etahigh
function EtaInRange
inline EtaInRange(
const FourMomentum & p1,
const FourMomentum & p2
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function AbsEtaGtr
inline AbsEtaGtr(
double abseta
function AbsEtaGtr
inline AbsEtaGtr(
const FourMomentum & p
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function AbsEtaLess
inline AbsEtaLess(
double abseta
function AbsEtaLess
inline AbsEtaLess(
const FourMomentum & p
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function AbsEtaInRange
inline AbsEtaInRange(
const pair< double, double > & absetacuts
function AbsEtaInRange
inline AbsEtaInRange(
double absetalow,
double absetahigh
function AbsEtaInRange
inline AbsEtaInRange(
const FourMomentum & p1,
const FourMomentum & p2
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function RapGtr
inline RapGtr(
double rap
function RapGtr
inline RapGtr(
const FourMomentum & p
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function RapLess
inline RapLess(
double rap
function RapLess
inline RapLess(
const FourMomentum & p
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function RapInRange
inline RapInRange(
const pair< double, double > & rapcuts
function RapInRange
inline RapInRange(
double raplow,
double raphigh
function RapInRange
inline RapInRange(
const FourMomentum & p1,
const FourMomentum & p2
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function AbsRapGtr
inline AbsRapGtr(
double absrap
function AbsRapGtr
inline AbsRapGtr(
const FourMomentum & p
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function AbsRapLess
inline AbsRapLess(
double absrap
function AbsRapLess
inline AbsRapLess(
const FourMomentum & p
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function AbsRapInRange
inline AbsRapInRange(
const pair< double, double > & absrapcuts
function AbsRapInRange
inline AbsRapInRange(
double absraplow,
double absraphigh
function AbsRapInRange
inline AbsRapInRange(
const FourMomentum & p1,
const FourMomentum & p2
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function DeltaRGtr
inline DeltaRGtr(
const ParticleBase & vec,
double dr,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
function DeltaRGtr
inline DeltaRGtr(
const FourMomentum & vec,
double dr,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
function DeltaRGtr
inline DeltaRGtr(
const Vector3 & vec,
double dr
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function DeltaRLess
inline DeltaRLess(
const ParticleBase & vec,
double dr,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
function DeltaRLess
inline DeltaRLess(
const FourMomentum & vec,
double dr,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
function DeltaRLess
inline DeltaRLess(
const Vector3 & vec,
double dr
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function DeltaRInRange
inline DeltaRInRange(
const ParticleBase & vec,
const pair< double, double > & dr,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
function DeltaRInRange
inline DeltaRInRange(
const ParticleBase & vec,
double drmin,
double drmax,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
function DeltaRInRange
inline DeltaRInRange(
const FourMomentum & vec,
const pair< double, double > & dr,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
function DeltaRInRange
inline DeltaRInRange(
const FourMomentum & vec,
double drmin,
double drmax,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
function DeltaRInRange
inline DeltaRInRange(
const Vector3 & vec,
const pair< double, double > & dr
function DeltaRInRange
inline DeltaRInRange(
const Vector3 & vec,
double drmin,
double drmax
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function DeltaPhiGtr
inline DeltaPhiGtr(
const ParticleBase & vec,
double dphi
function DeltaPhiGtr
inline DeltaPhiGtr(
const FourMomentum & vec,
double dphi
function DeltaPhiGtr
inline DeltaPhiGtr(
const Vector3 & vec,
double dphi
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function DeltaPhiLess
inline DeltaPhiLess(
const ParticleBase & vec,
double dphi
function DeltaPhiLess
inline DeltaPhiLess(
const FourMomentum & vec,
double dphi
function DeltaPhiLess
inline DeltaPhiLess(
const Vector3 & vec,
double dphi
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function DeltaPhiInRange
inline DeltaPhiInRange(
const ParticleBase & vec,
const pair< double, double > & dphi
function DeltaPhiInRange
inline DeltaPhiInRange(
const ParticleBase & vec,
double dphimin,
double dphimax
function DeltaPhiInRange
inline DeltaPhiInRange(
const FourMomentum & vec,
const pair< double, double > & dphi
function DeltaPhiInRange
inline DeltaPhiInRange(
const FourMomentum & vec,
double dphimin,
double dphimax
function DeltaPhiInRange
inline DeltaPhiInRange(
const Vector3 & vec,
const pair< double, double > & dphi
function DeltaPhiInRange
inline DeltaPhiInRange(
const Vector3 & vec,
double dphimin,
double dphimax
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function DeltaEtaGtr
inline DeltaEtaGtr(
const ParticleBase & vec,
double deta
function DeltaEtaGtr
inline DeltaEtaGtr(
const FourMomentum & vec,
double deta
function DeltaEtaGtr
inline DeltaEtaGtr(
const Vector3 & vec,
double deta
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function DeltaEtaLess
inline DeltaEtaLess(
const ParticleBase & vec,
double deta
function DeltaEtaLess
inline DeltaEtaLess(
const FourMomentum & vec,
double deta
function DeltaEtaLess
inline DeltaEtaLess(
const Vector3 & vec,
double deta
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function DeltaEtaInRange
inline DeltaEtaInRange(
const ParticleBase & vec,
const pair< double, double > & deta
function DeltaEtaInRange
inline DeltaEtaInRange(
const ParticleBase & vec,
double detamin,
double detamax
function DeltaEtaInRange
inline DeltaEtaInRange(
const FourMomentum & vec,
const pair< double, double > & deta
function DeltaEtaInRange
inline DeltaEtaInRange(
const FourMomentum & vec,
double detamin,
double detamax
function DeltaEtaInRange
inline DeltaEtaInRange(
const Vector3 & vec,
const pair< double, double > & deta
function DeltaEtaInRange
inline DeltaEtaInRange(
const Vector3 & vec,
double detamin,
double detamax
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function DeltaRapGtr
inline DeltaRapGtr(
const ParticleBase & vec,
double drap
function DeltaRapGtr
inline DeltaRapGtr(
const FourMomentum & vec,
double drap
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function DeltaRapLess
inline DeltaRapLess(
const ParticleBase & vec,
double drap
function DeltaRapLess
inline DeltaRapLess(
const FourMomentum & vec,
double drap
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function DeltaRapInRange
inline DeltaRapInRange(
const ParticleBase & vec,
const pair< double, double > & drap
function DeltaRapInRange
inline DeltaRapInRange(
const ParticleBase & vec,
double drapmin,
double drapmax
function DeltaRapInRange
inline DeltaRapInRange(
const FourMomentum & vec,
const pair< double, double > & drap
function DeltaRapInRange
inline DeltaRapInRange(
const FourMomentum & vec,
double drapmin,
double drapmax
function operator()
inline virtual bool operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function operator()
virtual double operator()(
const ParticleBase & p
) const =0
Reimplemented by: Rivet::DeltaRWRT::operator(), Rivet::DeltaPhiWRT::operator(), Rivet::DeltaEtaWRT::operator(), Rivet::AbsDeltaEtaWRT::operator(), Rivet::DeltaRapWRT::operator(), Rivet::AbsDeltaRapWRT::operator()
function ~DoubleParticleBaseFunctor
inline virtual ~DoubleParticleBaseFunctor()
function DeltaRWRT
inline DeltaRWRT(
const ParticleBase & pb,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
function DeltaRWRT
inline DeltaRWRT(
const FourMomentum & p4,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
function DeltaRWRT
inline DeltaRWRT(
const Vector3 & p3
function operator()
inline virtual double operator()(
const ParticleBase & pb
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::DoubleParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function operator()
inline double operator()(
const FourMomentum & p4
) const
function operator()
inline double operator()(
const Vector3 & p3
) const
function DeltaPhiWRT
inline DeltaPhiWRT(
const ParticleBase & pb
function DeltaPhiWRT
inline DeltaPhiWRT(
const FourMomentum & p4
function DeltaPhiWRT
inline DeltaPhiWRT(
const Vector3 & p3
function operator()
inline virtual double operator()(
const ParticleBase & pb
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::DoubleParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function operator()
inline double operator()(
const FourMomentum & p4
) const
function operator()
inline double operator()(
const Vector3 & p3
) const
function DeltaEtaWRT
inline DeltaEtaWRT(
const ParticleBase & pb
function DeltaEtaWRT
inline DeltaEtaWRT(
const FourMomentum & p4
function DeltaEtaWRT
inline DeltaEtaWRT(
const Vector3 & p3
function operator()
inline virtual double operator()(
const ParticleBase & pb
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::DoubleParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function operator()
inline double operator()(
const FourMomentum & p4
) const
function operator()
inline double operator()(
const Vector3 & p3
) const
function AbsDeltaEtaWRT
inline AbsDeltaEtaWRT(
const ParticleBase & pb
function AbsDeltaEtaWRT
inline AbsDeltaEtaWRT(
const FourMomentum & p4
function AbsDeltaEtaWRT
inline AbsDeltaEtaWRT(
const Vector3 & p3
function operator()
inline virtual double operator()(
const ParticleBase & pb
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::DoubleParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function operator()
inline double operator()(
const FourMomentum & p4
) const
function operator()
inline double operator()(
const Vector3 & p3
) const
function DeltaRapWRT
inline DeltaRapWRT(
const ParticleBase & pb
function DeltaRapWRT
inline DeltaRapWRT(
const FourMomentum & p4
function operator()
inline virtual double operator()(
const ParticleBase & pb
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::DoubleParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function operator()
inline double operator()(
const FourMomentum & p4
) const
function AbsDeltaRapWRT
inline AbsDeltaRapWRT(
const ParticleBase & pb
function AbsDeltaRapWRT
inline AbsDeltaRapWRT(
const FourMomentum & p4
function operator()
inline virtual double operator()(
const ParticleBase & pb
) const
Reimplements: Rivet::DoubleParticleBaseFunctor::operator()
function operator()
inline double operator()(
const FourMomentum & p4
) const
function mom
inline FourMomentum mom(
const ParticleBase & p
Unbound function access to momentum.
function p4
inline FourMomentum p4(
const ParticleBase & p
Unbound function access to momentum.
function p3
inline Vector3 p3(
const ParticleBase & p
Unbound function access to p3.
function pTvec
inline Vector3 pTvec(
const ParticleBase & p
Unbound function access to pTvec.
function p
inline double p(
const ParticleBase & p
Unbound function access to p.
function pT
inline double pT(
const ParticleBase & p
Unbound function access to pT.
function Et
inline double Et(
const ParticleBase & p
Unbound function access to ET.
function eta
inline double eta(
const ParticleBase & p
Unbound function access to eta.
function abseta
inline double abseta(
const ParticleBase & p
Unbound function access to abseta.
function rap
inline double rap(
const ParticleBase & p
Unbound function access to rapidity.
function absrap
inline double absrap(
const ParticleBase & p
Unbound function access to abs rapidity.
function mass
inline double mass(
const ParticleBase & p
Unbound function access to mass.
function pairPt
inline double pairPt(
const ParticleBase & p1,
const ParticleBase & p2
Unbound function access to pair pT.
function pairMass
inline double pairMass(
const ParticleBase & p1,
const ParticleBase & p2
Unbound function access to pair mass.
Attributes Documentation
variable ptcut
double ptcut;
variable ptcut
double ptcut;
variable ptcut
pair< double, double > ptcut;
variable etacut
double etacut;
variable etacut
double etacut;
variable etacut
pair< double, double > etacut;
variable absetacut
double absetacut;
variable absetacut
double absetacut;
variable absetacut
pair< double, double > absetacut;
variable rapcut
double rapcut;
variable rapcut
double rapcut;
variable rapcut
pair< double, double > rapcut;
variable absrapcut
double absrapcut;
variable absrapcut
double absrapcut;
variable absrapcut
pair< double, double > absrapcut;
variable refvec
FourMomentum refvec;
variable drcut
double drcut;
variable rapscheme
RapScheme rapscheme;
variable refvec
FourMomentum refvec;
variable drcut
double drcut;
variable rapscheme
RapScheme rapscheme;
variable refvec
FourMomentum refvec;
variable drcut
pair< double, double > drcut;
variable rapscheme
RapScheme rapscheme;
variable refvec
Vector3 refvec;
variable dphicut
double dphicut;
variable refvec
Vector3 refvec;
variable dphicut
double dphicut;
variable refvec
Vector3 refvec;
variable dphicut
pair< double, double > dphicut;
variable refvec
Vector3 refvec;
variable detacut
double detacut;
variable refvec
Vector3 refvec;
variable detacut
double detacut;
variable refvec
Vector3 refvec;
variable detacut
pair< double, double > detacut;
variable refvec
FourMomentum refvec;
variable drapcut
double drapcut;
variable refvec
FourMomentum refvec;
variable drapcut
double drapcut;
variable refvec
FourMomentum refvec;
variable drapcut
pair< double, double > drapcut;
variable p
const FourMomentum p;
variable rapscheme
RapScheme rapscheme;
variable p
const Vector3 p;
variable p
const Vector3 p;
variable p
const Vector3 p;
variable p
const FourMomentum p;
variable p
const FourMomentum p;
Updated on 2022-08-07 at 20:17:17 +0100