page Deprecated List

Deprecated List

Member DECLARE_ALIASED_RIVET_PLUGIN (clsname, alias)

  • Prefer the RIVET_DECLARE_ALIASED_PLUGIN version with predictable RIVET_ prefix


  • Prefer the RIVET_DECLARE_PLUGIN version with predictable RIVET_ prefix


  • Prefer the “CTOR” version


  • Prefer the RIVET_DEFAULT_ANALYSIS_CTOR version with predictable RIVET_ prefix

Member Rivet::AnalysisHandler::beamIds () const

  • Use standalone beamIds(ah.beams()), to clean AH interface

Member Rivet::AnalysisHandler::dump (const string &dumpfile, int period)

Member Rivet::AnalysisHandler::setIgnoreBeams (bool ignore=true)

Member Rivet::AnalysisHandler::sqrtS () const

  • Use standalone sqrtS(ah.beams()), to clean AH interface

Member Rivet::AnalysisInfo::needsCrossSection () const

  • Cross-section should now always be available from the HepMC

Member Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setSpiresId (const std::string &spiresId)

  • SPIRES itself is gone. Remove when all analyses migrated to I-names.

Member Rivet::AnalysisInfo::spiresId () const

  • SPIRES itself is gone. Remove when all analyses migrated to I-names.

Member Rivet::AnalysisLoader::getAllAnalysisNames ()

Member Rivet::Beam::beamIds () const

  • Use pids(beams())

Member Rivet::beamIds (const Event &e)

  • Use pids(e.beams())

Member Rivet::beamIds (const ParticlePair &beams)

  • Use pids(beams)

Member Rivet::Cutflow::fillall (const vector< bool > &cutresults, double weight=1.)

Member Rivet::Cutflow::filltail (const vector< bool > &cutresults, double weight=1.)

Member Rivet::Cutflows::fillall (const vector< bool > &cutresults, double weight=1.)

Member Rivet::DISFinalState::DISFinalState (const FinalState &fs, BoostFrame boosttype, const DISKinematics &kinematicsp=DISKinematics())

  • The DISKinematics has no parameters, hence explicitly passing it as an arg shouldn’t be necessary.

Member Rivet::DISFinalState::DISFinalState (BoostFrame boosttype, const FinalState &fs=FinalState(), const DISKinematics &kinematicsp=DISKinematics())

  • The DISKinematics has no parameters, hence explicitly passing it as an arg shouldn’t be necessary.

Member Rivet::DISFinalState::DISFinalState (const Cut &c, BoostFrame boosttype, const DISKinematics &kinematicsp=DISKinematics())

  • The DISKinematics has no parameters, hence explicitly passing it as an arg shouldn’t be necessary.

Member Rivet::DISFinalState::DISFinalState (BoostFrame boosttype, const Cut &c, const DISKinematics &kinematicsp=DISKinematics())

  • The DISKinematics has no parameters, hence explicitly passing it as an arg shouldn’t be necessary.

Member Rivet::DISFinalState::DISFinalState (const DISKinematics &kinematicsp, BoostFrame boosttype)

Class Rivet::DressedLepton

Member Rivet::DressedLepton::constituentLepton () const

Member Rivet::DressedLepton::constituentPhotons () const

Member Rivet::Event::Event (const GenEvent &ge, const vector< size_t > &indices={}, bool strip=false)

  • HepMC uses pointers, so we should talk to HepMC via pointers

Member Rivet::FastJets::pseudoJets (double ptmin=0.0) const

  • Use pseudojets

Member Rivet::FastJets::pseudoJetsByE (double ptmin=0.0) const

  • Use pseudojetsByE

Member Rivet::FastJets::pseudoJetsByPt (double ptmin=0.0) const

  • Use pseudojetsbyPt

Member Rivet::FastJets::pseudoJetsByRapidity (double ptmin=0.0) const

  • Use pseudojetsByRapidity

Member Rivet::FastJets::trimJet (const Jet &input, const fastjet::Filter &trimmer) const

  • Use the built-in transformers system, e.g. addTrf(), instead

Member Rivet::filterBy (const Particles &particles, const Cut &c, Particles &out)

  • Use filter_select

Member Rivet::filterBy (const Jets &jets, const Cut &c, Jets &out)

  • Use filter_select

Member Rivet::filterBy (const Jets &jets, const Cut &c)

  • Use filter_select

Member Rivet::filterBy (const Particles &particles, const Cut &c)

  • Use filter_select

Member Rivet::GammaGammaFinalState::GammaGammaFinalState (const GammaGammaKinematics &kinematicsp)

Member Rivet::hasAncestor (const Particle &p, PdgId pid)

  • Prefer hasAncestorWith

Member Rivet::HeavyHadrons::bHadrons (double ptmin) const

  • Prefer bHadrons(Cuts::pT > x)

Member Rivet::HeavyHadrons::cHadrons (double ptmin) const

  • Prefer cHadrons(Cuts::pT > x)

Member Rivet::ifilterBy (Particles &particles, const Cut &c)

  • Use ifilter_select

Member Rivet::ifilterBy (Jets &jets, const Cut &c)

  • Use ifilter_select

Class Rivet::InitialQuarks

  • We’re not sure exactly when we’lll get rid of this, but it’s going to happen…

Member Rivet::JetAlg

  • Use the JetFinder name; JetAlg will be removed and used as a jet-measure enum in future

Member Rivet::JetFinder::jetsByPt (double ptmin) const

  • Use the version with a Cut argument

Member Rivet::MissingMomentum::set () const

  • Use the full name, “set” is too ambiguous

Member Rivet::P3_FN0 (const Vector3 &p)

  • Alias for P3_EFF_ZERO

Member Rivet::P3_FN1 (const Vector3 &p)

  • Alias for P3_EFF_ONE

Member Rivet::P4_FN0 (const FourMomentum &)

  • Alias for P4_EFF_ZERO

Member Rivet::P4_FN1 (const FourMomentum &)

  • Alias for P4_EFF_ONE

Member Rivet::Particle::hasAncestor (PdgId pid, bool only_physical=true) const

  • Prefer hasAncestorWith(Cuts::pid == pid) etc.

Member Rivet::Particle::hasParent (PdgId pid) const

  • Prefer e.g. hasParentWith(Cut::pid == 123)

Class Rivet::ParticleEffFilter

  • Prefer… ?

Member Rivet::PID::abspid (int pid)

  • Just use abs()!

Member Rivet::PID::isChLepton (int pid)

  • Prefer isChargedLepton

Member Rivet::PID::isDiQuark (int pid)

  • Use the nicer capitalisation isDiquark(pid)

Member Rivet::PID::threeCharge (int pid)

  • Prefer charge3

Member Rivet::ProjectionApplier::applyProjection (const Event &evt, const Projection &proj) const

  • Prefer the simpler apply<> form

Member Rivet::ProjectionApplier::applyProjection (const Event &evt, const PROJ &proj) const

  • Prefer the simpler apply<> form

Member Rivet::ProjectionApplier::applyProjection (const Event &evt, const std::string &name) const

  • Prefer the simpler apply<> form

Member Rivet::SingleValueProjection::isSet () const

  • Less clear alias

Member Rivet::SingleValueProjection::set (double v)

  • Less clear alias

Member Rivet::SmearedJets::SmearedJets (const JetFinder &ja, const JetSmearFn &smearFn, const JetEffFn &bTagEffFn, const JetEffFn &cTagEffFn, const JetEffFn &jetEffFn)

  • Use the version with pair-smearing list as 2nd argument

Member Rivet::ZFinder::ZFinder (const FinalState &inputfs, const Cut &cuts, PdgId pid, double minmass, double maxmass, double dRmax, ClusterPhotons clusterPhotons, AddPhotons trackPhotons=AddPhotons::NO, double masstarget=91.2 *GeV)

  • Remove this and always use the constructor with chLeptons argument.

Updated on 2022-08-07 at 20:17:18 +0100