namespace yoda::plotting



defread_plot_keys(datfile datfile)
defmplinit(engine engine =“MPL”, font font =“TeX Gyre Pagella”, fontsize fontsize =17, mfont mfont =None, textfigs textfigs =True)
defmk_figaxes_1d(ratio ratio =True, title title =None, figsize figsize =(8, 6))
defset_axis_labels_1d(axmain axmain, axratio axratio, xlabel xlabel =None, ylabel ylabel =None, ratioylabel ratioylabel =None)
defmk_lowcase_dict(d d)
defsetup_axes_1d(axmain axmain, axratio axratio, ** plotkeys)
defplot_hist_on_axes_1d(axmain axmain, axratio axratio, h h, href href =None, default_color default_color =“black”, default_linestyle default_linestyle ="-", ** plotkeys)
defplot(hs hs, outfile outfile =None, ratio ratio =True, show show =False, axmain axmain =None, axratio axratio =None, ** plotkeys)
defnplot(hs hs, outfiles outfiles =None, ratio ratio =True, show show =False, nproc nproc =1, ** plotkeys)



Functions Documentation

function read_plot_keys

def read_plot_keys(
    datfile datfile

function mplinit

def mplinit(
    engine engine ="MPL",
    font font ="TeX Gyre Pagella",
    fontsize fontsize =17,
    mfont mfont =None,
    textfigs textfigs =True
One-liner matplotlib (mpl) setup.

By default mpl will be configured with its native MathText rendering
backend, and a Palatino-like font for both text and math contexts, using
'lower-case numerals' if supported. Setting the engine to 'TEX' will use
standard mpl rendering, with calls to LaTeX for axis labels and other text;
setting it to 'PGF' will use the TeX PGF renderer: both these modes are much
slower than MPL mode, but the latter only supports a limited set of LaTeX
macros and does not render as nicely as the TeX backends.

The font and mfont optional arguments can be used to choose a different text
font and math font respectively; if mfont is None, it defaults to the same
as the text font. The textfigs boolean argument can be set false to disable
the lower-case/text/old-style numerals and use 'upper-case' numerals
everywhere. These options do not currently apply to the MPL rendering engine.

function show

def show()
Convenience call to

NOTE: done this way to avoid import of pyplot before mplinit()
or mpl.use() has been (optionally) called.

function mk_figaxes_1d

def mk_figaxes_1d(
    ratio ratio =True,
    title title =None,
    figsize figsize =(8, 6)

function set_axis_labels_1d

def set_axis_labels_1d(
    axmain axmain,
    axratio axratio,
    xlabel xlabel =None,
    ylabel ylabel =None,
    ratioylabel ratioylabel =None

function mk_lowcase_dict

def mk_lowcase_dict(
    d d

function setup_axes_1d

def setup_axes_1d(
    axmain axmain,
    axratio axratio,
    ** plotkeys

function plot_hist_on_axes_1d

def plot_hist_on_axes_1d(
    axmain axmain,
    axratio axratio,
    h h,
    href href =None,
    default_color default_color ="black",
    default_linestyle default_linestyle ="-",
    ** plotkeys

function plot

def plot(
    hs hs,
    outfile outfile =None,
    ratio ratio =True,
    show show =False,
    axmain axmain =None,
    axratio axratio =None,
    ** plotkeys
Plot the given histograms on a single figure, returning (fig, (main_axis,
ratio_axis)). Show to screen if the second arg is True, and saving to outfile
if it is otherwise non-null.

function nplot

def nplot(
    hs hs,
    outfiles outfiles =None,
    ratio ratio =True,
    show show =False,
    nproc nproc =1,
    ** plotkeys
Plot the given list of histogram(s), cf. many calls to plot().

hs must be an iterable, each entry of which will be the content of a single
plot: the entries can either be single histograms or lists of histograms,
i.e. either kind of valid first argument to plot().

Outfiles must be an iterable corresponding to hs, and ratio may either be a
bool or such an iterable.

The return value is a list of the return tuples from each call to plot(), of
the same length as the hs arg.


The main point of this function, other than convenience, is that the Python
multiprocessing module can be used to distribute the work on to multiple
parallel processes.

The nproc argument should be the integer number of parallel processes on
which to distribute the plotting. nproc = None (the default value) will use
Ncpu-1 or 1 process, whichever is larger. If nproc = 1, multiprocessing will
not be used -- this avoids overhead and eases debugging.

Attributes Documentation

variable initmpl

def initmpl =  mplinit;


variable setup_mpl

def setup_mpl =  mplinit;

variable plot_hists_1d

def plot_hists_1d =  plot;


variable plot_hist_1d

def plot_hist_1d =  plot;

Updated on 2022-08-08 at 20:05:55 +0100