group Particle classifier -> bool functors
Particle classifier -> bool functors
Name | |
struct | Rivet::BoolParticleFunctor Base type for Particle -> bool functors. |
struct | Rivet::BoolParticleAND Functor for and-combination of selector logic. |
struct | Rivet::BoolParticleOR Functor for or-combination of selector logic. |
struct | Rivet::BoolParticleNOT Functor for inverting selector logic. |
struct | Rivet::HasPID PID matching functor. |
struct | Rivet::HasAbsPID |
struct | Rivet::FirstParticleWith Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain to meet the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::FirstParticleWithout Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain not to meet the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::LastParticleWith Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain to meet the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::LastParticleWithout Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain not to meet the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::HasParticleAncestorWith Determine whether a particle has an ancestor which meets the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::HasParticleAncestorWithout Determine whether a particle has an ancestor which doesn’t meet the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::HasParticleParentWith Determine whether a particle has an parent which meets the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::HasParticleParentWithout Determine whether a particle has an parent which doesn’t meet the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::HasParticleChildWith Determine whether a particle has a child which meets the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::HasParticleChildWithout Determine whether a particle has a child which doesn’t meet the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::HasParticleDescendantWith Determine whether a particle has a descendant which meets the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::HasParticleDescendantWithout Determine whether a particle has a descendant which doesn’t meet the cut/function. |
Name | |
using HasPID | hasPID |
using HasAbsPID | hasAbsPID |
using FirstParticleWith | firstParticleWith |
using FirstParticleWithout | firstParticleWithout |
using LastParticleWith | lastParticleWith |
using LastParticleWithout | lastParticleWithout |
using HasParticleAncestorWith | hasParticleAncestorWith |
using HasParticleAncestorWithout | hasParticleAncestorWithout |
using HasParticleParentWith | hasParticleParentWith |
using HasParticleParentWithout | hasParticleParentWithout |
using HasParticleChildWith | hasParticleChildWith |
using HasParticleChildWithout | hasParticleChildWithout |
using HasParticleDescendantWith | hasParticleDescendantWith |
using HasParticleDescendantWithout | hasParticleDescendantWithout |
Name | |
BoolParticleAND | operator&&(const ParticleSelector & a, const ParticleSelector & b) Operator syntactic sugar for AND construction. |
BoolParticleOR | **[operator |
BoolParticleNOT | operator!(const ParticleSelector & a) Operator syntactic sugar for NOT construction. |
Detailed Description
To be passed to any() or all() e.g. any(p.children(), HasPID(PID::MUON))
Types Documentation
using hasPID
using Rivet::hasPID = typedef HasPID;
using hasAbsPID
using Rivet::hasAbsPID = typedef HasAbsPID;
using firstParticleWith
using Rivet::firstParticleWith = typedef FirstParticleWith;
using firstParticleWithout
using Rivet::firstParticleWithout = typedef FirstParticleWithout;
using lastParticleWith
using Rivet::lastParticleWith = typedef LastParticleWith;
using lastParticleWithout
using Rivet::lastParticleWithout = typedef LastParticleWithout;
using hasParticleAncestorWith
using Rivet::hasParticleAncestorWith = typedef HasParticleAncestorWith;
using hasParticleAncestorWithout
using Rivet::hasParticleAncestorWithout = typedef HasParticleAncestorWithout;
using hasParticleParentWith
using Rivet::hasParticleParentWith = typedef HasParticleParentWith;
using hasParticleParentWithout
using Rivet::hasParticleParentWithout = typedef HasParticleParentWithout;
using hasParticleChildWith
using Rivet::hasParticleChildWith = typedef HasParticleChildWith;
using hasParticleChildWithout
using Rivet::hasParticleChildWithout = typedef HasParticleChildWithout;
using hasParticleDescendantWith
using Rivet::hasParticleDescendantWith = typedef HasParticleDescendantWith;
using hasParticleDescendantWithout
using Rivet::hasParticleDescendantWithout = typedef HasParticleDescendantWithout;
Functions Documentation
function operator&&
inline BoolParticleAND operator&&(
const ParticleSelector & a,
const ParticleSelector & b
Operator syntactic sugar for AND construction.
function operator||
inline BoolParticleOR operator||(
const ParticleSelector & a,
const ParticleSelector & b
Operator syntactic sugar for OR construction.
function operator!
inline BoolParticleNOT operator!(
const ParticleSelector & a
Operator syntactic sugar for NOT construction.
Updated on 2022-08-07 at 20:17:17 +0100