namespace Rivet
Name |
Rivet::ALICE |
Rivet::ATLAS Common projections for ATLAS trigger conditions and centrality. |
Rivet::Cuts Namespace used for ambiguous identifiers. |
Rivet::HepMCUtils |
Rivet::Kin |
Rivet::PID |
Name | |
struct | Rivet::AbsDeltaEtaWRT Calculator of ( |
struct | Rivet::AbsDeltaRapWRT Calculator of ( |
struct | Rivet::AbsEtaGtr Abs pseudorapidity greater-than functor. |
struct | Rivet::AbsEtaInRange Abs pseudorapidity in-range functor. |
struct | Rivet::AbsEtaLess Abs pseudorapidity momentum less-than functor. |
struct | Rivet::AbsRapGtr Abs rapidity greater-than functor. |
struct | Rivet::AbsRapInRange Abs rapidity in-range functor. |
struct | Rivet::AbsRapLess Abs rapidity momentum less-than functor. |
class | Rivet::Analysis This is the base class of all analysis classes in Rivet. |
class | Rivet::AnalysisHandler The key class for coordination of Analysis objects and the event loop. |
class | Rivet::AnalysisInfo Holder of analysis metadata. |
class | Rivet::AnalysisLoader Internal class which loads and registers analyses from plugin libs. |
class | Rivet::AxesDefinition Base class for projections which define a spatial basis. |
struct | Rivet::bad_lexical_cast Exception class for throwing from lexical_cast when a parse goes wrong. |
class | Rivet::Beam Project out the incoming beams. |
class | Rivet::BeamThrust Calculator of the beam-thrust observable. |
class | Rivet::BinnedHistogram A set of booked Histo1DPtr, each in a bin of a second variable. |
struct | Rivet::BoolJetAND Functor for and-combination of selector logic. |
struct | Rivet::BoolJetFunctor Base type for Jet -> bool functors. |
struct | Rivet::BoolJetNOT Functor for inverting selector logic. |
struct | Rivet::BoolJetOR Functor for or-combination of selector logic. |
struct | Rivet::BoolParticleAND Functor for and-combination of selector logic. |
struct | Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor Base type for Particle -> bool functors. |
struct | Rivet::BoolParticleFunctor Base type for Particle -> bool functors. |
struct | Rivet::BoolParticleNOT Functor for inverting selector logic. |
struct | Rivet::BoolParticleOR Functor for or-combination of selector logic. |
class | Rivet::BRAHMSCentrality BRAHMS Centrality projection. |
class | Rivet::CentralEtHCM Summed ( E_\perp ) of central particles in HCM system. |
class | Rivet::CentralityBinner |
class | Rivet::CentralityEstimator Base class for projections profile observable value vs the collision centrality. |
class | Rivet::CentralityProjection Used together with the percentile-based analysis objects Percentile and PercentileXaxis. |
class | Rivet::ChargedFinalState Project only charged final state particles. |
class | Rivet::ChargedLeptons Get charged final-state leptons. |
class | Rivet::ConstLossyFinalState Randomly lose a constant fraction of particles. |
class | Rivet::ConstRandomFilter Functor used to implement constant random lossiness. |
class | Rivet::Correlators Projection for calculating correlators for flow measurements. |
class | Rivet::CumulantAnalysis Tools for flow analyses. |
struct | Rivet::Cutflow A tracker of numbers & fractions of events passing sequential cuts. |
struct | Rivet::Cutflows A container for several Cutflow objects, with some convenient batch access. |
struct | Rivet::DeltaEtaGtr ( |
struct | Rivet::DeltaEtaInRange ( \Delta \eta ) (with respect to another 4-momentum, vec) in-range functor |
struct | Rivet::DeltaEtaLess ( |
struct | Rivet::DeltaEtaWRT Calculator of ( \Delta \eta ) with respect to a given momentum. |
struct | Rivet::DeltaPhiGtr ( |
struct | Rivet::DeltaPhiInRange ( \Delta \phi ) (with respect to another 4-momentum, vec) in-range functor |
struct | Rivet::DeltaPhiLess ( |
struct | Rivet::DeltaPhiWRT Calculator of ( \Delta \phi ) with respect to a given momentum. |
struct | Rivet::DeltaRapGtr ( |
struct | Rivet::DeltaRapInRange ( \Delta y ) (with respect to another 4-momentum, vec) in-range functor |
struct | Rivet::DeltaRapLess ( |
struct | Rivet::DeltaRapWRT Calculator of ( \Delta y ) with respect to a given momentum. |
struct | Rivet::DeltaRGtr ( \Delta R ) (with respect to another 4-momentum, vec) greater-than functor |
struct | Rivet::DeltaRInRange ( \Delta R ) (with respect to another 4-momentum, vec) in-range functor |
struct | Rivet::DeltaRLess ( \Delta R ) (with respect to another 4-momentum, vec) less-than functor |
struct | Rivet::DeltaRWRT Calculator of ( \Delta R ) with respect to a given momentum. |
class | Rivet::DISDiffHadron Get the incoming and outgoing hadron in a diffractive ep event. |
class | Rivet::DISFinalState Final state particles boosted to the hadronic center of mass system. |
class | Rivet::DISKinematics Get the DIS kinematic variables and relevant boosts for an event. |
class | Rivet::DISLepton Get the incoming and outgoing leptons in a DIS event. |
class | Rivet::DISRapidityGap Get the incoming and outgoing hadron in a diffractive ep event. |
struct | Rivet::DoubleParticleBaseFunctor Base type for Particle -> double functors. |
class | Rivet::DressedLepton A charged lepton meta-particle created by clustering photons close to the bare lepton. |
class | Rivet::DressedLeptons Cluster photons from a given FS to all charged particles (typically leptons) |
struct | Rivet::Error Generic runtime Rivet error. |
struct | Rivet::EtaGtr Pseudorapidity greater-than functor. |
struct | Rivet::EtaInRange Pseudorapidity in-range functor. |
struct | Rivet::EtaLess Pseudorapidity less-than functor. |
class | Rivet::Event Representation of a HepMC event, and enabler of Projection caching. |
class | Rivet::EventMixingBase |
class | Rivet::EventMixingCentrality |
class | Rivet::EventMixingFinalState |
class | Rivet::FastJets Project out jets found using the FastJet package jet algorithms. |
class | Rivet::FinalPartons |
class | Rivet::FinalState Project out all final-state particles in an event. Probably the most important projection in Rivet! |
struct | Rivet::FirstParticleWith Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain to meet the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::FirstParticleWithout Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain not to meet the cut/function. |
class | Rivet::FourMomentum Specialized version of the FourVector with momentum/energy functionality. |
class | Rivet::FourVector Specialisation of VectorN to a general (non-momentum) Lorentz 4-vector. |
class | Rivet::FParameter Calculator of the ( F )-parameter observable. |
class | Rivet::GammaGammaFinalState Final state particles boosted to the hadronic center of mass system. |
class | Rivet::GammaGammaKinematics Get the gamma gamma kinematic variables and relevant boosts for an event. |
class | Rivet::GammaGammaLeptons Get the incoming and outgoing leptons in a gamma gamma collision event in e+e-. |
class | Rivet::GeneratedCentrality |
class | Rivet::GeneratedPercentileProjection |
class | Rivet::HadronicFinalState Project only hadronic final state particles. |
struct | Rivet::HasAbsPID |
struct | Rivet::HasBTag B-tagging functor, with a tag selection cut as the stored state. |
struct | Rivet::HasCTag C-tagging functor, with a tag selection cut as the stored state. |
struct | Rivet::HasNoTag Anti-B/C-tagging functor, with a tag selection cut as the stored state. |
struct | Rivet::HasParticleAncestorWith Determine whether a particle has an ancestor which meets the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::HasParticleAncestorWithout Determine whether a particle has an ancestor which doesn’t meet the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::HasParticleChildWith Determine whether a particle has a child which meets the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::HasParticleChildWithout Determine whether a particle has a child which doesn’t meet the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::HasParticleDescendantWith Determine whether a particle has a descendant which meets the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::HasParticleDescendantWithout Determine whether a particle has a descendant which doesn’t meet the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::HasParticleParentWith Determine whether a particle has an parent which meets the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::HasParticleParentWithout Determine whether a particle has an parent which doesn’t meet the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::HasPID PID matching functor. |
struct | Rivet::HasTauTag Tau-tagging functor, with a tag selection cut as the stored state. |
class | Rivet::HeavyHadrons Project out the last pre-decay b and c hadrons. |
class | Rivet::Hemispheres Calculate the hemisphere masses and broadenings. |
class | Rivet::HepMCHeavyIon |
class | Rivet::IdentifiedFinalState Produce a final state which only contains specified particle IDs. |
class | Rivet::ImpactParameterProjection |
struct | Rivet::InfoError Error specialisation for failures relating to analysis info. |
class | Rivet::InitialQuarks Project out quarks from the hard process in ( e^+ e^- \to Z^0 ) events. |
class | Rivet::InvisibleFinalState Final state modifier excluding particles which are experimentally visible. |
class | Rivet::InvMassFinalState Identify particles which can be paired to fit within a given invariant mass window. |
struct | Rivet::IOError Error for I/O failures. |
class | Rivet::Jet Representation of a clustered jet of particles. |
struct | Rivet::JET_BTAG_EFFS b-tagging efficiency functor, for more readable b-tag effs and mistag rates |
struct | Rivet::JET_EFF_CONST Take a Jet and return a constant efficiency. |
struct | Rivet::JetEffFilter A functor to return true if Jetj survives a random efficiency selection. |
struct | Rivet::JetEffSmearFn Functor for simultaneous efficiency-filtering and smearing of Jets. |
class | Rivet::JetFinder Abstract base class for projections which can return a set of Jet s. |
class | Rivet::Jets Specialised vector of Jet objects. |
class | Rivet::JetShape Calculate transverse jet profiles. |
struct | Rivet::LastParticleWith Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain to meet the cut/function. |
struct | Rivet::LastParticleWithout Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain not to meet the cut/function. |
class | Rivet::LeadingParticlesFinalState Get the highest-pT occurrences of FS particles with the specified PDG IDs. |
class | Rivet::Log Logging system for controlled & formatted writing to stdout. |
struct | Rivet::LogicError Error specialisation for places where alg logic has failed. |
struct | Rivet::LookupError Error relating to looking up analysis objects in the register. |
class | Rivet::LorentzTransform Object implementing Lorentz transform calculations and boosts. |
class | Rivet::LossyFinalState Templated FS projection which can lose some of the supplied particles. |
class | Rivet::Matrix General ( N )-dimensional mathematical matrix object. |
class | Rivet::Matrix3 Specialisation of MatrixN to aid 3 dimensional rotations. |
class | Rivet::MC_JetAnalysis Base class providing common functionality for MC jet validation analyses. |
class | Rivet::MC_JetSplittings Base class providing common functionality for MC jet validation analyses. |
class | Rivet::MC_ParticleAnalysis Base class providing common functionality for MC particle species validation analyses. |
class | Rivet::MC_pPbMinBiasTrigger |
class | Rivet::MC_SumETFwdPbCentrality |
class | Rivet::MendelMin A genetic algorithm functional minimizer. |
class | Rivet::MergedFinalState Get final state particles merged from two FinalState projections. |
class | Rivet::METFinder Interface for projections that find missing transverse energy/momentum. |
class | Rivet::MissingMomentum Calculate missing ( E ), ( E_\perp ) etc. as complements to the total visible momentum. |
class | Rivet::NeutralFinalState Project only neutral final state particles. |
class | Rivet::NonHadronicFinalState Project only hadronic final state particles. |
class | Rivet::NonPromptFinalState Find final state particles NOT directly connected to the hard process. |
struct | Rivet::P3_EFF_CONST Take a Vector3 and return a constant number. |
struct | Rivet::P4_EFF_CONST Take a FourMomentum and return a constant number. |
class | Rivet::ParisiTensor Calculate the Parisi event shape tensor (or linear momentum tensor). |
class | Rivet::Particle Particle representation, either from a HepMC::GenEvent or reconstructed. |
struct | Rivet::PARTICLE_EFF_CONST Take a Particle and return a constant number. |
class | Rivet::ParticleBase Base class for particle-like things like Particle and Jet. |
struct | Rivet::ParticleEffFilter A functor to return true if Particlep survives a random efficiency selection. |
struct | Rivet::ParticleEffSmearFn Functor for simultaneous efficiency-filtering and smearing of Particles. |
class | Rivet::ParticleFinder Base class for projections which return subsets of an event’s particles. |
class | Rivet::Particles Specialised vector of Particle objects. |
class | Rivet::PartonicTops Convenience finder of partonic top quarks. |
class | Rivet::Percentile The Percentile class for centrality binning. |
class | Rivet::PercentileBase PercentileBase is the base class of all Percentile classes. |
class | Rivet::PercentileProjection class for projections that reports the percentile for a given SingleValueProjection when initialized with a Histo1D of the distribution in the SingleValueProjection. |
class | Rivet::PercentileTBase PercentileTBase is the base class of all Percentile classes. |
class | Rivet::PercentileXaxis The PercentileXaxis class for centrality binning. |
struct | Rivet::PidError Error specialisation for failures relating to particle ID codes. |
class | Rivet::PrimaryHadrons Project out the first hadrons from hadronisation. |
class | Rivet::PrimaryParticles Project out primary particles according to definition. |
class | Rivet::Projection Base class for all Rivet projections. |
class | Rivet::ProjectionApplier Common base class for Projection and Analysis, used for internal polymorphism. |
class | Rivet::ProjectionHandler The projection handler is a central repository for projections to be used in a Rivet analysis run. |
class | Rivet::PromptFinalState Find final state particles directly connected to the hard process. |
struct | Rivet::PtGtr Transverse momentum greater-than functor. |
struct | Rivet::PtInRange Transverse momentum in-range functor. |
struct | Rivet::PtLess Transverse momentum less-than functor. |
struct | Rivet::RangeError Error for e.g. use of invalid bin ranges. |
struct | Rivet::RapGtr Rapidity greater-than functor. |
struct | Rivet::RapInRange Rapidity in-range functor. |
struct | Rivet::RapLess Rapidity momentum less-than functor. |
struct | Rivet::ReadError Error for read failures. |
class | Rivet::Run Interface to handle a run of events read from a HepMC stream or file. |
class | Rivet::SingleValueProjection Base class for projections returning a single floating point value. |
class | Rivet::SmearedJets Wrapper projection for smearing Jet s with detector resolutions and efficiencies. |
class | Rivet::SmearedMET Wrapper projection for smearing missing (transverse) energy/momentum with detector resolutions. |
class | Rivet::SmearedParticles Wrapper projection for smearing Jet s with detector resolutions and efficiencies. |
class | Rivet::Sphericity Calculate the sphericity event shape. |
class | Rivet::Spherocity Get the transverse spherocity scalars for hadron-colliders. |
class | Rivet::STAR_BES_Centrality Common projections for RHIC experiments’ trigger conditions and centrality. |
class | Rivet::TauFinder Convenience finder of unstable taus. |
class | Rivet::ThreeMomentum Specialized version of the ThreeVector with momentum functionality. |
class | Rivet::Thrust Get the e+ e- thrust basis and the thrust, thrust major and thrust minor scalars. |
class | Rivet::TriggerCDFRun0Run1 Access to the min bias triggers used by CDF in Run 0 and Run 1. |
class | Rivet::TriggerCDFRun2 Access to the min bias triggers used by CDF in Run 0 and Run 1. |
class | Rivet::TriggerProjection Base class for projections returning a bool corresponding to a trigger. |
class | Rivet::TriggerUA5 Access to the min bias triggers used by UA5. |
class | Rivet::UndressBeamLeptons Project out the incoming beams, but subtract any colinear photons from lepton beams within a given cone. |
class | Rivet::UnstableParticles Project out all physical-but-decayed particles in an event. |
class | Rivet::UserCentEstimate |
struct | Rivet::UserError Error specialisation for where the problem is between the chair and the computer. |
class | Rivet::Vector A minimal base class for ( N )-dimensional vectors. |
class | Rivet::Vector2 Two-dimensional specialisation of Vector. |
class | Rivet::Vector3 Three-dimensional specialisation of Vector. |
class | Rivet::VetoedFinalState FS modifier to exclude classes of particles from the final state. |
class | Rivet::VisibleFinalState Final state modifier excluding particles which are not experimentally visible. |
struct | Rivet::WeightError Errors relating to event/bin weights. |
class | Rivet::WFinder Convenience finder of leptonically decaying W. |
struct | Rivet::WriteError Error for write failures. |
class | Rivet::ZFinder Convenience finder of leptonically decaying Zs. |
Name | |
enum | RangeBoundary { OPEN =0, SOFT =0, CLOSED =1, HARD =1} |
typedef std::vector< FourVector > | FourVectors |
typedef std::vector< FourMomentum > | FourMomenta |
typedef function< Jet(const Jet &)> | JetSmearFn Typedef for Jet smearing functions/functors. |
typedef function< double(const Jet &)> | JetEffFn Typedef for Jet efficiency functions/functors. |
using JetEffFilter | jetEffFilter |
typedef std::function< FourMomentum(const FourMomentum &)> | P4SmearFn Typedef for FourMomentum smearing functions/functors. |
typedef std::function< double(const FourMomentum &)> | P4EffFn Typedef for FourMomentum efficiency functions/functors. |
typedef function< Particle(const Particle &)> | ParticleSmearFn Typedef for Particle smearing functions/functors. |
typedef function< double(const Particle &)> | ParticleEffFn Typedef for Particle efficiency functions/functors. |
using ParticleEffFilter | particleEffFilter |
typedef vector< std::string > | strings |
typedef vector< double > | doubles |
typedef vector< float > | floats |
typedef vector< int > | ints |
enum | Sign { MINUS = -1, ZERO = 0, PLUS = 1} Enum for signs of numbers. |
enum | RapScheme { PSEUDORAPIDITY = 0, ETARAP = 0, RAPIDITY = 1, YRAP = 1} Enum for rapidity variable to be used in calculating ( R ), applying rapidity cuts, etc. |
enum | PhiMapping { MINUSPI_PLUSPI, ZERO_2PI, ZERO_PI} Enum for range of ( \phi ) to be mapped into. |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Analysis > | AnaHandle |
typedef Matrix< 4 > | Matrix4 |
typedef Vector2 | TwoVector |
typedef Vector2 | V2 |
typedef Vector3 | ThreeVector |
typedef Vector3 | V3 |
typedef ThreeMomentum | P3 |
typedef FourVector | Vector4 |
typedef FourVector | V4 |
typedef FourMomentum | P4 |
typedef std::pair< Particle, Particle > | ParticlePair Typedef for a pair of Particle objects. |
typedef std::shared_ptr< const Projection > | ProjHandle Typedef for Projection (smart) pointer. |
using PromptFinalState | DirectFinalState Alias with a more correct name. |
typedef pair< Particles, double > | MixEvent |
typedef map< double, std::deque< MixEvent > > | MixMap |
using NonPromptFinalState | IndirectFinalState Alias with a more correct name. |
using JetFinder | JetAlg |
using MissingMomentum | MissingMom A slightly more convenient name, following other Rivet shortening-conventions. |
using TauFinder | Taus |
using UnstableParticles | UnstableFinalState |
using Cmp< Projection > | PCmp Typedef for Cmp |
typedef Error | Exception Rivet::Exception is a synonym for Rivet::Error. |
using function< bool(const Jet &)> | JetSelector std::function instantiation for functors taking a Jet and returning a bool |
using function< bool(const Jet &, const Jet &)> | JetSorter std::function instantiation for functors taking two Jets and returning a bool |
using HasBTag | hasBTag |
using HasCTag | hasCTag |
using HasTauTag | hasTauTag |
using HasNoTag | hasNoTag |
using function< bool(const ParticleBase &)> | ParticleBaseSelector std::function instantiation for functors taking a ParticleBase and returning a bool |
using function< bool(const ParticleBase &, const ParticleBase &)> | ParticleBaseSorter std::function instantiation for functors taking two ParticleBase and returning a bool |
using PtGtr | pTGtr |
using PtGtr | ptGtr |
using PtLess | pTLess |
using PtLess | ptLess |
using PtInRange | pTInRange |
using PtInRange | ptInRange |
using EtaGtr | etaGtr |
using EtaLess | etaLess |
using EtaInRange | etaInRange |
using AbsEtaGtr | absEtaGtr |
using AbsEtaGtr | absetaGtr |
using AbsEtaLess | absEtaLess |
using AbsEtaLess | absetaLess |
using AbsEtaInRange | absEtaInRange |
using AbsEtaInRange | absetaInRange |
using RapGtr | rapGtr |
using RapLess | rapLess |
using RapInRange | rapInRange |
using AbsRapGtr | absRapGtr |
using AbsRapGtr | absrapGtr |
using AbsRapLess | absRapLess |
using AbsRapLess | absrapLess |
using AbsRapInRange | absRapInRange |
using AbsRapInRange | absrapInRange |
using DeltaRGtr | deltaRGtr |
using DeltaRLess | deltaRLess |
using DeltaRInRange | deltaRInRange |
using DeltaPhiGtr | deltaPhiGtr |
using DeltaPhiLess | deltaPhiLess |
using DeltaPhiInRange | deltaPhiInRange |
using DeltaEtaGtr | deltaEtaGtr |
using DeltaEtaLess | deltaEtaLess |
using DeltaEtaInRange | deltaEtaInRange |
using DeltaRapGtr | deltaRapGtr |
using DeltaRapLess | deltaRapLess |
using DeltaRapInRange | deltaRapInRange |
using DeltaRWRT | deltaRWRT |
using DeltaPhiWRT | deltaPhiWRT |
using DeltaEtaWRT | deltaEtaWRT |
using AbsDeltaEtaWRT | absDeltaEtaWRT |
using DeltaRapWRT | deltaRapWRT |
using AbsDeltaRapWRT | absDeltaRapWRT |
using HasPID | hasPID |
using HasAbsPID | hasAbsPID |
using FirstParticleWith | firstParticleWith |
using FirstParticleWithout | firstParticleWithout |
using LastParticleWith | lastParticleWith |
using LastParticleWithout | lastParticleWithout |
using HasParticleAncestorWith | hasParticleAncestorWith |
using HasParticleAncestorWithout | hasParticleAncestorWithout |
using HasParticleParentWith | hasParticleParentWith |
using HasParticleParentWithout | hasParticleParentWithout |
using HasParticleChildWith | hasParticleChildWith |
using HasParticleChildWithout | hasParticleChildWithout |
using HasParticleDescendantWith | hasParticleDescendantWith |
using HasParticleDescendantWithout | hasParticleDescendantWithout |
typedef std::vector< PseudoJet > | PseudoJets |
typedef const HepMC::GenParticle * | ConstGenParticlePtr |
typedef const HepMC::GenVertex * | ConstGenVertexPtr |
typedef const HepMC::HeavyIon * | ConstGenHeavyIonPtr |
using HepMC::IO_GenEvent | HepMC_IO_type |
using RivetHepMC::PdfInfo | PdfInfo |
using std::shared_ptr< const GenEvent > | ConstGenEventPtr |
using double | Weight Typedef for weights. |
template <class T > using pair< typename T::FillType, Weight > | Fill A single fill is a (FillType, Weight) pair. |
template <class T > using multiset< Fill< T > > | Fills |
using rivet_shared_ptr< MultiweightAOWrapper > | MultiweightAOPtr |
using rivet_shared_ptr< Wrapper< YODA::Histo1D > > | Histo1DPtr |
using rivet_shared_ptr< Wrapper< YODA::Histo2D > > | Histo2DPtr |
using rivet_shared_ptr< Wrapper< YODA::Profile1D > > | Profile1DPtr |
using rivet_shared_ptr< Wrapper< YODA::Profile2D > > | Profile2DPtr |
using rivet_shared_ptr< Wrapper< YODA::Counter > > | CounterPtr |
using rivet_shared_ptr< Wrapper< YODA::Scatter1D > > | Scatter1DPtr |
using rivet_shared_ptr< Wrapper< YODA::Scatter2D > > | Scatter2DPtr |
using rivet_shared_ptr< Wrapper< YODA::Scatter3D > > | Scatter3DPtr |
Name | |
template <typename N1 ,typename N2 ,typename N3 > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N3 >::value, bool >::type | inRange(N1 value, N2 low, N3 high, RangeBoundary lowbound =CLOSED, RangeBoundary highbound =OPEN) Determine if value is in the range low to high, for floating point numbers. |
template <typename N1 ,typename N2 ,typename N3 > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N3 >::value, bool >::type | fuzzyInRange(N1 value, N2 low, N3 high, RangeBoundary lowbound =CLOSED, RangeBoundary highbound =OPEN) Determine if value is in the range low to high, for floating point numbers. |
template <typename N1 ,typename N2 ,typename N3 > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N3 >::value, bool >::type | inRange(N1 value, pair< N2, N3 > lowhigh, RangeBoundary lowbound =CLOSED, RangeBoundary highbound =OPEN) Alternative version of inRange which accepts a pair for the range arguments. |
template <typename N1 ,typename N2 ,typename N3 > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N3 >::value, bool >::type | in_range(N1 val, N2 low, N3 high) Boolean function to determine if value is within the given range. |
template <typename N1 ,typename N2 ,typename N3 > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N3 >::value, bool >::type | in_closed_range(N1 val, N2 low, N3 high) Boolean function to determine if value is within the given range. |
template <typename N1 ,typename N2 ,typename N3 > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N3 >::value, bool >::type | in_open_range(N1 val, N2 low, N3 high) Boolean function to determine if value is within the given range. |
double | JET_EFF_ZERO(const Jet & p) Take a jet and return a constant 0. |
double | JET_EFF_0(const Jet & p) Alias for JET_EFF_ZERO. |
double | JET_FN0(const Jet & p) Alias for JET_EFF_ZERO. |
double | JET_EFF_ONE(const Jet & p) Take a jet and return a constant 1. |
double | JET_EFF_1(const Jet & p) Alias for JET_EFF_ONE. |
double | JET_EFF_PERFECT(const Jet & ) Alias for JET_EFF_ONE. |
double | JET_FN1(const Jet & ) Alias for JET_EFF_ONE. |
double | JET_BTAG_PERFECT(const Jet & j) Return 1 if the given Jet contains a b, otherwise 0. |
double | JET_CTAG_PERFECT(const Jet & j) Return 1 if the given Jet contains a c, otherwise 0. |
double | JET_TAUTAG_PERFECT(const Jet & j) Return 1 if the given Jet contains a c, otherwise 0. |
Jet | JET_SMEAR_IDENTITY(const Jet & j) |
Jet | JET_SMEAR_PERFECT(const Jet & j) Alias for JET_SMEAR_IDENTITY. |
template <typename FN > bool | efffilt(const Jet & j, FN & feff) Return true if Jet_j_ is chosen to survive a random efficiency selection. |
double | P4_EFF_ZERO(const FourMomentum & ) Take a FourMomentum and return 0. |
double | P4_FN0(const FourMomentum & ) |
double | P4_EFF_ONE(const FourMomentum & ) Take a FourMomentum and return 1. |
double | P4_FN1(const FourMomentum & ) |
FourMomentum | P4_SMEAR_IDENTITY(const FourMomentum & p) Take a FourMomentum and return it unmodified. |
FourMomentum | P4_SMEAR_PERFECT(const FourMomentum & p) Alias for P4_SMEAR_IDENTITY. |
FourMomentum | P4_SMEAR_E_GAUSS(const FourMomentum & p, double resolution) |
FourMomentum | P4_SMEAR_PT_GAUSS(const FourMomentum & p, double resolution) Smear a FourMomentum’s transverse momentum using a Gaussian of absolute width resolution. |
FourMomentum | P4_SMEAR_MASS_GAUSS(const FourMomentum & p, double resolution) Smear a FourMomentum’s mass using a Gaussian of absolute width resolution. |
double | PARTICLE_EFF_ZERO(const Particle & ) Take a Particle and return 0. |
double | PARTICLE_EFF_0(const Particle & ) Alias for PARTICLE_EFF_ZERO. |
double | PARTICLE_FN0(const Particle & ) Alias for PARTICLE_EFF_ZERO. |
double | PARTICLE_EFF_ONE(const Particle & ) Take a Particle and return 1. |
double | PARTICLE_EFF_1(const Particle & ) Alias for PARTICLE_EFF_ONE. |
double | PARTICLE_EFF_PERFECT(const Particle & ) Alias for PARTICLE_EFF_ONE. |
double | PARTICLE_FN1(const Particle & ) Alias for PARTICLE_EFF_ONE. |
Particle | PARTICLE_SMEAR_IDENTITY(const Particle & p) Take a Particle and return it unmodified. |
Particle | PARTICLE_SMEAR_PERFECT(const Particle & p) Alias for PARTICLE_SMEAR_IDENTITY. |
bool | efffilt(const Particle & p, const ParticleEffFn & feff) Return true if Particle_p_ is chosen to survive a random efficiency selection. |
std::ostream & | operator«(std::ostream & os, const Jet & j) Allow a Jet to be passed to an ostream. |
std::ostream & | operator«(std::ostream & os, const Particle & p) Allow a Particle to be passed to an ostream. |
std::ostream & | operator«(std::ostream & os, const ParticlePair & pp) Allow ParticlePair to be passed to an ostream. |
template <typename NUM > std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< NUM >::value, bool >::type | isZero(NUM val, double tolerance =1e-8) Compare a number to zero. |
template <typename NUM > std::enable_if< std::is_integral< NUM >::value, bool >::type | isZero(NUM val, double =1e-5) Compare a number to zero. |
template <typename NUM > std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< NUM >::value, bool >::type | isNaN(NUM val) Check if a number is NaN. |
template <typename NUM > std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< NUM >::value, bool >::type | notNaN(NUM val) Check if a number is non-NaN. |
template <typename N1 ,typename N2 > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value &&(std::is_floating_point< N1 >::value | |
template <typename N1 ,typename N2 > std::enable_if< std::is_integral< N1 >::value &&std::is_integral< N2 >::value, bool >::type | fuzzyEquals(N1 a, N2 b, double ) Compare two numbers for equality with a degree of fuzziness. |
template <typename N1 ,typename N2 > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value, bool >::type | fuzzyGtrEquals(N1 a, N2 b, double tolerance =1e-5) Compare two numbers for >= with a degree of fuzziness. |
template <typename N1 ,typename N2 > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value, bool >::type | fuzzyLessEquals(N1 a, N2 b, double tolerance =1e-5) Compare two floating point numbers for <= with a degree of fuzziness. |
template <typename N1 ,typename N2 > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value, typenamestd::common_type< N1, N2 >::type >::type | min(N1 a, N2 b) Get the minimum of two numbers. |
template <typename N1 ,typename N2 > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value, typenamestd::common_type< N1, N2 >::type >::type | max(N1 a, N2 b) Get the maximum of two numbers. |
template <typename NUM > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, NUM >::type | sqr(NUM a) Named number-type squaring operation. |
template <typename NUM > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, NUM >::type | add_quad(NUM a, NUM b) Named number-type addition in quadrature operation. |
template <typename NUM > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, NUM >::type | add_quad(NUM a, NUM b, NUM c) |
double | safediv(double num, double den, double fail =0.0) |
template <typename NUM > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, NUM >::type | intpow(NUM val, unsigned int exp) A more efficient version of pow for raising numbers to integer powers. |
template <typename NUM > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, int >::type | sign(NUM val) Find the sign of a number. |
double | cdfBW(double x, double mu, double gamma) CDF for the Breit-Wigner distribution. |
double | invcdfBW(double p, double mu, double gamma) Inverse CDF for the Breit-Wigner distribution. |
vector< double > | linspace(size_t nbins, double start, double end, bool include_end =true) Make a list of nbins + 1 values equally spaced between start and end inclusive. |
vector< double > | aspace(double step, double start, double end, bool include_end =true, double tol =1e-2) Make a list of values equally spaced by step between start and end inclusive. |
vector< double > | logspace(size_t nbins, double start, double end, bool include_end =true) Make a list of nbins + 1 values exponentially spaced between start and end inclusive. |
vector< double > | bwspace(size_t nbins, double start, double end, double mu, double gamma) Make a list of nbins + 1 values spaced for equal area Breit-Wigner binning between start and end inclusive. mu and gamma are the Breit-Wigner parameters. |
template <typename NUM1 ,typename NUM2 > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< NUM2 >::value, int >::type | binIndex(NUM1 val, std::initializer_list< NUM2 > binedges, bool allow_overflow =false) Return the bin index of the given value, val, given a vector of bin edges. |
template <typename NUM ,typename CONTAINER > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< typenameCONTAINER::value_type >::value, int >::type | binIndex(NUM val, const CONTAINER & binedges, bool allow_overflow =false) Return the bin index of the given value, val, given a vector of bin edges. |
template <typename NUM > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, NUM >::type | median(const vector< NUM > & sample) |
template <typename NUM > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, double >::type | mean(const vector< NUM > & sample) |
template <typename NUM > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, double >::type | mean_err(const vector< NUM > & sample) |
template <typename NUM > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, double >::type | covariance(const vector< NUM > & sample1, const vector< NUM > & sample2) |
template <typename NUM > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, double >::type | covariance_err(const vector< NUM > & sample1, const vector< NUM > & sample2) |
template <typename NUM > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, double >::type | correlation(const vector< NUM > & sample1, const vector< NUM > & sample2) |
template <typename NUM > std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, double >::type | correlation_err(const vector< NUM > & sample1, const vector< NUM > & sample2) |
double | mapAngleMPiToPi(double angle) Map an angle into the range (-PI, PI]. |
double | mapAngle0To2Pi(double angle) Map an angle into the range [0, 2PI). |
double | mapAngle0ToPi(double angle) Map an angle into the range [0, PI]. |
double | mapAngle(double angle, PhiMapping mapping) Map an angle into the enum-specified range. |
double | deltaPhi(double phi1, double phi2, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference between two angles in radians. |
double | deltaEta(double eta1, double eta2, bool sign =false) |
double | deltaRap(double y1, double y2, bool sign =false) |
double | deltaR2(double rap1, double phi1, double rap2, double phi2) |
double | deltaR(double rap1, double phi1, double rap2, double phi2) |
double | rapidity(double E, double pz) Calculate a rapidity value from the supplied energy E and longitudinal momentum pz. |
double | mT(double pT1, double pT2, double dphi) |
double | deltaR2(const FourVector & a, const FourVector & b, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) Calculate the squared 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. |
double | deltaR(const FourVector & a, const FourVector & b, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. |
double | deltaR2(const FourVector & v, double eta2, double phi2, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) Calculate the squared 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. |
double | deltaR(const FourVector & v, double eta2, double phi2, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. |
double | deltaR2(double eta1, double phi1, const FourVector & v, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) Calculate the squared 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. |
double | deltaR(double eta1, double phi1, const FourVector & v, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. |
double | deltaR2(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) Calculate the squared 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. |
double | deltaR(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. |
double | deltaR2(const FourMomentum & v, double eta2, double phi2, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) Calculate the squared 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter. |
double | deltaR(const FourMomentum & v, double eta2, double phi2, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter. |
double | deltaR2(double eta1, double phi1, const FourMomentum & v, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) Calculate the squared 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter. |
double | deltaR(double eta1, double phi1, const FourMomentum & v, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter. |
double | deltaR2(const FourMomentum & a, const FourVector & b, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) Calculate the squared 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter. |
double | deltaR(const FourMomentum & a, const FourVector & b, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter. |
double | deltaR2(const FourVector & a, const FourMomentum & b, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter. |
double | deltaR(const FourVector & a, const FourMomentum & b, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter. |
double | deltaR2(const FourMomentum & a, const Vector3 & b) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between a three-vector and a four-vector. |
double | deltaR(const FourMomentum & a, const Vector3 & b) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between a three-vector and a four-vector. |
double | deltaR2(const Vector3 & a, const FourMomentum & b) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between a three-vector and a four-vector. |
double | deltaR(const Vector3 & a, const FourMomentum & b) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between a three-vector and a four-vector. |
double | deltaR2(const FourVector & a, const Vector3 & b) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between a three-vector and a four-vector. |
double | deltaR(const FourVector & a, const Vector3 & b) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between a three-vector and a four-vector. |
double | deltaR2(const Vector3 & a, const FourVector & b) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between a three-vector and a four-vector. |
double | deltaR(const Vector3 & a, const FourVector & b) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between a three-vector and a four-vector. |
double | deltaPhi(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors. |
double | deltaPhi(const FourMomentum & v, double phi2, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors. |
double | deltaPhi(double phi1, const FourMomentum & v, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors. |
double | deltaPhi(const FourVector & a, const FourVector & b, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors. |
double | deltaPhi(const FourVector & v, double phi2, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors. |
double | deltaPhi(double phi1, const FourVector & v, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors. |
double | deltaPhi(const FourVector & a, const FourMomentum & b, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors. |
double | deltaPhi(const FourMomentum & a, const FourVector & b, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors. |
double | deltaPhi(const FourVector & a, const Vector3 & b, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors. |
double | deltaPhi(const Vector3 & a, const FourVector & b, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors. |
double | deltaPhi(const FourMomentum & a, const Vector3 & b, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors. |
double | deltaPhi(const Vector3 & a, const FourMomentum & b, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors. |
double | deltaEta(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors. |
double | deltaEta(const FourMomentum & v, double eta2, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors. |
double | deltaEta(double eta1, const FourMomentum & v, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors. |
double | deltaEta(const FourVector & a, const FourVector & b, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors. |
double | deltaEta(const FourVector & v, double eta2, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors. |
double | deltaEta(double eta1, const FourVector & v, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors. |
double | deltaEta(const FourVector & a, const FourMomentum & b, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors. |
double | deltaEta(const FourMomentum & a, const FourVector & b, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors. |
double | deltaEta(const FourVector & a, const Vector3 & b, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors. |
double | deltaEta(const Vector3 & a, const FourVector & b, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors. |
double | deltaEta(const FourMomentum & a, const Vector3 & b, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors. |
double | deltaEta(const Vector3 & a, const FourMomentum & b, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors. |
double | deltaRap(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in rapidity between two 4-momentum vectors. |
double | deltaRap(const FourMomentum & v, double y2, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in rapidity between two 4-momentum vectors. |
double | deltaRap(double y1, const FourMomentum & v, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in rapidity between two 4-momentum vectors. |
bool | cmpMomByPt(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) Comparison to give a sorting by decreasing pT. |
bool | cmpMomByAscPt(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) Comparison to give a sorting by increasing pT. |
bool | cmpMomByP(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) Comparison to give a sorting by decreasing 3-momentum magnitude |
bool | cmpMomByAscP(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) Comparison to give a sorting by increasing 3-momentum magnitude |
bool | cmpMomByEt(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) Comparison to give a sorting by decreasing transverse energy. |
bool | cmpMomByAscEt(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) Comparison to give a sorting by increasing transverse energy. |
bool | cmpMomByE(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) Comparison to give a sorting by decreasing energy. |
bool | cmpMomByAscE(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) Comparison to give a sorting by increasing energy. |
bool | cmpMomByMass(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) Comparison to give a sorting by decreasing mass. |
bool | cmpMomByAscMass(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) Comparison to give a sorting by increasing mass. |
bool | cmpMomByEta(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) Comparison to give a sorting by increasing eta (pseudorapidity) |
bool | cmpMomByDescEta(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) Comparison to give a sorting by decreasing eta (pseudorapidity) |
bool | cmpMomByAbsEta(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) Comparison to give a sorting by increasing absolute eta (pseudorapidity) |
bool | cmpMomByDescAbsEta(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) Comparison to give a sorting by increasing absolute eta (pseudorapidity) |
bool | cmpMomByRap(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) Comparison to give a sorting by increasing rapidity. |
bool | cmpMomByDescRap(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) Comparison to give a sorting by decreasing rapidity. |
bool | cmpMomByAbsRap(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) Comparison to give a sorting by increasing absolute rapidity. |
bool | cmpMomByDescAbsRap(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) Comparison to give a sorting by decreasing absolute rapidity. |
template <typename MOMS ,typename CMP > MOMS & | isortBy(MOMS & pbs, const CMP & cmp) Sort a container of momenta by cmp and return by reference for non-const inputs. |
template <typename MOMS ,typename CMP > MOMS | sortBy(const MOMS & pbs, const CMP & cmp) Sort a container of momenta by cmp and return by value for const inputs. |
template <typename MOMS > MOMS & | isortByPt(MOMS & pbs) Sort a container of momenta by pT (decreasing) and return by reference for non-const inputs. |
template <typename MOMS > MOMS | sortByPt(const MOMS & pbs) Sort a container of momenta by pT (decreasing) and return by value for const inputs. |
template <typename MOMS > MOMS & | isortByE(MOMS & pbs) Sort a container of momenta by E (decreasing) and return by reference for non-const inputs. |
template <typename MOMS > MOMS | sortByE(const MOMS & pbs) Sort a container of momenta by E (decreasing) and return by value for const inputs. |
template <typename MOMS > MOMS & | isortByEt(MOMS & pbs) Sort a container of momenta by Et (decreasing) and return by reference for non-const inputs. |
template <typename MOMS > MOMS | sortByEt(const MOMS & pbs) Sort a container of momenta by Et (decreasing) and return by value for const inputs. |
template <size_t N> const string | toString(const Vector< N > & v) Make string representation. |
template <size_t N> std::ostream & | operator«(std::ostream & out, const Vector< N > & v) Stream out string representation. |
template <size_t N> bool | fuzzyEquals(const Vector< N > & va, const Vector< N > & vb, double tolerance =1E-5) Compare two vectors by index, allowing for numerical precision. |
template <size_t N> bool | isZero(const Vector< N > & v, double tolerance =1E-5) External form of numerically safe nullness check. |
double | deltaR(const ParticleBase & p1, const ParticleBase & p2, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) |
double | deltaR(const ParticleBase & p, const FourMomentum & v, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) |
double | deltaR(const ParticleBase & p, const FourVector & v, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) |
double | deltaR(const ParticleBase & p, const Vector3 & v) |
double | deltaR(const ParticleBase & p, double eta, double phi) |
double | deltaR(const FourMomentum & v, const ParticleBase & p, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) |
double | deltaR(const FourVector & v, const ParticleBase & p, RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY) |
double | deltaR(const Vector3 & v, const ParticleBase & p) |
double | deltaR(double eta, double phi, const ParticleBase & p) |
double | deltaPhi(const ParticleBase & p1, const ParticleBase & p2, bool sign =false) |
double | deltaPhi(const ParticleBase & p, const FourMomentum & v, bool sign =false) |
double | deltaPhi(const ParticleBase & p, const FourVector & v, bool sign =false) |
double | deltaPhi(const ParticleBase & p, const Vector3 & v, bool sign =false) |
double | deltaPhi(const ParticleBase & p, double phi, bool sign =false) |
double | deltaPhi(const FourMomentum & v, const ParticleBase & p, bool sign =false) |
double | deltaPhi(const FourVector & v, const ParticleBase & p, bool sign =false) |
double | deltaPhi(const Vector3 & v, const ParticleBase & p, bool sign =false) |
double | deltaPhi(double phi, const ParticleBase & p, bool sign =false) |
double | deltaEta(const ParticleBase & p1, const ParticleBase & p2) |
double | deltaEta(const ParticleBase & p, const FourMomentum & v) |
double | deltaEta(const ParticleBase & p, const FourVector & v) |
double | deltaEta(const ParticleBase & p, const Vector3 & v) |
double | deltaEta(const ParticleBase & p, double eta) |
double | deltaEta(const FourMomentum & v, const ParticleBase & p) |
double | deltaEta(const FourVector & v, const ParticleBase & p) |
double | deltaEta(const Vector3 & v, const ParticleBase & p) |
double | deltaEta(double eta, const ParticleBase & p) |
double | deltaRap(const ParticleBase & p1, const ParticleBase & p2) |
double | deltaRap(const ParticleBase & p, const FourMomentum & v) |
double | deltaRap(const ParticleBase & p, double y) |
double | deltaRap(const FourMomentum & v, const ParticleBase & p) |
double | deltaRap(double y, const ParticleBase & p) |
ParticlePair | beams(const Event & e) Get beam particles from an event. |
PdgIdPair | beamIds(const ParticlePair & beams) |
PdgIdPair | beamIds(const Event & e) |
double | sqrtS(const FourMomentum & pa, const FourMomentum & pb) Get beam centre-of-mass energy from a pair of beam momenta. |
double | sqrtS(const ParticlePair & beams) Get beam centre-of-mass energy from a pair of Particles. |
double | sqrtS(const Event & e) Get beam centre-of-mass energy from an Event. |
double | asqrtS(const FourMomentum & pa, const FourMomentum & pb) |
double | asqrtS(const ParticlePair & beams) |
double | asqrtS(const Event & e) |
FourMomentum | cmsBoostVec(const FourMomentum & pa, const FourMomentum & pb) Get the Lorentz boost to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of beam momenta. |
FourMomentum | cmsBoostVec(const ParticlePair & beams) Get the Lorentz boost to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of Particles. |
FourMomentum | acmsBoostVec(const FourMomentum & pa, const FourMomentum & pb) Get the Lorentz boost to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of beam momenta. |
FourMomentum | acmsBoostVec(const ParticlePair & beams) Get the Lorentz boost to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of Particles. |
Vector3 | cmsBetaVec(const FourMomentum & pa, const FourMomentum & pb) Get the Lorentz boost to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of beam momenta. |
Vector3 | cmsBetaVec(const ParticlePair & beams) Get the Lorentz boost to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of Particles. |
Vector3 | acmsBetaVec(const FourMomentum & pa, const FourMomentum & pb) |
Vector3 | acmsBetaVec(const ParticlePair & beams) |
Vector3 | cmsGammaVec(const FourMomentum & pa, const FourMomentum & pb) Get the Lorentz boost to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of beam momenta. |
Vector3 | cmsGammaVec(const ParticlePair & beams) Get the Lorentz boost to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of Particles. |
Vector3 | acmsGammaVec(const FourMomentum & pa, const FourMomentum & pb) |
Vector3 | acmsGammaVec(const ParticlePair & beams) |
LorentzTransform | cmsTransform(const FourMomentum & pa, const FourMomentum & pb) Get the Lorentz transformation to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of beam momenta. |
LorentzTransform | cmsTransform(const ParticlePair & beams) Get the Lorentz transformation to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of Particles. |
LorentzTransform | acmsTransform(const FourMomentum & pa, const FourMomentum & pb) |
LorentzTransform | acmsTransform(const ParticlePair & beams) |
Cut | operator,(const Cut & , const Cut & ) =delete |
Cut & | operator,(Cut & , Cut & ) =delete |
Cut | operator,(Cut , Cut ) =delete |
Cut | operator==(Cuts::Quantity , double ) |
Cut | operator!=(Cuts::Quantity , double ) |
Cut | operator<(Cuts::Quantity , double ) |
Cut | operator>(Cuts::Quantity , double ) |
Cut | operator<=(Cuts::Quantity , double ) |
Cut | operator>=(Cuts::Quantity , double ) |
Cut | operator==(Cuts::Quantity qty, int i) |
Cut | operator!=(Cuts::Quantity qty, int i) |
Cut | operator<(Cuts::Quantity qty, int i) |
Cut | operator>(Cuts::Quantity qty, int i) |
Cut | operator<=(Cuts::Quantity qty, int i) |
Cut | operator>=(Cuts::Quantity qty, int i) |
Cut | operator&&(const Cut & aptr, const Cut & bptr) |
Cut | **[operator |
Cut | operator!(const Cut & cptr) Logical NOT operation on a cut. |
Cut | operator&(const Cut & aptr, const Cut & bptr) Logical AND operation on two cuts. |
Cut | **[operator |
Cut | operator~(const Cut & cptr) Logical NOT operation on a cut. |
Cut | operator^(const Cut & aptr, const Cut & bptr) Logical XOR operation on two cuts. |
std::ostream & | operator«(std::ostream & os, const Cut & cptr) String representation. |
template <typename T > Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | divide(const Percentile< T > numer, const Percentile< T > denom) |
template <typename T > Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | divide(const Percentile< T > numer, const Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > denom) |
template <typename T > Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | divide(const Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > numer, const Percentile< T > denom) |
template <typename T > Percentile< T > | add(const Percentile< T > pctla, const Percentile< T > pctlb) |
template <typename T > Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | add(const Percentile< T > pctla, const Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctlb) |
template <typename T > Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | add(const Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctla, const Percentile< T > pctlb) |
template <typename T > Percentile< T > | subtract(const Percentile< T > pctla, const Percentile< T > pctlb) |
template <typename T > Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | subtract(const Percentile< T > pctla, const Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctlb) |
template <typename T > Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | subtract(const Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctla, const Percentile< T > pctlb) |
template <typename T > Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | multiply(const Percentile< T > pctla, const Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctlb) |
template <typename T > Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | multiply(const Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctla, const Percentile< T > pctlb) |
template <typename T > PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | divide(const PercentileXaxis< T > numer, const PercentileXaxis< T > denom) |
template <typename T > PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | divide(const PercentileXaxis< T > numer, const PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > denom) |
template <typename T > PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | divide(const PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > numer, const PercentileXaxis< T > denom) |
template <typename T > PercentileXaxis< T > | add(const PercentileXaxis< T > pctla, const PercentileXaxis< T > pctlb) |
template <typename T > PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | add(const PercentileXaxis< T > pctla, const PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctlb) |
template <typename T > PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | add(const PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctla, const PercentileXaxis< T > pctlb) |
template <typename T > PercentileXaxis< T > | subtract(const PercentileXaxis< T > pctla, const PercentileXaxis< T > pctlb) |
template <typename T > PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | subtract(const PercentileXaxis< T > pctla, const PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctlb) |
template <typename T > PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | subtract(const PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctla, const PercentileXaxis< T > pctlb) |
template <typename T > PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | multiply(const PercentileXaxis< T > pctla, const PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctlb) |
template <typename T > PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | multiply(const PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctla, const PercentileXaxis< T > pctlb) |
template <typename T > Percentile< T > | operator+(const Percentile< T > pctla, const Percentile< T > pctlb) |
template <typename T > Percentile< T > | operator-(const Percentile< T > pctla, const Percentile< T > pctlb) |
template <typename T > Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | operator/(const Percentile< T > numer, const Percentile< T > denom) |
template <typename T > PercentileXaxis< T > | operator+(const PercentileXaxis< T > pctla, const PercentileXaxis< T > pctlb) |
template <typename T > PercentileXaxis< T > | operator-(const PercentileXaxis< T > pctla, const PercentileXaxis< T > pctlb) |
template <typename T > PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > | operator/(const PercentileXaxis< T > numer, const PercentileXaxis< T > denom) |
std::string | getLibPath() Get library install path. |
std::string | getDataPath() Get data install path. |
std::string | getRivetDataPath() Get Rivet data install path. |
std::vector< std::string > | getAnalysisLibPaths() Get Rivet analysis plugin library search paths. |
void | setAnalysisLibPaths(const std::vector< std::string > & paths) Set the Rivet analysis plugin library search paths. |
void | addAnalysisLibPath(const std::string & extrapath) Add a Rivet analysis plugin library search path. |
std::string | findAnalysisLibFile(const std::string & filename) Find the first file of the given name in the analysis library search dirs. |
std::vector< std::string > | getAnalysisDataPaths() Get Rivet analysis reference data search paths. |
void | setAnalysisDataPaths(const std::vector< std::string > & paths) Set the Rivet data file search paths. |
void | addAnalysisDataPath(const std::string & extrapath) Add a Rivet data file search path. |
std::string | findAnalysisDataFile(const std::string & filename, const std::vector< std::string > & pathprepend =std::vector< std::string >(), const std::vector< std::string > & pathappend =std::vector< std::string >()) Find the first file of the given name in the general data file search dirs. |
std::vector< std::string > | getAnalysisRefPaths() Get Rivet analysis reference data search paths. |
std::string | findAnalysisRefFile(const std::string & filename, const std::vector< std::string > & pathprepend =std::vector< std::string >(), const std::vector< std::string > & pathappend =std::vector< std::string >()) Find the first file of the given name in the ref data file search dirs. |
std::vector< std::string > | getAnalysisInfoPaths() Get Rivet analysis info metadata search paths. |
std::string | findAnalysisInfoFile(const std::string & filename, const std::vector< std::string > & pathprepend =std::vector< std::string >(), const std::vector< std::string > & pathappend =std::vector< std::string >()) Find the first file of the given name in the analysis info file search dirs. |
std::vector< std::string > | getAnalysisPlotPaths() Get Rivet analysis plot style search paths. |
std::string | findAnalysisPlotFile(const std::string & filename, const std::vector< std::string > & pathprepend =std::vector< std::string >(), const std::vector< std::string > & pathappend =std::vector< std::string >()) Find the first file of the given name in the analysis plot file search dirs. |
template <typename T > std::ostream & | operator«(std::ostream & os, const std::vector< T > & vec) Convenient function for streaming out vectors of any streamable object. |
template <typename T > std::ostream & | operator«(std::ostream & os, const std::list< T > & vec) Convenient function for streaming out lists of any streamable object. |
bool | contains(const std::string & s, const std::string & sub) Does s contain sub as a substring? |
template <typename T > bool | contains(const std::initializer_list< T > & il, const T & x) Does the init list il contain x? |
template <typename T > bool | contains(const std::vector< T > & v, const T & x) Does the vector v contain x? |
template <typename T > bool | contains(const std::list< T > & l, const T & x) Does the list l contain x? |
template <typename T > bool | contains(const std::set< T > & s, const T & x) Does the set s contain x? |
template <typename K ,typename T > bool | has_key(const std::map< K, T > & m, const K & key) Does the map m contain the key key? |
template <typename K ,typename T > bool | has_value(const std::map< K, T > & m, const T & val) Does the map m contain the value val? |
std::string | toString(const AnalysisInfo & ai) String representation. |
std::ostream & | operator«(std::ostream & os, const AnalysisInfo & ai) Stream an AnalysisInfo as a text description. |
Jets | operator+(const Jets & a, const Jets & b) |
LorentzTransform | inverse(const LorentzTransform & lt) |
LorentzTransform | combine(const LorentzTransform & a, const LorentzTransform & b) |
FourVector | transform(const LorentzTransform & lt, const FourVector & v4) |
string | toString(const LorentzTransform & lt) |
std::ostream & | operator«(std::ostream & out, const LorentzTransform & lt) |
template <size_t N> EigenSystem< N > | diagonalize(const Matrix< N > & m) |
template <size_t N> const string | toString(const typename EigenSystem< N >::EigenPair & e) |
template <size_t N> ostream & | operator«(std::ostream & out, const typename EigenSystem< N >::EigenPair & e) |
template <size_t N> Matrix< N > | multiply(const Matrix< N > & a, const Matrix< N > & b) |
template <size_t N> Matrix< N > | divide(const Matrix< N > & m, const double a) |
template <size_t N> Matrix< N > | operator*(const Matrix< N > & a, const Matrix< N > & b) |
template <size_t N> Matrix< N > | add(const Matrix< N > & a, const Matrix< N > & b) |
template <size_t N> Matrix< N > | subtract(const Matrix< N > & a, const Matrix< N > & b) |
template <size_t N> Matrix< N > | operator+(const Matrix< N > a, const Matrix< N > & b) |
template <size_t N> Matrix< N > | operator-(const Matrix< N > a, const Matrix< N > & b) |
template <size_t N> Matrix< N > | multiply(const double a, const Matrix< N > & m) |
template <size_t N> Matrix< N > | multiply(const Matrix< N > & m, const double a) |
template <size_t N> Matrix< N > | operator*(const double a, const Matrix< N > & m) |
template <size_t N> Matrix< N > | operator*(const Matrix< N > & m, const double a) |
template <size_t N> Vector< N > | multiply(const Matrix< N > & a, const Vector< N > & b) |
template <size_t N> Vector< N > | operator*(const Matrix< N > & a, const Vector< N > & b) |
template <size_t N> Matrix< N > | transpose(const Matrix< N > & m) |
template <size_t N> Matrix< N > | inverse(const Matrix< N > & m) |
template <size_t N> double | det(const Matrix< N > & m) |
template <size_t N> double | trace(const Matrix< N > & m) |
template <size_t N> string | toString(const Matrix< N > & m) Make string representation. |
template <size_t N> std::ostream & | operator«(std::ostream & out, const Matrix< N > & m) Stream out string representation. |
template <size_t N> bool | fuzzyEquals(const Matrix< N > & ma, const Matrix< N > & mb, double tolerance =1E-5) Compare two matrices by index, allowing for numerical precision. |
template <size_t N> bool | isZero(const Matrix< N > & m, double tolerance =1E-5) External form of numerically safe nullness check. |
Vector2 | multiply(const double a, const Vector2 & v) |
Vector2 | multiply(const Vector2 & v, const double a) |
Vector2 | add(const Vector2 & a, const Vector2 & b) |
Vector2 | operator*(const double a, const Vector2 & v) |
Vector2 | operator*(const Vector2 & v, const double a) |
Vector2 | operator/(const Vector2 & v, const double a) |
Vector2 | operator+(const Vector2 & a, const Vector2 & b) |
Vector2 | operator-(const Vector2 & a, const Vector2 & b) |
double | dot(const Vector2 & a, const Vector2 & b) |
Vector2 | subtract(const Vector2 & a, const Vector2 & b) |
double | angle(const Vector2 & a, const Vector2 & b) Angle (in radians) between two 2-vectors. |
Vector3 | multiply(const double a, const Vector3 & v) Unbound scalar-product function. |
Vector3 | multiply(const Vector3 & v, const double a) Unbound scalar-product function. |
Vector3 | add(const Vector3 & a, const Vector3 & b) Unbound vector addition function. |
Vector3 | operator*(const double a, const Vector3 & v) Unbound scalar multiplication operator. |
Vector3 | operator*(const Vector3 & v, const double a) Unbound scalar multiplication operator. |
Vector3 | operator/(const Vector3 & v, const double a) Unbound scalar division operator. |
Vector3 | operator+(const Vector3 & a, const Vector3 & b) Unbound vector addition operator. |
Vector3 | operator-(const Vector3 & a, const Vector3 & b) Unbound vector subtraction operator. |
ThreeMomentum | multiply(const double a, const ThreeMomentum & v) |
ThreeMomentum | multiply(const ThreeMomentum & v, const double a) |
ThreeMomentum | add(const ThreeMomentum & a, const ThreeMomentum & b) |
ThreeMomentum | operator*(const double a, const ThreeMomentum & v) |
ThreeMomentum | operator*(const ThreeMomentum & v, const double a) |
ThreeMomentum | operator/(const ThreeMomentum & v, const double a) |
ThreeMomentum | operator+(const ThreeMomentum & a, const ThreeMomentum & b) |
ThreeMomentum | operator-(const ThreeMomentum & a, const ThreeMomentum & b) |
double | dot(const Vector3 & a, const Vector3 & b) Unbound dot-product function. |
Vector3 | cross(const Vector3 & a, const Vector3 & b) Unbound cross-product function. |
Vector3 | subtract(const Vector3 & a, const Vector3 & b) Unbound vector subtraction function. |
double | angle(const Vector3 & a, const Vector3 & b) Angle (in radians) between two 3-vectors. |
double | deltaEta(const Vector3 & a, const Vector3 & b, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two spatial vectors. |
double | deltaEta(const Vector3 & v, double eta2, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two spatial vectors. |
double | deltaEta(double eta1, const Vector3 & v, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two spatial vectors. |
double | deltaPhi(const Vector3 & a, const Vector3 & b, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two spatial vectors. |
double | deltaPhi(const Vector3 & v, double phi2, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two spatial vectors. |
double | deltaPhi(double phi1, const Vector3 & v, bool sign =false) Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two spatial vectors. |
double | deltaR2(const Vector3 & a, const Vector3 & b) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two spatial vectors. |
double | deltaR(const Vector3 & a, const Vector3 & b) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two spatial vectors. |
double | deltaR2(const Vector3 & v, double eta2, double phi2) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two spatial vectors. |
double | deltaR(const Vector3 & v, double eta2, double phi2) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two spatial vectors. |
double | deltaR2(double eta1, double phi1, const Vector3 & v) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two spatial vectors. |
double | deltaR(double eta1, double phi1, const Vector3 & v) Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two spatial vectors. |
double | mT(const Vector3 & vis, const Vector3 & invis) Calculate transverse mass of a visible and an invisible 3-vector. |
double | contract(const FourVector & a, const FourVector & b) Contract two 4-vectors, with metric signature (+ - - -). |
double | dot(const FourVector & a, const FourVector & b) Contract two 4-vectors, with metric signature (+ - - -). |
FourVector | multiply(const double a, const FourVector & v) |
FourVector | multiply(const FourVector & v, const double a) |
FourVector | operator*(const double a, const FourVector & v) |
FourVector | operator*(const FourVector & v, const double a) |
FourVector | operator/(const FourVector & v, const double a) |
FourVector | add(const FourVector & a, const FourVector & b) |
FourVector | operator+(const FourVector & a, const FourVector & b) |
FourVector | operator-(const FourVector & a, const FourVector & b) |
double | invariant(const FourVector & lv) |
double | angle(const FourVector & a, const FourVector & b) Angle (in radians) between spatial parts of two Lorentz vectors. |
double | angle(const Vector3 & a, const FourVector & b) Angle (in radians) between spatial parts of two Lorentz vectors. |
double | angle(const FourVector & a, const Vector3 & b) Angle (in radians) between spatial parts of two Lorentz vectors. |
FourMomentum | multiply(const double a, const FourMomentum & v) |
FourMomentum | multiply(const FourMomentum & v, const double a) |
FourMomentum | operator*(const double a, const FourMomentum & v) |
FourMomentum | operator*(const FourMomentum & v, const double a) |
FourMomentum | operator/(const FourMomentum & v, const double a) |
FourMomentum | add(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) |
FourMomentum | operator+(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) |
FourMomentum | operator-(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b) |
double | mT(const FourMomentum & vis, const FourMomentum & invis) Calculate transverse mass of a visible and an invisible 4-vector. |
double | mT(const FourMomentum & vis, const Vector3 & invis) Calculate transverse mass of a visible 4-vector and an invisible 3-vector. |
double | mT(const Vector3 & vis, const FourMomentum & invis) Calculate transverse mass of a visible 4-vector and an invisible 3-vector. |
std::string | toString(const FourVector & lv) Render a 4-vector as a string. |
std::ostream & | operator«(std::ostream & out, const FourVector & lv) Write a 4-vector to an ostream. |
Particles | operator+(const Particles & a, const Particles & b) |
template <class RandomAccessIterator ,class WeightIterator ,class RandomNumberGenerator > void | weighted_shuffle(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, WeightIterator fw, WeightIterator lw, RandomNumberGenerator & g) |
void | pxcone_(int mode, int ntrak, int itkdm, const double * ptrak, double coner, double epslon, double ovlim, int mxjet, int & njet, double * pjet, int * ipass, int * ijmul, int * ierr) |
std::string | version() A function to get the Rivet version string. |
bool | compatible(PdgId p, PdgId allowed) |
bool | compatible(const PdgIdPair & pair, const PdgIdPair & allowedpair) |
bool | compatible(const ParticlePair & ppair, const PdgIdPair & allowedpair) Check particle compatibility of Particle pairs. |
bool | compatible(const PdgIdPair & allowedpair, const ParticlePair & ppair) Check particle compatibility of Particle pairs (for symmetric completeness) |
bool | compatible(const PdgIdPair & pair, const set< PdgIdPair > & allowedpairs) |
set< PdgIdPair > | intersection(const set< PdgIdPair > & a, const set< PdgIdPair > & b) Return the intersection of two sets of {PdgIdPair}s. |
template <typename T > Cmp< T > | cmp(const T & t1, const T & t2) Global helper function for easy creation of Cmp objects. |
Cmp< Projection > | pcmp(const Projection & p1, const Projection & p2) Global helper function for easy creation of Cmp |
Cmp< Projection > | pcmp(const Projection & parent1, const Projection & parent2, const string & pname) |
Cmp< Projection > | pcmp(const Projection * parent1, const Projection & parent2, const string & pname) |
Cmp< Projection > | pcmp(const Projection & parent1, const Projection * parent2, const string & pname) |
Cmp< Projection > | pcmp(const Projection * parent1, const Projection * parent2, const string & pname) |
std::ostream & | operator«(std::ostream & os, const Cutflow & cf) Print a Cutflow to a stream. |
std::ostream & | operator«(std::ostream & os, const Cutflows & cfs) Print a Cutflows to a stream. |
bool | operator==(const Cut & a, const Cut & b) Compare two cuts for equality, forwards to the cut-specific implementation. |
double | ELECTRON_RECOEFF_ATLAS_RUN1(const Particle & e) |
double | ELECTRON_RECOEFF_ATLAS_RUN2(const Particle & e) |
double | ELECTRON_EFF_ATLAS_RUN2_LOOSE(const Particle & e) ATLASRun 2 ’loose’ electron reco+identification efficiency. |
double | ELECTRON_EFF_ATLAS_RUN1_MEDIUM(const Particle & e) ATLASRun 1 ‘medium’ electron reco+identification efficiency. |
double | ELECTRON_EFF_ATLAS_RUN2_MEDIUM(const Particle & e) ATLASRun 2 ‘medium’ electron reco+identification efficiency. |
double | ELECTRON_EFF_ATLAS_RUN1_TIGHT(const Particle & e) ATLASRun 1 ’tight’ electron reco+identification efficiency. |
double | ELECTRON_EFF_ATLAS_RUN2_TIGHT(const Particle & e) ATLASRun 2 ’tight’ electron reco+identification efficiency. |
Particle | ELECTRON_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN1(const Particle & e) ATLASRun 1 electron reco smearing. |
Particle | ELECTRON_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN2(const Particle & e) |
double | ELECTRON_EFF_CMS_RUN1(const Particle & e) CMS Run 1 electron reconstruction efficiency. |
double | ELECTRON_EFF_CMS_RUN2(const Particle & e) |
Particle | ELECTRON_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1(const Particle & e) CMS electron energy smearing, preserving direction. |
Particle | ELECTRON_SMEAR_CMS_RUN2(const Particle & e) |
double | PHOTON_EFF_ATLAS_RUN1(const Particle & y) ATLASRun 2 photon reco efficiency. |
double | PHOTON_EFF_ATLAS_RUN2(const Particle & y) ATLASRun 2 photon reco efficiency. |
double | PHOTON_EFF_CMS_RUN1(const Particle & y) |
double | PHOTON_EFF_CMS_RUN2(const Particle & y) |
Particle | PHOTON_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN1(const Particle & y) |
Particle | PHOTON_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN2(const Particle & y) |
Particle | PHOTON_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1(const Particle & y) |
Particle | PHOTON_SMEAR_CMS_RUN2(const Particle & y) |
double | MUON_EFF_ATLAS_RUN1(const Particle & m) ATLASRun 1 muon reco efficiency. |
double | MUON_RECOEFF_ATLAS_RUN2(const Particle & m) |
double | MUON_EFF_ATLAS_RUN2(const Particle & m) ATLASRun 2 muon reco+ID efficiency. |
Particle | MUON_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN1(const Particle & m) ATLASRun 1 muon reco smearing. |
Particle | MUON_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN2(const Particle & m) |
double | MUON_EFF_CMS_RUN1(const Particle & m) CMS Run 1 muon reco efficiency. |
double | MUON_EFF_CMS_RUN2(const Particle & m) |
Particle | MUON_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1(const Particle & m) CMS Run 1 muon reco smearing. |
Particle | MUON_SMEAR_CMS_RUN2(const Particle & m) |
double | TAU_EFF_ATLAS_RUN1(const Particle & t) ATLASRun 1 8 TeV tau efficiencies (medium working point) |
double | TAUJET_EFF_ATLAS_RUN1(const Jet & j) ATLASRun 1 8 TeV tau misID rates (medium working point) |
double | TAU_EFF_ATLAS_RUN2(const Particle & t) ATLASRun 2 13 TeV tau efficiencies (medium working point) |
double | TAUJET_EFF_ATLAS_RUN2(const Jet & j) ATLASRun 2 13 TeV tau misID rate (medium working point) |
Particle | TAU_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN1(const Particle & t) |
Particle | TAU_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN2(const Particle & t) |
double | TAU_EFF_CMS_RUN1(const Particle & t) |
double | TAU_EFF_CMS_RUN2(const Particle & t) |
Particle | TAU_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1(const Particle & t) |
Particle | TAU_SMEAR_CMS_RUN2(const Particle & t) |
double | JET_BTAG_ATLAS_RUN1(const Jet & j) Return the ATLASRun 1 jet flavour tagging efficiency for the given Jet, from Delphes. |
double | JET_BTAG_ATLAS_RUN2_MV2C20(const Jet & j) Return the ATLASRun 2 MC2c20 77% WP jet flavour tagging efficiency for the given Jet. |
double | JET_BTAG_ATLAS_RUN2_MV2C10(const Jet & j) Return the ATLASRun 2 MC2c10 77% WP jet flavour tagging efficiency for the given Jet. |
Jet | JET_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN1(const Jet & j) ATLASRun 1 jet smearing. |
Jet | JET_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN2(const Jet & j) |
Jet | JET_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1(const Jet & j) |
Jet | JET_SMEAR_CMS_RUN2(const Jet & j) |
Vector3 | MET_SMEAR_IDENTITY(const Vector3 & met, double ) |
Vector3 | MET_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN1(const Vector3 & met, double set) ATLASRun 1 ETmiss smearing. |
Vector3 | MET_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN2(const Vector3 & met, double set) |
Vector3 | MET_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1(const Vector3 & met, double set) |
Vector3 | MET_SMEAR_CMS_RUN2(const Vector3 & met, double set) |
double | TRK_EFF_ATLAS_RUN1(const Particle & p) ATLASRun 1 tracking efficiency. |
double | TRK_EFF_ATLAS_RUN2(const Particle & p) |
double | TRK_EFF_CMS_RUN1(const Particle & p) CMS Run 1 tracking efficiency. |
double | TRK_EFF_CMS_RUN2(const Particle & p) |
PseudoJets | mkPseudoJets(const Particles & ps) |
PseudoJets | mkPseudoJets(const Jets & js) |
Jets | mkJets(const PseudoJets & pjs) |
BoolJetAND | operator&&(const JetSelector & a, const JetSelector & b) Operator syntactic sugar for AND construction. |
BoolJetOR | **[operator |
BoolJetNOT | operator!(const JetSelector & a) Operator syntactic sugar for NOT construction. |
Jets & | ifilter_select(Jets & jets, const Cut & c) Filter a jet collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut. |
Jets & | ifilterBy(Jets & jets, const Cut & c) |
Jets & | iselect(Jets & jets, const Cut & c) New alias for ifilter_select. |
Jets | filter_select(const Jets & jets, const Cut & c) Filter a jet collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut. |
Jets | filterBy(const Jets & jets, const Cut & c) |
Jets | select(const Jets & jets, const Cut & c) New alias for filter_select. |
Jets | filter_select(const Jets & jets, const Cut & c, Jets & out) Filter a jet collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut. |
Jets | filterBy(const Jets & jets, const Cut & c, Jets & out) |
Jets | select(const Jets & jets, const Cut & c, Jets & out) New alias for filter_select. |
Jets & | ifilter_discard(Jets & jets, const Cut & c) Filter a jet collection in-place to the subset that fails the supplied Cut. |
Jets & | idiscard(Jets & jets, const Cut & c) New alias for ifilter_discard. |
Jets | filter_discard(const Jets & jets, const Cut & c) Filter a jet collection in-place to the subset that fails the supplied Cut. |
Jets | discard(const Jets & jets, const Cut & c) New alias for filter_discard. |
Jets | filter_discard(const Jets & jets, const Cut & c, Jets & out) Filter a jet collection in-place to the subset that fails the supplied Cut. |
Jets | discard(const Jets & jets, const Cut & c, Jets & out) New alias for filter_discard. |
std::ostream & | operator«(Log & log, int level) Streaming output to a logger must have a Log::Level/int as its first argument. |
double | P3_EFF_ZERO(const Vector3 & p) Take a Vector3 and return 0. |
double | P3_FN0(const Vector3 & p) |
double | P3_EFF_ONE(const Vector3 & p) Take a Vector3 and return 1. |
double | P3_FN1(const Vector3 & p) |
Vector3 | P3_SMEAR_IDENTITY(const Vector3 & p) Take a Vector3 and return it unmodified. |
Vector3 | P3_SMEAR_PERFECT(const Vector3 & p) Alias for P3_SMEAR_IDENTITY. |
Vector3 | P3_SMEAR_LEN_GAUSS(const Vector3 & p, double resolution) Smear a Vector3’s length using a Gaussian of absolute width resolution. |
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,typename PBCONTAINER2 > void | idiscardIfAny(PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare, typename std::function< bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type &, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type &)> fn) |
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,typename PBCONTAINER2 > PBCONTAINER1 | discardIfAny(const PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare, typename std::function< bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type &, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type &)> fn) |
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,typename PBCONTAINER2 > PBCONTAINER1 | selectIfAny(const PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare, typename std::function< bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type &, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type &)> fn) |
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,typename PBCONTAINER2 > void | iselectIfAny(PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare, typename std::function< bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type &, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type &)> fn) |
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,typename PBCONTAINER2 > PBCONTAINER1 | discardIfAll(const PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare, typename std::function< bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type &, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type &)> fn) |
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,typename PBCONTAINER2 > void | idiscardIfAll(PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare, typename std::function< bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type &, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type &)> fn) |
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,typename PBCONTAINER2 > PBCONTAINER1 | selectIfAll(const PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare, typename std::function< bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type &, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type &)> fn) |
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,typename PBCONTAINER2 > void | iselectIfAll(PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare, typename std::function< bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type &, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type &)> fn) |
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,typename PBCONTAINER2 > void | idiscardIfAnyDeltaRLess(PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare, double dR) |
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,typename PBCONTAINER2 > PBCONTAINER1 | discardIfAnyDeltaRLess(const PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare, double dR) |
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,typename PBCONTAINER2 > void | idiscardIfAnyDeltaPhiLess(PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare, double dphi) |
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,typename PBCONTAINER2 > PBCONTAINER1 | discardIfAnyDeltaPhiLess(const PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare, double dphi) |
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,typename PBCONTAINER2 > PBCONTAINER1 | selectIfAnyDeltaRLess(const PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare, double dR) |
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,typename PBCONTAINER2 > void | iselectIfAnyDeltaRLess(PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare, double dR) |
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,typename PBCONTAINER2 > PBCONTAINER1 | selectIfAnyDeltaPhiLess(const PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare, double dphi) |
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,typename PBCONTAINER2 > void | iselectIfAnyDeltaPhiLess(PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter, const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare, double dphi) |
int | pid(const Particle & p) Unbound function access to PID code. |
int | abspid(const Particle & p) Unbound function access to abs PID code. |
bool | isSameSign(const Particle & a, const Particle & b) |
bool | isOppSign(const Particle & a, const Particle & b) |
bool | isSameFlav(const Particle & a, const Particle & b) |
bool | isOppFlav(const Particle & a, const Particle & b) |
bool | isOSSF(const Particle & a, const Particle & b) |
bool | isSSSF(const Particle & a, const Particle & b) |
bool | isOSOF(const Particle & a, const Particle & b) |
bool | isSSOF(const Particle & a, const Particle & b) |
bool | oppSign(const Particle & a, const Particle & b) Return true if Particles_a_ and b have the opposite charge sign. |
bool | sameSign(const Particle & a, const Particle & b) |
bool | oppCharge(const Particle & a, const Particle & b) |
bool | sameCharge(const Particle & a, const Particle & b) |
bool | diffCharge(const Particle & a, const Particle & b) Return true if Particles_a_ and b have a different (not necessarily opposite) charge. |
bool | isFirstWith(const Particle & p, const ParticleSelector & f) Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain to meet the function requirement. |
bool | isFirstWithout(const Particle & p, const ParticleSelector & f) Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain not to meet the function requirement. |
bool | isLastWith(const Particle & p, const ParticleSelector & f) Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain to meet the function requirement. |
bool | isLastWithout(const Particle & p, const ParticleSelector & f) Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain not to meet the function requirement. |
bool | hasAncestorWith(const Particle & p, const ParticleSelector & f, bool only_physical =true) Determine whether a particle has an ancestor which meets the function requirement. |
bool | hasAncestorWithout(const Particle & p, const ParticleSelector & f, bool only_physical =true) Determine whether a particle has an ancestor which doesn’t meet the function requirement. |
bool | hasParentWith(const Particle & p, const ParticleSelector & f) Determine whether a particle has a parent which meets the function requirement. |
bool | hasParentWithout(const Particle & p, const ParticleSelector & f) Determine whether a particle has a parent which doesn’t meet the function requirement. |
bool | hasChildWith(const Particle & p, const ParticleSelector & f) Determine whether a particle has a child which meets the function requirement. |
bool | hasChildWithout(const Particle & p, const ParticleSelector & f) Determine whether a particle has a child which doesn’t meet the function requirement. |
bool | hasDescendantWith(const Particle & p, const ParticleSelector & f, bool remove_duplicates =true) Determine whether a particle has a descendant which meets the function requirement. |
bool | hasDescendantWithout(const Particle & p, const ParticleSelector & f, bool remove_duplicates =true) Determine whether a particle has a descendant which doesn’t meet the function requirement. |
bool | hasStableDescendantWith(const Particle & p, const ParticleSelector & f) Determine whether a particle has a stable descendant which meets the function requirement. |
bool | hasStableDescendantWithout(const Particle & p, const ParticleSelector & f) Determine whether a particle has a stable descendant which doesn’t meet the function requirement. |
bool | isVisible(const Particle & p) Is this particle potentially visible in a detector? |
bool | isDirect(const Particle & p, bool allow_from_direct_tau =false, bool allow_from_direct_mu =false) Decide if a given particle is direct, via Particle::isDirect() |
bool | isPrompt(const Particle & p, bool allow_from_prompt_tau =false, bool allow_from_prompt_mu =false) Decide if a given particle is prompt, via Particle::isPrompt() |
bool | isStable(const Particle & p) Decide if a given particle is stable, via Particle::isStable() |
bool | hasHadronicDecay(const Particle & p) Decide if a given particle decays hadronically. |
bool | hasLeptonicDecay(const Particle & p) Decide if a given particle decays leptonically (decays, and no hadrons) |
bool | hasAncestor(const Particle & p, PdgId pid) |
bool | fromBottom(const Particle & p) Determine whether the particle is from a b-hadron decay. |
bool | fromCharm(const Particle & p) Determine whether the particle is from a c-hadron decay. |
bool | fromHadron(const Particle & p) Determine whether the particle is from a hadron decay. |
bool | fromTau(const Particle & p, bool prompt_taus_only =false) Determine whether the particle is from a tau decay. |
bool | fromPromptTau(const Particle & p) Determine whether the particle is from a prompt tau decay. |
BoolParticleAND | operator&&(const ParticleSelector & a, const ParticleSelector & b) Operator syntactic sugar for AND construction. |
BoolParticleOR | **[operator |
BoolParticleNOT | operator!(const ParticleSelector & a) Operator syntactic sugar for NOT construction. |
Particles & | ifilter_select(Particles & particles, const Cut & c) Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut. |
Particles & | ifilterBy(Particles & particles, const Cut & c) |
Particles & | iselect(Particles & particles, const Cut & c) New alias for ifilter_select. |
Particles | filter_select(const Particles & particles, const Cut & c) Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut. |
Particles | filterBy(const Particles & particles, const Cut & c) |
Particles | select(const Particles & particles, const Cut & c) New alias for ifilter_select. |
Particles | filter_select(const Particles & particles, const Cut & c, Particles & out) Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut. |
Particles | filterBy(const Particles & particles, const Cut & c, Particles & out) |
Particles | select(const Particles & particles, const Cut & c, Particles & out) New alias for ifilter_select. |
Particles & | ifilter_discard(Particles & particles, const Cut & c) Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that fails the supplied Cut. |
Particles & | idiscard(Particles & particles, const Cut & c) New alias for ifilter_discard. |
Particles | filter_discard(const Particles & particles, const Cut & c) Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that fails the supplied Cut. |
Particles | discard(const Particles & particles, const Cut & c) New alias for filter_discard. |
Particles | filter_discard(const Particles & particles, const Cut & c, Particles & out) Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that fails the supplied Cut. |
Particles | discard(const Particles & particles, const Cut & c, Particles & out) New alias for filter_discard. |
PdgIdPair | pids(const ParticlePair & pp) |
bool | isSame(const Particle & a, const Particle & b) Check Particle equivalence. |
std::mt19937 & | rng() Return a thread-safe random number generator (mainly for internal use) |
double | rand01() Return a uniformly sampled random number between 0 and 1. |
double | randnorm(double loc, double scale) Return a random number sampled from a Gaussian/normal distribution. |
double | randlognorm(double loc, double scale) Return a random number sampled from a log-normal distribution. |
double | randcrystalball(double alpha, double n, double mu, double sigma) Return a random number sampled from a Crystal Ball distribution. |
double | pNorm(double x, double mu, double sigma) Probability density of a Gaussian/normal distribution at x. |
double | pCrystalBall(double x, double alpha, double n, double mu, double sigma) Probability density of a Crystal Ball distribution at x. |
Vector3 | momentum3(const fastjet::PseudoJet & pj) Make a 3-momentum vector from a FastJet pseudojet. |
FourMomentum | momentum(const fastjet::PseudoJet & pj) Make a 4-momentum vector from a FastJet pseudojet. |
double | mT2Sq(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b, const Vector3 & ptmiss, double invisiblesMass, double invisiblesMass2 =-1) Compute asymm mT2**2 using the bisection method. |
double | mT2Sq(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b, const FourMomentum & ptmiss, double invisiblesMass, double invisiblesMass2 =-1) Override for mT2Sq with FourMomentum ptmiss. |
double | mT2(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b, const Vector3 & ptmiss, double invisiblesMass, double invisiblesMass2 =-1) Compute asymm mT2 using the bisection method. |
double | mT2(const FourMomentum & a, const FourMomentum & b, const FourMomentum & ptmiss, double invisiblesMass, double invisiblesMass2 =-1) Override for mT2 with FourMomentum ptmiss. |
bool | fileexists(const std::string & path) Convenience function for determining if a filesystem path exists. |
map< string, YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr > | getRefData(const string & papername) |
string | getDatafilePath(const string & papername) Get the file system path to the reference file for this paper. |
template <typename T > bool | aocopy(YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr src, YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr dst) |
template <typename T > bool | aocopy(YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr src, YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr dst, double scale) |
template <typename T > bool | aoadd(YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr dst, YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr src, double scale) |
bool | copyao(YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr src, YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr dst, double scale =1.0) |
bool | addaos(YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr dst, YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr src, double scale) |
template <typename TPtr > bool | bookingCompatible(TPtr a, TPtr b) |
bool | bookingCompatible(CounterPtr a, CounterPtr b) |
bool | bookingCompatible(YODA::CounterPtr a, YODA::CounterPtr b) |
template <typename T ,typename U > T | lexical_cast(const U & in) Convert between any types via stringstream. |
template <typename T > string | to_str(const T & x) Convert any object to a string. |
template <typename T > string | toString(const T & x) Convert any object to a string. |
string & | replace_first(string & str, const string & patt, const string & repl) Replace the first instance of patt with repl. |
string & | replace_all(string & str, const string & patt, const string & repl) Replace all instances of patt with repl. |
int | nocase_cmp(const string & s1, const string & s2) Case-insensitive string comparison function. |
bool | nocase_equals(const string & s1, const string & s2) Case-insensitive string equality function. |
string | toLower(const string & s) Convert a string to lower-case. |
string | toUpper(const string & s) Convert a string to upper-case. |
bool | startsWith(const string & s, const string & start) Check whether a string start is found at the start of s. |
bool | endsWith(const string & s, const string & end) Check whether a string end is found at the end of s. |
string | strcat() |
template <typename T ,typename… Ts> string | strcat(T value, Ts… fargs) Make a string containing the concatenated string representations of each item in the variadic list. |
template <typename T > string | join(const vector< T > & v, const string & sep =" “) Make a string containing the string representations of each item in v, separated by sep. |
string | join(const vector< string > & v, const string & sep) Make a string containing the string representations of each item in v, separated by sep. |
template <typename T > string | join(const set< T > & s, const string & sep =” “) Make a string containing the string representations of each item in s, separated by sep. |
string | join(const set< string > & s, const string & sep) Make a string containing the string representations of each item in s, separated by sep. |
vector< string > | split(const string & s, const string & sep) Split a string on a specified separator string. |
string | lpad(const string & s, size_t width, const string & padchar =” “) Left-pad the given string s to width width. |
string | rpad(const string & s, size_t width, const string & padchar =” “) Right-pad the given string s to width width. |
vector< string > | pathsplit(const string & path) Split a path string with colon delimiters. |
string | pathjoin(const vector< string > & paths) Join several filesystem paths together with the standard ‘:’ delimiter. |
string | operator/(const string & a, const string & b) Operator for joining strings a and b with filesystem separators. |
string | basename(const string & p) Get the basename (i.e. terminal file name) from a path p. |
string | dirname(const string & p) Get the dirname (i.e. path to the penultimate directory) from a path p. |
string | file_stem(const string & f) Get the stem (i.e. part without a file extension) from a filename f. |
string | file_extn(const string & f) Get the file extension from a filename f. |
template <typename CONTAINER > unsigned int | count(const CONTAINER & c) Return number of true elements in the container c . |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename FN > unsigned int | count(const CONTAINER & c, const FN & f) Return number of elements in the container c for which f(x) is true. |
template <typename CONTAINER > bool | any(const CONTAINER & c) Return true if x is true for any x in container c, otherwise false. |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename FN > bool | any(const CONTAINER & c, const FN & f) Return true if f(x) is true for any x in container c, otherwise false. |
template <typename CONTAINER > bool | all(const CONTAINER & c) Return true if x is true for all x in container c, otherwise false. |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename FN > bool | all(const CONTAINER & c, const FN & f) Return true if f(x) is true for all x in container c, otherwise false. |
template <typename CONTAINER > bool | none(const CONTAINER & c) Return true if x is false for all x in container c, otherwise false. |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename FN > bool | none(const CONTAINER & c, const FN & f) Return true if f(x) is false for all x in container c, otherwise false. |
template <typename CONTAINER1 ,typename CONTAINER2 ,typename FN > const CONTAINER2 & | transform(const CONTAINER1 & in, CONTAINER2 & out, const FN & f) A single-container-arg version of std::transform, aka map . |
template <typename CONTAINER1 ,typename T2 > std::vector< T2 > | transform(const CONTAINER1 & in, const std::function< T2(typename CONTAINER1::value_type)> & f) |
template <typename CONTAINER1 ,typename T ,typename FN > T | accumulate(const CONTAINER1 & in, const T & init, const FN & f) A single-container-arg version of std::accumulate, aka reduce . |
template <typename CONTAINER > CONTAINER::value_type | sum(const CONTAINER & c) Generic sum function, adding x for all x in container c. |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename T > T | sum(const CONTAINER & c, const T & start) |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename FN ,typename T > T | sum(const CONTAINER & c, const FN & f, const T & start =T()) Generic sum function, adding fn( x ) for all x in container c, starting with start. |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename T > T & | isum(const CONTAINER & c, T & out) |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename FN ,typename T > T & | isum(const CONTAINER & c, const FN & f, T & out) |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename FN > CONTAINER & | ifilter_discard(CONTAINER & c, const FN & f) |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename FN > CONTAINER & | idiscard(CONTAINER & c, const FN & f) Alias. |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename FN > CONTAINER | filter_discard(const CONTAINER & c, const FN & f) |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename FN > CONTAINER & | discard(CONTAINER & c, const FN & f) Alias. |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename FN > CONTAINER & | filter_discard(const CONTAINER & c, const FN & f, CONTAINER & out) |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename FN > CONTAINER & | discard(CONTAINER & c, const FN & f, CONTAINER & out) Alias. |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename FN > CONTAINER & | ifilter_select(CONTAINER & c, const FN & f) |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename FN > CONTAINER & | iselect(CONTAINER & c, const FN & f) Alias. |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename FN > CONTAINER | filter_select(const CONTAINER & c, const FN & f) |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename FN > CONTAINER | select(const CONTAINER & c, const FN & f) Alias. |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename FN > CONTAINER & | filter_select(const CONTAINER & c, const FN & f, CONTAINER & out) |
template <typename CONTAINER ,typename FN > CONTAINER & | select(CONTAINER & c, const FN & f, CONTAINER & out) Alias. |
template <typename CONTAINER > CONTAINER | slice(const CONTAINER & c, int i, int j) Slice of the container elements cf. Python’s [i:j] syntax. |
template <typename CONTAINER > CONTAINER | slice(const CONTAINER & c, int i) Tail slice of the container elements cf. Python’s [i:] syntax. |
template <typename CONTAINER > CONTAINER | head(const CONTAINER & c, int n) Head slice of the n first container elements. |
template <typename CONTAINER > CONTAINER | tail(const CONTAINER & c, int n) Tail slice of the n last container elements. |
double | min(const vector< double > & in, double errval =DBL_NAN) Find the minimum value in the vector. |
double | max(const vector< double > & in, double errval =DBL_NAN) Find the maximum value in the vector. |
pair< double, double > | minmax(const vector< double > & in, double errval =DBL_NAN) Find the minimum and maximum values in the vector. |
int | min(const vector< int > & in, int errval =-1) Find the minimum value in the vector. |
int | max(const vector< int > & in, int errval =-1) Find the maximum value in the vector. |
pair< int, int > | minmax(const vector< int > & in, int errval =-1) Find the minimum and maximum values in the vector. |
template <typename T > T | getEnvParam(const std::string name, const T & fallback) Get a parameter from a named environment variable, with automatic type conversion. |
Name | |
constexpr double | pi |
constexpr double | twopi |
constexpr double | halfpi |
constexpr double | pi2 |
constexpr double | c_light |
constexpr double | degree |
const double | PI |
const double | TWOPI A pre-defined value of ( 2\pi ). |
const double | HALFPI A pre-defined value of ( \pi/2 ). |
const double | SQRT2 A pre-defined value of ( \sqrt{2} ). |
const double | SQRTPI A pre-defined value of ( \sqrt{\pi} ). |
const double | INFF Pre-defined values of ( \infty ). |
const double | INF |
const double | INFL |
constexpr double | millimeter |
constexpr double | millimeter2 |
constexpr double | millimeter3 |
constexpr double | centimeter |
constexpr double | centimeter2 |
constexpr double | centimeter3 |
constexpr double | meter |
constexpr double | meter2 |
constexpr double | meter3 |
constexpr double | micrometer |
constexpr double | nanometer |
constexpr double | angstrom |
constexpr double | picometer |
constexpr double | femtometer |
constexpr double | attometer |
constexpr double | fermi |
constexpr double | mm |
constexpr double | mm2 |
constexpr double | mm3 |
constexpr double | cm |
constexpr double | cm2 |
constexpr double | cm3 |
constexpr double | m |
constexpr double | m2 |
constexpr double | m3 |
constexpr double | picobarn |
constexpr double | barn |
constexpr double | millibarn |
constexpr double | microbarn |
constexpr double | nanobarn |
constexpr double | femtobarn |
constexpr double | attobarn |
constexpr double | nanosecond |
constexpr double | second |
constexpr double | millisecond |
constexpr double | microsecond |
constexpr double | picosecond |
constexpr double | ns |
constexpr double | s |
constexpr double | ms |
constexpr double | eplus |
constexpr double | e_SI |
constexpr double | gigaelectronvolt |
constexpr double | electronvolt |
constexpr double | kiloelectronvolt |
constexpr double | megaelectronvolt |
constexpr double | teraelectronvolt |
constexpr double | petaelectronvolt |
constexpr double | eV |
constexpr double | keV |
constexpr double | MeV |
constexpr double | GeV |
constexpr double | TeV |
constexpr double | PeV |
constexpr double | eV2 |
constexpr double | keV2 |
constexpr double | MeV2 |
constexpr double | GeV2 |
constexpr double | TeV2 |
constexpr double | PeV2 |
constexpr double | DBL_NAN Convenient const for getting the double NaN value. |
Detailed Description
Todo: BinnedHistogram needs to have a list of interbnal members first which then get booked by the analysis. Booking a temporary, and then adding into BinnedHisto is not possible
Types Documentation
enum RangeBoundary
Enumerator | Value | Description |
OPEN | =0 | |
SOFT | =0 | |
CLOSED | =1 | |
HARD | =1 |
Represents whether an interval is open (non-inclusive) or closed (inclusive).
For example, the interval ( [0, \pi) ) is closed (an inclusive boundary) at 0, and open (a non-inclusive boundary) at ( \pi ).
typedef FourVectors
typedef std::vector<FourVector> Rivet::FourVectors;
Typedefs for lists of vector types
typedef FourMomenta
typedef std::vector<FourMomentum> Rivet::FourMomenta;
typedef JetSmearFn
typedef function<Jet(const Jet&)> Rivet::JetSmearFn;
Typedef for Jet smearing functions/functors.
typedef JetEffFn
typedef function<double(const Jet&)> Rivet::JetEffFn;
Typedef for Jet efficiency functions/functors.
using jetEffFilter
using Rivet::jetEffFilter = typedef JetEffFilter;
typedef P4SmearFn
typedef std::function<FourMomentum(const FourMomentum&)> Rivet::P4SmearFn;
Typedef for FourMomentum smearing functions/functors.
typedef P4EffFn
typedef std::function<double(const FourMomentum&)> Rivet::P4EffFn;
Typedef for FourMomentum efficiency functions/functors.
typedef ParticleSmearFn
typedef function<Particle(const Particle&)> Rivet::ParticleSmearFn;
Typedef for Particle smearing functions/functors.
typedef ParticleEffFn
typedef function<double(const Particle&)> Rivet::ParticleEffFn;
Typedef for Particle efficiency functions/functors.
using particleEffFilter
using Rivet::particleEffFilter = typedef ParticleEffFilter;
typedef strings
typedef vector<std::string> Rivet::strings;
typedef doubles
typedef vector<double> Rivet::doubles;
typedef floats
typedef vector<float> Rivet::floats;
typedef ints
typedef vector<int> Rivet::ints;
enum Sign
Enumerator | Value | Description |
MINUS | -1 | |
ZERO | 0 | |
PLUS | 1 |
Enum for signs of numbers.
enum RapScheme
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ETARAP | 0 | |
RAPIDITY | 1 | |
YRAP | 1 |
Enum for rapidity variable to be used in calculating ( R ), applying rapidity cuts, etc.
enum PhiMapping
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ZERO_2PI | ||
Enum for range of ( \phi ) to be mapped into.
typedef AnaHandle
typedef std::shared_ptr<Analysis> Rivet::AnaHandle;
typedef Matrix4
typedef Matrix<4> Rivet::Matrix4;
typedef TwoVector
typedef Vector2 Rivet::TwoVector;
typedef V2
typedef Vector2 Rivet::V2;
typedef ThreeVector
typedef Vector3 Rivet::ThreeVector;
typedef V3
typedef Vector3 Rivet::V3;
typedef P3
typedef ThreeMomentum Rivet::P3;
typedef Vector4
typedef FourVector Rivet::Vector4;
typedef V4
typedef FourVector Rivet::V4;
typedef P4
typedef FourMomentum Rivet::P4;
typedef ParticlePair
typedef std::pair<Particle, Particle> Rivet::ParticlePair;
Typedef for a pair of Particle objects.
typedef ProjHandle
typedef std::shared_ptr<const Projection> Rivet::ProjHandle;
Typedef for Projection (smart) pointer.
using DirectFinalState
using Rivet::DirectFinalState = typedef PromptFinalState;
Alias with a more correct name.
typedef MixEvent
typedef pair<Particles, double> Rivet::MixEvent;
typedef MixMap
typedef map<double, std::deque<MixEvent> > Rivet::MixMap;
using IndirectFinalState
using Rivet::IndirectFinalState = typedef NonPromptFinalState;
Alias with a more correct name.
using JetAlg
using Rivet::JetAlg = typedef JetFinder;
Use the JetFinder name; JetAlg will be removed and used as a jet-measure enum in future
Backward-compatibility typedef
using MissingMom
using Rivet::MissingMom = typedef MissingMomentum;
A slightly more convenient name, following other Rivet shortening-conventions.
using Taus
using Rivet::Taus = typedef TauFinder;
Todo: Make this the canonical name in future
using UnstableFinalState
using Rivet::UnstableFinalState = typedef UnstableParticles;
using PCmp
using Rivet::PCmp = typedef Cmp<Projection>;
Typedef for Cmp
typedef Exception
typedef Error Rivet::Exception;
Rivet::Exception is a synonym for Rivet::Error.
using JetSelector
using Rivet::JetSelector = typedef function<bool(const Jet&)>;
std::function instantiation for functors taking a Jet and returning a bool
using JetSorter
using Rivet::JetSorter = typedef function<bool(const Jet&, const Jet&)>;
std::function instantiation for functors taking two Jets and returning a bool
using hasBTag
using Rivet::hasBTag = typedef HasBTag;
using hasCTag
using Rivet::hasCTag = typedef HasCTag;
using hasTauTag
using Rivet::hasTauTag = typedef HasTauTag;
using hasNoTag
using Rivet::hasNoTag = typedef HasNoTag;
using ParticleBaseSelector
using Rivet::ParticleBaseSelector = typedef function<bool(const ParticleBase&)>;
std::function instantiation for functors taking a ParticleBase and returning a bool
using ParticleBaseSorter
using Rivet::ParticleBaseSorter = typedef function<bool(const ParticleBase&, const ParticleBase&)>;
std::function instantiation for functors taking two ParticleBase and returning a bool
using pTGtr
using Rivet::pTGtr = typedef PtGtr;
using ptGtr
using Rivet::ptGtr = typedef PtGtr;
using pTLess
using Rivet::pTLess = typedef PtLess;
using ptLess
using Rivet::ptLess = typedef PtLess;
using pTInRange
using Rivet::pTInRange = typedef PtInRange;
using ptInRange
using Rivet::ptInRange = typedef PtInRange;
using etaGtr
using Rivet::etaGtr = typedef EtaGtr;
using etaLess
using Rivet::etaLess = typedef EtaLess;
using etaInRange
using Rivet::etaInRange = typedef EtaInRange;
using absEtaGtr
using Rivet::absEtaGtr = typedef AbsEtaGtr;
using absetaGtr
using Rivet::absetaGtr = typedef AbsEtaGtr;
using absEtaLess
using Rivet::absEtaLess = typedef AbsEtaLess;
using absetaLess
using Rivet::absetaLess = typedef AbsEtaLess;
using absEtaInRange
using Rivet::absEtaInRange = typedef AbsEtaInRange;
using absetaInRange
using Rivet::absetaInRange = typedef AbsEtaInRange;
using rapGtr
using Rivet::rapGtr = typedef RapGtr;
using rapLess
using Rivet::rapLess = typedef RapLess;
using rapInRange
using Rivet::rapInRange = typedef RapInRange;
using absRapGtr
using Rivet::absRapGtr = typedef AbsRapGtr;
using absrapGtr
using Rivet::absrapGtr = typedef AbsRapGtr;
using absRapLess
using Rivet::absRapLess = typedef AbsRapLess;
using absrapLess
using Rivet::absrapLess = typedef AbsRapLess;
using absRapInRange
using Rivet::absRapInRange = typedef AbsRapInRange;
using absrapInRange
using Rivet::absrapInRange = typedef AbsRapInRange;
using deltaRGtr
using Rivet::deltaRGtr = typedef DeltaRGtr;
using deltaRLess
using Rivet::deltaRLess = typedef DeltaRLess;
using deltaRInRange
using Rivet::deltaRInRange = typedef DeltaRInRange;
using deltaPhiGtr
using Rivet::deltaPhiGtr = typedef DeltaPhiGtr;
using deltaPhiLess
using Rivet::deltaPhiLess = typedef DeltaPhiLess;
using deltaPhiInRange
using Rivet::deltaPhiInRange = typedef DeltaPhiInRange;
using deltaEtaGtr
using Rivet::deltaEtaGtr = typedef DeltaEtaGtr;
using deltaEtaLess
using Rivet::deltaEtaLess = typedef DeltaEtaLess;
using deltaEtaInRange
using Rivet::deltaEtaInRange = typedef DeltaEtaInRange;
using deltaRapGtr
using Rivet::deltaRapGtr = typedef DeltaRapGtr;
using deltaRapLess
using Rivet::deltaRapLess = typedef DeltaRapLess;
using deltaRapInRange
using Rivet::deltaRapInRange = typedef DeltaRapInRange;
using deltaRWRT
using Rivet::deltaRWRT = typedef DeltaRWRT;
using deltaPhiWRT
using Rivet::deltaPhiWRT = typedef DeltaPhiWRT;
using deltaEtaWRT
using Rivet::deltaEtaWRT = typedef DeltaEtaWRT;
using absDeltaEtaWRT
using Rivet::absDeltaEtaWRT = typedef AbsDeltaEtaWRT;
using deltaRapWRT
using Rivet::deltaRapWRT = typedef DeltaRapWRT;
using absDeltaRapWRT
using Rivet::absDeltaRapWRT = typedef AbsDeltaRapWRT;
using hasPID
using Rivet::hasPID = typedef HasPID;
using hasAbsPID
using Rivet::hasAbsPID = typedef HasAbsPID;
using firstParticleWith
using Rivet::firstParticleWith = typedef FirstParticleWith;
using firstParticleWithout
using Rivet::firstParticleWithout = typedef FirstParticleWithout;
using lastParticleWith
using Rivet::lastParticleWith = typedef LastParticleWith;
using lastParticleWithout
using Rivet::lastParticleWithout = typedef LastParticleWithout;
using hasParticleAncestorWith
using Rivet::hasParticleAncestorWith = typedef HasParticleAncestorWith;
using hasParticleAncestorWithout
using Rivet::hasParticleAncestorWithout = typedef HasParticleAncestorWithout;
using hasParticleParentWith
using Rivet::hasParticleParentWith = typedef HasParticleParentWith;
using hasParticleParentWithout
using Rivet::hasParticleParentWithout = typedef HasParticleParentWithout;
using hasParticleChildWith
using Rivet::hasParticleChildWith = typedef HasParticleChildWith;
using hasParticleChildWithout
using Rivet::hasParticleChildWithout = typedef HasParticleChildWithout;
using hasParticleDescendantWith
using Rivet::hasParticleDescendantWith = typedef HasParticleDescendantWith;
using hasParticleDescendantWithout
using Rivet::hasParticleDescendantWithout = typedef HasParticleDescendantWithout;
typedef PseudoJets
typedef std::vector<PseudoJet> Rivet::PseudoJets;
Todo: Make into an explicit container with conversion to Jets and FourMomenta?
Typedef for a collection of PseudoJet objects.
typedef ConstGenParticlePtr
typedef const HepMC::GenParticle* Rivet::ConstGenParticlePtr;
typedef ConstGenVertexPtr
typedef const HepMC::GenVertex* Rivet::ConstGenVertexPtr;
typedef ConstGenHeavyIonPtr
typedef const HepMC::HeavyIon* Rivet::ConstGenHeavyIonPtr;
using HepMC_IO_type
using Rivet::HepMC_IO_type = typedef HepMC::IO_GenEvent;
using PdfInfo
using Rivet::PdfInfo = typedef RivetHepMC::PdfInfo;
using ConstGenEventPtr
using Rivet::ConstGenEventPtr = typedef std::shared_ptr<const GenEvent>;
using Weight
using Rivet::Weight = typedef double;
Typedef for weights.
using Fill
template <class T >
using Rivet::Fill = typedef pair<typename T::FillType, Weight>;
A single fill is a (FillType, Weight) pair.
using Fills
template <class T >
using Rivet::Fills = typedef multiset<Fill<T> >;
Todo: Why a set rather than a vector? Efficiency???
A set of several fill objects.
using MultiweightAOPtr
using Rivet::MultiweightAOPtr = typedef rivet_shared_ptr<MultiweightAOWrapper>;
using Histo1DPtr
using Rivet::Histo1DPtr = typedef rivet_shared_ptr<Wrapper<YODA::Histo1D> >;
using Histo2DPtr
using Rivet::Histo2DPtr = typedef rivet_shared_ptr<Wrapper<YODA::Histo2D> >;
using Profile1DPtr
using Rivet::Profile1DPtr = typedef rivet_shared_ptr<Wrapper<YODA::Profile1D> >;
using Profile2DPtr
using Rivet::Profile2DPtr = typedef rivet_shared_ptr<Wrapper<YODA::Profile2D> >;
using CounterPtr
using Rivet::CounterPtr = typedef rivet_shared_ptr<Wrapper<YODA::Counter> >;
using Scatter1DPtr
using Rivet::Scatter1DPtr = typedef rivet_shared_ptr<Wrapper<YODA::Scatter1D> >;
using Scatter2DPtr
using Rivet::Scatter2DPtr = typedef rivet_shared_ptr<Wrapper<YODA::Scatter2D> >;
using Scatter3DPtr
using Rivet::Scatter3DPtr = typedef rivet_shared_ptr<Wrapper<YODA::Scatter3D> >;
Functions Documentation
function inRange
template <typename N1 ,
typename N2 ,
typename N3 >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N3 >::value, bool >::type inRange(
N1 value,
N2 low,
N3 high,
RangeBoundary lowbound =CLOSED,
RangeBoundary highbound =OPEN
Determine if value is in the range low to high, for floating point numbers.
Interval boundary types are defined by lowbound and highbound.
function fuzzyInRange
template <typename N1 ,
typename N2 ,
typename N3 >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N3 >::value, bool >::type fuzzyInRange(
N1 value,
N2 low,
N3 high,
RangeBoundary lowbound =CLOSED,
RangeBoundary highbound =OPEN
Determine if value is in the range low to high, for floating point numbers.
Interval boundary types are defined by lowbound and highbound. Closed intervals are compared fuzzily.
function inRange
template <typename N1 ,
typename N2 ,
typename N3 >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N3 >::value, bool >::type inRange(
N1 value,
pair< N2, N3 > lowhigh,
RangeBoundary lowbound =CLOSED,
RangeBoundary highbound =OPEN
Alternative version of inRange which accepts a pair for the range arguments.
function in_range
template <typename N1 ,
typename N2 ,
typename N3 >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N3 >::value, bool >::type in_range(
N1 val,
N2 low,
N3 high
Boolean function to determine if value is within the given range.
Note: The interval is closed (inclusive) at the low end, and open (exclusive) at the high end.
function in_closed_range
template <typename N1 ,
typename N2 ,
typename N3 >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N3 >::value, bool >::type in_closed_range(
N1 val,
N2 low,
N3 high
Boolean function to determine if value is within the given range.
Note: The interval is closed at both ends.
function in_open_range
template <typename N1 ,
typename N2 ,
typename N3 >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N3 >::value, bool >::type in_open_range(
N1 val,
N2 low,
N3 high
Boolean function to determine if value is within the given range.
Note: The interval is open at both ends.
function JET_EFF_ZERO
inline double JET_EFF_ZERO(
const Jet & p
Take a jet and return a constant 0.
function JET_EFF_0
inline double JET_EFF_0(
const Jet & p
Alias for JET_EFF_ZERO.
function JET_FN0
inline double JET_FN0(
const Jet & p
Alias for JET_EFF_ZERO.
function JET_EFF_ONE
inline double JET_EFF_ONE(
const Jet & p
Take a jet and return a constant 1.
function JET_EFF_1
inline double JET_EFF_1(
const Jet & p
Alias for JET_EFF_ONE.
inline double JET_EFF_PERFECT(
const Jet &
Alias for JET_EFF_ONE.
function JET_FN1
inline double JET_FN1(
const Jet &
Alias for JET_EFF_ONE.
inline double JET_BTAG_PERFECT(
const Jet & j
Return 1 if the given Jet contains a b, otherwise 0.
Todo: Need to be able to pass a tag pT threshold? -> functor struct
inline double JET_CTAG_PERFECT(
const Jet & j
Return 1 if the given Jet contains a c, otherwise 0.
Todo: Need to be able to pass a tag pT threshold? -> functor struct
inline double JET_TAUTAG_PERFECT(
const Jet & j
Return 1 if the given Jet contains a c, otherwise 0.
Todo: Need to be able to pass a tag pT threshold? -> functor struct
const Jet & j
Todo: Modify constituent particle vectors for consistency
Set a null PseudoJet if the Jet is smeared?
Take a jet and return an unmodified copy
const Jet & j
function efffilt
template <typename FN >
inline bool efffilt(
const Jet & j,
FN & feff
Return true if Jet_j_ is chosen to survive a random efficiency selection.
function P4_EFF_ZERO
inline double P4_EFF_ZERO(
const FourMomentum &
Take a FourMomentum and return 0.
function P4_FN0
inline double P4_FN0(
const FourMomentum &
Alias for P4_EFF_ZERO
function P4_EFF_ONE
inline double P4_EFF_ONE(
const FourMomentum &
Take a FourMomentum and return 1.
function P4_FN1
inline double P4_FN1(
const FourMomentum &
Alias for P4_EFF_ONE
inline FourMomentum P4_SMEAR_IDENTITY(
const FourMomentum & p
Take a FourMomentum and return it unmodified.
inline FourMomentum P4_SMEAR_PERFECT(
const FourMomentum & p
function P4_SMEAR_E_GAUSS
inline FourMomentum P4_SMEAR_E_GAUSS(
const FourMomentum & p,
double resolution
Todo: Also make jet versions that update/smear constituents?
Smear a FourMomentum’s energy using a Gaussian of absolute width resolution
function P4_SMEAR_PT_GAUSS
inline FourMomentum P4_SMEAR_PT_GAUSS(
const FourMomentum & p,
double resolution
Smear a FourMomentum’s transverse momentum using a Gaussian of absolute width resolution.
inline FourMomentum P4_SMEAR_MASS_GAUSS(
const FourMomentum & p,
double resolution
Smear a FourMomentum’s mass using a Gaussian of absolute width resolution.
inline double PARTICLE_EFF_ZERO(
const Particle &
Take a Particle and return 0.
function PARTICLE_EFF_0
inline double PARTICLE_EFF_0(
const Particle &
function PARTICLE_FN0
inline double PARTICLE_FN0(
const Particle &
inline double PARTICLE_EFF_ONE(
const Particle &
Take a Particle and return 1.
function PARTICLE_EFF_1
inline double PARTICLE_EFF_1(
const Particle &
const Particle &
function PARTICLE_FN1
inline double PARTICLE_FN1(
const Particle &
const Particle & p
Take a Particle and return it unmodified.
const Particle & p
function efffilt
inline bool efffilt(
const Particle & p,
const ParticleEffFn & feff
Return true if Particle_p_ is chosen to survive a random efficiency selection.
function operator«
std::ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & os,
const Jet & j
Allow a Jet to be passed to an ostream.
function operator«
std::ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & os,
const Particle & p
Allow a Particle to be passed to an ostream.
function operator«
std::ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & os,
const ParticlePair & pp
Allow ParticlePair to be passed to an ostream.
function isZero
template <typename NUM >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< NUM >::value, bool >::type isZero(
NUM val,
double tolerance =1e-8
Compare a number to zero.
This version for floating point types has a degree of fuzziness expressed by the absolute tolerance parameter, for floating point safety.
function isZero
template <typename NUM >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_integral< NUM >::value, bool >::type isZero(
NUM val,
double =1e-5
Compare a number to zero.
SFINAE template specialisation for integers, since there is no FP precision issue.
function isNaN
template <typename NUM >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< NUM >::value, bool >::type isNaN(
NUM val
Check if a number is NaN.
function notNaN
template <typename NUM >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< NUM >::value, bool >::type notNaN(
NUM val
Check if a number is non-NaN.
function fuzzyEquals
template <typename N1 ,
typename N2 >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value &&(std::is_floating_point< N1 >::value||std::is_floating_point< N2 >::value), bool >::type fuzzyEquals(
N1 a,
N2 b,
double tolerance =1e-5
Compare two numbers for equality with a degree of fuzziness.
This version for floating point types (if any argument is FP) has a degree of fuzziness expressed by the fractional tolerance parameter, for floating point safety.
function fuzzyEquals
template <typename N1 ,
typename N2 >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_integral< N1 >::value &&std::is_integral< N2 >::value, bool >::type fuzzyEquals(
N1 a,
N2 b,
Compare two numbers for equality with a degree of fuzziness.
Simpler SFINAE template specialisation for integers, since there is no FP precision issue.
function fuzzyGtrEquals
template <typename N1 ,
typename N2 >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value, bool >::type fuzzyGtrEquals(
N1 a,
N2 b,
double tolerance =1e-5
Compare two numbers for >= with a degree of fuzziness.
The tolerance parameter on the equality test is as for fuzzyEquals
function fuzzyLessEquals
template <typename N1 ,
typename N2 >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value, bool >::type fuzzyLessEquals(
N1 a,
N2 b,
double tolerance =1e-5
Compare two floating point numbers for <= with a degree of fuzziness.
The tolerance parameter on the equality test is as for fuzzyEquals
function min
template <typename N1 ,
typename N2 >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value, typenamestd::common_type< N1, N2 >::type >::type min(
N1 a,
N2 b
Get the minimum of two numbers.
function max
template <typename N1 ,
typename N2 >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< N1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< N2 >::value, typenamestd::common_type< N1, N2 >::type >::type max(
N1 a,
N2 b
Get the maximum of two numbers.
function sqr
template <typename NUM >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, NUM >::type sqr(
Named number-type squaring operation.
function add_quad
template <typename NUM >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, NUM >::type add_quad(
NUM a,
Named number-type addition in quadrature operation.
Note: Result has the sqrt operation applied.
Todo: When std::common_type can be used, generalise to multiple numeric types with appropriate return type.
function add_quad
template <typename NUM >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, NUM >::type add_quad(
NUM a,
NUM b,
Note: Result has the sqrt operation applied.
Todo: When std::common_type can be used, generalise to multiple numeric types with appropriate return type.
Named number-type addition in quadrature operation.
function safediv
inline double safediv(
double num,
double den,
double fail =0.0
Todo: When std::common_type can be used, generalise to multiple numeric types with appropriate return type.
Return a/b, or fail if b = 0
function intpow
template <typename NUM >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, NUM >::type intpow(
NUM val,
unsigned int exp
A more efficient version of pow for raising numbers to integer powers.
function sign
template <typename NUM >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, int >::type sign(
NUM val
Find the sign of a number.
function cdfBW
inline double cdfBW(
double x,
double mu,
double gamma
CDF for the Breit-Wigner distribution.
function invcdfBW
inline double invcdfBW(
double p,
double mu,
double gamma
Inverse CDF for the Breit-Wigner distribution.
function linspace
inline vector< double > linspace(
size_t nbins,
double start,
double end,
bool include_end =true
Make a list of nbins + 1 values equally spaced between start and end inclusive.
Note: The arg ordering and the meaning of the nbins variable is “histogram-like”, as opposed to the Numpy/Matlab version.
Todo: Import the YODA version rather than maintain this parallel version?
function aspace
inline vector< double > aspace(
double step,
double start,
double end,
bool include_end =true,
double tol =1e-2
Make a list of values equally spaced by step between start and end inclusive.
Note: The arg ordering is “Rivet-like”, cf. linspace() and logspace(), as opposed to the Numpy/Matlab arange() function (whose name inspired this, but we preferred to keep the “space” nomenclature for consistence.)
The values will start at start and be equally spaced up to the highest increment less than or equal to end. If include_end is given, the end value will be appended if distinct by tol times step.
function logspace
inline vector< double > logspace(
size_t nbins,
double start,
double end,
bool include_end =true
Make a list of nbins + 1 values exponentially spaced between start and end inclusive.
Note: The arg ordering and the meaning of the nbins variable is “histogram-like”, as opposed to the Numpy/Matlab version, and the start and end arguments are expressed in “normal” space, rather than as the logarithms of the start/end values as in Numpy/Matlab.
Todo: Import the YODA version rather than maintain this parallel version?
function bwspace
inline vector< double > bwspace(
size_t nbins,
double start,
double end,
double mu,
double gamma
Make a list of nbins + 1 values spaced for equal area Breit-Wigner binning between start and end inclusive. mu and gamma are the Breit-Wigner parameters.
Note: The arg ordering and the meaning of the nbins variable is “histogram-like”, as opposed to the Numpy/Matlab version, and the start and end arguments are expressed in “normal” space.
Todo: pdfspace()… from YODA?
function binIndex
template <typename NUM1 ,
typename NUM2 >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM1 >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< NUM2 >::value, int >::type binIndex(
NUM1 val,
std::initializer_list< NUM2 > binedges,
bool allow_overflow =false
Return the bin index of the given value, val, given a vector of bin edges.
Note: The binedges vector must be sorted
Todo: Use std::common_type<NUM1, NUM2>::type x = val; ?
An underflow always returns -1. If allow_overflow is false (default) an overflow also returns -1, otherwise it returns the Nedge-1, the index of an inclusive bin starting at the last edge.
function binIndex
template <typename NUM ,
typename CONTAINER >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value &&std::is_arithmetic< typenameCONTAINER::value_type >::value, int >::type binIndex(
NUM val,
const CONTAINER & binedges,
bool allow_overflow =false
Return the bin index of the given value, val, given a vector of bin edges.
Note: The binedges vector must be sorted
Todo: Use std::common_type<NUM1, NUM2>::type x = val; ?
An underflow always returns -1. If allow_overflow is false (default) an overflow also returns -1, otherwise it returns the Nedge-1, the index of an inclusive bin starting at the last edge.
function median
template <typename NUM >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, NUM >::type median(
const vector< NUM > & sample
Todo: Support multiple container types via SFINAE
Calculate the median of a sample
function mean
template <typename NUM >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, double >::type mean(
const vector< NUM > & sample
Todo: Support multiple container types via SFINAE
Calculate the mean of a sample
function mean_err
template <typename NUM >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, double >::type mean_err(
const vector< NUM > & sample
Todo: Support multiple container types via SFINAE
function covariance
template <typename NUM >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, double >::type covariance(
const vector< NUM > & sample1,
const vector< NUM > & sample2
Todo: Support multiple container types via SFINAE
Calculate the covariance (variance) between two samples
function covariance_err
template <typename NUM >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, double >::type covariance_err(
const vector< NUM > & sample1,
const vector< NUM > & sample2
Todo: Support multiple container types via SFINAE
Calculate the error on the covariance (variance) of two samples, assuming poissonian errors
function correlation
template <typename NUM >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, double >::type correlation(
const vector< NUM > & sample1,
const vector< NUM > & sample2
Todo: Support multiple container types via SFINAE
Calculate the correlation strength between two samples
function correlation_err
template <typename NUM >
inline std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< NUM >::value, double >::type correlation_err(
const vector< NUM > & sample1,
const vector< NUM > & sample2
Todo: Support multiple container types via SFINAE
Calculate the error of the correlation strength between two samples assuming Poissonian errors
function mapAngleMPiToPi
inline double mapAngleMPiToPi(
double angle
Map an angle into the range (-PI, PI].
function mapAngle0To2Pi
inline double mapAngle0To2Pi(
double angle
Map an angle into the range [0, 2PI).
function mapAngle0ToPi
inline double mapAngle0ToPi(
double angle
Map an angle into the range [0, PI].
function mapAngle
inline double mapAngle(
double angle,
PhiMapping mapping
Map an angle into the enum-specified range.
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
double phi1,
double phi2,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference between two angles in radians.
Returns in the range [0, PI].
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
double eta1,
double eta2,
bool sign =false
Note: Just a cosmetic name for analysis code clarity.
Calculate the abs difference between two pseudorapidities
function deltaRap
inline double deltaRap(
double y1,
double y2,
bool sign =false
Note: Just a cosmetic name for analysis code clarity.
Calculate the abs difference between two rapidities
function deltaR2
inline double deltaR2(
double rap1,
double phi1,
double rap2,
double phi2
Calculate the squared distance between two points in 2D rapidity-azimuthal ("\f$ \eta-\phi \f$”) space. The phi values are given in radians.
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
double rap1,
double phi1,
double rap2,
double phi2
Calculate the distance between two points in 2D rapidity-azimuthal ("\f$ \eta-\phi \f$") space. The phi values are given in radians.
function rapidity
inline double rapidity(
double E,
double pz
Calculate a rapidity value from the supplied energy E and longitudinal momentum pz.
function mT
inline double mT(
double pT1,
double pT2,
double dphi
Note: Several versions taking two vectors are found in Vector4.hh
Calculate transverse mass of two vectors from provided pT and deltaPhi
function deltaR2
inline double deltaR2(
const FourVector & a,
const FourVector & b,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
Calculate the squared 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors.
There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter. Use of this scheme option is discouraged in this case since RAPIDITY
is only a valid option for vectors whose type is really the FourMomentum derived class.
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const FourVector & a,
const FourVector & b,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors.
There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter. Use of this scheme option is discouraged in this case since RAPIDITY
is only a valid option for vectors whose type is really the FourMomentum derived class.
function deltaR2
inline double deltaR2(
const FourVector & v,
double eta2,
double phi2,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
Calculate the squared 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors.
There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter.
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const FourVector & v,
double eta2,
double phi2,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors.
There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter.
function deltaR2
inline double deltaR2(
double eta1,
double phi1,
const FourVector & v,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
Calculate the squared 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors.
There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter.
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
double eta1,
double phi1,
const FourVector & v,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors.
There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter.
function deltaR2
inline double deltaR2(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
Calculate the squared 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors.
There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter.
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors.
There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter.
function deltaR2
inline double deltaR2(
const FourMomentum & v,
double eta2,
double phi2,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
Calculate the squared 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter.
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const FourMomentum & v,
double eta2,
double phi2,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter.
function deltaR2
inline double deltaR2(
double eta1,
double phi1,
const FourMomentum & v,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
Calculate the squared 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter.
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
double eta1,
double phi1,
const FourMomentum & v,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter.
function deltaR2
inline double deltaR2(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourVector & b,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
Calculate the squared 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter.
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourVector & b,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter.
function deltaR2
inline double deltaR2(
const FourVector & a,
const FourMomentum & b,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter.
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const FourVector & a,
const FourMomentum & b,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two four-vectors. There is a scheme ambiguity for momentum-type four vectors as to whether the pseudorapidity (a purely geometric concept) or the rapidity (a relativistic energy-momentum quantity) is to be used: this can be chosen via the optional scheme parameter.
function deltaR2
inline double deltaR2(
const FourMomentum & a,
const Vector3 & b
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between a three-vector and a four-vector.
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const FourMomentum & a,
const Vector3 & b
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between a three-vector and a four-vector.
function deltaR2
inline double deltaR2(
const Vector3 & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between a three-vector and a four-vector.
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const Vector3 & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between a three-vector and a four-vector.
function deltaR2
inline double deltaR2(
const FourVector & a,
const Vector3 & b
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between a three-vector and a four-vector.
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const FourVector & a,
const Vector3 & b
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between a three-vector and a four-vector.
function deltaR2
inline double deltaR2(
const Vector3 & a,
const FourVector & b
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between a three-vector and a four-vector.
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const Vector3 & a,
const FourVector & b
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between a three-vector and a four-vector.
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors.
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const FourMomentum & v,
double phi2,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors.
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
double phi1,
const FourMomentum & v,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors.
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const FourVector & a,
const FourVector & b,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors.
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const FourVector & v,
double phi2,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors.
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
double phi1,
const FourVector & v,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors.
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const FourVector & a,
const FourMomentum & b,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors.
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourVector & b,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors.
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const FourVector & a,
const Vector3 & b,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors.
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const Vector3 & a,
const FourVector & b,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors.
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const FourMomentum & a,
const Vector3 & b,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors.
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const Vector3 & a,
const FourMomentum & b,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two vectors.
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors.
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const FourMomentum & v,
double eta2,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors.
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
double eta1,
const FourMomentum & v,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors.
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const FourVector & a,
const FourVector & b,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors.
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const FourVector & v,
double eta2,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors.
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
double eta1,
const FourVector & v,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors.
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const FourVector & a,
const FourMomentum & b,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors.
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourVector & b,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors.
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const FourVector & a,
const Vector3 & b,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors.
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const Vector3 & a,
const FourVector & b,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors.
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const FourMomentum & a,
const Vector3 & b,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors.
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const Vector3 & a,
const FourMomentum & b,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two vectors.
function deltaRap
inline double deltaRap(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in rapidity between two 4-momentum vectors.
function deltaRap
inline double deltaRap(
const FourMomentum & v,
double y2,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in rapidity between two 4-momentum vectors.
function deltaRap
inline double deltaRap(
double y1,
const FourMomentum & v,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in rapidity between two 4-momentum vectors.
function cmpMomByPt
inline bool cmpMomByPt(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Comparison to give a sorting by decreasing pT.
function cmpMomByAscPt
inline bool cmpMomByAscPt(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Comparison to give a sorting by increasing pT.
function cmpMomByP
inline bool cmpMomByP(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Comparison to give a sorting by decreasing 3-momentum magnitude |p|.
function cmpMomByAscP
inline bool cmpMomByAscP(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Comparison to give a sorting by increasing 3-momentum magnitude |p|.
function cmpMomByEt
inline bool cmpMomByEt(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Comparison to give a sorting by decreasing transverse energy.
function cmpMomByAscEt
inline bool cmpMomByAscEt(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Comparison to give a sorting by increasing transverse energy.
function cmpMomByE
inline bool cmpMomByE(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Comparison to give a sorting by decreasing energy.
function cmpMomByAscE
inline bool cmpMomByAscE(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Comparison to give a sorting by increasing energy.
function cmpMomByMass
inline bool cmpMomByMass(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Comparison to give a sorting by decreasing mass.
function cmpMomByAscMass
inline bool cmpMomByAscMass(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Comparison to give a sorting by increasing mass.
function cmpMomByEta
inline bool cmpMomByEta(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Comparison to give a sorting by increasing eta (pseudorapidity)
function cmpMomByDescEta
inline bool cmpMomByDescEta(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Comparison to give a sorting by decreasing eta (pseudorapidity)
function cmpMomByAbsEta
inline bool cmpMomByAbsEta(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Comparison to give a sorting by increasing absolute eta (pseudorapidity)
function cmpMomByDescAbsEta
inline bool cmpMomByDescAbsEta(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Comparison to give a sorting by increasing absolute eta (pseudorapidity)
function cmpMomByRap
inline bool cmpMomByRap(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Comparison to give a sorting by increasing rapidity.
function cmpMomByDescRap
inline bool cmpMomByDescRap(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Comparison to give a sorting by decreasing rapidity.
function cmpMomByAbsRap
inline bool cmpMomByAbsRap(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Comparison to give a sorting by increasing absolute rapidity.
function cmpMomByDescAbsRap
inline bool cmpMomByDescAbsRap(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
Comparison to give a sorting by decreasing absolute rapidity.
function isortBy
template <typename MOMS ,
typename CMP >
inline MOMS & isortBy(
MOMS & pbs,
const CMP & cmp
Sort a container of momenta by cmp and return by reference for non-const inputs.
Todo: Add sorting by phi [0..2PI]
function sortBy
template <typename MOMS ,
typename CMP >
inline MOMS sortBy(
const MOMS & pbs,
const CMP & cmp
Sort a container of momenta by cmp and return by value for const inputs.
function isortByPt
template <typename MOMS >
inline MOMS & isortByPt(
MOMS & pbs
Sort a container of momenta by pT (decreasing) and return by reference for non-const inputs.
function sortByPt
template <typename MOMS >
inline MOMS sortByPt(
const MOMS & pbs
Sort a container of momenta by pT (decreasing) and return by value for const inputs.
function isortByE
template <typename MOMS >
inline MOMS & isortByE(
MOMS & pbs
Sort a container of momenta by E (decreasing) and return by reference for non-const inputs.
function sortByE
template <typename MOMS >
inline MOMS sortByE(
const MOMS & pbs
Sort a container of momenta by E (decreasing) and return by value for const inputs.
function isortByEt
template <typename MOMS >
inline MOMS & isortByEt(
MOMS & pbs
Sort a container of momenta by Et (decreasing) and return by reference for non-const inputs.
function sortByEt
template <typename MOMS >
inline MOMS sortByEt(
const MOMS & pbs
Sort a container of momenta by Et (decreasing) and return by value for const inputs.
function toString
template <size_t N>
inline const string toString(
const Vector< N > & v
Make string representation.
function operator«
template <size_t N>
inline std::ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & out,
const Vector< N > & v
Stream out string representation.
function fuzzyEquals
template <size_t N>
inline bool fuzzyEquals(
const Vector< N > & va,
const Vector< N > & vb,
double tolerance =1E-5
Compare two vectors by index, allowing for numerical precision.
function isZero
template <size_t N>
inline bool isZero(
const Vector< N > & v,
double tolerance =1E-5
External form of numerically safe nullness check.
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const ParticleBase & p1,
const ParticleBase & p2,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const ParticleBase & p,
const FourMomentum & v,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const ParticleBase & p,
const FourVector & v,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const ParticleBase & p,
const Vector3 & v
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const ParticleBase & p,
double eta,
double phi
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const FourMomentum & v,
const ParticleBase & p,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const FourVector & v,
const ParticleBase & p,
RapScheme scheme =PSEUDORAPIDITY
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const Vector3 & v,
const ParticleBase & p
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
double eta,
double phi,
const ParticleBase & p
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const ParticleBase & p1,
const ParticleBase & p2,
bool sign =false
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const ParticleBase & p,
const FourMomentum & v,
bool sign =false
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const ParticleBase & p,
const FourVector & v,
bool sign =false
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const ParticleBase & p,
const Vector3 & v,
bool sign =false
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const ParticleBase & p,
double phi,
bool sign =false
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const FourMomentum & v,
const ParticleBase & p,
bool sign =false
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const FourVector & v,
const ParticleBase & p,
bool sign =false
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const Vector3 & v,
const ParticleBase & p,
bool sign =false
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
double phi,
const ParticleBase & p,
bool sign =false
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const ParticleBase & p1,
const ParticleBase & p2
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const ParticleBase & p,
const FourMomentum & v
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const ParticleBase & p,
const FourVector & v
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const ParticleBase & p,
const Vector3 & v
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const ParticleBase & p,
double eta
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const FourMomentum & v,
const ParticleBase & p
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const FourVector & v,
const ParticleBase & p
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const Vector3 & v,
const ParticleBase & p
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
double eta,
const ParticleBase & p
function deltaRap
inline double deltaRap(
const ParticleBase & p1,
const ParticleBase & p2
function deltaRap
inline double deltaRap(
const ParticleBase & p,
const FourMomentum & v
function deltaRap
inline double deltaRap(
const ParticleBase & p,
double y
function deltaRap
inline double deltaRap(
const FourMomentum & v,
const ParticleBase & p
function deltaRap
inline double deltaRap(
double y,
const ParticleBase & p
function beams
ParticlePair beams(
const Event & e
Get beam particles from an event.
function beamIds
inline PdgIdPair beamIds(
const ParticlePair & beams
Use pids(beams)
Get beam particle IDs from a pair of Particles
function beamIds
inline PdgIdPair beamIds(
const Event & e
Use pids(e.beams())
Get beam particle IDs from an event
function sqrtS
double sqrtS(
const FourMomentum & pa,
const FourMomentum & pb
Get beam centre-of-mass energy from a pair of beam momenta.
function sqrtS
inline double sqrtS(
const ParticlePair & beams
Get beam centre-of-mass energy from a pair of Particles.
function sqrtS
inline double sqrtS(
const Event & e
Get beam centre-of-mass energy from an Event.
function asqrtS
double asqrtS(
const FourMomentum & pa,
const FourMomentum & pb
Note: Uses a nominal nucleon mass of 0.939 GeV to convert masses to A
Get per-nucleon beam centre-of-mass energy from a pair of beam momenta
function asqrtS
double asqrtS(
const ParticlePair & beams
Note: Uses the sum of nuclear mass numbers A for each beam
Get per-nucleon beam centre-of-mass energy from a pair of Particles
function asqrtS
inline double asqrtS(
const Event & e
Note: Uses the sum of nuclear mass numbers A for each beam
Get per-nucleon beam centre-of-mass energy from an Event
function cmsBoostVec
inline FourMomentum cmsBoostVec(
const FourMomentum & pa,
const FourMomentum & pb
Get the Lorentz boost to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of beam momenta.
function cmsBoostVec
inline FourMomentum cmsBoostVec(
const ParticlePair & beams
Get the Lorentz boost to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of Particles.
function acmsBoostVec
FourMomentum acmsBoostVec(
const FourMomentum & pa,
const FourMomentum & pb
Get the Lorentz boost to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of beam momenta.
function acmsBoostVec
FourMomentum acmsBoostVec(
const ParticlePair & beams
Get the Lorentz boost to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of Particles.
function cmsBetaVec
Vector3 cmsBetaVec(
const FourMomentum & pa,
const FourMomentum & pb
Get the Lorentz boost to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of beam momenta.
function cmsBetaVec
inline Vector3 cmsBetaVec(
const ParticlePair & beams
Get the Lorentz boost to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of Particles.
function acmsBetaVec
Vector3 acmsBetaVec(
const FourMomentum & pa,
const FourMomentum & pb
Note: Uses a nominal nucleon mass of 0.939 GeV to convert masses to A
Get the Lorentz boost to the per-nucleon beam centre-of-mass system (ACMS) from a pair of beam momenta
function acmsBetaVec
Vector3 acmsBetaVec(
const ParticlePair & beams
Note: Uses the sum of nuclear mass numbers A for each beam
Get the Lorentz boost to the per-nucleon beam centre-of-mass system (ACMS) from a pair of Particles
function cmsGammaVec
Vector3 cmsGammaVec(
const FourMomentum & pa,
const FourMomentum & pb
Get the Lorentz boost to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of beam momenta.
function cmsGammaVec
inline Vector3 cmsGammaVec(
const ParticlePair & beams
Get the Lorentz boost to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of Particles.
function acmsGammaVec
Vector3 acmsGammaVec(
const FourMomentum & pa,
const FourMomentum & pb
Note: Uses a nominal nucleon mass of 0.939 GeV to convert masses to A
Get the Lorentz boost to the per-nucleon beam centre-of-mass system (ACMS) from a pair of beam momenta
function acmsGammaVec
Vector3 acmsGammaVec(
const ParticlePair & beams
Note: Uses the sum of nuclear mass numbers A for each beam
Get the Lorentz boost to the per-nucleon beam centre-of-mass system (ACMS) from a pair of Particles
function cmsTransform
LorentzTransform cmsTransform(
const FourMomentum & pa,
const FourMomentum & pb
Get the Lorentz transformation to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of beam momenta.
function cmsTransform
inline LorentzTransform cmsTransform(
const ParticlePair & beams
Get the Lorentz transformation to the beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of Particles.
function acmsTransform
LorentzTransform acmsTransform(
const FourMomentum & pa,
const FourMomentum & pb
Note: Uses a nominal nucleon mass of 0.939 GeV to convert masses to A
Get the Lorentz transformation to the per-nucleon beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of beam momenta
function acmsTransform
LorentzTransform acmsTransform(
const ParticlePair & beams
Note: Uses the sum of nuclear mass numbers A for each beam
Get the Lorentz transformation to the per-nucleon beam centre-of-mass system (CMS) from a pair of Particles
function operator,
Cut operator,(
const Cut & ,
const Cut &
) =delete
Forbid use of the comma operator between two (or a chain of) Cuts
function operator,
Cut & operator,(
Cut & ,
Cut &
) =delete
function operator,
Cut operator,(
Cut ,
) =delete
function operator==
Cut operator==(
Cuts::Quantity ,
function operator!=
Cut operator!=(
Cuts::Quantity ,
function operator<
Cut operator<(
Cuts::Quantity ,
function operator>
Cut operator>(
Cuts::Quantity ,
function operator<=
Cut operator<=(
Cuts::Quantity ,
function operator>=
Cut operator>=(
Cuts::Quantity ,
function operator==
inline Cut operator==(
Cuts::Quantity qty,
int i
function operator!=
inline Cut operator!=(
Cuts::Quantity qty,
int i
function operator<
inline Cut operator<(
Cuts::Quantity qty,
int i
function operator>
inline Cut operator>(
Cuts::Quantity qty,
int i
function operator<=
inline Cut operator<=(
Cuts::Quantity qty,
int i
function operator>=
inline Cut operator>=(
Cuts::Quantity qty,
int i
function operator&&
Cut operator&&(
const Cut & aptr,
const Cut & bptr
Note: No comparison short-circuiting for overloaded &&!
Logical AND operation on two cuts
function operator||
Cut operator||(
const Cut & aptr,
const Cut & bptr
Note: No comparison short-circuiting for overloaded ||!
Logical OR operation on two cuts
function operator!
Cut operator!(
const Cut & cptr
Logical NOT operation on a cut.
function operator&
Cut operator&(
const Cut & aptr,
const Cut & bptr
Logical AND operation on two cuts.
function operator|
Cut operator|(
const Cut & aptr,
const Cut & bptr
Logical OR operation on two cuts.
function operator~
Cut operator~(
const Cut & cptr
Logical NOT operation on a cut.
function operator^
Cut operator^(
const Cut & aptr,
const Cut & bptr
Logical XOR operation on two cuts.
function operator«
inline std::ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & os,
const Cut & cptr
String representation.
function divide
template <typename T >
Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > divide(
const Percentile< T > numer,
const Percentile< T > denom
function divide
template <typename T >
Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > divide(
const Percentile< T > numer,
const Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > denom
function divide
template <typename T >
Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > divide(
const Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > numer,
const Percentile< T > denom
function add
template <typename T >
Percentile< T > add(
const Percentile< T > pctla,
const Percentile< T > pctlb
function add
template <typename T >
Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > add(
const Percentile< T > pctla,
const Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctlb
function add
template <typename T >
Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > add(
const Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctla,
const Percentile< T > pctlb
function subtract
template <typename T >
Percentile< T > subtract(
const Percentile< T > pctla,
const Percentile< T > pctlb
function subtract
template <typename T >
Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > subtract(
const Percentile< T > pctla,
const Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctlb
function subtract
template <typename T >
Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > subtract(
const Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctla,
const Percentile< T > pctlb
function multiply
template <typename T >
Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > multiply(
const Percentile< T > pctla,
const Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctlb
function multiply
template <typename T >
Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > multiply(
const Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctla,
const Percentile< T > pctlb
function divide
template <typename T >
PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > divide(
const PercentileXaxis< T > numer,
const PercentileXaxis< T > denom
function divide
template <typename T >
PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > divide(
const PercentileXaxis< T > numer,
const PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > denom
function divide
template <typename T >
PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > divide(
const PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > numer,
const PercentileXaxis< T > denom
function add
template <typename T >
PercentileXaxis< T > add(
const PercentileXaxis< T > pctla,
const PercentileXaxis< T > pctlb
function add
template <typename T >
PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > add(
const PercentileXaxis< T > pctla,
const PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctlb
function add
template <typename T >
PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > add(
const PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctla,
const PercentileXaxis< T > pctlb
function subtract
template <typename T >
PercentileXaxis< T > subtract(
const PercentileXaxis< T > pctla,
const PercentileXaxis< T > pctlb
function subtract
template <typename T >
PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > subtract(
const PercentileXaxis< T > pctla,
const PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctlb
function subtract
template <typename T >
PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > subtract(
const PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctla,
const PercentileXaxis< T > pctlb
function multiply
template <typename T >
PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > multiply(
const PercentileXaxis< T > pctla,
const PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctlb
function multiply
template <typename T >
PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > multiply(
const PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > pctla,
const PercentileXaxis< T > pctlb
function operator+
template <typename T >
Percentile< T > operator+(
const Percentile< T > pctla,
const Percentile< T > pctlb
function operator-
template <typename T >
Percentile< T > operator-(
const Percentile< T > pctla,
const Percentile< T > pctlb
function operator/
template <typename T >
Percentile< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > operator/(
const Percentile< T > numer,
const Percentile< T > denom
function operator+
template <typename T >
PercentileXaxis< T > operator+(
const PercentileXaxis< T > pctla,
const PercentileXaxis< T > pctlb
function operator-
template <typename T >
PercentileXaxis< T > operator-(
const PercentileXaxis< T > pctla,
const PercentileXaxis< T > pctlb
function operator/
template <typename T >
PercentileXaxis< typename ReferenceTraits< T >::RefT > operator/(
const PercentileXaxis< T > numer,
const PercentileXaxis< T > denom
function getLibPath
std::string getLibPath()
Get library install path.
function getDataPath
std::string getDataPath()
Get data install path.
function getRivetDataPath
std::string getRivetDataPath()
Get Rivet data install path.
function getAnalysisLibPaths
std::vector< std::string > getAnalysisLibPaths()
Get Rivet analysis plugin library search paths.
function setAnalysisLibPaths
void setAnalysisLibPaths(
const std::vector< std::string > & paths
Set the Rivet analysis plugin library search paths.
function addAnalysisLibPath
void addAnalysisLibPath(
const std::string & extrapath
Add a Rivet analysis plugin library search path.
function findAnalysisLibFile
std::string findAnalysisLibFile(
const std::string & filename
Find the first file of the given name in the analysis library search dirs.
Note: If none found, returns an empty string
function getAnalysisDataPaths
std::vector< std::string > getAnalysisDataPaths()
Get Rivet analysis reference data search paths.
function setAnalysisDataPaths
void setAnalysisDataPaths(
const std::vector< std::string > & paths
Set the Rivet data file search paths.
function addAnalysisDataPath
void addAnalysisDataPath(
const std::string & extrapath
Add a Rivet data file search path.
function findAnalysisDataFile
std::string findAnalysisDataFile(
const std::string & filename,
const std::vector< std::string > & pathprepend =std::vector< std::string >(),
const std::vector< std::string > & pathappend =std::vector< std::string >()
Find the first file of the given name in the general data file search dirs.
Note: If none found, returns an empty string
function getAnalysisRefPaths
std::vector< std::string > getAnalysisRefPaths()
Get Rivet analysis reference data search paths.
function findAnalysisRefFile
std::string findAnalysisRefFile(
const std::string & filename,
const std::vector< std::string > & pathprepend =std::vector< std::string >(),
const std::vector< std::string > & pathappend =std::vector< std::string >()
Find the first file of the given name in the ref data file search dirs.
Note: If none found, returns an empty string
function getAnalysisInfoPaths
std::vector< std::string > getAnalysisInfoPaths()
Get Rivet analysis info metadata search paths.
function findAnalysisInfoFile
std::string findAnalysisInfoFile(
const std::string & filename,
const std::vector< std::string > & pathprepend =std::vector< std::string >(),
const std::vector< std::string > & pathappend =std::vector< std::string >()
Find the first file of the given name in the analysis info file search dirs.
Note: If none found, returns an empty string
function getAnalysisPlotPaths
std::vector< std::string > getAnalysisPlotPaths()
Get Rivet analysis plot style search paths.
function findAnalysisPlotFile
std::string findAnalysisPlotFile(
const std::string & filename,
const std::vector< std::string > & pathprepend =std::vector< std::string >(),
const std::vector< std::string > & pathappend =std::vector< std::string >()
Find the first file of the given name in the analysis plot file search dirs.
Note: If none found, returns an empty string
function operator«
template <typename T >
inline std::ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & os,
const std::vector< T > & vec
Convenient function for streaming out vectors of any streamable object.
function operator«
template <typename T >
inline std::ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & os,
const std::list< T > & vec
Convenient function for streaming out lists of any streamable object.
function contains
inline bool contains(
const std::string & s,
const std::string & sub
Does s contain sub as a substring?
Todo: Use SFINAE, Boost.Range, or other template trickery for more generic container matching?
function contains
template <typename T >
inline bool contains(
const std::initializer_list< T > & il,
const T & x
Does the init list il contain x?
function contains
template <typename T >
inline bool contains(
const std::vector< T > & v,
const T & x
Does the vector v contain x?
function contains
template <typename T >
inline bool contains(
const std::list< T > & l,
const T & x
Does the list l contain x?
function contains
template <typename T >
inline bool contains(
const std::set< T > & s,
const T & x
Does the set s contain x?
function has_key
template <typename K ,
typename T >
inline bool has_key(
const std::map< K, T > & m,
const K & key
Does the map m contain the key key?
function has_value
template <typename K ,
typename T >
inline bool has_value(
const std::map< K, T > & m,
const T & val
Does the map m contain the value val?
function toString
std::string toString(
const AnalysisInfo & ai
String representation.
function operator«
inline std::ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & os,
const AnalysisInfo & ai
Stream an AnalysisInfo as a text description.
function operator+
Jets operator+(
const Jets & a,
const Jets & b
function inverse
inline LorentzTransform inverse(
const LorentzTransform & lt
function combine
inline LorentzTransform combine(
const LorentzTransform & a,
const LorentzTransform & b
function transform
inline FourVector transform(
const LorentzTransform & lt,
const FourVector & v4
function toString
inline string toString(
const LorentzTransform & lt
function operator«
inline std::ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & out,
const LorentzTransform & lt
function diagonalize
template <size_t N>
EigenSystem< N > diagonalize(
const Matrix< N > & m
function toString
template <size_t N>
inline const string toString(
const typename EigenSystem< N >::EigenPair & e
function operator«
template <size_t N>
inline ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & out,
const typename EigenSystem< N >::EigenPair & e
function multiply
template <size_t N>
inline Matrix< N > multiply(
const Matrix< N > & a,
const Matrix< N > & b
function divide
template <size_t N>
inline Matrix< N > divide(
const Matrix< N > & m,
const double a
function operator*
template <size_t N>
inline Matrix< N > operator*(
const Matrix< N > & a,
const Matrix< N > & b
function add
template <size_t N>
inline Matrix< N > add(
const Matrix< N > & a,
const Matrix< N > & b
function subtract
template <size_t N>
inline Matrix< N > subtract(
const Matrix< N > & a,
const Matrix< N > & b
function operator+
template <size_t N>
inline Matrix< N > operator+(
const Matrix< N > a,
const Matrix< N > & b
function operator-
template <size_t N>
inline Matrix< N > operator-(
const Matrix< N > a,
const Matrix< N > & b
function multiply
template <size_t N>
inline Matrix< N > multiply(
const double a,
const Matrix< N > & m
function multiply
template <size_t N>
inline Matrix< N > multiply(
const Matrix< N > & m,
const double a
function operator*
template <size_t N>
inline Matrix< N > operator*(
const double a,
const Matrix< N > & m
function operator*
template <size_t N>
inline Matrix< N > operator*(
const Matrix< N > & m,
const double a
function multiply
template <size_t N>
inline Vector< N > multiply(
const Matrix< N > & a,
const Vector< N > & b
function operator*
template <size_t N>
inline Vector< N > operator*(
const Matrix< N > & a,
const Vector< N > & b
function transpose
template <size_t N>
inline Matrix< N > transpose(
const Matrix< N > & m
function inverse
template <size_t N>
inline Matrix< N > inverse(
const Matrix< N > & m
function det
template <size_t N>
inline double det(
const Matrix< N > & m
function trace
template <size_t N>
inline double trace(
const Matrix< N > & m
function toString
template <size_t N>
inline string toString(
const Matrix< N > & m
Make string representation.
function operator«
template <size_t N>
inline std::ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & out,
const Matrix< N > & m
Stream out string representation.
function fuzzyEquals
template <size_t N>
inline bool fuzzyEquals(
const Matrix< N > & ma,
const Matrix< N > & mb,
double tolerance =1E-5
Compare two matrices by index, allowing for numerical precision.
function isZero
template <size_t N>
inline bool isZero(
const Matrix< N > & m,
double tolerance =1E-5
External form of numerically safe nullness check.
function multiply
inline Vector2 multiply(
const double a,
const Vector2 & v
function multiply
inline Vector2 multiply(
const Vector2 & v,
const double a
function add
inline Vector2 add(
const Vector2 & a,
const Vector2 & b
function operator*
inline Vector2 operator*(
const double a,
const Vector2 & v
function operator*
inline Vector2 operator*(
const Vector2 & v,
const double a
function operator/
inline Vector2 operator/(
const Vector2 & v,
const double a
function operator+
inline Vector2 operator+(
const Vector2 & a,
const Vector2 & b
function operator-
inline Vector2 operator-(
const Vector2 & a,
const Vector2 & b
function dot
inline double dot(
const Vector2 & a,
const Vector2 & b
function subtract
inline Vector2 subtract(
const Vector2 & a,
const Vector2 & b
function angle
inline double angle(
const Vector2 & a,
const Vector2 & b
Angle (in radians) between two 2-vectors.
function multiply
inline Vector3 multiply(
const double a,
const Vector3 & v
Unbound scalar-product function.
function multiply
inline Vector3 multiply(
const Vector3 & v,
const double a
Unbound scalar-product function.
function add
inline Vector3 add(
const Vector3 & a,
const Vector3 & b
Unbound vector addition function.
function operator*
inline Vector3 operator*(
const double a,
const Vector3 & v
Unbound scalar multiplication operator.
function operator*
inline Vector3 operator*(
const Vector3 & v,
const double a
Unbound scalar multiplication operator.
function operator/
inline Vector3 operator/(
const Vector3 & v,
const double a
Unbound scalar division operator.
function operator+
inline Vector3 operator+(
const Vector3 & a,
const Vector3 & b
Unbound vector addition operator.
function operator-
inline Vector3 operator-(
const Vector3 & a,
const Vector3 & b
Unbound vector subtraction operator.
function multiply
inline ThreeMomentum multiply(
const double a,
const ThreeMomentum & v
function multiply
inline ThreeMomentum multiply(
const ThreeMomentum & v,
const double a
function add
inline ThreeMomentum add(
const ThreeMomentum & a,
const ThreeMomentum & b
function operator*
inline ThreeMomentum operator*(
const double a,
const ThreeMomentum & v
function operator*
inline ThreeMomentum operator*(
const ThreeMomentum & v,
const double a
function operator/
inline ThreeMomentum operator/(
const ThreeMomentum & v,
const double a
function operator+
inline ThreeMomentum operator+(
const ThreeMomentum & a,
const ThreeMomentum & b
function operator-
inline ThreeMomentum operator-(
const ThreeMomentum & a,
const ThreeMomentum & b
function dot
inline double dot(
const Vector3 & a,
const Vector3 & b
Unbound dot-product function.
function cross
inline Vector3 cross(
const Vector3 & a,
const Vector3 & b
Unbound cross-product function.
function subtract
inline Vector3 subtract(
const Vector3 & a,
const Vector3 & b
Unbound vector subtraction function.
function angle
inline double angle(
const Vector3 & a,
const Vector3 & b
Angle (in radians) between two 3-vectors.
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const Vector3 & a,
const Vector3 & b,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two spatial vectors.
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
const Vector3 & v,
double eta2,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two spatial vectors.
function deltaEta
inline double deltaEta(
double eta1,
const Vector3 & v,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in pseudorapidity between two spatial vectors.
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const Vector3 & a,
const Vector3 & b,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two spatial vectors.
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
const Vector3 & v,
double phi2,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two spatial vectors.
function deltaPhi
inline double deltaPhi(
double phi1,
const Vector3 & v,
bool sign =false
Calculate the difference in azimuthal angle between two spatial vectors.
function deltaR2
inline double deltaR2(
const Vector3 & a,
const Vector3 & b
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two spatial vectors.
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const Vector3 & a,
const Vector3 & b
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two spatial vectors.
function deltaR2
inline double deltaR2(
const Vector3 & v,
double eta2,
double phi2
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two spatial vectors.
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
const Vector3 & v,
double eta2,
double phi2
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two spatial vectors.
function deltaR2
inline double deltaR2(
double eta1,
double phi1,
const Vector3 & v
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two spatial vectors.
function deltaR
inline double deltaR(
double eta1,
double phi1,
const Vector3 & v
Calculate the 2D rapidity-azimuthal (“eta-phi”) distance between two spatial vectors.
function mT
inline double mT(
const Vector3 & vis,
const Vector3 & invis
Calculate transverse mass of a visible and an invisible 3-vector.
function contract
inline double contract(
const FourVector & a,
const FourVector & b
Contract two 4-vectors, with metric signature (+ - - -).
function dot
inline double dot(
const FourVector & a,
const FourVector & b
Contract two 4-vectors, with metric signature (+ - - -).
function multiply
inline FourVector multiply(
const double a,
const FourVector & v
function multiply
inline FourVector multiply(
const FourVector & v,
const double a
function operator*
inline FourVector operator*(
const double a,
const FourVector & v
function operator*
inline FourVector operator*(
const FourVector & v,
const double a
function operator/
inline FourVector operator/(
const FourVector & v,
const double a
function add
inline FourVector add(
const FourVector & a,
const FourVector & b
function operator+
inline FourVector operator+(
const FourVector & a,
const FourVector & b
function operator-
inline FourVector operator-(
const FourVector & a,
const FourVector & b
function invariant
inline double invariant(
const FourVector & lv
Calculate the Lorentz self-invariant of a 4-vector. ( v_\mu v^\mu = g_{\mu\nu} x^\mu x^\nu ).
function angle
inline double angle(
const FourVector & a,
const FourVector & b
Angle (in radians) between spatial parts of two Lorentz vectors.
function angle
inline double angle(
const Vector3 & a,
const FourVector & b
Angle (in radians) between spatial parts of two Lorentz vectors.
function angle
inline double angle(
const FourVector & a,
const Vector3 & b
Angle (in radians) between spatial parts of two Lorentz vectors.
function multiply
inline FourMomentum multiply(
const double a,
const FourMomentum & v
function multiply
inline FourMomentum multiply(
const FourMomentum & v,
const double a
function operator*
inline FourMomentum operator*(
const double a,
const FourMomentum & v
function operator*
inline FourMomentum operator*(
const FourMomentum & v,
const double a
function operator/
inline FourMomentum operator/(
const FourMomentum & v,
const double a
function add
inline FourMomentum add(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
function operator+
inline FourMomentum operator+(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
function operator-
inline FourMomentum operator-(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b
function mT
inline double mT(
const FourMomentum & vis,
const FourMomentum & invis
Calculate transverse mass of a visible and an invisible 4-vector.
function mT
inline double mT(
const FourMomentum & vis,
const Vector3 & invis
Calculate transverse mass of a visible 4-vector and an invisible 3-vector.
function mT
inline double mT(
const Vector3 & vis,
const FourMomentum & invis
Calculate transverse mass of a visible 4-vector and an invisible 3-vector.
function toString
inline std::string toString(
const FourVector & lv
Render a 4-vector as a string.
function operator«
inline std::ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & out,
const FourVector & lv
Write a 4-vector to an ostream.
function operator+
Particles operator+(
const Particles & a,
const Particles & b
function weighted_shuffle
template <class RandomAccessIterator ,
class WeightIterator ,
class RandomNumberGenerator >
void weighted_shuffle(
RandomAccessIterator first,
RandomAccessIterator last,
WeightIterator fw,
WeightIterator lw,
RandomNumberGenerator & g
function pxcone_
void pxcone_(
int mode,
int ntrak,
int itkdm,
const double * ptrak,
double coner,
double epslon,
double ovlim,
int mxjet,
int & njet,
double * pjet,
int * ipass,
int * ijmul,
int * ierr
function version
std::string version()
A function to get the Rivet version string.
function compatible
inline bool compatible(
PdgId p,
PdgId allowed
Find whether ParticleName p is compatible with the template ParticleName allowed. Effectively this is asking whether p is a subset of allowed.
function compatible
inline bool compatible(
const PdgIdPair & pair,
const PdgIdPair & allowedpair
Find whether PdgIdPair pair is compatible with the template PdgIdPair allowedpair. This assesses whether either of the two possible pairings of pair’s constituents is compatible.
function compatible
inline bool compatible(
const ParticlePair & ppair,
const PdgIdPair & allowedpair
Check particle compatibility of Particle pairs.
function compatible
inline bool compatible(
const PdgIdPair & allowedpair,
const ParticlePair & ppair
Check particle compatibility of Particle pairs (for symmetric completeness)
function compatible
inline bool compatible(
const PdgIdPair & pair,
const set< PdgIdPair > & allowedpairs
Find whether a PdgIdPair pair is compatible with at least one template beam pair in a set allowedpairs.
function intersection
inline set< PdgIdPair > intersection(
const set< PdgIdPair > & a,
const set< PdgIdPair > & b
Return the intersection of two sets of {PdgIdPair}s.
function cmp
template <typename T >
inline Cmp< T > cmp(
const T & t1,
const T & t2
Global helper function for easy creation of Cmp objects.
function pcmp
inline Cmp< Projection > pcmp(
const Projection & p1,
const Projection & p2
Global helper function for easy creation of Cmp
function pcmp
inline Cmp< Projection > pcmp(
const Projection & parent1,
const Projection & parent2,
const string & pname
Global helper function for easy creation of Cmp
function pcmp
inline Cmp< Projection > pcmp(
const Projection * parent1,
const Projection & parent2,
const string & pname
Global helper function for easy creation of Cmp
function pcmp
inline Cmp< Projection > pcmp(
const Projection & parent1,
const Projection * parent2,
const string & pname
Global helper function for easy creation of Cmp
function pcmp
inline Cmp< Projection > pcmp(
const Projection * parent1,
const Projection * parent2,
const string & pname
Global helper function for easy creation of Cmp
function operator«
inline std::ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & os,
const Cutflow & cf
Print a Cutflow to a stream.
function operator«
inline std::ostream & operator<<(
std::ostream & os,
const Cutflows & cfs
Print a Cutflows to a stream.
function operator==
inline bool operator==(
const Cut & a,
const Cut & b
Compare two cuts for equality, forwards to the cut-specific implementation.
const Particle & e
Todo: Include reco eff (but no e/y discrimination) in forward region
ATLASRun 1 electron reconstruction efficiency
const Particle & e
ATLASRun 2 electron reco efficiency
Based on Fig 2
const Particle & e
ATLASRun 2 ’loose’ electron reco+identification efficiency.
Todo: What about faking by jets or non-electrons?
Values read from Fig 3 of ATL-PHYS-PUB-2015-041
const Particle & e
ATLASRun 1 ‘medium’ electron reco+identification efficiency.
const Particle & e
ATLASRun 2 ‘medium’ electron reco+identification efficiency.
~1% increase over Run 1 informed by Fig 1 in
const Particle & e
ATLASRun 1 ’tight’ electron reco+identification efficiency.
const Particle & e
ATLASRun 2 ’tight’ electron reco+identification efficiency.
~1% increase over Run 1 informed by Fig 1 in
const Particle & e
ATLASRun 1 electron reco smearing.
const Particle & e
Todo: Currently just a copy of the Run 1 version: fix!
ATLASRun 2 electron reco smearing
inline double ELECTRON_EFF_CMS_RUN1(
const Particle & e
CMS Run 1 electron reconstruction efficiency.
Todo: Add charge flip efficiency?
inline double ELECTRON_EFF_CMS_RUN2(
const Particle & e
Todo: Currently just a copy of Run 1: fix!
CMS Run 2 electron reco efficiency
inline Particle ELECTRON_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1(
const Particle & e
CMS electron energy smearing, preserving direction.
Calculate resolution for pT > 0.1 GeV, E resolution = |eta| < 0.5 -> sqrt(0.06^2 + pt^2 * 1.3e-3^2) |eta| < 1.5 -> sqrt(0.10^2 + pt^2 * 1.7e-3^2) |eta| < 2.5 -> sqrt(0.25^2 + pt^2 * 3.1e-3^2)
inline Particle ELECTRON_SMEAR_CMS_RUN2(
const Particle & e
Todo: Currently just a copy of the Run 1 version: fix!
CMS Run 2 electron reco smearing
inline double PHOTON_EFF_ATLAS_RUN1(
const Particle & y
ATLASRun 2 photon reco efficiency.
Taken from converted photons, Fig 8, in arXiv:1606.01813
< TodoAllow electron misID? What about jet misID?
inline double PHOTON_EFF_ATLAS_RUN2(
const Particle & y
ATLASRun 2 photon reco efficiency.
Taken from converted photons, Fig 6, in ATL-PHYS-PUB-2016-014
< TodoAllow electron misID? What about jet misID?
inline double PHOTON_EFF_CMS_RUN1(
const Particle & y
Todo: Currently from Delphes
CMS Run 1 photon reco efficiency
< TodoAllow electron misID? What about jet misID?
inline double PHOTON_EFF_CMS_RUN2(
const Particle & y
Todo: Currently just a copy of Run 1: fix!
CMS Run 2 photon reco efficiency
< TodoAllow electron misID? What about jet misID?
inline Particle PHOTON_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN1(
const Particle & y
Todo: Use real photon smearing
inline Particle PHOTON_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN2(
const Particle & y
inline Particle PHOTON_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1(
const Particle & y
inline Particle PHOTON_SMEAR_CMS_RUN2(
const Particle & y
inline double MUON_EFF_ATLAS_RUN1(
const Particle & m
ATLASRun 1 muon reco efficiency.
inline double MUON_RECOEFF_ATLAS_RUN2(
const Particle & m
ATLASRun 2 muon reco efficiency
From , Fig3 top
inline double MUON_EFF_ATLAS_RUN2(
const Particle & m
ATLASRun 2 muon reco+ID efficiency.
For medium ID, from Fig 3 of
inline Particle MUON_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN1(
const Particle & m
ATLASRun 1 muon reco smearing.
Todo: Add muon loose/medium/tight ID efficiencies? All around 95-98%… ignore?
inline Particle MUON_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN2(
const Particle & m
ATLASRun 2 muon reco smearing From , eq (10) and Fig 12
function MUON_EFF_CMS_RUN1
inline double MUON_EFF_CMS_RUN1(
const Particle & m
CMS Run 1 muon reco efficiency.
function MUON_EFF_CMS_RUN2
inline double MUON_EFF_CMS_RUN2(
const Particle & m
Todo: Currently just a copy of Run 1: fix!
CMS Run 2 muon reco efficiency
inline Particle MUON_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1(
const Particle & m
CMS Run 1 muon reco smearing.
inline Particle MUON_SMEAR_CMS_RUN2(
const Particle & m
Todo: Currently just a copy of the Run 1 version: fix!
CMS Run 2 muon reco smearing
inline double TAU_EFF_ATLAS_RUN1(
const Particle & t
ATLASRun 1 8 TeV tau efficiencies (medium working point)
Taken from 20-40 GeV 1-prong LMT eff|mis = 0.66|1/10, 0.56|1/20, 0.36|1/80 20-40 GeV 3-prong LMT eff|mis = 0.45|1/60, 0.38|1/100, 0.27|1/300
40 GeV 1-prong LMT eff|mis = 0.66|1/15, 0.56|1/25, 0.36|1/80 40 GeV 3-prong LMT eff|mis = 0.45|1/250, 0.38|1/400, 0.27|1/1300
inline double TAUJET_EFF_ATLAS_RUN1(
const Jet & j
ATLASRun 1 8 TeV tau misID rates (medium working point)
Taken from 20-40 GeV 1-prong LMT eff|mis = 0.66|1/10, 0.56|1/20, 0.36|1/80 20-40 GeV 3-prong LMT eff|mis = 0.45|1/60, 0.38|1/100, 0.27|1/300
40 GeV 1-prong LMT eff|mis = 0.66|1/15, 0.56|1/25, 0.36|1/80 40 GeV 3-prong LMT eff|mis = 0.45|1/250, 0.38|1/400, 0.27|1/1300
inline double TAU_EFF_ATLAS_RUN2(
const Particle & t
ATLASRun 2 13 TeV tau efficiencies (medium working point)
From LMT 1 prong efficiency/mistag = 0.6|1/30, 0.55|1/50, 0.45|1/120 LMT 3 prong efficiency/mistag = 0.5|1/30, 0.4|1/110, 0.3|1/300
inline double TAUJET_EFF_ATLAS_RUN2(
const Jet & j
ATLASRun 2 13 TeV tau misID rate (medium working point)
From LMT 1 prong efficiency/mistag = 0.6|1/30, 0.55|1/50, 0.45|1/120 LMT 3 prong efficiency/mistag = 0.5|1/30, 0.4|1/110, 0.3|1/300
inline Particle TAU_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN1(
const Particle & t
Todo: Currently a copy of the jet smearing
TodoAlso need a JES uncertainty component?
TodoIs this the best way to smear? Should we preserve the energy, or pT, or direction?
inline Particle TAU_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN2(
const Particle & t
Todo: Currently a copy of the Run 1 version
function TAU_EFF_CMS_RUN1
inline double TAU_EFF_CMS_RUN1(
const Particle & t
Todo: Needs work; this is just a copy of the Run 2 version in Delphes 3.3.2
CMS Run 1 tau efficiency
function TAU_EFF_CMS_RUN2
inline double TAU_EFF_CMS_RUN2(
const Particle & t
Todo: Needs work; this is the dumb version from Delphes 3.3.2
CMS Run 2 tau efficiency
inline Particle TAU_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1(
const Particle & t
Todo: Currently a copy of the crappy ATLAS one
CMS Run 1 tau smearing
inline Particle TAU_SMEAR_CMS_RUN2(
const Particle & t
Todo: Currently a copy of the Run 1 version
CMS Run 2 tau smearing
inline double JET_BTAG_ATLAS_RUN1(
const Jet & j
Return the ATLASRun 1 jet flavour tagging efficiency for the given Jet, from Delphes.
TodoThis form drops past ~100 GeV, asymptotically to zero efficiency… really?!
inline double JET_BTAG_ATLAS_RUN2_MV2C20(
const Jet & j
Return the ATLASRun 2 MC2c20 77% WP jet flavour tagging efficiency for the given Jet.
inline double JET_BTAG_ATLAS_RUN2_MV2C10(
const Jet & j
Return the ATLASRun 2 MC2c10 77% WP jet flavour tagging efficiency for the given Jet.
const Jet & j
ATLASRun 1 jet smearing.
TodoAlso need a JES uncertainty component?
TodoIs this the best way to smear? Should we preserve the energy, or pT, or direction?
const Jet & j
Todo: Just a copy of the Run 1 one: improve!!
inline Jet JET_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1(
const Jet & j
Todo: Just a copy of the suboptimal ATLAS one: improve!!
CMS Run 2 jet smearing
inline Jet JET_SMEAR_CMS_RUN2(
const Jet & j
Todo: Just a copy of the suboptimal ATLAS one: improve!!
CMS Run 2 jet smearing
inline Vector3 MET_SMEAR_IDENTITY(
const Vector3 & met,
inline Vector3 MET_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN1(
const Vector3 & met,
double set
ATLASRun 1 ETmiss smearing.
Based on, Figs 14 and 15
inline Vector3 MET_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN2(
const Vector3 & met,
double set
Based on, Figs 6-9
TodoAllow smearing function to access the whole event, since Njet also affects? Or assume encoded in SET?
inline Vector3 MET_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1(
const Vector3 & met,
double set
CMS Run 1 ETmiss smearing From Table 2, p16 (Z channels)
inline Vector3 MET_SMEAR_CMS_RUN2(
const Vector3 & met,
double set
CMS Run 2 ETmiss smearing From Table 3, p20
inline double TRK_EFF_ATLAS_RUN1(
const Particle & p
ATLASRun 1 tracking efficiency.
inline double TRK_EFF_ATLAS_RUN2(
const Particle & p
Todo: Currently just a copy of Run 1: fix!
ATLASRun 2 tracking efficiency
function TRK_EFF_CMS_RUN1
inline double TRK_EFF_CMS_RUN1(
const Particle & p
CMS Run 1 tracking efficiency.
function TRK_EFF_CMS_RUN2
inline double TRK_EFF_CMS_RUN2(
const Particle & p
Todo: Currently just a copy of Run 1: fix!
CMS Run 2 tracking efficiency
function mkPseudoJets
inline PseudoJets mkPseudoJets(
const Particles & ps
function mkPseudoJets
inline PseudoJets mkPseudoJets(
const Jets & js
function mkJets
inline Jets mkJets(
const PseudoJets & pjs
function operator&&
inline BoolJetAND operator&&(
const JetSelector & a,
const JetSelector & b
Operator syntactic sugar for AND construction.
function operator||
inline BoolJetOR operator||(
const JetSelector & a,
const JetSelector & b
Operator syntactic sugar for OR construction.
function operator!
inline BoolJetNOT operator!(
const JetSelector & a
Operator syntactic sugar for NOT construction.
function ifilter_select
Jets & ifilter_select(
Jets & jets,
const Cut & c
Filter a jet collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut.
function ifilterBy
inline Jets & ifilterBy(
Jets & jets,
const Cut & c
Use ifilter_select
Alias for ifilter_select
function iselect
inline Jets & iselect(
Jets & jets,
const Cut & c
New alias for ifilter_select.
function filter_select
inline Jets filter_select(
const Jets & jets,
const Cut & c
Filter a jet collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut.
function filterBy
inline Jets filterBy(
const Jets & jets,
const Cut & c
Use filter_select
Alias for filter_select
function select
inline Jets select(
const Jets & jets,
const Cut & c
New alias for filter_select.
function filter_select
inline Jets filter_select(
const Jets & jets,
const Cut & c,
Jets & out
Filter a jet collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut.
function filterBy
inline Jets filterBy(
const Jets & jets,
const Cut & c,
Jets & out
Use filter_select
Alias for filter_select
function select
inline Jets select(
const Jets & jets,
const Cut & c,
Jets & out
New alias for filter_select.
function ifilter_discard
Jets & ifilter_discard(
Jets & jets,
const Cut & c
Filter a jet collection in-place to the subset that fails the supplied Cut.
function idiscard
inline Jets & idiscard(
Jets & jets,
const Cut & c
New alias for ifilter_discard.
function filter_discard
inline Jets filter_discard(
const Jets & jets,
const Cut & c
Filter a jet collection in-place to the subset that fails the supplied Cut.
function discard
inline Jets discard(
const Jets & jets,
const Cut & c
New alias for filter_discard.
function filter_discard
inline Jets filter_discard(
const Jets & jets,
const Cut & c,
Jets & out
Filter a jet collection in-place to the subset that fails the supplied Cut.
function discard
inline Jets discard(
const Jets & jets,
const Cut & c,
Jets & out
New alias for filter_discard.
function operator«
std::ostream & operator<<(
Log & log,
int level
Streaming output to a logger must have a Log::Level/int as its first argument.
The streaming operator can use Log’s internals.
function P3_EFF_ZERO
inline double P3_EFF_ZERO(
const Vector3 & p
Take a Vector3 and return 0.
function P3_FN0
inline double P3_FN0(
const Vector3 & p
Alias for P3_EFF_ZERO
function P3_EFF_ONE
inline double P3_EFF_ONE(
const Vector3 & p
Take a Vector3 and return 1.
function P3_FN1
inline double P3_FN1(
const Vector3 & p
Alias for P3_EFF_ONE
inline Vector3 P3_SMEAR_IDENTITY(
const Vector3 & p
Take a Vector3 and return it unmodified.
inline Vector3 P3_SMEAR_PERFECT(
const Vector3 & p
inline Vector3 P3_SMEAR_LEN_GAUSS(
const Vector3 & p,
double resolution
Smear a Vector3’s length using a Gaussian of absolute width resolution.
function idiscardIfAny
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,
typename PBCONTAINER2 >
inline void idiscardIfAny(
PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter,
const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare,
typename std::function< bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type &, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type &)> fn
function discardIfAny
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,
typename PBCONTAINER2 >
inline PBCONTAINER1 discardIfAny(
const PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter,
const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare,
typename std::function< bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type &, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type &)> fn
function selectIfAny
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,
typename PBCONTAINER2 >
inline PBCONTAINER1 selectIfAny(
const PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter,
const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare,
typename std::function< bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type &, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type &)> fn
function iselectIfAny
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,
typename PBCONTAINER2 >
inline void iselectIfAny(
PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter,
const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare,
typename std::function< bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type &, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type &)> fn
function discardIfAll
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,
typename PBCONTAINER2 >
inline PBCONTAINER1 discardIfAll(
const PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter,
const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare,
typename std::function< bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type &, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type &)> fn
function idiscardIfAll
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,
typename PBCONTAINER2 >
inline void idiscardIfAll(
PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter,
const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare,
typename std::function< bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type &, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type &)> fn
function selectIfAll
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,
typename PBCONTAINER2 >
inline PBCONTAINER1 selectIfAll(
const PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter,
const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare,
typename std::function< bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type &, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type &)> fn
function iselectIfAll
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,
typename PBCONTAINER2 >
inline void iselectIfAll(
PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter,
const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare,
typename std::function< bool(const typename PBCONTAINER1::value_type &, const typename PBCONTAINER2::value_type &)> fn
function idiscardIfAnyDeltaRLess
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,
typename PBCONTAINER2 >
inline void idiscardIfAnyDeltaRLess(
PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter,
const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare,
double dR
function discardIfAnyDeltaRLess
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,
typename PBCONTAINER2 >
inline PBCONTAINER1 discardIfAnyDeltaRLess(
const PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter,
const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare,
double dR
function idiscardIfAnyDeltaPhiLess
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,
typename PBCONTAINER2 >
inline void idiscardIfAnyDeltaPhiLess(
PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter,
const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare,
double dphi
function discardIfAnyDeltaPhiLess
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,
typename PBCONTAINER2 >
inline PBCONTAINER1 discardIfAnyDeltaPhiLess(
const PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter,
const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare,
double dphi
function selectIfAnyDeltaRLess
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,
typename PBCONTAINER2 >
inline PBCONTAINER1 selectIfAnyDeltaRLess(
const PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter,
const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare,
double dR
function iselectIfAnyDeltaRLess
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,
typename PBCONTAINER2 >
inline void iselectIfAnyDeltaRLess(
PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter,
const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare,
double dR
function selectIfAnyDeltaPhiLess
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,
typename PBCONTAINER2 >
inline PBCONTAINER1 selectIfAnyDeltaPhiLess(
const PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter,
const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare,
double dphi
function iselectIfAnyDeltaPhiLess
template <typename PBCONTAINER1 ,
typename PBCONTAINER2 >
inline void iselectIfAnyDeltaPhiLess(
PBCONTAINER1 & tofilter,
const PBCONTAINER2 & tocompare,
double dphi
function pid
inline int pid(
const Particle & p
Unbound function access to PID code.
function abspid
inline int abspid(
const Particle & p
Unbound function access to abs PID code.
function isSameSign
inline bool isSameSign(
const Particle & a,
const Particle & b
function isOppSign
inline bool isOppSign(
const Particle & a,
const Particle & b
function isSameFlav
inline bool isSameFlav(
const Particle & a,
const Particle & b
function isOppFlav
inline bool isOppFlav(
const Particle & a,
const Particle & b
function isOSSF
inline bool isOSSF(
const Particle & a,
const Particle & b
function isSSSF
inline bool isSSSF(
const Particle & a,
const Particle & b
function isOSOF
inline bool isOSOF(
const Particle & a,
const Particle & b
function isSSOF
inline bool isSSOF(
const Particle & a,
const Particle & b
function oppSign
inline bool oppSign(
const Particle & a,
const Particle & b
Return true if Particles_a_ and b have the opposite charge sign.
Note: Two neutrals returns false
function sameSign
inline bool sameSign(
const Particle & a,
const Particle & b
Note: Two neutrals returns true
Return true if Particlesa and b have the same charge sign
function oppCharge
inline bool oppCharge(
const Particle & a,
const Particle & b
Note: Two neutrals returns false
Return true if Particlesa and b have the exactly opposite charge
function sameCharge
inline bool sameCharge(
const Particle & a,
const Particle & b
Note: Two neutrals returns true
Return true if Particlesa and b have the same charge (including neutral)
function diffCharge
inline bool diffCharge(
const Particle & a,
const Particle & b
Return true if Particles_a_ and b have a different (not necessarily opposite) charge.
function isFirstWith
inline bool isFirstWith(
const Particle & p,
const ParticleSelector & f
Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain to meet the function requirement.
function isFirstWithout
inline bool isFirstWithout(
const Particle & p,
const ParticleSelector & f
Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain not to meet the function requirement.
function isLastWith
inline bool isLastWith(
const Particle & p,
const ParticleSelector & f
Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain to meet the function requirement.
function isLastWithout
inline bool isLastWithout(
const Particle & p,
const ParticleSelector & f
Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain not to meet the function requirement.
function hasAncestorWith
inline bool hasAncestorWith(
const Particle & p,
const ParticleSelector & f,
bool only_physical =true
Determine whether a particle has an ancestor which meets the function requirement.
function hasAncestorWithout
inline bool hasAncestorWithout(
const Particle & p,
const ParticleSelector & f,
bool only_physical =true
Determine whether a particle has an ancestor which doesn’t meet the function requirement.
function hasParentWith
inline bool hasParentWith(
const Particle & p,
const ParticleSelector & f
Determine whether a particle has a parent which meets the function requirement.
function hasParentWithout
inline bool hasParentWithout(
const Particle & p,
const ParticleSelector & f
Determine whether a particle has a parent which doesn’t meet the function requirement.
function hasChildWith
inline bool hasChildWith(
const Particle & p,
const ParticleSelector & f
Determine whether a particle has a child which meets the function requirement.
function hasChildWithout
inline bool hasChildWithout(
const Particle & p,
const ParticleSelector & f
Determine whether a particle has a child which doesn’t meet the function requirement.
function hasDescendantWith
inline bool hasDescendantWith(
const Particle & p,
const ParticleSelector & f,
bool remove_duplicates =true
Determine whether a particle has a descendant which meets the function requirement.
function hasDescendantWithout
inline bool hasDescendantWithout(
const Particle & p,
const ParticleSelector & f,
bool remove_duplicates =true
Determine whether a particle has a descendant which doesn’t meet the function requirement.
function hasStableDescendantWith
inline bool hasStableDescendantWith(
const Particle & p,
const ParticleSelector & f
Determine whether a particle has a stable descendant which meets the function requirement.
function hasStableDescendantWithout
inline bool hasStableDescendantWithout(
const Particle & p,
const ParticleSelector & f
Determine whether a particle has a stable descendant which doesn’t meet the function requirement.
function isVisible
inline bool isVisible(
const Particle & p
Is this particle potentially visible in a detector?
function isDirect
inline bool isDirect(
const Particle & p,
bool allow_from_direct_tau =false,
bool allow_from_direct_mu =false
Decide if a given particle is direct, via Particle::isDirect()
A “direct” particle is one directly connected to the hard process. It is a preferred alias for “prompt”, since it has no confusing implications about distinguishability by timing information.
The boolean arguments allow a decay lepton to be considered direct if its parent was a “real” direct lepton.
function isPrompt
inline bool isPrompt(
const Particle & p,
bool allow_from_prompt_tau =false,
bool allow_from_prompt_mu =false
Decide if a given particle is prompt, via Particle::isPrompt()
The boolean arguments allow a decay lepton to be considered prompt if its parent was a “real” prompt lepton.
function isStable
inline bool isStable(
const Particle & p
Decide if a given particle is stable, via Particle::isStable()
function hasHadronicDecay
inline bool hasHadronicDecay(
const Particle & p
Decide if a given particle decays hadronically.
function hasLeptonicDecay
inline bool hasLeptonicDecay(
const Particle & p
Decide if a given particle decays leptonically (decays, and no hadrons)
function hasAncestor
inline bool hasAncestor(
const Particle & p,
PdgId pid
Prefer hasAncestorWith
Check whether a given PID is found in the particle’s ancestor list
function fromBottom
inline bool fromBottom(
const Particle & p
Determine whether the particle is from a b-hadron decay.
function fromCharm
inline bool fromCharm(
const Particle & p
Determine whether the particle is from a c-hadron decay.
function fromHadron
inline bool fromHadron(
const Particle & p
Determine whether the particle is from a hadron decay.
function fromTau
inline bool fromTau(
const Particle & p,
bool prompt_taus_only =false
Determine whether the particle is from a tau decay.
function fromPromptTau
inline bool fromPromptTau(
const Particle & p
Determine whether the particle is from a prompt tau decay.
function operator&&
inline BoolParticleAND operator&&(
const ParticleSelector & a,
const ParticleSelector & b
Operator syntactic sugar for AND construction.
function operator||
inline BoolParticleOR operator||(
const ParticleSelector & a,
const ParticleSelector & b
Operator syntactic sugar for OR construction.
function operator!
inline BoolParticleNOT operator!(
const ParticleSelector & a
Operator syntactic sugar for NOT construction.
function ifilter_select
Particles & ifilter_select(
Particles & particles,
const Cut & c
Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut.
function ifilterBy
inline Particles & ifilterBy(
Particles & particles,
const Cut & c
Use ifilter_select
Alias for ifilter_select
function iselect
inline Particles & iselect(
Particles & particles,
const Cut & c
New alias for ifilter_select.
function filter_select
inline Particles filter_select(
const Particles & particles,
const Cut & c
Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut.
function filterBy
inline Particles filterBy(
const Particles & particles,
const Cut & c
Use filter_select
Alias for ifilter_select
function select
inline Particles select(
const Particles & particles,
const Cut & c
New alias for ifilter_select.
function filter_select
inline Particles filter_select(
const Particles & particles,
const Cut & c,
Particles & out
Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut.
function filterBy
inline Particles filterBy(
const Particles & particles,
const Cut & c,
Particles & out
Use filter_select
Alias for ifilter_select
function select
inline Particles select(
const Particles & particles,
const Cut & c,
Particles & out
New alias for ifilter_select.
function ifilter_discard
Particles & ifilter_discard(
Particles & particles,
const Cut & c
Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that fails the supplied Cut.
function idiscard
inline Particles & idiscard(
Particles & particles,
const Cut & c
New alias for ifilter_discard.
function filter_discard
inline Particles filter_discard(
const Particles & particles,
const Cut & c
Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that fails the supplied Cut.
function discard
inline Particles discard(
const Particles & particles,
const Cut & c
New alias for filter_discard.
function filter_discard
inline Particles filter_discard(
const Particles & particles,
const Cut & c,
Particles & out
Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that fails the supplied Cut.
function discard
inline Particles discard(
const Particles & particles,
const Cut & c,
Particles & out
New alias for filter_discard.
function pids
inline PdgIdPair pids(
const ParticlePair & pp
Todo: Make ParticlePair a custom class instead?
Get the PDG ID codes of a ParticlePair
function isSame
inline bool isSame(
const Particle & a,
const Particle & b
Check Particle equivalence.
function rng
std::mt19937 & rng()
Return a thread-safe random number generator (mainly for internal use)
function rand01
double rand01()
Return a uniformly sampled random number between 0 and 1.
function randnorm
double randnorm(
double loc,
double scale
Return a random number sampled from a Gaussian/normal distribution.
function randlognorm
double randlognorm(
double loc,
double scale
Return a random number sampled from a log-normal distribution.
function randcrystalball
double randcrystalball(
double alpha,
double n,
double mu,
double sigma
Return a random number sampled from a Crystal Ball distribution.
function pNorm
double pNorm(
double x,
double mu,
double sigma
Probability density of a Gaussian/normal distribution at x.
function pCrystalBall
double pCrystalBall(
double x,
double alpha,
double n,
double mu,
double sigma
Probability density of a Crystal Ball distribution at x.
function momentum3
inline Vector3 momentum3(
const fastjet::PseudoJet & pj
Make a 3-momentum vector from a FastJet pseudojet.
function momentum
inline FourMomentum momentum(
const fastjet::PseudoJet & pj
Make a 4-momentum vector from a FastJet pseudojet.
function mT2Sq
double mT2Sq(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b,
const Vector3 & ptmiss,
double invisiblesMass,
double invisiblesMass2 =-1
Compute asymm mT2**2 using the bisection method.
Note: Cheng/Han arXiv:0810.5178, Lester arXiv:1411.4312
If the second invisible mass is not given, symm mT2**2 will be calculated.
function mT2Sq
inline double mT2Sq(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b,
const FourMomentum & ptmiss,
double invisiblesMass,
double invisiblesMass2 =-1
Override for mT2Sq with FourMomentum ptmiss.
function mT2
inline double mT2(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b,
const Vector3 & ptmiss,
double invisiblesMass,
double invisiblesMass2 =-1
Compute asymm mT2 using the bisection method.
Note: Cheng/Han arXiv:0810.5178, Lester arXiv:1411.4312
If the second invisible mass is not given, symm mT2 will be calculated.
function mT2
inline double mT2(
const FourMomentum & a,
const FourMomentum & b,
const FourMomentum & ptmiss,
double invisiblesMass,
double invisiblesMass2 =-1
Override for mT2 with FourMomentum ptmiss.
function fileexists
inline bool fileexists(
const std::string & path
Convenience function for determining if a filesystem path exists.
function getRefData
map< string, YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr > getRefData(
const string & papername
Function to get a map of all the refdata in a paper with the given papername.
function getDatafilePath
string getDatafilePath(
const string & papername
Get the file system path to the reference file for this paper.
Todo: Also provide a Scatter3D getRefData() version?
function aocopy
template <typename T >
inline bool aocopy(
YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr src,
YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr dst
If dst and src both are of same subclass T, copy the contents of src into dst and return true. Otherwise return false.
function aocopy
template <typename T >
inline bool aocopy(
YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr src,
YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr dst,
double scale
If dst and src both are of same subclass T, copy the contents of src into dst and return true. Otherwise return false. The scale argument will be ued to scale the weights of non-scatter types, cf. aoadd().
function aoadd
template <typename T >
inline bool aoadd(
YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr dst,
YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr src,
double scale
If dst and src both are of same subclass T, add the contents of src into dst and return true. Otherwise return false.
function copyao
bool copyao(
YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr src,
YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr dst,
double scale =1.0
If dst is the same subclass as src, copy the contents of src into dst and return true. Otherwise return false.
function addaos
bool addaos(
YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr dst,
YODA::AnalysisObjectPtr src,
double scale
If dst is the same subclass as src, scale the contents of src with scale and add it to dst and return true. Otherwise return false.
function bookingCompatible
template <typename TPtr >
inline bool bookingCompatible(
TPtr a,
TPtr b
Check if two analysis objects have the same binning or, if not binned, are in other ways compatible.
function bookingCompatible
inline bool bookingCompatible(
CounterPtr a,
CounterPtr b
function bookingCompatible
inline bool bookingCompatible(
YODA::CounterPtr a,
YODA::CounterPtr b
function lexical_cast
template <typename T ,
typename U >
T lexical_cast(
const U & in
Convert between any types via stringstream.
function to_str
template <typename T >
inline string to_str(
const T & x
Convert any object to a string.
Just a convenience wrapper for the more general Boost lexical_cast
function toString
template <typename T >
inline string toString(
const T & x
Convert any object to a string.
An alias for to_str() with a more “Rivety” mixedCase name.
function replace_first
inline string & replace_first(
string & str,
const string & patt,
const string & repl
Replace the first instance of patt with repl.
function replace_all
inline string & replace_all(
string & str,
const string & patt,
const string & repl
Replace all instances of patt with repl.
Note: Finding is interleaved with replacement, so the second search happens after first replacement, etc. This could lead to infinite loops and other counterintuitive behaviours if not careful.
function nocase_cmp
inline int nocase_cmp(
const string & s1,
const string & s2
Case-insensitive string comparison function.
function nocase_equals
inline bool nocase_equals(
const string & s1,
const string & s2
Case-insensitive string equality function.
function toLower
inline string toLower(
const string & s
Convert a string to lower-case.
function toUpper
inline string toUpper(
const string & s
Convert a string to upper-case.
function startsWith
inline bool startsWith(
const string & s,
const string & start
Check whether a string start is found at the start of s.
function endsWith
inline bool endsWith(
const string & s,
const string & end
Check whether a string end is found at the end of s.
function strcat
inline string strcat()
function strcat
template <typename T ,
typename... Ts>
inline string strcat(
T value,
Ts... fargs
Make a string containing the concatenated string representations of each item in the variadic list.
function join
template <typename T >
inline string join(
const vector< T > & v,
const string & sep =" "
Make a string containing the string representations of each item in v, separated by sep.
function join
inline string join(
const vector< string > & v,
const string & sep
Make a string containing the string representations of each item in v, separated by sep.
function join
template <typename T >
inline string join(
const set< T > & s,
const string & sep =" "
Make a string containing the string representations of each item in s, separated by sep.
function join
inline string join(
const set< string > & s,
const string & sep
Make a string containing the string representations of each item in s, separated by sep.
function split
inline vector< string > split(
const string & s,
const string & sep
Split a string on a specified separator string.
function lpad
inline string lpad(
const string & s,
size_t width,
const string & padchar =" "
Left-pad the given string s to width width.
function rpad
inline string rpad(
const string & s,
size_t width,
const string & padchar =" "
Right-pad the given string s to width width.
function pathsplit
inline vector< string > pathsplit(
const string & path
Split a path string with colon delimiters.
Ignores zero-length substrings. Designed for getting elements of filesystem paths, naturally.
function pathjoin
inline string pathjoin(
const vector< string > & paths
Join several filesystem paths together with the standard ‘:’ delimiter.
Note that this does NOT join path elements together with a platform-portable directory delimiter, cf. the Python {os.path.join}!
function operator/
inline string operator/(
const string & a,
const string & b
Operator for joining strings a and b with filesystem separators.
function basename
inline string basename(
const string & p
Get the basename (i.e. terminal file name) from a path p.
function dirname
inline string dirname(
const string & p
Get the dirname (i.e. path to the penultimate directory) from a path p.
function file_stem
inline string file_stem(
const string & f
Get the stem (i.e. part without a file extension) from a filename f.
function file_extn
inline string file_extn(
const string & f
Get the file extension from a filename f.
function count
template <typename CONTAINER >
inline unsigned int count(
const CONTAINER & c
Return number of true elements in the container c .
function count
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename FN >
inline unsigned int count(
const CONTAINER & c,
const FN & f
Return number of elements in the container c for which f(x)
is true.
function any
template <typename CONTAINER >
inline bool any(
const CONTAINER & c
Return true if x is true for any x in container c, otherwise false.
function any
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename FN >
inline bool any(
const CONTAINER & c,
const FN & f
Return true if f(x) is true for any x in container c, otherwise false.
function all
template <typename CONTAINER >
inline bool all(
const CONTAINER & c
Return true if x is true for all x
in container c, otherwise false.
function all
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename FN >
inline bool all(
const CONTAINER & c,
const FN & f
Return true if f(x) is true for all x
in container c, otherwise false.
function none
template <typename CONTAINER >
inline bool none(
const CONTAINER & c
Return true if x is false for all x
in container c, otherwise false.
function none
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename FN >
inline bool none(
const CONTAINER & c,
const FN & f
Return true if f(x) is false for all x
in container c, otherwise false.
function transform
template <typename CONTAINER1 ,
typename CONTAINER2 ,
typename FN >
inline const CONTAINER2 & transform(
const CONTAINER1 & in,
const FN & f
A single-container-arg version of std::transform, aka map
function transform
template <typename CONTAINER1 ,
typename T2 >
inline std::vector< T2 > transform(
const CONTAINER1 & in,
const std::function< T2(typename CONTAINER1::value_type)> & f
Todo: Make the function template polymorphic… or specific to ParticleBase
A single-container-arg, return-value version of std::transform, aka map
function accumulate
template <typename CONTAINER1 ,
typename T ,
typename FN >
inline T accumulate(
const CONTAINER1 & in,
const T & init,
const FN & f
A single-container-arg version of std::accumulate, aka reduce
function sum
template <typename CONTAINER >
inline CONTAINER::value_type sum(
const CONTAINER & c
Generic sum function, adding x
for all x
in container c.
Note: Default-constructs the return type – not always possible! Supply an explicit start value if necessary.
function sum
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename T >
inline T sum(
const CONTAINER & c,
const T & start
Note: It’s more more flexible here to not use CONTAINER::value_type, allowing implicit casting to T.
Generic sum function, adding x
for all x
in container c, starting with start
function sum
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename FN ,
typename T >
inline T sum(
const CONTAINER & c,
const FN & f,
const T & start =T()
Generic sum function, adding fn(x
) for all x
in container c, starting with start.
function isum
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename T >
inline T & isum(
const CONTAINER & c,
T & out
Note: It’s more more flexible here to not use CONTAINER::value_type, allowing implicit casting to T.
In-place generic sum function, adding x
on to container out for all x
in container c
function isum
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename FN ,
typename T >
inline T & isum(
const CONTAINER & c,
const FN & f,
T & out
Note: It’s more more flexible here to not use CONTAINER::value_type, allowing implicit casting to T.
In-place generic sum function, adding fn(x
) on to container out for all x
in container c
function ifilter_discard
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename FN >
inline CONTAINER & ifilter_discard(
const FN & f
Todo: Use const std::function<bool(typename CONTAINER::value_type)>… but need polymorphism for ParticleBase
Filter a collection in-place, removing the subset that passes the supplied function
function idiscard
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename FN >
inline CONTAINER & idiscard(
const FN & f
function filter_discard
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename FN >
inline CONTAINER filter_discard(
const CONTAINER & c,
const FN & f
Todo: Use const std::function<bool(typename CONTAINER::value_type)>… but need polymorphism for ParticleBase
Filter a collection by copy, removing the subset that passes the supplied function
< TodoMore efficient would be copy_if with back_inserter…
function discard
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename FN >
inline CONTAINER & discard(
const FN & f
function filter_discard
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename FN >
inline CONTAINER & filter_discard(
const CONTAINER & c,
const FN & f,
Note: New container will be replaced, not appended to
Todo: Use const std::function<bool(typename CONTAINER::value_type)>… but need polymorphism for ParticleBase
Filter a collection by copy into a supplied container, removing the subset that passes the supplied function
function discard
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename FN >
inline CONTAINER & discard(
const FN & f,
function ifilter_select
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename FN >
inline CONTAINER & ifilter_select(
const FN & f
Todo: Use const std::function<bool(typename CONTAINER::value_type)>… but need polymorphism for ParticleBase
Filter a collection in-place, keeping the subset that passes the supplied function
function iselect
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename FN >
inline CONTAINER & iselect(
const FN & f
function filter_select
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename FN >
inline CONTAINER filter_select(
const CONTAINER & c,
const FN & f
Todo: Use const std::function<bool(typename CONTAINER::value_type)>… but need polymorphism for ParticleBase
Filter a collection by copy, keeping the subset that passes the supplied function
< TodoMore efficient would be copy_if with back_inserter … but is that equally container agnostic?
function select
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename FN >
inline CONTAINER select(
const CONTAINER & c,
const FN & f
function filter_select
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename FN >
inline CONTAINER & filter_select(
const CONTAINER & c,
const FN & f,
Note: New container will be replaced, not appended to
Todo: Use const std::function<bool(typename CONTAINER::value_type)>… but need polymorphism for ParticleBase
Filter a collection by copy into a supplied container, keeping the subset that passes the supplied function
function select
template <typename CONTAINER ,
typename FN >
inline CONTAINER & select(
const FN & f,
function slice
template <typename CONTAINER >
inline CONTAINER slice(
const CONTAINER & c,
int i,
int j
Slice of the container elements cf. Python’s [i:j] syntax.
The element at the j index is not included in the returned container. i and j can be negative, treated as backward offsets from the end of the container.
function slice
template <typename CONTAINER >
inline CONTAINER slice(
const CONTAINER & c,
int i
Tail slice of the container elements cf. Python’s [i:] syntax.
Single-index specialisation of slice(c, i, j)
function head
template <typename CONTAINER >
inline CONTAINER head(
const CONTAINER & c,
int n
Head slice of the n first container elements.
Negative n means to take the head excluding the n -element tail
function tail
template <typename CONTAINER >
inline CONTAINER tail(
const CONTAINER & c,
int n
Tail slice of the n last container elements.
Negative n means to take the tail from after the n th element
function min
inline double min(
const vector< double > & in,
double errval =DBL_NAN
Find the minimum value in the vector.
function max
inline double max(
const vector< double > & in,
double errval =DBL_NAN
Find the maximum value in the vector.
function minmax
inline pair< double, double > minmax(
const vector< double > & in,
double errval =DBL_NAN
Find the minimum and maximum values in the vector.
function min
inline int min(
const vector< int > & in,
int errval =-1
Find the minimum value in the vector.
function max
inline int max(
const vector< int > & in,
int errval =-1
Find the maximum value in the vector.
function minmax
inline pair< int, int > minmax(
const vector< int > & in,
int errval =-1
Find the minimum and maximum values in the vector.
function getEnvParam
template <typename T >
T getEnvParam(
const std::string name,
const T & fallback
Get a parameter from a named environment variable, with automatic type conversion.
Note: Return fallback if the variable is not defined, otherwise convert its string to the template type
Todo: Should the param name have to be specific to an analysis? Can specialise as an Analysis member fn.
Attributes Documentation
variable pi
constexpr double pi = M_PI;
variable twopi
constexpr double twopi = 2*pi;
variable halfpi
constexpr double halfpi = pi/2;
variable pi2
constexpr double pi2 = pi*pi;
variable c_light
constexpr double c_light = 2.99792458e8;
variable degree
constexpr double degree = pi / 180.0;
variable PI
static const double PI = M_PI;
Pre-defined numeric type limits A pre-defined value of ( \pi ).
variable TWOPI
static const double TWOPI = 2*M_PI;
A pre-defined value of ( 2\pi ).
variable HALFPI
static const double HALFPI = M_PI_2;
A pre-defined value of ( \pi/2 ).
variable SQRT2
static const double SQRT2 = M_SQRT2;
A pre-defined value of ( \sqrt{2} ).
variable SQRTPI
static const double SQRTPI = 2 / M_2_SQRTPI;
A pre-defined value of ( \sqrt{\pi} ).
variable INFF
static const double INFF = HUGE_VALF;
Pre-defined values of ( \infty ).
variable INF
static const double INF = HUGE_VAL;
variable INFL
static const double INFL = HUGE_VALL;
variable millimeter
constexpr double millimeter = 1.;
variable millimeter2
constexpr double millimeter2 = millimeter*millimeter;
variable millimeter3
constexpr double millimeter3 = millimeter*millimeter*millimeter;
variable centimeter
constexpr double centimeter = 10.*millimeter;
variable centimeter2
constexpr double centimeter2 = centimeter*centimeter;
variable centimeter3
constexpr double centimeter3 = centimeter*centimeter*centimeter;
variable meter
constexpr double meter = 1000.*millimeter;
variable meter2
constexpr double meter2 = meter*meter;
variable meter3
constexpr double meter3 = meter*meter*meter;
variable micrometer
constexpr double micrometer = 1.e-6 *meter;
variable nanometer
constexpr double nanometer = 1.e-9 *meter;
variable angstrom
constexpr double angstrom = 1.e-10*meter;
variable picometer
constexpr double picometer = 1.e-12*meter;
variable femtometer
constexpr double femtometer = 1.e-15*meter;
variable attometer
constexpr double attometer = 1.e-18*meter;
variable fermi
constexpr double fermi = femtometer;
variable mm
constexpr double mm = millimeter;
variable mm2
constexpr double mm2 = millimeter2;
variable mm3
constexpr double mm3 = millimeter3;
variable cm
constexpr double cm = centimeter;
variable cm2
constexpr double cm2 = centimeter2;
variable cm3
constexpr double cm3 = centimeter3;
variable m
constexpr double m = meter;
variable m2
constexpr double m2 = meter2;
variable m3
constexpr double m3 = meter3;
variable picobarn
constexpr double picobarn = 1.0;
variable barn
constexpr double barn = 1.0e+12* picobarn;
variable millibarn
constexpr double millibarn = 1.0e-3 * barn;
variable microbarn
constexpr double microbarn = 1.0e-6 * barn;
variable nanobarn
constexpr double nanobarn = 1.0e-9 * barn;
variable femtobarn
constexpr double femtobarn = 1.0e-15 * barn;
variable attobarn
constexpr double attobarn = 1.0e-18 * barn;
variable nanosecond
constexpr double nanosecond = 1.0;
variable second
constexpr double second = 1.e+9 *nanosecond;
variable millisecond
constexpr double millisecond = 1.e-3 *second;
variable microsecond
constexpr double microsecond = 1.e-6 *second;
variable picosecond
constexpr double picosecond = 1.e-12*second;
variable ns
constexpr double ns = nanosecond;
variable s
constexpr double s = second;
variable ms
constexpr double ms = millisecond;
variable eplus
constexpr double eplus = 1.0;
variable e_SI
constexpr double e_SI = 1.60217733e-19;
variable gigaelectronvolt
constexpr double gigaelectronvolt = 1.;
variable electronvolt
constexpr double electronvolt = 1.e-9*gigaelectronvolt;
variable kiloelectronvolt
constexpr double kiloelectronvolt = 1.e-6*gigaelectronvolt;
variable megaelectronvolt
constexpr double megaelectronvolt = 1.e-3*gigaelectronvolt;
variable teraelectronvolt
constexpr double teraelectronvolt = 1.e+3*gigaelectronvolt;
variable petaelectronvolt
constexpr double petaelectronvolt = 1.e+6*gigaelectronvolt;
variable eV
constexpr double eV = electronvolt;
variable keV
constexpr double keV = kiloelectronvolt;
variable MeV
constexpr double MeV = megaelectronvolt;
variable GeV
constexpr double GeV = gigaelectronvolt;
variable TeV
constexpr double TeV = teraelectronvolt;
variable PeV
constexpr double PeV = petaelectronvolt;
variable eV2
constexpr double eV2 = eV*eV;
variable keV2
constexpr double keV2 = keV*keV;
variable MeV2
constexpr double MeV2 = MeV*MeV;
variable GeV2
constexpr double GeV2 = GeV*GeV;
variable TeV2
constexpr double TeV2 = TeV*TeV;
variable PeV2
constexpr double PeV2 = PeV*PeV;
variable DBL_NAN
static constexpr double DBL_NAN = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
Convenient const for getting the double NaN value.
Updated on 2022-08-07 at 20:17:16 +0100